Displays chat notification(s) upon login for daily tasks
Shows a notification for buying daily herb boxes at the Nightmare Zone.
Shows a notification for collecting daily battlestaves from Zaff in Varrock after completing any tier of the Varrock Achievement Diary.
Shows a notification for collecting daily pure essence from Wizard Cromperty in Ardougne after completing any tier of the Ardougne Achievement Diary.
Shows a notification for collecting daily runes from Lundail in the Mage Arena after completing any tier of the Wilderness Achievement Diary.
Shows a notification for collecting daily buckets of sand from Bert in Yanille after completing the Hand in the Sand quest.
Shows a notification for exchanging flax for bow strings with the Flax keeper south of Camelot Castle after completing any tier of the Kandarin Achievement Diary.
Shows a notification for exchanging un-noted bones for un-noted bonemeal and buckets of slime from Robin in Port Phasmatys after completing the medium tier of the Morytania Achievement Diary.
Shows a notification for collecting dynamite from Thirus in Lovakengj after completing the medium tier of the Kourend & Kebos Achievement Diary.