- for ubuntu ( sudo apt-get install kernel-nfs-server)
- for rhel ( sudo yum install nfs-utils )
- Create a directory to use as nfs ( mkdir /shareable-directory)
vi /etc/exports
directory-path ip-to-allow-to-connect(rw or ro,no_root_squash)exportfs -r
# it makes all files shareable on server, basically reloads the exports filechmod 757 directory-path
- showmount -e ip-of-server ( All traffic should be open )
- showmount -e server-ip
- mount server-ip:directory-path directory-path-to-mount-on
- entry in fstab
source-ip:directory-path where-to-mount nfs _netdev 0 0
- Install Ansible by
yum install ansible.noarch -y
pip install ansible
- In background , ansible uses SSH protocol (open ssh server) to connect and work over each system thus every system must have ssh installed and configured
- In hosts file of ansible that is
we can use normal public IP address or public DNS to connect with hosts - To work from a user while not using the default configuring files,
- Copy the ansible configuration file
to users home directory - Create a hosts file to enter the entry of targets ip-address
- Copy the ansible configuration file
- To disable the ssh host key checkup , open the config file and set
host_key_checking = False
- To create a file using ansible
ansible localhost -m file -a "path=directory-path state=directory mode=0755"
- to learn about any ansible module
ansible-doc module-name
- to see what happens in background while using ansible use
ansible adhoc-command -vvv
- ifconfig
ifnet is the private ip
lancard of ethernet is eno1
lancard of wifi is wl
bridgecard is br0
in exam many things are configured on br0
- Fixing an IP is termed as static ip
- ping ip-address -> check if ip is working properly
- ping server-name (if not possible then set in resolv.conf )
- set ip
cd /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/
- name of file in this directory should be ifcfg-lan_card_name example ifcfg-eth0
- vi ifcfg-etho
- change BOOTPROTO="static"
- NAME = "lan-card-name"
- ONBOOT = "yes"
- in last line
DNS= (server will be given,name-server/domain-name-server)
NETMASK= - > single public ip (can be taken from ifconfig)
GATEWAY= (ip to communicates with outside world)
- route -n # shows the values of kernel ip routing table
- means anywhere
- after configuration, reboot which must show the set ip
- resolv.conf - > gives ip from name
- after setting static ip
- open
- nameserver ip-address-of-eth0
- For Ansible, Linux machine is required
- Static
- Dynamic
Localhost user is used through ansible and ping command is used; -m= module include which is ping
ansible localhost -m ping
localhost | SUCCESS => {
"changed": false,
"ping": "pong"
ansible all -m ping -u ec2-user
File module; -a= for argument pass
ansible localhost -m file -a "path=/root/naman state=directory mode=755"
shell module = For running the shell commands through ansible; -vvv= shows the working of backend in terminal
ansible localhost -m shell -a "date" -vvv