Properties go inside parentheses after the element name. For example, div(width="100%", background_color="red")[...]
. If there are no properties, use an empty call div()[...]
See for the full list of properties per element.
Properties mostly match standard CSS properties.
Property | Type | Default | Description |
align_items | "center", "flex_start", "flex_end", "stretch" | "stretch" | How items are aligned in the cross axis |
align_self | "center", "flex_start", "flex_end", "stretch" | "stretch" | Align self in the cross axis |
autofocus | bool | False | Autofocus for input_text or button |
background_color | str | None | Background color - 3, 4, 6 char hex or word. You can also use 8 chars where the last 2 refer to opacity. |
border_color | str | "555555" | Border color |
border_left | int | None | Left border width |
border_right | int | None | Right border width |
border_top | int | None | Top border width |
border_bottom | int | None | Bottom border width |
border_radius | int | 0 | For rounded corners |
border_width | int | None | Uniform border width value |
color | str | "FFFFFF" | Text color - Cascades to children |
draggable | bool | False | Draggable for div |
drag_handle | bool | False | Treat this area as the drag handle for a parent draggable |
flex_direction | "row" or "column" | "column" | "row" to align items horizontally, "column" to align items vertically. Note that the default is "column", which is different than HTML/CSS which defaults to "row". |
flex | int | None | 1 to stretch fully. |
focus_outline_color | str | None | Focus outline color - for keyboard accessibility and after you have interacted with an element. |
focus_outline_width | int | 2 | Focus outline width - for keyboard accessibility and after you have interacted with an element. |
font_family | str | "" | Font family |
font_size | int | 16 | Font size |
font_weight | "normal", "bold" | "normal" | Font weight |
gap | int | 0 or 16 | Gap between children - 16 if two texts are stacked vertically. Always applicable since every element is flex |
height | Union[int, str] | 0 | int value, or you can specify "100%" as a string. |
highlight_color | str | None | Highlight color - Cascades to children |
id | str | None | ID |
justify_content | "center", "flex_start", "flex_end", "space_between", "space_evenly" | "flex_start" | Justify content in the main axis |
key | str | None | Key |
margin | Margin | 0 | Uniform margin width |
margin_bottom | int | 0 | Bottom margin |
margin_left | int | 0 | Left margin |
margin_right | int | 0 | Right margin |
margin_top | int | 0 | Top margin |
max_height | int | None | Max height |
max_width | int | None | Max width |
min_height | int | None | Min height |
min_width | int | None | Min width |
on_change | callable | None | On change callback, for input_text . Accepts 1 event argument. |
on_click | callable | None | On click callback, for button . Accepts 1 event argument. |
opacity | float | None | For example 0.7 . Affects children as well. To only affect one node, use the alpha on the color or background_color instead by specifiying 8 digits instead of 6. |
padding | Padding | 0 | Uniform padding width |
padding_bottom | int | 0 | Bottom padding |
padding_left | int | 0 | Left padding |
padding_right | int | 0 | Right padding |
padding_top | int | 0 | Top padding |
screen | int | 0 | Specify the screen index, only applicable to screen element |
text_align | "left", "center", "right" | "left" | Text alignment |
value | str | None | Value of input_text |
width | Union[int, str] | 0 | int value, or you can specify "100%" as a string. |
Property | Type | Default | Description |
fill | str | None | Fill color |
stroke | str | None | Stroke color |
stroke_width | int | None | Stroke width |
stroke_linecap | "butt", "round", "square" | "round" | Stroke line cap |
stroke_linejoin | "miter", "round", "bevel" | "round" | Stroke line join |
size | int | 24 | affects both width and height |