ISLearn is a system for learning ISLa constraints from a set of patterns. Patterns are instantiated according to sample inputs (that can also automatically be generated based on a given program property), filtered, and combined to a disjunctive normal form (conjunctions of disjunctions of literals, where literals are possibly negated, instantiated patterns). ISLearn output the result ranked by estimates for specificity and recall of the results: Top-ranked invariants were found to be best suitable for distinguishing positive (with respect to a program property) and negative inputs.
Consider a grammar of a simple assignment programming language (e.g., "x := 1 ; y := x"):
import string
["<assgn>", "<assgn> ; <stmt>"],
["<var> := <rhs>"],
["<var>", "<digit>"],
"<var>": list(string.ascii_lowercase),
"<digit>": list(string.digits)
For learning input invariants, we need a property of the inputs satisfying that
invariant. If the goal is to learn properties about (non-context-free) syntactical
correctness of a programming language, this is a function returning True
if, and
only if, a statement is executed without raising a specific class of errors. For
our language described by LANG_GRAMMAR
, we define an eval_lang
function that raises
an error if an identifier is not defined; validate_lang
turns this into a property.
from typing import Dict
from islearn.parse_tree_utils import dfs, get_subtree, tree_to_string
from isla.language import DerivationTree
from isla.parser import EarleyParser
from isla.type_defs import ParseTree
def eval_lang(inp: str) -> Dict[str, int]:
def assgnlhs(assgn: ParseTree):
return tree_to_string(get_subtree(assgn, (0,)))
def assgnrhs(assgn: ParseTree):
return tree_to_string(get_subtree(assgn, (2,)))
valueMap: Dict[str, int] = {}
tree = list(EarleyParser(LANG_GRAMMAR).parse(inp))[0]
def evalAssignments(tree):
node, children = tree
if node == "<assgn>":
lhs = assgnlhs(tree)
rhs = assgnrhs(tree)
if rhs.isdigit():
valueMap[lhs] = int(rhs)
valueMap[lhs] = valueMap[rhs]
dfs(tree, evalAssignments)
return valueMap
def validate_lang(inp: DerivationTree) -> bool:
return True
except Exception:
return False
ISLearn can learn this property based on the "Def-Use (reST Strict)" pattern from
the catalog (the standard catalog is in src/islearn/patterns.toml
). You call
the learner as follows:
from islearn.learner import InvariantLearner
from isla.language import ISLaUnparser, Formula
from typing import Dict, Tuple
result: Dict[Formula, Tuple[float, float]] = InvariantLearner(
"Def-Use (reST Strict)", # Optional; leads to quicker results
lambda p: f"{p[1]}: " + ISLaUnparser(p[0]).unparse(),
{f: p for f, p in result.items() if p[0] > .0}.items())))
The expected result is
(1.0, 1.0): forall <rhs> use_ctx="{<var> use}" in start:
exists <assgn> def_ctx="{<var> def} := <rhs>" in start:
(before(def_ctx, use_ctx) and
(= use def))
That invariant has full specificity (first value in the tuple) and recall (second value), since it holds exactly for all valid inputs.
- You find the pattern catalog in
. - The evaluation scripts are in the directory
. - The most important files of our implementation are
, containing the learning incl. candidate generation, filtering, etc., and andsrc/islearn/
, which defines the abstract ISLa langauge for the patterns catalog.
ISLearn (the class InvariantLearner
) has a number of optional configuration parameters that can be passed to the
constructor; many of them can be used to reduce or expand the search space, and thus either lead to more / longer
invariants or to quicker results.
Parameter | Default | Description |
prop | None | The program property for distinguishing valid from invalid inputs. |
positive_examples | None | A set of valid sample inputs. Optional if prop is present. |
negative_examples | None | A set of invalid sample inputs. Optional. Needed to estimate specificifity if prop is not present. |
min_recall | .9 | What is the minimum target recall value? |
min_specificity | .6 | What is the minimum target specificity value? |
max_disjunction_size | 1 | Size of disjunctions to be generated. As default, no disjunctions (size 1). Potentially increases recall. |
include_negations_in_disjunctions | False | Also include negations in literals within disjunctions. Use with case; can lead to "spurious" invariants. |
max_conjunction_size | 2 | Size of conjunctions to be generated. As default, conjunctions of size 2. Potentially increases specificity. |
activated_patterns | None | A set of pattern names from the catalog that should be selected. As a default, all patterns are selected. |
deactivated_patterns | None | A set of pattern names from the catalog that should not be selected. |
pattern_file | None | A file name to a pattern catalog (TOML file). Standard is src/islearn/patterns.toml . |
patterns | None | A set of patterns (abstract formulas) to be considered if no catalog should be used. |
target_number_positive_samples | 10 | How many positive samples should be created using fuzzing? |
target_number_negative_samples | 10 | How many negative samples should be created using fuzzing? |
target_number_positive_samples_for_learning | 10 | How many positive samples should be generated specifically for learning? <= positive_examples |
reduce_inputs_for_learning | True | If True , learning samples are reduced, keeping k-path coverage and validity. |
reduce_all_inputs | False | If True , all inputs are reduced. Reduction of learning inputs can be specifically disabled. |
generate_new_learning_samples | True | Only if True , the fuzzers are used to generate further learning examples. |
do_generate_more_inputs | True | Only if True , any further examples (positive, negative) are generated by the fuzzers. |
filter_inputs_for_learning_by_kpaths | True | If True , learning inputs are filtered k-paths: Retain only those with new k-path coverage information. |
mexpr_expansion_limit | 1 | To what depth should the learner search for instantiations of match expressions? |
max_nonterminals_in_mexpr | None | How many nonterminals are allowed in match expressions? None means no restriction. |
exclude_nonterminals | None | "Irrelevant" grammar nonterminals. Reduces search space. Example: White space nonterminals. |
k | 3 | The k from k -Paths. Used by the input generators and filters. |
ISLearn depends on Python 3.10 and the Python header files. To compile all of ISLearns's dependencies, you need gcc, g++ make, and cmake. To check out the current ISLearn version, git will be needed. Furthermore, python3.10-venv is required to run ISLearn in a virtual environment.
On Alpine Linux, all dependencies can be installed using
apk add python3.10 python3.10-dev python3.10-venv gcc g++ make cmake git
To install ISLearn, a simple pip install islearn
suffices. We recommend installing ISLearn inside a virtual
environment (virtualenv):
python3.10 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install islearn
ISLearn is built locally as follows:
git clone
cd islearn/
python3.10 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install --upgrade build
python3 -m build
Then, you will find the built wheel (*.whl
) in the dist/
For running the ISLearn tests, you additionally need clang
, racket
, and graphviz
. On Alpine Linux, you
can install those by
apk update
apk upgrade
apk add clang racket graphviz
Then, you can run the ISLearn tests as follows:
git clone
cd islearn/
python3.10 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install --upgrade pip
# Run tests
pip install -e .[test]
python3 -m pytest -n 16 tests