WCF Web Service to receive github webhook notifications and do "it" now (rather than on the next run of the scheduled task)
Clone this repo to the location of your choice, for these instructions, assume that we cloned to D:\Website\Arnie. Then, set up a Application using one of the following methods
via GUI:
- Open IIS Manager
- Select Application Pools
- Click Add Application Pool in the Actions Pane
- Type a name for the AppPool (e.g. API) and click OK
- Optional: change AppPool Identity by going to Advanced Settings => Process Model => Identity
- Right-Click "Default Web Site" and Click on "Add Application"
- Type an Alias (e.g. API), change the Application Pool to the one created earlier (e.g. API) and specify the Physical Path (e.g. D:\Website\Arnie\Arnie) and click OK
via Powershell:
$pool = New-WebAppPool -Name API
$pool.processModel.identityType = 0
$pool | Set-Item
New-WebApplication -Site "Default Web Site" -Name "API" -PhysicalPath D:\Website\Arnie\Arnie -ApplicationPool "API"
via DSC:
Configuration InstallAPI {
Import-DscResource -ModuleName msWebAdministration
Node localhost {
xWebAppPool API {
Ensure = "Present"
Name = "API"
Script changeIdentity {
DependsOn = "[xWebAppPool]API"
GetScript = {return @{"IdentityType"=(Get-Item IIS:\AppPools\API).processModel.identityType}}
SetScript = {Set-ItemProperty -Path IIS:\AppPools\API -Name processModel.identityType -Value 0}
TestScript = { if ( (Get-Item IIS:\AppPools\API).processModel.identityType -eq 0 ) {return $true} else {return $false}}
xWebApplication API {
DependsOn = "[Script]changeIdentity"
Ensure = "Present"
Name = "API"
Website = "Default Web Site"
WebAppPool = "API"
PhysicalPath = "D:\Website\Arnie\Arnie"
Start-DscConfiguration .\InstallAPI -Wait -Verbose
Either of the three methods above will leave you with an Application called API under the Default Web Site. The only endpoint of this web service will be API/Arnie.svc/DoItNow.
The JSON data posted by github will contain a sub-document called repository looking similar to the below:
"repository": {
"id": 22758137,
"name": "WebHook_Test",
"full_name": "nick-o/WebHook_Test",
"owner": {
"name": "nick-o",
"email": "<redacted>"
"private": false,
"html_url": "https://github.com/nick-o/WebHook_Test",
"description": "",
"fork": false,
"url": "https://github.com/nick-o/WebHook_Test",
"forks_url": "https://api.github.com/repos/nick-o/WebHook_Test/forks"
Each of the above keys can be used to define actions/commands. The Configuration is inside a JSON file called Configuration.json located in Arnie/App_Data. This file needs to look like the following:
"repos": [
"repo_key": "full_name",
"repo_value": "nick-o/WebHook_Test",
"commands": [
"command": "Get-Process | Out-File D:\\process.txt",
"order": 1
"command": "Get-Service | Out-File D:\\service.txt",
"order": 2
###Setting up a github webhook###
Create a github webhook under the repository settings to point at http:///API/Arnie.svc/DoItNow