For data two options are available
This dataset consist of 131 Liver CT Scans.
Register here to get dataset access. Go to participate → Training Data to get dataset link. Download Training Batch 1 and Training Batch 2 folders and past them under data folder.
- Training Batch 1 consist of 28 scans which are used for testing
- Training Batch 2 consist of 103 scans which are used for training
Default directory structure looks like this
├── data/
│ ├── Training Batch 1/
├── segmentation-0.nii
├── volume-0.nii
├── ...
├── volume-27.nii
│ ├── Training Batch 2/
├── segmentation-28.nii
├── volume-28.nii
├── ...
├── volume-130.nii
For testing, you can have any number of files in Training Batch 1 and Training Batch 2. But make sure the naming convention is similar.
To prepare LiTS dataset for training run
python data_preparation/
Note: Because of the extensive preprocessing, it will take some time, so relax and wait.
After completion, you will have a directories like this
├── data/
│ ├── train/
├── images
├── image_28_0.png
├── ...
├── mask
├── mask_28_0.png
├── ...
│ ├── val/
├── images
├── image_0_0.png
├── ...
├── mask
├── mask_0_0.png
├── ...
To train on custom dateset it's advised that you follow the same train and val directory structure like mentioned above.
In our case image file name can be mapped to it's corresponding mask file name by replacing image
text with mask
. If
your data has different mapping then you need to update image_to_mask_name function which
is responsible for converting image name to it's corresponding file name.
Each image should be a color image with 3 channels and RGB
color format. Each mask is considered as a gray scale
image, where each pixel value is the class on which each pixel belongs.
Congratulations, now you can start training and testing on your new dataset!