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% scripttool(1) scripttool user manual % R. S. Doiel % Augest 4, 2022




scripttool [-help,-version,-license] VERB [OPTIONS] [VERB PARAMETERS]


scripttool a program for converting between screenplay formats (e.g. .fdx, .fadein, .fountain)

scripttool converts screen play file formats. Supported formats include FileDraft's XML format, FadeIn's zipped XML format, Fountain formatted plain text as the Open Screenplay Format XML documents. The command line program is based on a Go package also called scripttool. The Go package can be compiled to a shared library and integrated with Python via the ctypes package.

Internally scripttool works with Fountain formatter files for reporting purposes. You can use the fountain2json verb to see the data structure represented as JSON for reports.


Like many recent command line tools running under POSIX scripttool uses a CMD VERB [INPUT_FILENAME] [OUTPUT_FILENAME] scheme. The following verbs are provided. Each "verb" may also have related options.

Convert FadeIn files

fadein2fdx : Converts a FadeIn file to Final Draft XML

fadein2fountain : Converts a FadeIn file to fountain screenplay format

fadein2json : Convert a FadeIn file to JSON format

fadein2osf : Convert a FadeIn file to Open Screenplay Format 2.0

Convert Final Draft XML

fdx2fadein : Convert from Final Draft XML ("*.fdx" files) to FadeIn format

fdx2fountain : Convert from Final Draft XML ("*.fdx" files) to Fountain screenplay format)

fdx2json : Convert from Final Draft XML ("*.fdx" files) to JSON

fdx2osf : Convert from Final Draft XML ("*.fdx" files) to Open Screenplay Format 2.0

Convert Open Screenplay Format 2.0

osf2fadein : Convert from Open Screenplay Format 2.0 to FadeIn

osf2fdx : Convert from Open Screenplay Format 2.0 to Final Draft XML

osf2fountain : Convert from Open Screenplay Format 2.0 to Fountain screenplay format

osf2json : Convert from Open Screenplay Format 2.0 to JSON

Convert Fountain fomat

fountain2fadein : Converts a fountain screenplay formatted file to FadeIn formatted file.

fountain2fdx : Convert a Fountain screenplay formatted file to Final Draft XML

fountain2json : Convert a Fountain screenplay formatted file to JSON

fountain2osf : Convert a Fountain screenplay formatted file to Open Screenplay Format 2.0

fountainfmt : Pretty print a fountain screenplay format

characters : Provide a character list from a fountain formatted file. Internally the fountain file is parse and resulting JSON structure is analyzed to produce the count of character references in the elements of the file.


Below are a set of options available.

-help : display help

-license : display license

-version : display version number


-i : set input filename

-o : set output filename

-notes : include notes in output

-synopsis : include synopsis in output

-section : include section headings in output

-width : set max width in integers

-html : output full HTML page

-inline-css : include inline CSS (works with -html option)

-link-css : include CSS link (works with -html option)

-pretty : pretty print output

-alpha : sort characters alphabetically instead of appearence order


Converting screenplay.fdx to screenplay.fountain (2 examples)

    scripttool fdx2fountain screenplay.fdx screenplay.fountain
    scripttool fdx2fountain -i screenplay.fdx -o screenplay.fountain

Converting screenplay.fountain to screenplay.fdx (2 examples)

    scripttool fountain2fdx screenplay.fountain screenplay.fdx
    scripttool fountain2fdx -i screenplay.fountain -o screenplay.fdx

Listing characters from a screenplay.fountain. First list is order of appearence and the second set is characters sorted alphabetically using the "-alpha" option.

    scripttool characters screenplay.fountain
    scripttool characters -alpha screenplay.fountain