kTest :: Integration :: JSON Matchers
Contains smart JSON diff tool with integration for Hamkrest
It uses global configuration from ktest-core/ktest-config
. Here is default config:
json {
comparator {
# Tells json comparator to treat missing fields not equal to fields containing null if true
# otherwise missing fields are equal to null fields, also affects "object-difference-threshold"
strict-null-checking = true
# If true ignores extra fields in objects, also affects "object-difference-threshold"
strict-object-field-checking = true
# Specify how to compare arrays:
# strict - compare "as is", good choice for check of sorting
# unordered - sort and then compare
# permutation-based - compare every combination of elements and choose one with less mismatches
array-comparison = strict
# Maximum field list difference before giving up
# lets say you have expected object with fields "a", "b", "c" and actual with fields "a", "d", "e", "f", so if
# you want to still check for an "a" field, refer to the following table:
# strict-null-check | strict-field-check | minimal threshold to see "a"
# ------------------+--------------------+-----------------------------
# false | false | 5
# true | false | 3
# false | true | 2
# true | true | 0 (it is ignored)
object-difference-threshold = 5
# Default behavior of assertions is to print only first failure/mismatch, but you can change it there if you want
# Also if you want to print all mismatches place "-1" here
print-n-first-mismatches = 1
# Alias for "print-n-first-mismatches"
print-first-n-mismatches = ${matcher.json.print-n-first-mismatches}
You can also create configuration through DSL in kotlin:
import run.smt.ktest.json.matcher.api.*
fun usage1() {
val myConfig = matcherConfig {
// for more see help from IDEA on "this.<Ctrl + Space>"
Also note that for options unspecified in kotlin defaults will be taken from global configuration
import run.smt.ktest.json.matcher.api.*
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode
fun usage2(firstNode: JsonNode, secondNode: JsonNode, configuration: MatcherConfig) {
val myComparator = jsonComparator {
// here goes configuration from previous section
// alternatively you can create comparator from existing configuration:
val myOtherComparator = jsonComparatorFor(configuration)
val myDiff = myComparator.diff(firstNode, secondNode)
// you can now inspect resulting list of mismatches
myDiff.forEach {
Due to API of hamkrest about actual value there are 2 sets of matchers: for JSONPaths DocumentContext and Jacksons JsonNode.
Attention: matches
function below has absolutely nothing to do with com.natpryce.hamkrest.matches
import run.smt.ktest.json.matcher.hamkrest.*
import com.natpryce.hamkrest.assertion.assertThat
import com.natpryce.hamkrest.should.shouldMatch
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode
import com.jayway.jsonpath.DocumentContext
fun usage3(
someNode: JsonNode,
otherNode: JsonNode,
dc: DocumentContext,
otherDc: DocumentContext
) {
// default global configuration
with(JsonNodeMatchers) {
// honoring sort order in arrays
assertThat(someNode, isIdenticalTo(otherNode))
someNode shouldMatch ordered(otherNode) // same as previous
// ignoring sort order in arrays
assertThat(someNode, matches(otherNode))
someNode shouldMatch unordered(otherNode) // same as previous
// there are also overloads for "matches", "identicalTo", "unordered" and "ordered" for DocumentContext
with(jsonNodeMatcherConfig {
// there goes configuration for comparator
}) {
someNode shouldMatch otherDc.json
assertThat(someNode, matches(otherDc)) // same as previous
// there is also ability to match JSONs by their subtrees (see section about subtrees in integration with JSONPath)
with(JsonNodeMatchers) {
assertThat(someNode, isIdenticalTo(otherDc).bySubtree {
+ "nodeName"
someNode shouldMatch unordered(dc).afterRemovalOfSubtree {
+ "nodeName"
API for matcher for DocumentContext is almost identical:
import run.smt.ktest.json.matcher.hamkrest.*
import com.natpryce.hamkrest.assertion.assertThat
import com.natpryce.hamkrest.should.shouldMatch
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode
import com.jayway.jsonpath.DocumentContext
fun usage4(
someNode: JsonNode,
otherNode: JsonNode,
dc: DocumentContext,
otherDc: DocumentContext
) {
// default global configuration
with(DocumentContextMatchers) {
// honoring sort order in arrays
assertThat(dc, isIdenticalTo(otherNode))
dc shouldMatch ordered(otherNode) // same as previous
// ignoring sort order in arrays
assertThat(dc, matches(otherNode))
dc shouldMatch unordered(otherNode) // same as previous
// there are also overloads for "matches", "identicalTo", "unordered" and "ordered" for DocumentContext
with(documentContextMatcherConfig {
// there goes configuration for comparator
}) {
dc shouldMatch otherDc.json
assertThat(dc, matches(otherDc)) // same as previous
// there is also ability to match JSONs by their subtrees (see section about subtrees in integration with JSONPath)
with(DocumentContextMatchers) {
assertThat(dc, isIdenticalTo(otherDc).bySubtree {
+ "nodeName"
dc shouldMatch unordered(someNode).afterRemovalOfSubtree {
+ "nodeName"