Setup child and projects related objects for using with TCPT R4. Contains Beneficiary, Beneficiary Lifecycle, ICP, ICP Lifecycle, Child Holds and Global Child Pool management, Field Office, Household, and other related objects...
This module depends on message_center_compassion to manage messages with GMC Connect. You need to add pyquery library
- sudo pip install pyquery
You need to add "Manage sponsorships" access rights to the users who will have access to Beneficiary and ICP data.
Demand Planning:
You can add in the system settings default values for weekly demand and resupply quantities by setting the following keys:
- child_compassion.default_demand
- child_compassion.default_resupply
To use this module, you need to:
- Go to Sponsorship -> Children
- Implement mappings and messages for R4
- Tests for R4
- Emanuel Cino <[email protected]>
- Cyril Sester <[email protected]>
- Kevin Cristi <[email protected]>
- David Coninckx <[email protected]>
This module is maintained by Compassion Switzerland <>.