- Slide 16. Good. Parallelism is a subset of concurrency. Slide 17
- Expose concurrency in a problem, and map it on to processing units so that they they actually execute at the same time. - Parallelism
- Slide 18. Good
- Slide 19. All the hard work is "Finding the concurrency, and the algorithm strategy to parallelize.". The last step brings in OpenMP/any other framework. which is trivial
- What is OpenMP- Slide 19,20,21,22
- pragma. compiler directives
- structured block
- Slide 31. SMP, NUMA. Good
- Slide 33, 34. Modern machines are NUMA
- Slide 35, 36. Program memory and threads. Threads are light weight processes
- Slide 36. Good
- Slide 39. Good.
- Use synchronization to protect data conflicts.
- Synchronization is expensive so change how data is accessed to minimize the need for synchronization.
- OpenMP main points
- Threads working in shared address space
- (Unintended) Sharing that will lead to race conditions
- Use synchronization to prevent race conditions
- Manage data to reduce the amount of synchronization required
- Creating threads in OpenMP
- fork join model
- slide 46. under the hood
- Only three threads are created because the last parallel section will be invoked from the parent thread.
- #pragma omp parallel num_threads(4)
- Slide 52. When we enter parallel region in OMP, we request a particular number of threads. The ENV can choose to give us fewer threads. Therefore, must query inside the ENV how many threads were actually allotted.
- Slide 55. false sharing. parallel code not giving expected performance. Same thing also rephrased on slide 66
- Slide 56-58. Padding. Hacky. Good performance but not good solution
- Padding arrays requires deep knowledge of the cache architecture. Move to a machine with different sized cache lines and your software performance falls apart
- Using synchronization is better solution
- Slide 61
- There is a lot of overhead is creating these critical sections. So design your code in a way that makes sure some substantial work is being done by all threads before they hit critical section
- Forms of synchronization.
- Barrier. Slide 63. All threads wait till everyone completes
- Mutual Exclusion. Slide 64. Only one thread at a time. Serializes the code. So keep this minimal runtime.
- Atomic. Slide 65. Provides mutual exclusion but only applies to the update of a memory location. When in doubt, use critical (mutual exclusion)
- Slide 69-72. Use synchronization for pi program. More explanation in main readme. (v3 code)
- Slide 74. Good. SPMD vs worksharing
- Slide 75.
- "#pragma omp parallel" must be there to create threads/request OS for threads. "#pragma omp for" only uses the threads given by the OS
- Takes care of the cyclic distribution we were doing earlier automatically (v1)
- private(i) can be made explicit
- Slide 76.
- sequential naive code
- SIMD code. Similar thing done previously in v1
- Neat code with #pragma omp for
- Slide 77
- Worksharing constructs
- Compiler doesn't know how to distribute work in worksharing mechanism. Telling it explicitly is good
- The schedule clause affects how loop iterations are mapped onto threads
- static. compile time. If no chuck, 1 is default
- Dynamic runtime. When work across iterations changes a lot. Like thread pool example. Sieve of Eratosthenes. Slide 78. more
- guided. not used anymore
- more in slides
- would only need static and dynamic in most cases
- Slide 79. Shorthand
- #pragma omp for must follow "for loop"
- Slide 80. Working with loops
- Make the loop iterations independent
- Expose concurrency in a problem, and map it on to processing units so that they they actually execute at the same time
- Slide 81. For nested loops. Use collapse(num loops
- Useful if outer loop is O(no. of threads)
- Slide 82-84. Reduction. reduction (op : list)
- Slide 83.
- The variables in “list” must be shared in the enclosing parallel region
- See Slide :Inside a parallel or a work-sharing construct
- Slide 84. Initial values. Also discussed in GPU class
- Slide 91. Different schedules
- Slide 94. Barriers
- Implicit barrier at the end of a "pragma omp parallel " region. Can't remove this barrier
- Implicit barrier at the end of a for worksharing construct. Here it means at end of "#pragma omp for"
- Can turn this off using nowait. If you think its next lines of code won't depend on the loop compute
- Slide 95. Master Construct
- The master construct denotes a structured block that is only executed by the master thread.
- Use when you want just 1 thread to do something. No synchronization here. The other threads just skip it
- keeping #pragma omp barrier after master is a good practice
- Slide 96. Single. Worksharing construct
- The first thread that reaches here does the work. But single is a worksharing construct. Barriers are implicit at end of worksharing constructs. Hence no explicit barrier needed with single (as needed with master). Can remove this implicit barrier using nowait
- Slide 97, Sections. Worksharing construct
- #pragma omp sections
- Implicit barrier at end of "#pragma omp sections"
- Slide 98. Lock
- Lowest level of mutual exclusion synchronization
- Lock variable type is defined in omp.h-> lock_t
- omp_init_lock()
- omp_set_lock()
- omp_unset_lock()
- omp_destroy_lock()
- omp_test_lock()- normally if you check a lock, it automatically goes into wait if its busy. This just checks if its free or not, and based on it, does some action
- Slide 99. Example- Making a histogram. Code on slide
- Imagine histogram is huge. Updating bins.
- Need to ensure no two bins are updated by 2 threads at the same time.
- If i put this in critical section, entire histogram update is serialized.
- Have a lock for each bin. This is the case of un-contended lock. The chance of 2 threads updating same bin at the same time is very low
- Slide 100. Runtime library routines.
- omp_get_max_threads() - max threads possible. Use this to safely set the largest array for each thread. As arrays were set in ../Code/2_parallel_pi_v1.c
- omp_in_parallel()- Imagine sometimes a function is called within a parallel region.Sometimes its not. This checks whether i am in a parallel region
- omp_set_dynamic() - sets dynamic mode
- omp_get_dynamic()- checks whether i am in dynamic mode
- omp_num_procs() - How many processors in the system?
- Slide 101. Code. Runtime routines in action. See slide
- Slide 102. Environment Variables. See slides
- Use passive only when you think thread will be sleeping for a long time.
- If wait time is small, let the thread spin (active)
- Putting the thread to sleep and waking it up has a cost
- Bind thread to a processor, and do not move it. NUMA architectures
- Binding may have a cost. Ideally, if one processor gets too busy, OS might put threads on another core. Won't be possible with binding on
- Slide 104. Data environment
- Heap/global shared
- Stack private
- Slide 105
- index is on the heap coz it is declared prior to the parallel region
- Slide 106.
- All data clauses apply to parallel constructs and worksharing constructs except “shared” which only applies to parallel constructs. “shared” doesn't apply to worksharing construct. Wouldn't even need shared with worksharing construct to think of it
- Default None. Forces you to declare every variable as shared or private. Very Useful for debuggin
- Default Shared. Default all variables shared above a construct as shared inside the construct. This is the default behavior. No need to mention
- Lastprivate- The final value of a private inside a parallel loop can be transmitted to the shared variable outside the loop
- firstprivate
- Shared, Private
- Slide 109. firstprivate
- Slide 110. lastprivate. Whatever the copy of this variable was in the thread that last run, set that as global value
- Slide 112. Default(None). Good programming practice
- Slide 118.
- A good parallel debugger is extremely helpful
- default(none) is very helpful when debugging manually
- Slide 119. Mandelbrot Area program bug fix
- Slide 121. Same as ../Code/2_parallel_pi_v4_2.c
- Just 2 line change. Goal for parallel programming. Serial code doesn't break.
- Slide 123. Review
- Slide 124. There is no "while" loop in OpenMP. How to LL traversal?
- Slide 127. OpenMP was mainly designed with
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