Robot Framework has a modular design that allows users to import keywords from external sources. Without importing external keywords into a suite, only the keywords from Robot Framework's BuiltIn library are available for use, due to them being imported automatically. Also the Robot Framework language statements itself are available for use without importing it.
External keywords can be imported from either libraries or resource files. Both types of sources are using different syntax to import their keywords.
::::lo[Learning Objectives]
Recall the purpose of keyword libraries and how to import them.
Recall the three types of libraries in Robot Framework.
From a user perspective there are three different kinds of libraries:
- Robot Framework Standard Libraries: These are libraries that are shipped with Robot Framework and are available without any additional installation. See documentation of ext: Robot Framework Standard Libraries for more information.
- 3rd Party Libraries / External Libraries: These are libraries have been developed and maintained by community members and have to be installed/downloaded separately.
- Custom Libraries: These libraries are developed by the users themselves to solve specific problems or to encapsulate more complex functionality.
Further more detailed information about the different types of libraries and are described in later chapters.
To import a library into a suite or resource file the Library
setting is used in the *** Settings ***
section followed by the name of the library as long as they are located in the Python module search path, which automatically happens if they are installed via pip
The name of the library is case-sensitive and should be taken from the library's keyword documentation.
By default, libraries in Robot Framework are implemented in Python and the name of the library is the name of the Python module that contains the library implementation.
Alternatively, if a library is not in Python module search path, a library can be imported using the path to the Python module. See 2.4.3 Import Paths.
Be aware that the library BuiltIn
is always imported invisibly and does not need to be imported explicitly.
*** Settings ***
Library OperatingSystem
Library Browser
Library DatabaseLibrary
Once a library is imported, all keywords from that library are available for use in that suite or resource file. Which keywords are available can be seen in the keyword documentation of the library or may be visible in the IDE by code completion, depending on the IDE extension being used.
::::lo[Learning Objectives]
Recall the purpose of resource files.
Use resource files to import new keywords.
As mentioned before resource files are used to organize and store keywords and variables that are used in multiple suites.
They share a similar structure and the same syntax as suite files, but they do not contain test cases or tasks. See 2.2 Basic Suite File Syntax for more information about the structure of suite files.
They can contain other keyword imports, which cause the keywords from the imported libraries or resource files to be available in the suites where the resource file is imported. Same counts for variables that are defined and imported from other resource files. Therefore keywords from a library that have been imported in a resource file are also available in the suite that imports that resource file.
To import a resource file into a suite or resource file the Resource
setting is used in the *** Settings ***
section followed by the path to the resource file.
See 2.4.3 Import Paths for more information about the path to the resource file.
Resource files shall have the extension .resource
to make it clear what they are.
and .robot
extensions are also recognized by IDE extensions, supporting Robot Framework.
*** Settings ***
Resource local_keywords.resource
Resource D:/keywords/central_keywords.resource
See more about the structure of resource files in 3.1 Resource File Structure and how keywords and variables are created in the sections following that.
::::lo[Learning Objectives]
Understand the different types of paths that can be used to import libraries and resource files.
When importing libraries or resource files via a path, the path can be either an absolute path or a relative path. If a relative path is given, the path is resolved relative to the data file that is importing the library or resource file.
If an absolute path is given, the resource file or library is searched for at the given path.
If a relative path is given, the resource file or library is searched for relative to the data file that is importing it and then relative to the Python module search path.
This module search path is defined by the Python interpreter that executes Robot Framework and can be influenced by the environment variable PYTHONPATH
or by using the CLI-Argument --pythonpath
when executing robot
As path separator it is strongly recommended to always use forward slashes /
, and even on Windows NOT use back-slashes \
This is due to the fact that back-slashes are used as escape characters in Robot Framework and can lead to issues when used in paths and forwards slashes are supported on all operating systems.
When choosing the location of resource files or libraries, it should be taken into that consideration that absolute paths are typically not portable and therefore should be avoided. Relative paths are portable as long as they are related to the data file that is importing using them, as long as that relative path is part of the project structure.
However the most stable and recommended way is to use the Python Path/module search path to import them. That path needs to be defined when executing Robot Framework but can lead to more uniform and stable imports, because each suite or resource file can use the same path to import the same resource file or library, independent of the location of the importing suite or resource file.