Gambas produces inline PDF files via normal Rails view templates using the prawn library. Use the pdf instance of ‘Prawn::Document` in the views to build your PDFs with the prawn’s DSL.
Check the test/dummy Rails app for examples.
### Installation
“‘shell gem install gambas “`
or add to your Gemfile
“‘ruby gem ’gambas’ “‘
### Usage
Create a view template e.g. ‘index.pdf.prawn` or `index.pdf.erb`. In the view you can use the `pdf` object to create the PDF document:
“‘ruby pdf.text “This is a line of text.” “`
adds a line of text into your PDF file.
In the index view add a branch to your ‘respond_to` block
“‘ruby format.pdf { render :pdf => :contents } “`
### Configuration
You can configure the defaults of the ‘Prawn::Document` by specifying a hash in your `config.rb` files:
“‘ruby config.gambas_options = { :page_size => “TABLOID” } “`
You can also configure single PDF documents, by passing an hash to ‘pdf_options`, such as metadata, page size, layout, etc.
You can write the following in your controller’s action, and the ‘pdf_options` hash will be passed to the PDF generator.
“‘ruby respond_to do |format| format.pdf do render :pdf => :contents, :pdf_options => { :page_size => [275, 326], :info => { :Title => “My title”, :Author => “John Doe”, :Subject => “My Subject”, :Keywords => “test metadata ruby pdf dry”, :Creator => “ACME Soft App”, :Producer => “Prawn”, :CreationDate =>, :Grok => “Test Property” } } end end “`
Copyright © 2012 Artan Sinani