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Missing values in proteomics

Missing values are a recurring issue in quantitative proteomics, and yet, it is too often explicitly or implicitly ignored (when, for example, software systematically and silently assign zeros when features are not observed). Many downstream algorithms are not applicable to data with missing values, such as most classification algorithms, hierarchical clustering, PCA analysis, ... (t-test works, but ... so does limma). And even if they work around it (often by implicitly imputing missing values or simply ignoring data with missing values), missing values or how they were imputed will have an impact on the results.

There is certainly no unique answer that fits all cases, but one can get a long way in handling them adequately by exploring the data and its degree of missingness.

In this section, we will see how to explore, filter and/or impute missing values, and when/why to apply different options.


naplot(naset, col = "black")

plot of chunk na

##   0   1   2   3   4   8   9  10 
## 301 247  91  13   2  23  10   2 
## 34 39 41 42 43 45 47 49 51 52 53 55 56 57 61 
##  1  1  1  1  1  2  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1


One solution is to remove all or part of the features that have missing values (see ?filterNA).

flt <- filterNA(naset)
## - - - Processing information - - -
## Subset [689,16][301,16] Thu Oct 27 08:49:18 2016 
## Removed features with more than 0 NAs: Thu Oct 27 08:49:18 2016 
## Dropped featureData's levels Thu Oct 27 08:49:18 2016 
##  MSnbase version: 1.15.6

Identification transfer

Identification transfer between acquisitions (label-free): if a feature was not acquired in MS2 in one replicate, it is possible to find the ion in MS space based on the M/Z and retention time coordinates of the same ion in a replicate where it was identified. (An example of this is implemented in the Bioconductor synapter package for Synapt MSe DIA data).

Identification transfer

RT aligment


From Accounting for the Multiple Natures of Missing Values in Label-Free Quantitative Proteomics Data Sets to Compare Imputation Strategies (reference below):

Missing values are a genuine issue in label-free quantitative proteomics. Recent works have surveyed the different statistical methods to conduct imputation and have compared them on real or simulated datasets, and recommended a list of missing value imputation methods for proteomics application. Although insightful, these comparisons do not account for two important facts: (i) depending on the proteomics dataset, the missingness mechanism may be of different natures, and (ii) each imputation method is devoted to a specific type of missingness mechanism. As a result, we believe that the question at stake is not to find the most accurate imputation method in general, but instead, the most appropriate one. In this article, we describe a series of comparisons that support our views: for instance, we show that a supposedly under-performing method (i.e. giving baseline average results), if applied at the appropriate time in the data processing pipeline (before or after peptide aggregation) on a dataset with the appropriate nature of missing values, can outperform a blindly applied, supposedly better performing method (i.e. the reference method from the state-of-the-art). This leads us to formulate few practical guidelines, regarding the choice and the application of an imputation method in a proteomics context.

It is of course possible to impute missing values. This is however not a straightforward thing, as is likely to dramatically fail when a high proportion of data is missing (10s of %). But also, there are two types of mechanisms resulting in missing values in LC/MSMS experiments.

  • Missing values resulting from absence of detection of a feature, despite ions being present at detectable concentrations. For example in the case of ion suppression or as a result from the stochastic, data-dependent nature of the MS acquisition method. These missing value are expected to be randomly distributed in the data and are defined as missing at random (MAR) or missing completely at random (MCAR).

  • Biologically relevant missing values, resulting from the absence or the low abundance of ions (below the limit of detection of the instrument). These missing values are not expected to be randomly distributed in the data and are defined as missing not at random (MNAR).

plot of chunk naheatmap

Different imputation methods are more appropriate to different classes of missing values (as documented in this paper). Values missing at random, and those missing not at random should be imputed with different methods.

RSR KNN and MinDet imputation

It is recommended to use hot deck methods (nearest neighbour (left), maximum likelihood, ...) when data are missing at random. Conversely, MNAR features should ideally be imputed with a left-censor (minimum value (right), but not zero, ...) method.

In MSnbase

The impute method:

Currently, the following imputation methods are available:


Maximum likelihood-based imputation method using the EM algorithm. Implemented in the norm::imp.norm function. See imp.norm for details and additional parameters. Note that here, ... are passed to the em.norm function, rather to the actual imputation function imp.norm.


Bayesian missing value imputation are available, as implemented in the and pcaMethods::pca functions. See pca for details and additional parameters.


Nearest neighbour averaging, as implemented in the impute::impute.knn function. See impute.knn for details and additional parameters.


A missing data imputation method that performs the imputation of left-censored missing data using random draws from a truncated distribution with parameters estimated using quantile regression. Implemented in the imputeLCMD::impute.QRILC function. See impute.QRILC for details and additional parameters.


Performs the imputation of left-censored missing data using a deterministic minimal value approach. Considering a expression data with n samples and p features, for each sample, the missing entries are replaced with a minimal value observed in that sample. The minimal value observed is estimated as being the q-th quantile (default q = 0.01) of the observed values in that sample. Implemented in the imputeLCMD::impute.MinDet function. See impute.MinDet for details and additional parameters.


Performs the imputation of left-censored missing data by random draws from a Gaussian distribution centred to a minimal value. Considering an expression data matrix with n samples and p features, for each sample, the mean value of the Gaussian distribution is set to a minimal observed value in that sample. The minimal value observed is estimated as being the q-th quantile (default q = 0.01) of the observed values in that sample. The standard deviation is estimated as the median of the feature standard deviations. Note that when estimating the standard deviation of the Gaussian distribution, only the peptides/proteins which present more than 50% recorded values are considered. Implemented in the imputeLCMD::impute.MinProb function. See impute.MinProb for details and additional parameters.


Replaces the missing values by the smallest non-missing value in the data.


Replaces the missing values by 0.


A mixed imputation applying two methods (to be defined by the user as mar for values missing at random and mnar for values missing not at random, see example) on two M[C]AR/MNAR subsets of the data (as defined by the user by a randna logical, of length equal to nrow(object)).


Average neighbour imputation for fractions collected along a fractionation/separation gradient, such as sub-cellular fractions. The method assumes that the fraction are ordered along the gradient and is invalid otherwise.

Continuous sets NA value at the beginning and the end of the quantitation vectors are set to the lowest observed value in the data or to a user defined value passed as argument k. Them, when a missing value is flanked by two non-missing neighbouring values, it is imputed by the mean of its direct neighbours. A stretch of 2 or more missing values will not be imputed.


  • Walk through the example in the impute examples.

  • How would you calculate the pData and fData nNA variables (i.e. number of missing values), as reported when running naplot. Hint 1 look at the documentation of the function. Hint 2 look at the code of naplot by just typing the function name without the ().

  • Two chunk of code are in an if statement and executed conditionally. Can you figure out when they are executed, when not. If they are not, what would you need to do to get them to be executed.


Lazar C, Gatto L, Ferro M, Bruley C, Burger T. Accounting for the Multiple Natures of Missing Values in Label-Free Quantitative Proteomics Data Sets to Compare Imputation Strategies. J Proteome Res. 2016 Apr 1;15(4):1116-25. (Publisher, PMID:26906401, Software: CRAN and Bioconductor)