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File metadata and controls

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Tomahawk Resolvers Developer Documentation

Developing resolvers

The Tomahawk resolver API is currently still in flux. You can use some of the existing resolvers as inspiration, especially Subsonic and

The API you should develop against is defined in tomahawk.js and JSResolverHelper in the Tomahawk main repo.

If you have questions, look for us in #tomahawk on


Tomahawk resolvers are not considered derivative works of Tomahawk. The resolver API is public, and resolvers could potentially be used without Tomahawk. The previously mentioned tomahawk.js file is non-copyleft open source, released under a permissive X11-style license.

Developers who create and release a resolver have no further obligation as far as licensing and distribution is concerned.

Packaging resolvers

Structure overview

Starting with Tomahawk 0.7, all resolver directories must be structured as follows.


  + metadata.json


  + metadata.json
  + contents/
    + code/
      + <resolver script>.js
      + config.ui
      + <everything else>
    + images/
      + icon.png

This structure is commonly referred to as a resolver bundle, i.e. a resolver script with all related files and metadata.

A bundle can be packaged or unpackaged (i.e. as it is in this repo), thus resolvers can be installed manually in two ways:

  • from an unpackaged bundle,
  • from a package (or axe).

Installing a resolver bundle

To install a resolver from an unpackaged bundle (the preferred way for testing and development), in Tomahawk's Settings dialog click on "Install from file" and select the resolver's main .js file.

Keep in mind that with such a path, Tomahawk expects to find the file metadata.json in ../.. from the main script's path. If metadata.json is not found, it is likely that your resolver directory is not structured properly. The resolver's main script will still be loaded, but any additional scripts will not and the accounts list in the Settings dialog will not show any metadata for the resolver (e.g. author, version, etc.). This is a bad thing. The only reason why a resolver without metadata.json is still loaded is backward compatibility. Plain unbundled .js files as resolvers are deprecated. You should update your resolver to a proper bundle structure as soon as possible.

A packaged resolver bundle is a file with file extension axe. It is a compressed archive with all the contents of a resolver directory. To install such a bundle (the preferred way for end users who wish to install a resolver manually), in Tomahawk's Settings dialog click on "Install from file" and select the package file (<something>.axe).

WARNING for developers and testers: the installation process for an unpackaged bundle loads the resolver in-place. This means that any changed to the resolver script are applied immediately, simply by disabling and re-enabling the "installed" resolver with the account's checkbox in the accounts list. There is usually no need to remove and re-install the resolver. This also means that changes to the directory structure may make the resolver stop functioning. On the other hand, packaged bundles (axes) are decompressed and copied to a Tomahawk-managed directory (<local user data dir>/manualresolvers) during the installation process, so any change to the axe can only be applied by re-installing.



Every resolver bundle directory must contain a metadata file. This file must be named metadata.json, and it must be located in the directory content relative to the top-level resolver bundle directory.

For example, this is a metadata.json file for Subsonic:

    "name": "Subsonic",
    "pluginName": "subsonic",
    "author": "mack_t and Teo",
    "email": "[email protected]",
    "version": "0.5",
    "website": "",
    "description": "Searches your Subsonic server for music to play",
    "type": "resolver/javascript",
    "manifest": {
        "main": "contents/code/subsonic.js",
        "scripts": [],
        "icon": "contents/images/icon.png",
        "resources": [

For most purposes all the fields are mandatory.

WARNING: the manifest object must list all the files required by the resolver. Unlisted scripts will not be loaded, and any unlisted files will not be packaged.


If your resolver directory conforms to the previously described structure and your metadata.json is complete, the harder part is done. The Tomahawk team provides you with a script to automate the packaging process: makeaxe.rb. You will need ruby 1.9.2 or later and the zip gem.

To create a package from a resolver directory, simply run makeaxe.rb with the directory path passed as parameter.

E.g. on Linux and Mac OS X, for Subsonic and from the repository root, you would do the following:

% ruby admin/makeaxe.rb subsonic
% ls subsonic
content/  subsonic-0.5.axe  subsonic-0.5.md5

In this case, subsonic-0.5.axe is the compressed bundle and subsonic-0.5.md5 is the MD5 checksum file.

Please note that makeaxe.rb does not simply compress the contents of the directory, it also checks the metadata file and adds additional data, including a packaging timestamp and the revision hash, if any.

Optionally, if you pass the --release parameter to makeaxe.rb it will not include the commit hash in the axe, as would be expected in a release-worthy package.

Happy packaging!