2 hours approx - making the first demo version
1 hour on Skype - at the office, meeting Chris (in the booth)
11:15 to 12:30 Getting gh-pages working, and chatting to Tom
9:10 to 10:48 finishing prototype to show Chris 11:18 t0 …?
To say to Chris
- we won't be able to do a questionnaire at the end - outside scope
- is there any chance he can shorten up the words at all???
- can he reduce the number of options at all?
- talk him through the app, and talk him through the 'search' option
- tell him how far through the process we are (halfway basically)
Still to do?
turn off all caps
bigger free text input box
links to home and sastrugi now work
check your answers screen? or Thanks for your submission?
search results page
link to search results
enter key still needs to submit stuff
radio buttons should ALL by un-selected upon load.
simplify the html to the bare minimum, so I can add radio buttons in bulk
turn off the timeout functionality (Tom)
turn off the form validation? (Tom)
re-iterate the colours / fonts perhaps?