PLEP | number |
author(s) | |
contact email | [email protected] |
date created | YYYY-MM-DD |
date last revised | YYYY-MM-DD |
type | process, standard, informational |
status | discussion, accepted, declined |
Briefly describe this PLEP in a paragraph, including a statement of the problem that this PLEP addresses.
Provide an extended description of the problem and the proposed changes, including usage examples when needed.
Describe the steps necessary to implement this PLEP, if necessary.
Provide repository links related to this PLEP, and include descriptions.
State whether or not this PLEP will maintain backward compatibility and describe the proposed changes, if necessary. Backward compatibility does not need to be maintained between development releases (with a major version number of zero). Starting with version 1.0, backward incompatible changes can only happen when the major version number is incremented.
Summarize alternative possibilities to address (or not address) the problem described in this PLEP, if necessary.
Summarize the discussion on this PLEP and describe the reasoning behind the decision, if necessary.
Not all PLEPs require all of these sections, and occasionally additional sections may be necessary. Emphasized text should be deleted.