From 1cda0def186450bc070e04c78ec9e8cfb913ec30 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: wren54 <>
Date: Sat, 2 Dec 2023 21:54:39 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 01/37] Update rhino-pkg
update rhino-pkg to be nushell with references to the nushell plugin
rhino-pkg | 688 ++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------------------
1 file changed, 281 insertions(+), 407 deletions(-)
diff --git a/rhino-pkg b/rhino-pkg
index 8dfc456..be9e8f0 100755
--- a/rhino-pkg
+++ b/rhino-pkg
@@ -1,428 +1,302 @@
-tabs -4
-export TEXTDOMAIN=rhino-pkg
-if [[ -n $RHINOPKG_DEBUG ]]; then
- export TEXTDOMAINDIR="${PWD}/locale"
- export TEXTDOMAINDIR=/usr/share/locale
-# Colors
-if [[ -z $NO_COLOR ]]; then
- export NC=$'\033[0m'
- export BGreen=$'\033[1;32m'
- export BCyan=$'\033[1;36m'
- export BYellow=$'\033[1;33m'
- export BPurple=$'\033[1;35m'
- export BRed=$'\033[1;31m'
- export BWhite=$'\033[1;37m'
- export c1=$'\u001b[38;5;104m' # light purple
- export c2=$'\u001b[0m' # white/reset
- export c3=$'\u001b[38;5;55m' # dark purple
- export c4=$'\u001b[38;5;98m' # medium purple
-help_flag="USAGE: $(basename $0) [function] {flag}
- install: Install package(s) - Prompts user to respond with
- the number(s) associated with the desired package(s).
- remove: Uninstall package(s) - Prompts user to respond with
- the number(s) associated with the desired package(s).
- search: Search for package(s) - Does not have a second prompt.
- update: Updates all packages accessible to the wrapper - does
- not accept , instead use install to update
- individual packages. Has a confirmation prompt.
- cleanup: Attempts to repair broken dependencies and remove any
- unused packages. Does not accept , but has
- a confirmation prompt.
- --help/-h: Display this page
- --description/-d: By default, $(basename $0) will only display packages
- that contain within their name. Use this flag to increase
- range and display packages with in their description.
- -y: Makes functions with confirmation prompts run promptless.
- Provide a package name or description.
-Example execution:
- \$ $(basename $0) install foobar
- Found packages matching '${BPurple}foobar${NC}':
- [${BGreen}0${NC}]: pyfoobar (${BGreen}apt${NC})
- [${BGreen}1${NC}]: foobarshell (${BGreen}apt${NC})
- [${BCyan}2${NC}]: foobar (${BCyan}flatpak${NC})
- [${BRed}3${NC}]: foobar-web (${BRed}snap${NC})
- [${BYellow}4${NC}]: foobar-bin (${BYellow}pacstall${NC})
- [${BYellow}5${NC}]: foobar-theme (${BYellow}pacstall${NC})
- Select which package to install [0-5]: 3 4 5
- Selecting '${BPurple}foobar-web${NC}' from package manager '${BPurple}snap${NC}'
- Selecting '${BPurple}foobar-bin${NC}' from package manager '${BPurple}pacstall${NC}'
- Selecting '${BPurple}foobar-theme${NC}' from package manager '${BPurple}pacstall${NC}'
- Are you sure? (${BGreen}y${NC}/${BRed}N${NC})
- [...]
-${c1} .;:;,. .:
-${c1} 'coooooooo:oo.';.
-${c1} ,oooooooooooooooo ;
-${c1} clllcccllloooooooo;c:'o
-${c3} ''''${c4},:::::::::${c2}kd${c4}.
-${c3} .'''''${c4},;::${c2}ck:${c2}oW${c4};
-${c3} ''''''''${c2}kXOM.
-${c3} .,,:${c2}dXMK
-${c3} ${c2}:k
-$(basename "$0") 0.1.2
-A package manager wrapper for Pacstall, APT, Flatpak and snap
-Developed by Elsie19 for
-the Rhino Linux distribution."
-function msg() {
- local input="$*"
- echo -e "$input"
+#!/usr/bin/env nu
+def translation-dir-path [] -> string {
+ "this/is/the/path/to/translation"
+def cmd-exist [input: string] -> bool {
+ let stuff = (which $input)
+ if ($stuff | is-empty) { return false } else if ($stuff).type.0 == "external" { return true }
-function prompt() {
- local input="$1"
- local index="$2"
- echo -ne "$input [0-$index]: ${BWhite}"
+def search-apt [input: string, desc: bool] -> table {
+ if (cmd-exist 'apt-cache') {
+ if $desc == true {
+ return (^apt-cache search $input | lines | parse "{package} - {description}" | insert provider 'apt')
+ } else {
+ return (^apt-cache search --names-only $input | lines | parse "{package} - {description}" | insert provider 'apt')
+ }
+ } else { return [] }
-function clearscr() {
- tput cuu 1 && tput el
+def search-pacstall [input: string] -> table {
+ if (cmd-exist 'pacstall') {
+ return (^pacstall -S $input | ansi strip | lines | parse "{package} @ {repo}" | reject repo | insert description '' | insert provider 'pacstall')
+ } else { return [] }
-function search_pacstall() {
- if ! pacstall -S "$*" > /dev/null 2>&1; then
- return 1
- else
- # remove color codes
- local contents=("$(pacstall -S "$*" | sed 's/\x1B\[[0-9;]\{1,\}[A-Za-z]//g' | awk '{print $1}')")
- fi
- echo "${contents[@]}"
+def search-flatpak [input: string, desc: bool] -> table {
+ if (cmd-exist 'flatpak') {
+ if $desc == true {
+ let flatpak = (^flatpak search $input --columns=application | lines | wrap 'package' | insert provider 'flatpak' | merge (^flatpak search $input --columns=description | lines | wrap 'description'))
+ if ($flatpak.package.0 == "No matches found") { return [] } else { return $flatpak }
+ } else {
+ let flatpak = (^flatpak search $input --columns=application | lines | wrap 'package' | insert provider 'flatpak' | insert description '')
+ if ($flatpak.package.0 == "No matches found") { return [] } else { return $flatpak }
+ }
+ } else { return [] }
-function search_apt() {
- if [[ -z $DESCRIPTION ]]; then
- local contents=("$(apt-cache search --names-only "$*" | awk '{print $1}')")
- else
- local contents=("$(apt-cache search "$*" | awk '{print $1}')")
- fi
- if [[ -n $contents ]]; then
- echo "${contents[@]}"
- else
- return 1
- fi
+def search-snap [input: string] -> table {
+ if (cmd-exist 'snap') {
+ return (^snap search $input | detect columns | get Name | wrap 'package' | insert description '' | insert provider 'flatpak')
+ } else { return [] }
-function search_flatpak() {
- if [[ -z $DESCRIPTION ]]; then
- local contents=("$(LC_ALL=C sudo flatpak search --columns="application" "$*" | grep -i --color=never "$*")")
- else
- local contents=("$(LC_ALL=C sudo flatpak search --columns="application" "$*")")
- fi
- if [[ ${contents[*]} == "No matches found" ]]; then
- return 1
- else
- echo "${contents[@]}"
- fi
+def search [input: string, searching: bool = true, desc: bool = false, install: bool = false] {
+ translation-dir-path | translate searching.apt | print
+ # print "Searching apt…"
+ let apt = (search-apt $input $desc)
+ print -n $"\e[A\e[K"
+ # print "Searching Pacstall…"
+ translation-dir-path | translate searching.pacstall | print
+ let pacstall = (search-pacstall $input)
+ print -n $"\e[A\e[K"
+ # print "Searching flatpak…"
+ translation-dir-path | translate searching.flatpak | print
+ let flatpak = (search-flatpak $input $desc)
+ print -n $"\e[A\e[K"
+ # print "Searching snap…"
+ translation-dir-path | translate searching.snap | print
+ let snap = (search-snap $input)
+ print -n $"\e[A\e[K"
+ let results = ($flatpak | append $apt | append $pacstall | append $snap)
+ # print -n $"\e[A\e[K"
+ if ($results | is-empty) {
+ # print -e $"No packages found matching '($input)'!"
+ translation-dir-path | translate none-matching {search: $input } | print
+ exit 1
+ }
+ let results_len = $results | length
+ translation-dir-path | translate found-matching {matches: $results_len, search: $input} | print
+ # print $"Found packages matching '(ansi purple_bold)($input)(ansi reset)':\n"
+ mut count = 0
+ # Loop over results
+ for $i in $results {
+ let style = match $i.provider {
+ "pacstall" => "yellow_bold",
+ "apt" => "green_bold",
+ "flatpak" => "cyan_bold",
+ "snap" => "red_bold",
+ _ => "white_bold",
+ }
+ if $desc {
+ if ($i.description | is-empty) {
+ print $"[(ansi $style)($count)(ansi reset)]: ($i.package) \((ansi $style)($i.provider)(ansi reset)\)"
+ } else {
+ print $"[(ansi $style)($count)(ansi reset)]: ($i.package) (ansi white_bold)»|«(ansi reset) ($i.description) \((ansi $style)($i.provider)(ansi reset)\)"
+ }
+ } else {
+ print $"[(ansi $style)($count)(ansi reset)]: ($i.package) \((ansi $style)($i.provider)(ansi reset)\)"
+ }
+ $count += 1
+ }
+ if $searching {
+ return
+ }
+ if $install {
+ # To the install now!
+ install $results true
+ } else {
+ # Remove
+ install $results false
+ }
-function search_snap() {
- if [[ -z $DESCRIPTION ]]; then
- local contents=("$(snap find "$*" | awk '{ print $1 }' | tail -n +2 | grep -i --color=never "$*")")
- else
- local contents=("$(snap find "$*" | awk '{ print $1 }' | tail -n +2)")
- fi
- if [[ ${contents[*]} == "No matching snaps for"* ]]; then
- return 1
- else
- echo "${contents[@]}"
- fi
+def cleanup [promptless: bool = false] {
+ if (cmd-exist 'nala') {
+ ^sudo nala install --fix-broken
+ if $promptless {
+ ^sudo nala autoremove -y
+ } else {
+ ^sudo nala autoremove
+ }
+ } else {
+ ^sudo apt --fix-broken install
+ if $promptless { ^sudo apt auto-remove -y } else { ^sudo apt auto-remove }
+ }
+ if (cmd-exist 'flatpak') {
+ ^sudo flatpak repair
+ if $promptless { ^sudo flatpak uninstall --unused -y } else { ^sudo flatpak uninstall --unused }
+ }
+ if (cmd-exist 'snap') {
+ let snaps = (^snap list --all | detect columns)
+ for $pkg in $snaps {
+ if ($pkg.Notes) =~ "disabled" {
+ ^sudo snap remove $pkg.Name --revision=$pkg.Rev
+ }
+ }
+ }
-case "${1}" in
- search)
- SEARCH=true
- shift
- ;;
- install)
- INSTALL=true
- shift
- ;;
- remove)
- REMOVE=true
- shift
- ;;
- cleanup)
- CLEANUP=true
- shift
- if [[ $1 == "-y" ]]; then
- shift
- fi
- ;;
- update)
- UPDATE=true
- shift
- if [[ $1 == "-y" ]]; then
- shift
- fi
- ;;
- -h | --help)
- echo "$help_flag"
- exit 0
- ;;
- *)
- echo "$help_flag"
+def update [promptless: bool = false] {
+ let r_u_sure = translation-dir-path| translate ask.upgrade
+ let sure = (input $"($r_u_sure) \((ansi green_bold)y(ansi reset)/(ansi red_bold)N(ansi reset)\)")
+ # let sure = (input $"Are you sure you want to update all packages? \((ansi green_bold)y(ansi reset)/(ansi red_bold)N(ansi reset)\) ")
+ if ($sure | str starts-with -i "N") {
exit 1
- ;;
+ }
+ if (cmd-exist 'nala') {
+ if $promptless {
+ ^sudo nala upgrade --full --no-autoremove -o Acquire::AllowReleaseInfoChange="true" -y
+ } else {
+ ^sudo nala upgrade --full --no-autoremove -o Acquire::AllowReleaseInfoChange="true"
+ }
+ } else {
+ ^sudo apt update --allow-releaseinfo-change
+ if $promptless { ^sudo apt upgrade -y } else { ^sudo apt upgrade }
+ }
+ if (cmd-exist 'pacstall') {
+ ^pacstall -U
+ if $promptless { ^pacstall -PUp } else { ^pacstall -Up }
+ }
+ if (cmd-exist 'flatpak') {
+ if $promptless { ^sudo flatpak update -y } else { ^sudo flatpak update }
+ }
+ if (cmd-exist 'snap') {
+ ^sudo snap refresh
+ }
-if [[ $1 == "-d" || $1 == "--description" ]]; then
- shift
+def install [input: table, install: bool = true] {
+ mut user_input = 1
+ print ""
+ let input_final_index = ($input | length) - 1
+ if $install {
+ $user_input = (input (translation-dir-path| translate ask.which-install {index: $input_final_index}) | into int)
+ #$user_input = (input $"Select which package to install [0-(($input | length) - 1)]: " | into int)
+ } else {
+ $user_input = (input (translation-dir-path| translate ask.which-remove {index: $input_final_index}) | into int)
+ #$user_input = (input $"Select which package to remove [0-(($input | length) - 1)]: " | into int)
+ }
+ if ($user_input > ($input_final_index)) {
+ error make -u { msg: "Input length is longer than amount of packages", }
+ }
+ let pkg = ($input | get $user_input | get package)
+ let provider = ($input | get $user_input | get provider)
+ #print $"Selecting '(ansi purple_bold)($pkg)(ansi reset)' from package manager '(ansi purple_bold)($provider)(ansi reset)'"
+ if $install {
+ translation-dir-path | translate install-select {package: $pkg, manager: $provider } | print
+ } else {
+ translation-dir-path | translate remove-select {package: $pkg, manager: $provider } | print
+ }
-if [[ -n $UPDATE ]]; then
- if [[ -n $* ]]; then
- exit 1
- fi
- if [[ -z $PROMPTLESS ]]; then
- echo -n $"Are you sure you want to update all packages? (${BGreen}y${NC}/${BRed}N${NC}) "
- read -ra read_update
- echo -ne "${NC}"
- else
- read_update=("Y")
- fi
- case "${read_update[0]}" in
- Y* | y*) ;;
- *) exit 1 ;;
- esac
- if command -v nala &> /dev/null; then
- if [[ -n $PROMPTLESS ]]; then
- sudo nala upgrade -y --full --no-autoremove -o Acquire::AllowReleaseInfoChange="true"
- else
- sudo nala upgrade --full --no-autoremove -o Acquire::AllowReleaseInfoChange="true"
- fi
- else
- if [[ -n $PROMPTLESS ]]; then
- sudo apt update --allow-releaseinfo-change && sudo apt upgrade -y
- else
- sudo apt update --allow-releaseinfo-change && sudo apt upgrade
- fi
- fi
- if command -v pacstall &> /dev/null; then
- if [[ -n $PROMPTLESS ]]; then
- pacstall -U
- pacstall -PUp
- else
- pacstall -U
- pacstall -Up
- fi
- fi
- if command -v flatpak &> /dev/null; then
- if [[ -n $PROMPTLESS ]]; then
- sudo flatpak update -y
- else
- sudo flatpak update
- fi
- fi
- if command -v snap &> /dev/null; then
- sudo snap refresh
- fi
- exit 0
-if [[ -n $CLEANUP ]]; then
- if [[ -n $* ]]; then
+ let r_u_sure = translation-dir-path| translate ask.sure
+ let sure = (input $"($r_u_sure) \((ansi green_bold)y(ansi reset)/(ansi red_bold)N(ansi reset)\)")
+ # let sure = (input $"Are you sure? \((ansi green_bold)y(ansi reset)/(ansi red_bold)N(ansi reset)\) ")
+ if ($sure | str starts-with -i "N") {
exit 1
- fi
- if [[ -z $PROMPTLESS ]]; then
- echo -n $"Attempting to repair dependencies and remove unused packages. Continue? (${BGreen}y${NC}/${BRed}N${NC}) "
- read -ra read_update
- echo -ne "${NC}"
- else
- read_update=("Y")
- fi
- case "${read_update[0]}" in
- Y* | y*) ;;
- *) exit 1 ;;
- esac
- if command -v nala &> /dev/null; then
- if [[ -n $PROMPTLESS ]]; then
- sudo nala install --fix-broken && sudo nala autoremove -y
- else
- sudo nala install --fix-broken && sudo nala autoremove
- fi
- else
- if [[ -n $PROMPTLESS ]]; then
- sudo apt --fix-broken install && sudo apt auto-remove -y
- else
- sudo apt --fix-broken install && sudo apt auto-remove
- fi
- fi
- if command -v flatpak &> /dev/null; then
- if [[ -n $PROMPTLESS ]]; then
- sudo flatpak repair && sudo flatpak uninstall --unused -y
- else
- sudo flatpak repair && sudo flatpak uninstall --unused
- fi
- fi
- if command -v snap &> /dev/null; then
- if [[ -z "$(LANG=C snap list --all | while read snapname ver rev trk pub notes; do if [[ "$notes" == *disabled* ]]; then sudo snap remove "$snapname" --revision="$rev"; fi; done)" ]]; then
- echo "Nothing for snap to clean."
- fi
- fi
- exit 0
-# Lowercase the rest of input
-set -- "${*,,}"
-if command -v pacstall &> /dev/null; then
- msg $"Searching Pacstall…"
- pacstall_search_list=($(search_pacstall $*))
- clearscr
-msg $"Searching apt…"
-apt_search_list=($(search_apt $*))
-if command -v flatpak &> /dev/null; then
- msg $"Searching flatpak…"
- flatpak_search_list=($(search_flatpak $*))
- clearscr
-if command -v snap &> /dev/null; then
- msg $"Searching snap…"
- snap_search_list=($(search_snap $*))
- clearscr
-if [[ ${#pacstall_search_list} -eq 0 && ${#apt_search_list} -eq 0 && ${#flatpak_search_list} -eq 0 && ${#snap_search_list} -eq 0 ]]; then
- msg $"No packages found matching '$*'!"
- exit 1
-msg $"Found packages matching '${BPurple}$*${NC}':"
-for i in "${flatpak_search_list[@]}"; do
- echo -e "[${BCyan}$count${NC}]: $i (${BCyan}flatpak${NC})"
- pkgs+=("$i")
- pkgrepo+=("flatpak")
- ((count++))
-for i in "${apt_search_list[@]}"; do
- echo -e "[${BGreen}$count${NC}]: $i (${BGreen}apt${NC})"
- pkgs+=("$i")
- pkgrepo+=("apt")
- ((count++))
-for i in "${pacstall_search_list[@]}"; do
- echo -e "[${BYellow}$count${NC}]: $i (${BYellow}pacstall${NC})"
- pkgs+=("$i")
- pkgrepo+=("pacstall")
- ((count++))
-for i in "${snap_search_list[@]}"; do
- echo -e "[${BRed}$count${NC}]: $i (${BRed}snap${NC})"
- pkgs+=("$i")
- pkgrepo+=("snap")
- ((count++))
-if [[ -n $SEARCH ]]; then
- exit 0
-if [[ -n $INSTALL ]]; then
- flatpak_cmd="install"
- snap_cmd="install"
- apt_cmd="install"
- pacstall_cmd="-I"
- prompt $"Select which package to install" "$count"
-elif [[ -n $REMOVE ]]; then
- flatpak_cmd="remove"
- snap_cmd="remove"
- apt_cmd="remove"
- pacstall_cmd="-R"
- prompt $"Select which package to remove" "$count"
-read -ra entered_input
-echo -ne "${NC}"
-if [[ ! ${entered_input[*]} =~ ^(([0-9])\s?)+ ]]; then
- msg $"'${entered_input[*]}' is not a valid number"
- exit 1
-for i in "${entered_input[@]}"; do
- msg $"Selecting '${BPurple}${pkgs[i]}${NC}' from package manager '${BPurple}${pkgrepo[i]}${NC}'"
+ }
+ if $install {
+ match ($provider) {
+ "pacstall" => (^pacstall -I $pkg),
+ "snap" => (^sudo snap install $pkg),
+ "apt" => (^sudo apt install $pkg -y),
+ "flatpak" => (^sudo flatpak install $pkg -y),
+ }
+ } else {
+ match ($provider) {
+ "pacstall" => (^pacstall -R $pkg),
+ "snap" => (^sudo snap remove $pkg),
+ "apt" => (^sudo apt remove $pkg -y),
+ "flatpak" => (^sudo flatpak remove $pkg -y),
+ }
+ }
-echo -n $"Are you sure? (${BGreen}y${NC}/${BRed}N${NC}) "
-read -r sure
-case "${sure}" in
- Y* | y*)
- true
- ;;
- *)
+# USAGE: rpk [function] {flag}
+# functions:
+# install: Install package(s) - Prompts user to respond with
+# the number(s) associated with the desired package(s).
+# remove: Uninstall package(s) - Prompts user to respond with
+# the number(s) associated with the desired package(s).
+# search: Search for package(s) - Does not have a second prompt.
+# update: Updates all packages accessible to the wrapper - does
+# not accept , instead use install to update
+# individual packages. Has a confirmation prompt.
+# cleanup: Attempts to repair broken dependencies and remove any
+# unused packages. Does not accept , but has
+# a confirmation prompt.
+# flags:
+# --help/-h: Display this page
+# --description/-d: By default, rpk will only display packages
+# that contain within their name. Use this flag to increase
+# range and display packages with in their description.
+# -y: Makes functions with confirmation prompts run promptless.
+# input:
+# Provide a package name or description.
+# Example execution:
+# $ rpk install foobar
+# Found packages matching 'foobar':
+# [0]: pyfoobar (apt)
+# [1]: foobarshell (apt)
+# [2]: foobar (flatpak)
+# [3]: foobar-web (snap)
+# [4]: foobar-bin (pacstall)
+# [5]: foobar-theme (pacstall)
+# Select which package to install [0-5]: 3 4 5
+# Selecting 'foobar-web' from package manager 'snap'
+# Selecting 'foobar-bin' from package manager 'pacstall'
+# Selecting 'foobar-theme' from package manager 'pacstall'
+# Are you sure? (y/N)
+# [...]
+# .;:;,. .:
+# 'coooooooo:oo.';.
+# ,oooooooooooooooo ;
+# clllcccllloooooooo;c:'o
+# .;';:::::::::cclooooooo'
+# ''',::::::::::::::ccclc.
+# .''';::::::::::l:::::::
+# '''',:::::::::kd.
+# .''''',;::ck:oW;
+# ''''''''kXOM.
+# .,,:dXMK
+# :k
+# rpk 0.1.2
+# A package manager wrapper for Pacstall, APT, Flatpak and snap
+# Developed by Elsie19 for
+# the Rhino Linux distribution.
+def main [
+ --description (-d) # Increase range and display packages with in their description
+ --yes (-y) # Makes functions with confirmation prompts run promptless
+ string # 'install', 'remove', 'search', 'update', 'cleanup'
+] -> int {
+ if ($rest | is-empty) {
exit 1
- ;;
-for i in "${entered_input[@]}"; do
- case "${pkgrepo[i]}" in
- flatpak)
- sudo flatpak "${flatpak_cmd}" "${pkgs[i]}" -y
- ret=$?
- ;;
- apt)
- if command -v nala &> /dev/null; then
- sudo nala "${apt_cmd}" "${pkgs[i]}" -y
- ret=$?
- else
- sudo apt "${apt_cmd}" "${pkgs[i]}" -y
- ret=$?
- fi
- ;;
- pacstall)
- pacstall "${pacstall_cmd}" "${pkgs[i]}"
- ret=$?
- ;;
- snap)
- sudo snap "${snap_cmd}" "${pkgs[i]}"
- ret=$?
- ;;
- *)
- msg $"Invalid repository name!"
- exit 1
- ;;
- esac
-exit "$ret"
+ }
+ if not $rest.0 in ['install' 'remove' 'search' 'update' 'cleanup'] {
+ error make -u { msg: $"'($rest.0)' not a valid command", }
+ }
+ match $rest.0 {
+ "install" => (search $rest.1 false $description true),
+ "remove" => (search $rest.1 false $description false),
+ "search" => (search $rest.1 true $description),
+ "update" => (update $yes),
+ }
From 5898a7cd408c7ec30dcfd8b0aac30b426dc823ce Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: wren54 <>
Date: Sat, 2 Dec 2023 22:01:20 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 02/37] Add files via upload
add dir to put new translations, created format for translations
translation_tomls/en.toml | 28 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
1 file changed, 28 insertions(+)
create mode 100644 translation_tomls/en.toml
diff --git a/translation_tomls/en.toml b/translation_tomls/en.toml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f7b025a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translation_tomls/en.toml
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+language = "en"
+territory = "xx"
+modifier = "blank"
+found-matching = "Found ($matches) package(s) matching: ($search)\n"
+none-matching = "No packages found matching ($search)!"
+install-select = "Selecting ($package) from ($manager) for installation."
+remove-select = "Selecting ($package) from ($manager) for removal."
+number = "($number) is not a valid number!"
+repository = "($repo) is not a valid repository!"
+sure = "Are you sure?"
+which-install = "Select which package(s) to install [0-($index)]:"
+which-remove = "Select which package(s) to remove [0-($index)]:"
+upgrade = "Are you sure you want to upgrade all packages?"
+apt = "Searching apt…"
+pacstall = "Searching pacstall…"
+snap = "Searching snap…"
+flatpak = "Searching flatpak…"
From d720a23bb7db8d3b7fd50fa9ad5eb147fac1538e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: wren54 <>
Date: Sat, 2 Dec 2023 22:04:47 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 03/37] Update rhino-pkg
corrected translation dir path
rhino-pkg | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/rhino-pkg b/rhino-pkg
index be9e8f0..968ecfa 100755
--- a/rhino-pkg
+++ b/rhino-pkg
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
#!/usr/bin/env nu
def translation-dir-path [] -> string {
- "this/is/the/path/to/translation"
+ "/translation_tomls/"
def cmd-exist [input: string] -> bool {
let stuff = (which $input)
From 3f552de919e79e6d071a9a0efe5e6f080d6fc3c9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: wren54 <>
Date: Sat, 2 Dec 2023 22:24:23 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 04/37] Update rhino-pkg
fixed [y/N] not behaving as intended
rhino-pkg | 6 +++---
1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
diff --git a/rhino-pkg b/rhino-pkg
index 968ecfa..51eaf0c 100755
--- a/rhino-pkg
+++ b/rhino-pkg
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
#!/usr/bin/env nu
def translation-dir-path [] -> string {
- "/translation_tomls/"
+ "this/is/the/path/to/translation"
def cmd-exist [input: string] -> bool {
let stuff = (which $input)
@@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ def update [promptless: bool = false] {
let r_u_sure = translation-dir-path| translate ask.upgrade
let sure = (input $"($r_u_sure) \((ansi green_bold)y(ansi reset)/(ansi red_bold)N(ansi reset)\)")
# let sure = (input $"Are you sure you want to update all packages? \((ansi green_bold)y(ansi reset)/(ansi red_bold)N(ansi reset)\) ")
- if ($sure | str starts-with -i "N") {
+ if (!($sure | str starts-with -i "Y")) and (!($sure | str starts-with -i "y")) {
exit 1
@@ -195,7 +195,7 @@ def install [input: table, install: bool = true] {
# let sure = (input $"Are you sure? \((ansi green_bold)y(ansi reset)/(ansi red_bold)N(ansi reset)\) ")
- if ($sure | str starts-with -i "N") {
+ if (!($sure | str starts-with -i "Y")) and (!($sure | str starts-with -i "y")) {
exit 1
From 7216fc2a48f2b6efce4b5710e9e5a3ff25b5a996 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: wren54 <>
Date: Sat, 2 Dec 2023 22:25:58 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 05/37] Update rhino-pkg
re-fixing translation dir path
rhino-pkg | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/rhino-pkg b/rhino-pkg
index 51eaf0c..834e245 100755
--- a/rhino-pkg
+++ b/rhino-pkg
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
#!/usr/bin/env nu
def translation-dir-path [] -> string {
- "this/is/the/path/to/translation"
+ "translation_tomls"
def cmd-exist [input: string] -> bool {
let stuff = (which $input)
From 88c877b1350f36b82bab72ffed36a87b5a42e1dd Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: wren54 <>
Date: Sat, 2 Dec 2023 22:26:23 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 06/37] Update rhino-pkg
rhino-pkg | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/rhino-pkg b/rhino-pkg
index 834e245..59dad97 100755
--- a/rhino-pkg
+++ b/rhino-pkg
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
#!/usr/bin/env nu
def translation-dir-path [] -> string {
- "translation_tomls"
+ "/translation_tomls/"
def cmd-exist [input: string] -> bool {
let stuff = (which $input)
From 744489a6b8af599b195d16c843ba9727f2aacae6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: wren54 <>
Date: Sun, 3 Dec 2023 23:19:15 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 07/37] updated with color
translation_tomls/en.toml | 12 ++++++------
1 file changed, 6 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)
diff --git a/translation_tomls/en.toml b/translation_tomls/en.toml
index f7b025a..5d67868 100644
--- a/translation_tomls/en.toml
+++ b/translation_tomls/en.toml
@@ -5,10 +5,10 @@ modifier = "blank"
-found-matching = "Found ($matches) package(s) matching: ($search)\n"
-none-matching = "No packages found matching ($search)!"
-install-select = "Selecting ($package) from ($manager) for installation."
-remove-select = "Selecting ($package) from ($manager) for removal."
+found-matching = "Found ($matches) package(s) matching: (ansi color[lightyellow])($search)\n(ansi reset)"
+none-matching = "No packages found matching (ansi color[lightyellow])($search)(ansi reset)!"
+install-select = "Selecting (ansi color[purple] bold)($package)(ansi reset) from (ansi color[purple] bold)($package)($manager)(ansi reset) for installation."
+remove-select = "Selecting (ansi color[purple] bold)($package)(ansi reset) from (ansi color[purple] bold)($package)($manager)(ansi reset) for removal."
@@ -16,10 +16,10 @@ number = "($number) is not a valid number!"
repository = "($repo) is not a valid repository!"
-sure = "Are you sure?"
+sure = "Are you sure?: ((ansi color[green] bold)y(ansi reset)/(ansi color[red] bold)N(ansi reset))"
which-install = "Select which package(s) to install [0-($index)]:"
which-remove = "Select which package(s) to remove [0-($index)]:"
-upgrade = "Are you sure you want to upgrade all packages?"
+upgrade = "Are you sure you want to upgrade all packages?: ((ansi color[green] bold)y(ansi reset)/(ansi color[red] bold)N(ansi reset))"
apt = "Searching apt…"
pacstall = "Searching pacstall…"
From f1dd2b7ce9e058001828b9626f56e46520893116 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: wren54 <>
Date: Tue, 5 Dec 2023 00:30:30 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 08/37] Update rhino-pkg
Added multiple search terms for searching and installs
added more robust command checking
added aliases
rhino-pkg | 158 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------
1 file changed, 128 insertions(+), 30 deletions(-)
diff --git a/rhino-pkg b/rhino-pkg
index 59dad97..01587dc 100755
--- a/rhino-pkg
+++ b/rhino-pkg
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
def translation-dir-path [] -> string {
def cmd-exist [input: string] -> bool {
let stuff = (which $input)
if ($stuff | is-empty) { return false } else if ($stuff).type.0 == "external" { return true }
@@ -9,14 +10,47 @@ def cmd-exist [input: string] -> bool {
def search-apt [input: string, desc: bool] -> table {
if (cmd-exist 'apt-cache') {
- if $desc == true {
- return (^apt-cache search $input | lines | parse "{package} - {description}" | insert provider 'apt')
+ let first_table = if $desc == true {
+ (^apt-cache search $input | lines | parse "{package} - {description}" | insert provider 'apt')
} else {
- return (^apt-cache search --names-only $input | lines | parse "{package} - {description}" | insert provider 'apt')
- }
+ (^apt-cache search --names-only $input | lines | parse "{package} - {description}" | insert provider 'apt')
+ }
+ $first_table
} else { return [] }
+#def test-install-apt [] -> table {
+# let table_in: table = $in
+# mut repo_table: table = ($table_in | insert installed $"(ansi red)\(none\)(ansi reset)")
+# let installed_pkgs = ^apt list --installed | lines | parse "{name}/{remainder}"
+# let repo_table_length = $table_in | length
+# let installed_pkgs_length = $installed_pkgs | length
+# for i: int in 0..$repo_table_length {
+# let package = ($repo_table | select $i ).package.0
+# for j in 0..$installed_pkgs_length {
+# let $inst_pkg = ($installed_pkgs | select $j).name
+# #print $inst_pkg
+# if $package == $inst_pkg {
+# let policy_table = ^apt-cache policy $package | detect columns --skip 1 --no-headers
+# $repo_table.$i.installed = $"(ansi green)\(($policy_table.column1.0)\)(ansi reset)"
+# break
+# } }
+# }
+# repo_table
+def prune-search-table [prune_term: string] -> table {
+ let input_table: table = $in
+ $input_table | filter { |row| (($row.package | str contains $prune_term) or ($row.description | str contains $prune_term))}
def search-pacstall [input: string] -> table {
if (cmd-exist 'pacstall') {
return (^pacstall -S $input | ansi strip | lines | parse "{package} @ {repo}" | reject repo | insert description '' | insert provider 'pacstall')
@@ -32,44 +66,56 @@ def search-flatpak [input: string, desc: bool] -> table {
let flatpak = (^flatpak search $input --columns=application | lines | wrap 'package' | insert provider 'flatpak' | insert description '')
if ($flatpak.package.0 == "No matches found") { return [] } else { return $flatpak }
- } else { return [] }
+ } else {print 'flatpak not installed'; return [] }
def search-snap [input: string] -> table {
if (cmd-exist 'snap') {
- return (^snap search $input | detect columns | get Name | wrap 'package' | insert description '' | insert provider 'flatpak')
+ return (^snap search $input | detect columns | get Name | wrap 'package' | insert description '' | insert provider 'snap')
} else { return [] }
-def search [input: string, searching: bool = true, desc: bool = false, install: bool = false] {
+def search [input: string, searching: bool = true, desc: bool = false, install: bool = false, extra_prune_terms: table = []] {
translation-dir-path | translate searching.apt | print
# print "Searching apt…"
let apt = (search-apt $input $desc)
- print -n $"\e[A\e[K"
+ # print -n $"\e[A\e[K"
# print "Searching Pacstall…"
translation-dir-path | translate searching.pacstall | print
let pacstall = (search-pacstall $input)
- print -n $"\e[A\e[K"
+ # print -n $"\e[A\e[K"
# print "Searching flatpak…"
translation-dir-path | translate searching.flatpak | print
let flatpak = (search-flatpak $input $desc)
- print -n $"\e[A\e[K"
+ # print -n $"\e[A\e[K"
# print "Searching snap…"
translation-dir-path | translate searching.snap | print
let snap = (search-snap $input)
- print -n $"\e[A\e[K"
+ # print -n $"\e[A\e[K"
+ #print $extra_prune_terms
+ mut results = ($flatpak | append $apt | append $pacstall | append $snap)
+ mut search_term: string = $input
+ for i in 0..<($extra_prune_terms | length) {
+ let prune_term: string = ($extra_prune_terms | select $i).0
+ # prune the results based on other search terms
+ $results = ($results | prune-search-table $prune_term)
+ # making search terms into one string
+ $search_term += " "
+ $search_term += $prune_term
+ }
- let results = ($flatpak | append $apt | append $pacstall | append $snap)
# print -n $"\e[A\e[K"
if ($results | is-empty) {
# print -e $"No packages found matching '($input)'!"
- translation-dir-path | translate none-matching {search: $input } | print
+ translation-dir-path | translate none-matching {search: $search_term } | print
exit 1
let results_len = $results | length
- translation-dir-path | translate found-matching {matches: $results_len, search: $input} | print
+ translation-dir-path | translate found-matching {matches: $results_len, search: $search_term} | print
# print $"Found packages matching '(ansi purple_bold)($input)(ansi reset)':\n"
mut count = 0
@@ -84,12 +130,12 @@ def search [input: string, searching: bool = true, desc: bool = false, install:
if $desc {
if ($i.description | is-empty) {
- print $"[(ansi $style)($count)(ansi reset)]: ($i.package) \((ansi $style)($i.provider)(ansi reset)\)"
+ print $"[(ansi $style)($count)(ansi reset)]:\t($i.package) \((ansi $style)($i.provider)(ansi reset)\)"
} else {
- print $"[(ansi $style)($count)(ansi reset)]: ($i.package) (ansi white_bold)»|«(ansi reset) ($i.description) \((ansi $style)($i.provider)(ansi reset)\)"
+ print $"[(ansi $style)($count)(ansi reset)]:\t($i.package) (ansi white_bold)»|«(ansi reset) ($i.description) \((ansi $style)($i.provider)(ansi reset)\)"
} else {
- print $"[(ansi $style)($count)(ansi reset)]: ($i.package) \((ansi $style)($i.provider)(ansi reset)\)"
+ print $"[(ansi $style)($count)(ansi reset)]:\t($i.package) \((ansi $style)($i.provider)(ansi reset)\)"
$count += 1
@@ -134,9 +180,10 @@ def cleanup [promptless: bool = false] {
def update [promptless: bool = false] {
let r_u_sure = translation-dir-path| translate ask.upgrade
- let sure = (input $"($r_u_sure) \((ansi green_bold)y(ansi reset)/(ansi red_bold)N(ansi reset)\)")
+ let sure: string = (input --numchar 1 $"($r_u_sure)")
# let sure = (input $"Are you sure you want to update all packages? \((ansi green_bold)y(ansi reset)/(ansi red_bold)N(ansi reset)\) ")
- if (!($sure | str starts-with -i "Y")) and (!($sure | str starts-with -i "y")) {
+ let no: bool = (($sure != "Y") and ($sure != "y"))
+ if $no {
exit 1
@@ -191,11 +238,11 @@ def install [input: table, install: bool = true] {
let r_u_sure = translation-dir-path| translate ask.sure
- let sure = (input $"($r_u_sure) \((ansi green_bold)y(ansi reset)/(ansi red_bold)N(ansi reset)\)")
+ let sure = (input --numchar 1 $"($r_u_sure) ")
+ let no: bool = (($sure != "Y") and ($sure != "y"))
# let sure = (input $"Are you sure? \((ansi green_bold)y(ansi reset)/(ansi red_bold)N(ansi reset)\) ")
- if (!($sure | str starts-with -i "Y")) and (!($sure | str starts-with -i "y")) {
+ if $no {
exit 1
@@ -216,24 +263,30 @@ def install [input: table, install: bool = true] {
# USAGE: rpk [function] {flag}
# functions:
# install: Install package(s) - Prompts user to respond with
# the number(s) associated with the desired package(s).
+# Aliases: nstl, instll, instl, add
# remove: Uninstall package(s) - Prompts user to respond with
# the number(s) associated with the desired package(s).
+# Aliases: rm, rmv, uninstall
# search: Search for package(s) - Does not have a second prompt.
+# Aliases: srch, find
# update: Updates all packages accessible to the wrapper - does
# not accept , instead use install to update
# individual packages. Has a confirmation prompt.
+# Aliases: updt
# cleanup: Attempts to repair broken dependencies and remove any
# unused packages. Does not accept , but has
# a confirmation prompt.
+# Aliases: clean, clnp, cln
# flags:
# --help/-h: Display this page
@@ -249,7 +302,7 @@ def install [input: table, install: bool = true] {
# Example execution:
# $ rpk install foobar
-# Found packages matching 'foobar':
+# Found packages matching: 'foobar':
# [0]: pyfoobar (apt)
# [1]: foobarshell (apt)
@@ -288,15 +341,60 @@ def main [ string # 'install', 'remove', 'search', 'update', 'cleanup'
] -> int {
if ($rest | is-empty) {
+ let error_msg = translation-dir-path | translate
+ error make -u { msg: $error_msg}
exit 1
- if not $rest.0 in ['install' 'remove' 'search' 'update' 'cleanup'] {
- error make -u { msg: $"'($rest.0)' not a valid command", }
+ # alias catching
+ mut command = match $rest.0 {
+ "install" | "instll" | "instl" | "add" | "nstl" => "install",
+ "remove" | "rmv" | "rm" | "uninstall" => "remove",
+ "search" | "srch" | "find" => "search",
+ "update" | "updt" => "update",
+ "cleanup" | "clnp" | "cln" | "clean" => "cleanup",
+ _ => "invalid"
+ }
+ if $command == "invalid" {
+ let error_msg = translation-dir-path | translate invalid.subcommand {subcommand: $rest.0}
+ error make -u { msg: $error_msg, }
+ }
+ if $command == "install" {
+ if ($rest | length) < 2 { #install was called without a search term
+ let error_msg = translation-dir-path | translate {subcommand: $command}
+ error make -u {msg: $error_msg}
+ exit 1
+ } else {
+ (search $rest.1 false $description true ($rest | skip 2))
+ }
+ }
+ if $command == "remove" {
+ if ($rest | length) < 2 { #remove was called without a search term
+ let error_msg = translation-dir-path | translate {subcommand: $command}
+ error make -u {msg: $error_msg}
+ exit 1
+ } else {
+ (search $rest.1 false $description false ($rest | skip 2))
+ }
- match $rest.0 {
- "install" => (search $rest.1 false $description true),
- "remove" => (search $rest.1 false $description false),
- "search" => (search $rest.1 true $description),
+ if $command == "search" {
+ if ($rest | length) < 2 { #search was called without a search term
+ let error_msg = translation-dir-path | translate {subcommand: $command}
+ error make -u {msg: $error_msg}
+ exit 1
+ } else {
+ (search $rest.1 true $description true ($rest | skip 2))
+ }
+ }
+ match $command {
"update" => (update $yes),
+ "cleanup" => (cleanup $yes)
From 91bcca117e8bfdb674ed3097d0ed4aa0d4a42c06 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: wren54 <>
Date: Tue, 5 Dec 2023 00:30:58 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 09/37] Add files via upload
translation_tomls/en.toml | 25 +++++++++++++++----------
1 file changed, 15 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)
diff --git a/translation_tomls/en.toml b/translation_tomls/en.toml
index 5d67868..3455d8f 100644
--- a/translation_tomls/en.toml
+++ b/translation_tomls/en.toml
@@ -5,24 +5,29 @@ modifier = "blank"
-found-matching = "Found ($matches) package(s) matching: (ansi color[lightyellow])($search)\n(ansi reset)"
-none-matching = "No packages found matching (ansi color[lightyellow])($search)(ansi reset)!"
-install-select = "Selecting (ansi color[purple] bold)($package)(ansi reset) from (ansi color[purple] bold)($package)($manager)(ansi reset) for installation."
-remove-select = "Selecting (ansi color[purple] bold)($package)(ansi reset) from (ansi color[purple] bold)($package)($manager)(ansi reset) for removal."
+found-matching = "Found ($matches) package(s) matching '(ansi color[208] bold)($search)(ansi reset)':\n"
+none-matching = "No packages found matching '(ansi color[208] bold)($search)(ansi reset)'!"
+install-select = "Selecting (ansi color[purple] bold)($package)(ansi reset) from (ansi color[purple] bold)($manager)(ansi reset) for installation."
+remove-select = "Selecting (ansi color[purple] bold)($package)(ansi reset) from (ansi color[purple] bold)($manager)(ansi reset) for removal."
number = "($number) is not a valid number!"
repository = "($repo) is not a valid repository!"
+search-arguments = "(ansi color[purple])rhino-pkg ($subcommand)(ansi reset) requires at least one search term argument."
+subcommand = "'(ansi color[red])($subcommand)(ansi reset)' is not a valid sub-command! To see a list of valid sub-commands run '(ansi color[purple])rhino-pkg -h(ansi reset)'"
+no-subcommand = "(ansi color[purple] bold)rhino-pkg(ansi reset) needs a sub-command in order to run. To see these run '(ansi color[purple])rhino-pkg -h(ansi reset)'."
sure = "Are you sure?: ((ansi color[green] bold)y(ansi reset)/(ansi color[red] bold)N(ansi reset))"
which-install = "Select which package(s) to install [0-($index)]:"
which-remove = "Select which package(s) to remove [0-($index)]:"
upgrade = "Are you sure you want to upgrade all packages?: ((ansi color[green] bold)y(ansi reset)/(ansi color[red] bold)N(ansi reset))"
-apt = "Searching apt…"
-pacstall = "Searching pacstall…"
-snap = "Searching snap…"
-flatpak = "Searching flatpak…"
+apt = "Searching (ansi color[green] bold)apt(ansi reset)…"
+pacstall = "Searching (ansi color[yellow] bold)pacstall(ansi reset)…"
+snap = "Searching (ansi color[red] bold)snap(ansi reset)…"
+flatpak = "Searching (ansi color[cyan] bold)flatpak(ansi reset)…"
From 609bb14a23e5f7b4db5cd73497b6c461bd651bc8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: wren54 <>
Date: Tue, 5 Dec 2023 01:25:07 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 10/37] Update rhino-pkg
added more aliases
rhino-pkg | 24 ++++++++++++------------
1 file changed, 12 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)
diff --git a/rhino-pkg b/rhino-pkg
index 01587dc..10e152f 100755
--- a/rhino-pkg
+++ b/rhino-pkg
@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ def search [input: string, searching: bool = true, desc: bool = false, install:
#print $extra_prune_terms
mut results = ($flatpak | append $apt | append $pacstall | append $snap)
+ #additional search terms management
mut search_term: string = $input
for i in 0..<($extra_prune_terms | length) {
let prune_term: string = ($extra_prune_terms | select $i).0
@@ -269,24 +269,24 @@ def install [input: table, install: bool = true] {
# functions:
# install: Install package(s) - Prompts user to respond with
# the number(s) associated with the desired package(s).
-# Aliases: nstl, instll, instl, add
+# Aliases: nstl, instll, instl, add, i
# remove: Uninstall package(s) - Prompts user to respond with
# the number(s) associated with the desired package(s).
-# Aliases: rm, rmv, uninstall
+# Aliases: rm, rmv, uninstall, r
# search: Search for package(s) - Does not have a second prompt.
-# Aliases: srch, find
+# Aliases: srch, find, s
# update: Updates all packages accessible to the wrapper - does
# not accept , instead use install to update
# individual packages. Has a confirmation prompt.
-# Aliases: updt
+# Aliases: upgrade, updt, upd, upg, u
# cleanup: Attempts to repair broken dependencies and remove any
# unused packages. Does not accept , but has
# a confirmation prompt.
-# Aliases: clean, clnp, cln
+# Aliases: clean, clnp, cln, c
# flags:
# --help/-h: Display this page
@@ -347,12 +347,12 @@ def main [
# alias catching
- mut command = match $rest.0 {
- "install" | "instll" | "instl" | "add" | "nstl" => "install",
- "remove" | "rmv" | "rm" | "uninstall" => "remove",
- "search" | "srch" | "find" => "search",
- "update" | "updt" => "update",
- "cleanup" | "clnp" | "cln" | "clean" => "cleanup",
+ mut command = match ($rest.0 | str downcase) {
+ "install" | "instll" | "instl" | "add" | "nstl" | "i" => "install",
+ "remove" | "rmv" | "rm" | "uninstall" | "r" => "remove",
+ "search" | "srch" | "find" | "s" => "search",
+ "update" | "updt" | "upgrade" | "upd" | "upg" | "u" => "update",
+ "cleanup" | "clnp" | "cln" | "clean" | "c" => "cleanup",
_ => "invalid"
From 32fecc561aebbcb2024e84f72aaf91cf4bfed9f9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: wren54 <>
Date: Tue, 5 Dec 2023 12:29:28 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 11/37] Update rhino-pkg
added input filtering to install and remove
added the ability to select multiple packages for install and remove
rhino-pkg | 92 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------
1 file changed, 57 insertions(+), 35 deletions(-)
diff --git a/rhino-pkg b/rhino-pkg
index 10e152f..6917b19 100755
--- a/rhino-pkg
+++ b/rhino-pkg
@@ -210,55 +210,77 @@ def update [promptless: bool = false] {
def install [input: table, install: bool = true] {
- mut user_input = 1
+ mut user_input = ""
print ""
let input_final_index = ($input | length) - 1
if $install {
- $user_input = (input (translation-dir-path| translate ask.which-install {index: $input_final_index}) | into int)
+ $user_input = (input (translation-dir-path| translate ask.which-install {index: $input_final_index}) | into string)
#$user_input = (input $"Select which package to install [0-(($input | length) - 1)]: " | into int)
} else {
- $user_input = (input (translation-dir-path| translate ask.which-remove {index: $input_final_index}) | into int)
+ $user_input = (input (translation-dir-path| translate ask.which-remove {index: $input_final_index}) | into string)
#$user_input = (input $"Select which package to remove [0-(($input | length) - 1)]: " | into int)
- if ($user_input > ($input_final_index)) {
- error make -u { msg: "Input length is longer than amount of packages", }
- }
- let pkg = ($input | get $user_input | get package)
- let provider = ($input | get $user_input | get provider)
- #print $"Selecting '(ansi purple_bold)($pkg)(ansi reset)' from package manager '(ansi purple_bold)($provider)(ansi reset)'"
+ #uses regex to filter out non-number inputs, then converts to int
+ mut user_input_ints = ($user_input | split row ' ' | find --regex "[0-9]+" | find --regex "^[0-9]+" | into int)
- if $install {
- translation-dir-path | translate install-select {package: $pkg, manager: $provider } | print
- } else {
- translation-dir-path | translate remove-select {package: $pkg, manager: $provider } | print
+ #screens the list for invalid indices
+ mut drop_list: list = []
+ for i in 0..<($user_input_ints | length) {
+ if ($user_input_ints |select $i).0 > $input_final_index {
+ $drop_list = ($drop_list | append $i)
+ }
+ }
+ #prunes invalid indices
+ for i in 0..<($drop_list|length) {
+ $user_input_ints = ($user_input_ints | drop nth ($drop_list| select $i).0)
- let r_u_sure = translation-dir-path| translate ask.sure
- let sure = (input --numchar 1 $"($r_u_sure) ")
- let no: bool = (($sure != "Y") and ($sure != "y"))
- # let sure = (input $"Are you sure? \((ansi green_bold)y(ansi reset)/(ansi red_bold)N(ansi reset)\) ")
- if $no {
- exit 1
+ #user provided no numbers that were valid
+ if ($user_input_ints | is-empty) {
+ let error_msg = translation-dir-path | translate invalid.integers
+ error make {msg: $error_msg}
- if $install {
- match ($provider) {
- "pacstall" => (^pacstall -I $pkg),
- "snap" => (^sudo snap install $pkg),
- "apt" => (^sudo apt install $pkg -y),
- "flatpak" => (^sudo flatpak install $pkg -y),
+ $user_input_ints | each { |index|
+ let pkg = ($input | get $index | get package)
+ let provider = ($input | get $index | get provider)
+ #print $"Selecting '(ansi purple_bold)($pkg)(ansi reset)' from package manager '(ansi purple_bold)($provider)(ansi reset)'"
+ if $install {
+ translation-dir-path | translate install-select {package: $pkg, manager: $provider } | print
+ } else {
+ translation-dir-path | translate remove-select {package: $pkg, manager: $provider } | print
- } else {
- match ($provider) {
- "pacstall" => (^pacstall -R $pkg),
- "snap" => (^sudo snap remove $pkg),
- "apt" => (^sudo apt remove $pkg -y),
- "flatpak" => (^sudo flatpak remove $pkg -y),
+ let r_u_sure = translation-dir-path| translate ask.sure
+ let sure = (input --numchar 1 $"($r_u_sure) ")
+ let no: bool = (($sure != "Y") and ($sure != "y"))
+ # let sure = (input $"Are you sure? \((ansi green_bold)y(ansi reset)/(ansi red_bold)N(ansi reset)\) ")
+ if $no {
+ translation-dir-path | translate skipping {package: $pkg, manager: $provider} | print
+ } else {
+ if $install {
+ match ($provider) {
+ "pacstall" => (^pacstall -I $pkg),
+ "snap" => (^sudo snap install $pkg),
+ "apt" => (^sudo apt install $pkg -y),
+ "flatpak" => (^sudo flatpak install $pkg -y),
+ }
+ } else {
+ match ($provider) {
+ "pacstall" => (^pacstall -R $pkg),
+ "snap" => (^sudo snap remove $pkg),
+ "apt" => (^sudo apt remove $pkg -y),
+ "flatpak" => (^sudo flatpak remove $pkg -y),
+ }
+ }
From 1c723c820a09709d60bfeeab31bf68b01157cb71 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: wren54 <>
Date: Tue, 5 Dec 2023 12:32:11 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 12/37] Add files via upload
corresponds to previous rhino-pkg commit adding input filtering to install and remove
translation_tomls/en.toml | 5 +++--
1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
diff --git a/translation_tomls/en.toml b/translation_tomls/en.toml
index 3455d8f..4c52a5a 100644
--- a/translation_tomls/en.toml
+++ b/translation_tomls/en.toml
@@ -9,15 +9,16 @@ found-matching = "Found ($matches) package(s) matching '(ansi color[208] bold)($
none-matching = "No packages found matching '(ansi color[208] bold)($search)(ansi reset)'!"
install-select = "Selecting (ansi color[purple] bold)($package)(ansi reset) from (ansi color[purple] bold)($manager)(ansi reset) for installation."
remove-select = "Selecting (ansi color[purple] bold)($package)(ansi reset) from (ansi color[purple] bold)($manager)(ansi reset) for removal."
+skipping = "Skipping (ansi color[purple] bold)($package)(ansi reset) from (ansi color[purple] bold)($manager)(ansi reset)."
+integers = "None of the inputs you provided were integers less than or equal to ($number)!"
number = "($number) is not a valid number!"
repository = "($repo) is not a valid repository!"
search-arguments = "(ansi color[purple])rhino-pkg ($subcommand)(ansi reset) requires at least one search term argument."
subcommand = "'(ansi color[red])($subcommand)(ansi reset)' is not a valid sub-command! To see a list of valid sub-commands run '(ansi color[purple])rhino-pkg -h(ansi reset)'"
no-subcommand = "(ansi color[purple] bold)rhino-pkg(ansi reset) needs a sub-command in order to run. To see these run '(ansi color[purple])rhino-pkg -h(ansi reset)'."
+package-number = "($number) is not a valid package number!"
From 30264206da384b1607a4f1494a249a5cdfb11849 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: wren54 <>
Date: Tue, 5 Dec 2023 19:03:40 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 13/37] Update rhino-pkg
Solved pacstall error when no packages
rhino-pkg | 14 +++++++++-----
1 file changed, 9 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)
diff --git a/rhino-pkg b/rhino-pkg
index 6917b19..36114ea 100755
--- a/rhino-pkg
+++ b/rhino-pkg
@@ -53,7 +53,11 @@ def prune-search-table [prune_term: string] -> table {
def search-pacstall [input: string] -> table {
if (cmd-exist 'pacstall') {
- return (^pacstall -S $input | ansi strip | lines | parse "{package} @ {repo}" | reject repo | insert description '' | insert provider 'pacstall')
+ let pacstall = do { ^pacstall -S $input } | complete
+ return ($pacstall.stdout | ansi strip | lines | parse "{package} @ {repo}" | reject repo | insert description '' | insert provider 'pacstall')
+ # if ($result | is-empty) {
+ # print -n $"\e[A\e[K"
+ # }
} else { return [] }
@@ -79,19 +83,19 @@ def search [input: string, searching: bool = true, desc: bool = false, install:
translation-dir-path | translate searching.apt | print
# print "Searching apt…"
let apt = (search-apt $input $desc)
- # print -n $"\e[A\e[K"
+ print -n $"\e[A\e[K"
# print "Searching Pacstall…"
translation-dir-path | translate searching.pacstall | print
let pacstall = (search-pacstall $input)
- # print -n $"\e[A\e[K"
+ print -n $"\e[A\e[K"
# print "Searching flatpak…"
translation-dir-path | translate searching.flatpak | print
let flatpak = (search-flatpak $input $desc)
- # print -n $"\e[A\e[K"
+ print -n $"\e[A\e[K"
# print "Searching snap…"
translation-dir-path | translate searching.snap | print
let snap = (search-snap $input)
- # print -n $"\e[A\e[K"
+ print -n $"\e[A\e[K"
#print $extra_prune_terms
mut results = ($flatpak | append $apt | append $pacstall | append $snap)
From 97cec04b847c0a4420858d6bf57bb2fea4a49dbb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: wren54 <>
Date: Sun, 10 Dec 2023 21:07:54 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 14/37] Add translations from old rhino-pkg
translation_tomls/bn.toml | 64 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
translation_tomls/de.toml | 59 +++++++++++++++++++++++++
translation_tomls/en.toml | 21 ++++-----
translation_tomls/es.toml | 59 +++++++++++++++++++++++++
translation_tomls/fr.toml | 59 +++++++++++++++++++++++++
translation_tomls/hi.toml | 61 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
translation_tomls/id.toml | 62 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++
translation_tomls/ie.toml | 62 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++
translation_tomls/it.toml | 59 +++++++++++++++++++++++++
translation_tomls/ko.toml | 61 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
translation_tomls/lang-template.toml | 59 +++++++++++++++++++++++++
translation_tomls/nl.toml | 59 +++++++++++++++++++++++++
translation_tomls/pt_br.toml | 61 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
translation_tomls/ro.toml | 61 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
translation_tomls/ru.toml | 62 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++
translation_tomls/sv.toml | 59 +++++++++++++++++++++++++
translation_tomls/uk.toml | 63 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++
translation_tomls/ur.toml | 61 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
translation_tomls/zh_cn.toml | 59 +++++++++++++++++++++++++
19 files changed, 1101 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 translation_tomls/bn.toml
create mode 100644 translation_tomls/de.toml
create mode 100644 translation_tomls/es.toml
create mode 100644 translation_tomls/fr.toml
create mode 100644 translation_tomls/hi.toml
create mode 100644 translation_tomls/id.toml
create mode 100644 translation_tomls/ie.toml
create mode 100644 translation_tomls/it.toml
create mode 100644 translation_tomls/ko.toml
create mode 100644 translation_tomls/lang-template.toml
create mode 100644 translation_tomls/nl.toml
create mode 100644 translation_tomls/pt_br.toml
create mode 100644 translation_tomls/ro.toml
create mode 100644 translation_tomls/ru.toml
create mode 100644 translation_tomls/sv.toml
create mode 100644 translation_tomls/uk.toml
create mode 100644 translation_tomls/ur.toml
create mode 100644 translation_tomls/zh_cn.toml
diff --git a/translation_tomls/bn.toml b/translation_tomls/bn.toml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f1b8879
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translation_tomls/bn.toml
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+#two letters matching the ISO 639-1 code for your language
+language = "bn"
+#if you are doing a general translation, leave this xx, otherwise, match this to the 2 letter ISO 3166-1 code for the territory you are coding for
+territory = "xx"
+#this will almost alway be left as "blank". If you are making a specific translation for a POSIX locale code, this is what follows the @ symbol
+modifier = "blank"
+#name of language toml (without the extension) to fall back to in case of incomplete translation
+fallback = "en"
+translators = "Sourajyoti Basak "
+# Declares $matches package(s) were found matching $search ($search is $color)
+found-matching = "'(ansi color[($color)] bold)($search)(ansi reset)' এর সাথে মিলিত প্যাকেজগুলি পাওয়া গেছে:"
+# Declares no packages were found matching $search ($search is $color)
+none-matching = "'(ansi color[($color)] bold)($search)' এর সাথে মিলিত কোনো প্যাকেজ পাওয়া যায়নি!"
+# Declares $package from $manager is being selected for installation ($package & $manager are $color)
+install-select = "প্যাকেজ ম্যানেজার (ansi color[($color)] bold)($manager)(ansi reset) থেকে (ansi color[($color)] bold)($package)(ansi reset) নির্বাচন করা হচ্ছে"
+# Declares $package from $manager is being selected for removal ($package & $manager are $color)
+remove-select = "প্যাকেজ ম্যানেজার (ansi color[($color)] bold)($manager)(ansi reset) থেকে (ansi color[($color)] bold)($package)(ansi reset) নির্বাচন করা হচ্ছে"
+# Declares the $package from $manager is being skipped (in the process of installation/removal) ($package & $manager are $color)
+skipping = "Skipping (ansi color[magenta] bold)($package)(ansi reset) from (ansi color[magenta bold)($manager)(ansi reset)."
+# Various error conditions, when user enters wrong data
+# Declares that the user entered no integers <= $number
+integers = "None of the inputs you provided were integers less than or equal to ($number)!"
+# Currently out of use
+# Declares $number is not a valid number
+number = "($number) একটি বৈধ সংখ্যা নয়!"
+#Currently out of use
+# Declares $repo to not be a valid repository
+repo = "অবৈধ সংগ্রহস্থলের নাম!"
+# Informs the user that they entered the command "rhino-pkg $subcommand" without a search term, which it requires
+search-arguments = "(ansi color[magenta])rhino-pkg ($subcommand)(ansi reset) requires at least one search term argument."
+# Declares $subcommand is not a valid rhino-pkg command. Instructs user to help page
+subcommand = "'(ansi color[red])($subcommand)(ansi reset)' is not a valid sub-command! To see a list of valid sub-commands run '(ansi color[magenta])rhino-pkg -h(ansi reset)'"
+# Declares that the user entered no sub-command, which rhino-pkg needs. Instructs user to help page
+no-subcommand = "(ansi color[magenta] bold)rhino-pkg(ansi reset) needs a sub-command in order to run. To see these run '(ansi color[magenta])rhino-pkg -h(ansi reset)'."
+#Questions to ask the user
+# Asks a generic "Are you sure", **make sure the y and N in the prompt are not changed, y and N are not to be translated**
+sure = ": ((ansi color[green] bold)y(ansi reset)/(ansi color[red] bold)N(ansi reset))"
+# Asks user to select package(s) 0- $index to install
+which-install = "[(index)-0] কোন প্যাকেজ ইনস্টল করতে হবে তা নির্বাচন করুন:"
+# Asks user to select package(s) 0- $index to remove
+which-remove = "Select which package(s) to remove [0-($index)]:"
+# Asks user to select packages(s) 0- $index to recieve information about
+which-info = "Select which package(s) to recieve info about [0-($index)]:"
+# Asks user if they are sure to upgrade all packages **make sure y and N in the prompt are not changed, y and N are not to be translated**
+upgrade = ": ((ansi color[green] bold)y(ansi reset)/(ansi color[red] bold)N(ansi reset))"
+# Declare "Searching [package manager]"
+apt = "(ansi color[green] bold)apt(ansi reset)-এ খোঁজ করা হচ্ছে…"
+pacstall = "(ansi color[yellow])Pacstall(ansi reset)-এ খোঁজ করা হচ্ছে…"
+snap = "(ansi color[red] bold)snap(ansi reset)-এ খোঁজ করা হচ্ছে…"
+flatpak = "(ansi color[cyan] bold)flatpak(ansi reset)-এ খোঁজ করা হচ্ছে…"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/translation_tomls/de.toml b/translation_tomls/de.toml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f792511
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translation_tomls/de.toml
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+#two letters matching the ISO 639-1 code for your language
+language = "de"
+#if you are doing a general translation, leave this xx, otherwise, match this to the 2 letter ISO 3166-1 code for the territory you are coding for
+territory = "xx"
+#this will almost alway be left as "blank". If you are making a specific translation for a POSIX locale code, this is what follows the @ symbol
+modifier = "blank"
+#name of language toml (without the extension) to fall back to in case of incomplete translation
+fallback = "en"
+# Declares $matches package(s) were found matching $search
+found-matching = "Pakete passend zu '(ansi color[($color)] bold)($search)(ansi reset)' gefunden:"
+# Declares no packages were found matching $search ($search is $color)
+none-matching = "Keine passenden Pakete zu '(ansi color[($color)] bold)($search)(ansi reset)' gefunden!"
+# Declares $package from $manager is being selected for installation ($package & $manager are $color)
+install-select = "(ansi color[$color] bold)($package)(ansi reset) von Paketmanager (ansi color[($color))] bold)($manager)(ansi reset) wird gewählt"
+# Declares $package from $manager is being selected for removal ($package & $manager are $color)
+remove-select = "(ansi color[$color] bold)($package)(ansi reset) von Paketmanager (ansi color[($color))] bold)($manager)(ansi reset) wird gewählt"
+# Declares the $package from $manager is being skipped (in the process of installation/removal) ($package & $manager are $color)
+skipping = "Skipping (ansi color[magenta] bold)($package)(ansi reset) from (ansi color[magenta bold)($manager)(ansi reset)."
+# Various error conditions, when user enters wrong data
+# Declares that the user entered no integers <= $number
+integers = "None of the inputs you provided were integers less than or equal to ($number)!"
+# Currently out of use
+# Declares $number is not a valid number
+number = "($number) ist keine gültige Zahl!"
+#Currently out of use
+# Declares $repo to not be a valid repository
+repo = "Ungültiger Repository Name!"
+# Informs the user that they entered the command "rhino-pkg $subcommand" without a search term, which it requires
+search-arguments = "(ansi color[(])rhino-pkg ($subcommand)(ansi reset) requires at least one search term argument."
+# Declares $subcommand is not a valid rhino-pkg command. Instructs user to help page
+subcommand = "'(ansi color[red])($subcommand)(ansi reset)' is not a valid sub-command! To see a list of valid sub-commands run '(ansi color[magenta])rhino-pkg -h(ansi reset)'"
+# Declares that the user entered no sub-command, which rhino-pkg needs. Instructs user to help page
+no-subcommand = "(ansi color[magenta] bold)rhino-pkg(ansi reset) needs a sub-command in order to run. To see these run '(ansi color[magenta])rhino-pkg -h(ansi reset)'."
+#Questions to ask the user
+# Asks a generic "Are you sure", **make sure the y and N in the prompt are not changed, y and N are not to be translated**
+sure = "Sind Sie sich sicher?: ((ansi color[green] bold)y(ansi reset)/(ansi color[red] bold)N(ansi reset))"
+# Asks user to select package(s) 0- $index to install
+which-install = "Wählen Sie Pakete aus, welches Installiert werden sollen [0-($index)]:"
+# Asks user to select package(s) 0- $index to remove
+which-remove = "Wählen Sie die Pakete, die Sie löschen möchten [0-($index)]:"
+# Asks user to select packages(s) 0- $index to recieve information about
+which-info = "Select which package(s) to recieve info about [0-($index)]:"
+# Asks user if they are sure to upgrade all packages **make sure y and N in the prompt are not changed, y and N are not to be translated**
+upgrade = "Sind Sie sicher, dass sie alle Pakete aktualisieren möchten?: ((ansi color[green] bold)y(ansi reset)/(ansi color[red] bold)N(ansi reset))"
+# Declare "Searching [package manager]"
+apt = "Suche in (ansi color[green] bold)APT(ansi reset)…"
+pacstall = "Suche in (ansi color[yellow] bold)Pacstall(ansi reset)…"
+snap = "Suche in (ansi color[red] bold)Snap(ansi reset)…"
+flatpak = "Suche in (ansi color[cyan] bold)Flatpak(ansi reset)…"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/translation_tomls/en.toml b/translation_tomls/en.toml
index 4c52a5a..f320317 100644
--- a/translation_tomls/en.toml
+++ b/translation_tomls/en.toml
@@ -1,23 +1,23 @@
language = "en"
territory = "xx"
modifier = "blank"
+fallback = "none"
-found-matching = "Found ($matches) package(s) matching '(ansi color[208] bold)($search)(ansi reset)':\n"
-none-matching = "No packages found matching '(ansi color[208] bold)($search)(ansi reset)'!"
-install-select = "Selecting (ansi color[purple] bold)($package)(ansi reset) from (ansi color[purple] bold)($manager)(ansi reset) for installation."
-remove-select = "Selecting (ansi color[purple] bold)($package)(ansi reset) from (ansi color[purple] bold)($manager)(ansi reset) for removal."
-skipping = "Skipping (ansi color[purple] bold)($package)(ansi reset) from (ansi color[purple] bold)($manager)(ansi reset)."
+found-matching = "Found ($matches) package(s) matching '(ansi color[($color)] bold)($search)(ansi reset)':"
+none-matching = "No packages found matching '(ansi color[($color)] bold)($search)(ansi reset)'!"
+install-select = "Selecting (ansi color[($color)] bold)($package)(ansi reset) from (ansi color[($color)] bold)($manager)(ansi reset) for installation."
+remove-select = "Selecting (ansi color[($color)] bold)($package)(ansi reset) from (ansi color[($color)] bold)($manager)(ansi reset) for removal."
+skipping = "Skipping (ansi color[($color)] bold)($package)(ansi reset) from (ansi color[($color)] bold)($manager)(ansi reset)."
integers = "None of the inputs you provided were integers less than or equal to ($number)!"
number = "($number) is not a valid number!"
repository = "($repo) is not a valid repository!"
-search-arguments = "(ansi color[purple])rhino-pkg ($subcommand)(ansi reset) requires at least one search term argument."
-subcommand = "'(ansi color[red])($subcommand)(ansi reset)' is not a valid sub-command! To see a list of valid sub-commands run '(ansi color[purple])rhino-pkg -h(ansi reset)'"
-no-subcommand = "(ansi color[purple] bold)rhino-pkg(ansi reset) needs a sub-command in order to run. To see these run '(ansi color[purple])rhino-pkg -h(ansi reset)'."
+search-arguments = "(ansi color[magenta])rhino-pkg ($subcommand)(ansi reset) requires at least one search term argument."
+subcommand = "'(ansi color[red])($subcommand)(ansi reset)' is not a valid sub-command! To see a list of valid sub-commands run '(ansi color[magenta])rhino-pkg -h(ansi reset)'"
+no-subcommand = "(ansi color[magenta] bold)rhino-pkg(ansi reset) needs a sub-command in order to run. To see these run '(ansi color[magenta])rhino-pkg -h(ansi reset)'."
package-number = "($number) is not a valid package number!"
@@ -25,10 +25,11 @@ package-number = "($number) is not a valid package number!"
sure = "Are you sure?: ((ansi color[green] bold)y(ansi reset)/(ansi color[red] bold)N(ansi reset))"
which-install = "Select which package(s) to install [0-($index)]:"
which-remove = "Select which package(s) to remove [0-($index)]:"
+which-info = "Select which package(s) to recieve info about [0-($index)]:"
upgrade = "Are you sure you want to upgrade all packages?: ((ansi color[green] bold)y(ansi reset)/(ansi color[red] bold)N(ansi reset))"
apt = "Searching (ansi color[green] bold)apt(ansi reset)…"
-pacstall = "Searching (ansi color[yellow] bold)pacstall(ansi reset)…"
+pacstall = "Searching (ansi color[yellow] bold)Pacstall(ansi reset)…"
snap = "Searching (ansi color[red] bold)snap(ansi reset)…"
flatpak = "Searching (ansi color[cyan] bold)flatpak(ansi reset)…"
diff --git a/translation_tomls/es.toml b/translation_tomls/es.toml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c7c9657
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translation_tomls/es.toml
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+#two letters matching the ISO 639-1 code for your language
+language = "es"
+#if you are doing a general translation, leave this xx, otherwise, match this to the 2 letter ISO 3166-1 code for the territory you are coding for
+territory = "xx"
+#this will almost alway be left as "blank". If you are making a specific translation for a POSIX locale code, this is what follows the @ symbol
+modifier = "blank"
+#name of language toml (without the extension) to fall back to in case of incomplete translation
+fallback = "en"
+# Declares $matches package(s) were found matching $search
+found-matching = "Paquetes encontrados que coinciden con '(ansi color[($color) bold]$search(ansi reset)':"
+# Declares no packages were found matching $search ($search is $color)
+none-matching = "¡Fueron encontrados paquetes que coinciden con '(ansi color[($color) bold]$search(ansi reset)'!"
+# Declares $package from $manager is being selected for installation ($package & $manager are $color)
+install-select = "Seleccionando (ansi color[magenta] bold)($package)(ansi reset) del gestor de paquetes (ansi color[($color))] bold)($manager)(ansi reset)."
+# Declares $package from $manager is being selected for removal ($package & $manager are $color)
+remove-select = "Seleccionando (ansi color[magenta] bold)($package)(ansi reset) del gestor de paquetes (ansi color[($color)] bold)($manager)(ansi reset)."
+# Declares the $package from $manager is being skipped (in the process of installation/removal) ($package & $manager are $color)
+skipping = "Skipping (ansi color[magenta] bold)($package)(ansi reset) from (ansi color[magenta bold)($manager)(ansi reset)."
+# Various error conditions, when user enters wrong data
+# Declares that the user entered no integers <= $number
+integers = "None of the inputs you provided were integers less than or equal to ($number)!"
+# Currently out of use
+# Declares $number is not a valid number
+number = "¡($number) no es un número válido!"
+#Currently out of use
+# Declares $repo to not be a valid repository
+repo = "¡Nombre de repositorio inválido!"
+# Informs the user that they entered the command "rhino-pkg $subcommand" without a search term, which it requires
+search-arguments = "(ansi color[(])rhino-pkg ($subcommand)(ansi reset) requires at least one search term argument."
+# Declares $subcommand is not a valid rhino-pkg command. Instructs user to help page
+subcommand = "'(ansi color[red])($subcommand)(ansi reset)' is not a valid sub-command! To see a list of valid sub-commands run '(ansi color[magenta])rhino-pkg -h(ansi reset)'"
+# Declares that the user entered no sub-command, which rhino-pkg needs. Instructs user to help page
+no-subcommand = "(ansi color[magenta] bold)rhino-pkg(ansi reset) needs a sub-command in order to run. To see these run '(ansi color[magenta])rhino-pkg -h(ansi reset)'."
+#Questions to ask the user
+# Asks a generic "Are you sure", **make sure the y and N in the prompt are not changed, y and N are not to be translated**
+sure = "¿Estás seguro?: ((ansi color[green] bold)y(ansi reset)/(ansi color[red] bold)N(ansi reset))"
+# Asks user to select package(s) 0- $index to install
+which-install = "Seleccione el paquete que desea instalar [0-($index)]:"
+# Asks user to select package(s) 0- $index to remove
+which-remove = "Select which package(s) to remove [0-($index)]:"
+# Asks user to select packages(s) 0- $index to recieve information about
+which-info = "Select which package(s) to recieve info about [0-($index)]:"
+# Asks user if they are sure to upgrade all packages **make sure y and N in the prompt are not changed, y and N are not to be translated**
+upgrade = "Are you sure you want to upgrade all packages?: ((ansi color[green] bold)y(ansi reset)/(ansi color[red] bold)N(ansi reset))"
+# Declare "Searching [package manager]"
+apt = "Buscando (ansi color[green] bold)apt(ansi reset)…"
+pacstall = "Buscando (ansi color[yellow] bold)Pacstall(ansi reset)…"
+snap = "Buscando (ansi color[red] bold)snap(ansi reset)…"
+flatpak = "Buscando (ansi color[cyan] bold)flatpak(ansi reset)…"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/translation_tomls/fr.toml b/translation_tomls/fr.toml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b26ce0d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translation_tomls/fr.toml
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+#two letters matching the ISO 639-1 code for your language
+language = ""
+#if you are doing a general translation, leave this xx, otherwise, match this to the 2 letter ISO 3166-1 code for the territory you are coding for
+territory = "xx"
+#this will almost alway be left as "blank". If you are making a specific translation for a POSIX locale code, this is what follows the @ symbol
+modifier = "blank"
+#name of language toml (without the extension) to fall back to in case of incomplete translation
+fallback = "en"
+# Declares $matches package(s) were found matching $search
+found-matching = "Paquets trouvés correspondant à '(ansi color[($color)] bold)($search)(ansi reset)':"
+# Declares no packages were found matching $search ($search is $color)
+none-matching = "Aucun paquet trouvé correspondant à '(ansi color[($color)] bold)($search)(ansi reset)'!"
+# Declares $package from $manager is being selected for installation ($package & $manager are $color)
+install-select = "Sélection de (ansi color[($color)] bold)($package)(ansi reset) dans le gestionnaire de paquets (ansi color[($color))] bold)($manager)(ansi reset)."
+# Declares $package from $manager is being selected for removal ($package & $manager are $color)
+remove-select = "Sélection de (ansi color[($color)] bold)($package)(ansi reset) dans le gestionnaire de paquets (ansi color[($color))] bold)($manager)(ansi reset)."
+# Declares the $package from $manager is being skipped (in the process of installation/removal) ($package & $manager are $color)
+skipping = "Skipping (ansi color[($color)] bold)($package)(ansi reset) from (ansi color[($color)] bold)($manager)(ansi reset)."
+# Various error conditions, when user enters wrong data
+# Declares that the user entered no integers <= $number
+integers = "None of the inputs you provided were integers less than or equal to ($number)!"
+# Currently out of use
+# Declares $number is not a valid number
+number = "($number) n'est pas un nombre valide!"
+#Currently out of use
+# Declares $repo to not be a valid repository
+repo = "Nom de dépôt non valide!"
+# Informs the user that they entered the command "rhino-pkg $subcommand" without a search term, which it requires
+search-arguments = "(ansi color[(])rhino-pkg ($subcommand)(ansi reset) requires at least one search term argument."
+# Declares $subcommand is not a valid rhino-pkg command. Instructs user to help page
+subcommand = "'(ansi color[red])($subcommand)(ansi reset)' is not a valid sub-command! To see a list of valid sub-commands run '(ansi color[magenta])rhino-pkg -h(ansi reset)'"
+# Declares that the user entered no sub-command, which rhino-pkg needs. Instructs user to help page
+no-subcommand = "(ansi color[magenta] bold)rhino-pkg(ansi reset) needs a sub-command in order to run. To see these run '(ansi color[magenta])rhino-pkg -h(ansi reset)'."
+#Questions to ask the user
+# Asks a generic "Are you sure", **make sure the y and N in the prompt are not changed, y and N are not to be translated**
+sure = "Are you sure?: ((ansi color[green] bold)y(ansi reset)/(ansi color[red] bold)N(ansi reset))"
+# Asks user to select package(s) 0- $index to install
+which-install = "Sélectionnez le paquet à installer [0-($index)]:"
+# Asks user to select package(s) 0- $index to remove
+which-remove = "Select which package(s) to remove [0-($index)]:"
+# Asks user to select packages(s) 0- $index to recieve information about
+which-info = "Select which package(s) to recieve info about [0-($index)]:"
+# Asks user if they are sure to upgrade all packages **make sure y and N in the prompt are not changed, y and N are not to be translated**
+upgrade = "Are you sure you want to upgrade all packages?: ((ansi color[green] bold)y(ansi reset)/(ansi color[red] bold)N(ansi reset))"
+# Declare "Searching [package manager]…"
+apt = "Recherche de l'(ansi color[green] bold)apt(ansi reset)…"
+pacstall = "Recherche de (ansi color[yellow] bold)Pacstall(ansi reset)…"
+snap = "Recherche de (ansi color[red] bold)snap(ansi reset)…"
+flatpak = "Recherche de (ansi color[cyan] bold)flatpak(ansi reset)…"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/translation_tomls/hi.toml b/translation_tomls/hi.toml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eac1476
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translation_tomls/hi.toml
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+#two letters matching the ISO 639-1 code for your language
+language = ""
+#if you are doing a general translation, leave this xx, otherwise, match this to the 2 letter ISO 3166-1 code for the territory you are coding for
+territory = "xx"
+#this will almost alway be left as "blank". If you are making a specific translation for a POSIX locale code, this is what follows the @ symbol
+modifier = "blank"
+#name of language toml (without the extension) to fall back to in case of incomplete translation
+fallback = "en"
+translator = "Sourajyoti Basak "
+# Declares $matches package(s) were found matching $search
+found-matching = "'(ansi color[($color)] bold)($search)(ansi reset)' से मेल खाने वाले पैकेज मिले:"
+# Declares no packages were found matching $search ($search is $color)
+none-matching = "'(ansi color[($color)] bold)($search)(ansi reset)' से मेल खाता कोई पैकेज नहीं मिला!"
+# Declares $package from $manager is being selected for installation ($package & $manager are $color)
+install-select = "पैकेज मैनेजर (ansi color[($color)] bold)($manager)(ansi reset) से\n(ansi color[($color))] bold)($package)(ansi reset) चुने गए हैं"
+# Declares $package from $manager is being selected for removal ($package & $manager are $color)
+remove-select = "पैकेज मैनेजर (ansi color[($color)] bold)($manager)(ansi reset) से\n(ansi color[($color))] bold)($package)(ansi reset) चुने गए हैं"
+# Declares the $package from $manager is being skipped (in the process of installation/removal) ($package & $manager are $color)
+skipping = "Skipping (ansi color[($color)] bold)($package)(ansi reset) from (ansi color[($color)] bold)($manager)(ansi reset)."
+# Various error conditions, when user enters wrong data
+# Declares that the user entered no integers <= $number
+integers = "None of the inputs you provided were integers less than or equal to ($number)!"
+# Currently out of use
+# Declares $number is not a valid number
+number = "($number) वैध संख्या नहीं है!"
+#Currently out of use
+# Declares $repo to not be a valid repository
+repo = "अवैध भंडार का नाम!"
+# Informs the user that they entered the command "rhino-pkg $subcommand" without a search term, which it requires
+search-arguments = "(ansi color[(])rhino-pkg ($subcommand)(ansi reset) requires at least one search term argument."
+# Declares $subcommand is not a valid rhino-pkg command. Instructs user to help page
+subcommand = "'(ansi color[red])($subcommand)(ansi reset)' is not a valid sub-command! To see a list of valid sub-commands run '(ansi color[magenta])rhino-pkg -h(ansi reset)'"
+# Declares that the user entered no sub-command, which rhino-pkg needs. Instructs user to help page
+no-subcommand = "(ansi color[magenta] bold)rhino-pkg(ansi reset) needs a sub-command in order to run. To see these run '(ansi color[magenta])rhino-pkg -h(ansi reset)'."
+#Questions to ask the user
+# Asks a generic "Are you sure", **make sure the y and N in the prompt are not changed, y and N are not to be translated**
+sure = "Are you sure?: ((ansi color[green] bold)y(ansi reset)/(ansi color[red] bold)N(ansi reset))"
+# Asks user to select package(s) 0- $index to install
+which-install = "[($index)-0] इनस्टॉल करने के लिए एक पैकेज चुनें:"
+# Asks user to select package(s) 0- $index to remove
+which-remove = "Select which package(s) to remove [0-($index)]:"
+# Asks user to select packages(s) 0- $index to recieve information about
+which-info = "Select which package(s) to recieve info about [0-($index)]:"
+# Asks user if they are sure to upgrade all packages **make sure y and N in the prompt are not changed, y and N are not to be translated**
+upgrade = "Are you sure you want to upgrade all packages?: ((ansi color[green] bold)y(ansi reset)/(ansi color[red] bold)N(ansi reset))"
+# Declare "Searching [package manager]…"
+apt = "(ansi color[green] bold)APT(ansi reset) में खोजा जा रहा है…"
+pacstall = "(ansi color[yellow] bold)Pacstall(ansi reset) में खोजा जा रहा है…"
+snap = "(ansi color[red] bold)स्नैप(ansi reset) में खोजा जा रहा है…"
+flatpak = "(ansi color[cyan] bold)फ्लैटपैक(ansi reset) में खोजा जा रहा है…"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/translation_tomls/id.toml b/translation_tomls/id.toml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6cd4e19
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translation_tomls/id.toml
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+#two letters matching the ISO 639-1 code for your language
+language = "id"
+#if you are doing a general translation, leave this xx, otherwise, match this to the 2 letter ISO 3166-1 code for the territory you are coding for
+territory = "xx"
+#this will almost alway be left as "blank". If you are making a specific translation for a POSIX locale code, this is what follows the @ symbol
+modifier = "blank"
+#name of language toml (without the extension) to fall back to in case of incomplete translation
+fallback = "en"
+translator = "yukidream "
+# Declares $matches package(s) were found matching $search
+found-matching = "Menemukan paket yang sesuai '(ansi color[($color)] bold)($search)(ansi reset)':"
+# Declares no packages were found matching $search ($search is $color)
+none-matching = "Tidak menemukan paket yang cocok '(ansi color[($color)] bold)($search)(ansi reset)'!"
+# Declares $package from $manager is being selected for installation ($package & $manager are $color)
+install-select = "Memilih (ansi color[($color)] bold)($package)(ansi reset) dari manajemen paket (ansi color[($color))] bold)($manager)(ansi reset)."
+# Declares $package from $manager is being selected for removal ($package & $manager are $color)
+remove-select = "Memilih (ansi color[($color)] bold)($package)(ansi reset) dari manajemen paket (ansi color[($color))] bold)($manager)(ansi reset)."
+# Declares the $package from $manager is being skipped (in the process of installation/removal) ($package & $manager are $color)
+skipping = "Skipping (ansi color[($color)] bold)($package)(ansi reset) from (ansi color[($color)] bold)($manager)(ansi reset)."
+# Various error conditions, when user enters wrong data
+# Declares that the user entered no integers <= $number
+integers = "None of the inputs you provided were integers less than or equal to ($number)!"
+# Currently out of use
+# Declares $number is not a valid number
+number = "($number) bukan angka yang sah!"
+#Currently out of use
+# Declares $repo to not be a valid repository
+repo = "Nama repositori yang tidak sah!"
+# Informs the user that they entered the command "rhino-pkg $subcommand" without a search term, which it requires
+search-arguments = "(ansi color[magenta])rhino-pkg ($subcommand)(ansi reset) requires at least one search term argument."
+# Declares $subcommand is not a valid rhino-pkg command. Instructs user to help page
+subcommand = "'(ansi color[red])($subcommand)(ansi reset)' is not a valid sub-command! To see a list of valid sub-commands run '(ansi color[magenta])rhino-pkg -h(ansi reset)'"
+# Declares that the user entered no sub-command, which rhino-pkg needs. Instructs user to help page
+no-subcommand = "(ansi color[magenta] bold)rhino-pkg(ansi reset) needs a sub-command in order to run. To see these run '(ansi color[magenta])rhino-pkg -h(ansi reset)'."
+#Questions to ask the user
+# Asks a generic "Are you sure", **make sure the y and N in the prompt are not changed, y and N are not to be translated**
+sure = "Are you sure?: ((ansi color[green] bold)y(ansi reset)/(ansi color[red] bold)N(ansi reset))"
+# Asks user to select package(s) 0- $index to install
+which-install = "Memilih paket yang akan dipasang [0-($index)]:"
+# Asks user to select package(s) 0- $index to remove
+which-remove = "Select which package(s) to remove [0-($index)]:"
+# Asks user to select packages(s) 0- $index to recieve information about
+which-info = "Select which package(s) to recieve info about [0-($index)]:"
+# Asks user if they are sure to upgrade all packages **make sure y and N in the prompt are not changed, y and N are not to be translated**
+upgrade = "Are you sure you want to upgrade all packages?: ((ansi color[green] bold)y(ansi reset)/(ansi color[red] bold)N(ansi reset))"
+# Declare "Searching [package manager]…"
+apt = "Mencari (ansi color[green] bold)apt(ansi reset)…"
+pacstall = "Mencari (ansi color[yellow] bold)Pacstall(ansi reset)…"
+snap = "Mencari (ansi color[red] bold)snap(ansi reset)…"
+flatpak = "Mencari (ansi color[cyan] bold)flatpak(ansi reset)…"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/translation_tomls/ie.toml b/translation_tomls/ie.toml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..94ff047
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translation_tomls/ie.toml
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+#two letters matching the ISO 639-1 code for your language
+language = "ie"
+#if you are doing a general translation, leave this xx, otherwise, match this to the 2 letter ISO 3166-1 code for the territory you are coding for
+territory = "xx"
+#this will almost alway be left as "blank". If you are making a specific translation for a POSIX locale code, this is what follows the @ symbol
+modifier = "blank"
+#name of language toml (without the extension) to fall back to in case of incomplete translation
+fallback = "en"
+translator = "OIS "
+# Declares $matches package(s) were found matching $search
+found-matching = "Trovat paccages correspondente a '(ansi color[($color)] bold)($search)(ansi reset)':"
+# Declares no packages were found matching $search ($search is $color)
+none-matching = "Null paccages trovat quel corresponde a '(ansi color[($color)] bold)($search)(ansi reset)'!"
+# Declares $package from $manager is being selected for installation ($package & $manager are $color)
+install-select = "Selecte (ansi color[($color)] bold)($package)(ansi reset) del gerente de paccages (ansi color[($color))] bold)($manager)(ansi reset)"
+# Declares $package from $manager is being selected for removal ($package & $manager are $color)
+remove-select = "Selecte (ansi color[($color)] bold)($package)(ansi reset) del gerente de paccages (ansi color[($color))] bold)($manager)(ansi reset)"
+# Declares the $package from $manager is being skipped (in the process of installation/removal) ($package & $manager are $color)
+skipping = "Skipping (ansi color[($color)] bold)($package)(ansi reset) from (ansi color[($color)] bold)($manager)(ansi reset)."
+# Various error conditions, when user enters wrong data
+# Declares that the user entered no integers <= $number
+integers = "None of the inputs you provided were integers less than or equal to ($number)!"
+# Currently out of use
+# Declares $number is not a valid number
+number = "($number) ne es un valid númere!"
+#Currently out of use
+# Declares $repo to not be a valid repository
+repo = "Ínvalid nómine de un repositoria!!"
+# Informs the user that they entered the command "rhino-pkg $subcommand" without a search term, which it requires
+search-arguments = "(ansi color[magenta])rhino-pkg ($subcommand)(ansi reset) requires at least one search term argument."
+# Declares $subcommand is not a valid rhino-pkg command. Instructs user to help page
+subcommand = "'(ansi color[red])($subcommand)(ansi reset)' is not a valid sub-command! To see a list of valid sub-commands run '(ansi color[magenta])rhino-pkg -h(ansi reset)'"
+# Declares that the user entered no sub-command, which rhino-pkg needs. Instructs user to help page
+no-subcommand = "(ansi color[magenta] bold)rhino-pkg(ansi reset) needs a sub-command in order to run. To see these run '(ansi color[magenta])rhino-pkg -h(ansi reset)'."
+#Questions to ask the user
+# Asks a generic "Are you sure", **make sure the y and N in the prompt are not changed, y and N are not to be translated**
+sure = "Esque vu es cert?: ((ansi color[green] bold)y(ansi reset)/(ansi color[red] bold)N(ansi reset))"
+# Asks user to select package(s) 0- $index to install
+which-install = "Selecter un paccage a installar [0-($index)]:"
+# Asks user to select package(s) 0- $index to remove
+which-remove = "Selecter un paccage a remover [0-($index)]:"
+# Asks user to select packages(s) 0- $index to recieve information about
+which-info = "Select which package(s) to recieve info about [0-($index)]:"
+# Asks user if they are sure to upgrade all packages **make sure y and N in the prompt are not changed, y and N are not to be translated**
+upgrade = "Esque vu vole actualisar omni paccages?: ((ansi color[green] bold)y(ansi reset)/(ansi color[red] bold)N(ansi reset))"
+# Declare "Searching [package manager]…"
+apt = "Serchante (ansi color[green] bold)apt(ansi reset)…"
+pacstall = "Serchante (ansi color[yellow] bold)Pacstall(ansi reset)…"
+snap = "Serchante (ansi color[red] bold)snap(ansi reset)…"
+flatpak = "Serchante (ansi color[cyan] bold)flatpak(ansi reset)…"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/translation_tomls/it.toml b/translation_tomls/it.toml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c792488
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translation_tomls/it.toml
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+#two letters matching the ISO 639-1 code for your language
+language = ""
+#if you are doing a general translation, leave this xx, otherwise, match this to the 2 letter ISO 3166-1 code for the territory you are coding for
+territory = "xx"
+#this will almost alway be left as "blank". If you are making a specific translation for a POSIX locale code, this is what follows the @ symbol
+modifier = "blank"
+#name of language toml (without the extension) to fall back to in case of incomplete translation
+fallback = "en"
+# Declares $matches package(s) were found matching $search
+found-matching = "Sono stati trovati pacchetti corrispondenti a '(ansi color[($color)] bold)($search)(ansi reset)':"
+# Declares no packages were found matching $search ($search is $color)
+none-matching = "Nessun pacchetto corrispondente a '(ansi color[($color)] bold)($search)(ansi reset)' trovato!"
+# Declares $package from $manager is being selected for installation ($package & $manager are $color)
+install-select = "Selezionando (ansi color[($color)] bold)($package)(ansi reset) dal gestore di pacchetti (ansi color[($color))] bold)($manager)(ansi reset)"
+# Declares $package from $manager is being selected for removal ($package & $manager are $color)
+remove-select = "Selezionando (ansi color[($color)] bold)($package)(ansi reset) dal gestore di pacchetti (ansi color[($color))] bold)($manager)(ansi reset)"
+# Declares the $package from $manager is being skipped (in the process of installation/removal) ($package & $manager are $color)
+skipping = "Skipping (ansi color[($color)] bold)($package)(ansi reset) from (ansi color[($color)] bold)($manager)(ansi reset)."
+# Various error conditions, when user enters wrong data
+# Declares that the user entered no integers <= $number
+integers = "None of the inputs you provided were integers less than or equal to ($number)!"
+# Currently out of use
+# Declares $number is not a valid number
+number = "($number) non è un numero valido!"
+#Currently out of use
+# Declares $repo to not be a valid repository
+repo = "Nome del repository non valido!"
+# Informs the user that they entered the command "rhino-pkg $subcommand" without a search term, which it requires
+search-arguments = "(ansi color[magenta])rhino-pkg ($subcommand)(ansi reset) requires at least one search term argument."
+# Declares $subcommand is not a valid rhino-pkg command. Instructs user to help page
+subcommand = "'(ansi color[red])($subcommand)(ansi reset)' is not a valid sub-command! To see a list of valid sub-commands run '(ansi color[magenta])rhino-pkg -h(ansi reset)'"
+# Declares that the user entered no sub-command, which rhino-pkg needs. Instructs user to help page
+no-subcommand = "(ansi color[magenta] bold)rhino-pkg(ansi reset) needs a sub-command in order to run. To see these run '(ansi color[magenta])rhino-pkg -h(ansi reset)'."
+#Questions to ask the user
+# Asks a generic "Are you sure", **make sure the y and N in the prompt are not changed, y and N are not to be translated**
+sure = "Are you sure?: ((ansi color[green] bold)y(ansi reset)/(ansi color[red] bold)N(ansi reset))"
+# Asks user to select package(s) 0- $index to install
+which-install = "Seleziona il pacchetto da installare [0-($index)]:"
+# Asks user to select package(s) 0- $index to remove
+which-remove = "Select which package(s) to remove [0-($index)]:"
+# Asks user to select packages(s) 0- $index to recieve information about
+which-info = "Select which package(s) to recieve info about [0-($index)]:"
+# Asks user if they are sure to upgrade all packages **make sure y and N in the prompt are not changed, y and N are not to be translated**
+upgrade = "Are you sure you want to upgrade all packages?: ((ansi color[green] bold)y(ansi reset)/(ansi color[red] bold)N(ansi reset))"
+# Declare "Searching [package manager]…"
+apt = "Cercando su (ansi color[green] bold)apt(ansi reset)…"
+pacstall = "Cercando su (ansi color[yellow] bold)Pacstall(ansi reset)…"
+snap = "Cercando su (ansi color[red] bold)snap(ansi reset)…"
+flatpak = "Cercando su (ansi color[cyan] bold)flatpak(ansi reset)…"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/translation_tomls/ko.toml b/translation_tomls/ko.toml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..af0f4f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translation_tomls/ko.toml
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+#two letters matching the ISO 639-1 code for your language
+language = "ko"
+#if you are doing a general translation, leave this xx, otherwise, match this to the 2 letter ISO 3166-1 code for the territory you are coding for
+territory = "xx"
+#this will almost alway be left as "blank". If you are making a specific translation for a POSIX locale code, this is what follows the @ symbol
+modifier = "blank"
+#name of language toml (without the extension) to fall back to in case of incomplete translation
+fallback = "en"
+translator = "DtotheFuture "
+# Declares $matches package(s) were found matching $search
+found-matching = "'(ansi color[($color)] bold)($search)(ansi reset)' 와 일치하는 패키지를 찾았습니다:"
+# Declares no packages were found matching $search ($search is $color)
+none-matching = "'(ansi color[($color)] bold)($search)(ansi reset)' 와 일치하는 패키지를 찾을 수 없습니다!"
+# Declares $package from $manager is being selected for installation ($package & $manager are $color)
+install-select = "패키지 관리자 (ansi color[($color)] bold)($manager)(ansi reset) 에서 (ansi color[($color))] bold)($package)(ansi reset) 를 선택했습니다"
+# Declares $package from $manager is being selected for removal ($package & $manager are $color)
+remove-select = "패키지 관리자 (ansi color[($color)] bold)($manager)(ansi reset) 에서 (ansi color[($color))] bold)($package)(ansi reset) 를 선택했습니다"
+# Declares the $package from $manager is being skipped (in the process of installation/removal) ($package & $manager are $color)
+skipping = "Skipping (ansi color[($color)] bold)($package)(ansi reset) from (ansi color[($color)] bold)($manager)(ansi reset)."
+# Various error conditions, when user enters wrong data
+# Declares that the user entered no integers <= $number
+integers = "None of the inputs you provided were integers less than or equal to ($number)!"
+# Currently out of use
+# Declares $number is not a valid number
+number = "($number) 은 유효한 번호가 아닙니다!"
+#Currently out of use
+# Declares $repo to not be a valid repository
+repo = "저장소 이름이 잘못되었습니다!"
+# Informs the user that they entered the command "rhino-pkg $subcommand" without a search term, which it requires
+search-arguments = "(ansi color[magenta])rhino-pkg ($subcommand)(ansi reset) requires at least one search term argument."
+# Declares $subcommand is not a valid rhino-pkg command. Instructs user to help page
+subcommand = "'(ansi color[red])($subcommand)(ansi reset)' is not a valid sub-command! To see a list of valid sub-commands run '(ansi color[magenta])rhino-pkg -h(ansi reset)'"
+# Declares that the user entered no sub-command, which rhino-pkg needs. Instructs user to help page
+no-subcommand = "(ansi color[magenta] bold)rhino-pkg(ansi reset) needs a sub-command in order to run. To see these run '(ansi color[magenta])rhino-pkg -h(ansi reset)'."
+#Questions to ask the user
+# Asks a generic "Are you sure", **make sure the y and N in the prompt are not changed, y and N are not to be translated**
+sure = "Are you sure?: ((ansi color[green] bold)y(ansi reset)/(ansi color[red] bold)N(ansi reset))"
+# Asks user to select package(s) 0- $index to install
+which-install = "설치할 패키지를 선택해주세요 [0-($index)]:"
+# Asks user to select package(s) 0- $index to remove
+which-remove = "Select which package(s) to remove [0-($index)]:"
+# Asks user to select packages(s) 0- $index to recieve information about
+which-info = "Select which package(s) to recieve info about [0-($index)]:"
+# Asks user if they are sure to upgrade all packages **make sure y and N in the prompt are not changed, y and N are not to be translated**
+upgrade = "Are you sure you want to upgrade all packages?: ((ansi color[green] bold)y(ansi reset)/(ansi color[red] bold)N(ansi reset))"
+# Declare "Searching [package manager]…"
+apt = "(ansi color[green] bold)APT(ansi reset) 검색 중…"
+pacstall = "(ansi color[yellow] bold)Pacstall(ansi reset) 검색 중…"
+snap = "(ansi color[red] bold)Snap(ansi reset) 검색 중…"
+flatpak = "(ansi color[cyan] bold)Flatpak(ansi reset) 검색 중…"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/translation_tomls/lang-template.toml b/translation_tomls/lang-template.toml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..505ad83
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translation_tomls/lang-template.toml
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+#two letters matching the ISO 639-1 code for your language
+language = ""
+#if you are doing a general translation, leave this xx, otherwise, match this to the 2 letter ISO 3166-1 code for the territory you are coding for
+territory = "xx"
+#this will almost alway be left as "blank". If you are making a specific translation for a POSIX locale code, this is what follows the @ symbol
+modifier = "blank"
+#name of language toml (without the extension) to fall back to in case of incomplete translation
+fallback = "en"
+# Declares $matches package(s) were found matching $search
+found-matching = "Found ($matches) package(s) matching '(ansi color[($color)] bold)($search)(ansi reset)':"
+# Declares no packages were found matching $search ($search is $color)
+none-matching = "No packages found matching '(ansi color[($color)] bold)($search)(ansi reset)'!"
+# Declares $package from $manager is being selected for installation ($package & $manager are $color)
+install-select = "Selecting (ansi color[($color)] bold)($package)(ansi reset) from (ansi color[($color))] bold)($manager)(ansi reset) for installation."
+# Declares $package from $manager is being selected for removal ($package & $manager are $color)
+remove-select = "Selecting (ansi color[($color)] bold)($package)(ansi reset) from (ansi color[($color)] bold)($manager)(ansi reset) for removal."
+# Declares the $package from $manager is being skipped (in the process of installation/removal) ($package & $manager are $color)
+skipping = "Skipping (ansi color[($color)] bold)($package)(ansi reset) from (ansi color[($color)] bold)($manager)(ansi reset)."
+# Various error conditions, when user enters wrong data
+# Declares that the user entered no integers <= $number
+integers = "None of the inputs you provided were integers less than or equal to ($number)!"
+# Currently out of use
+# Declares $number is not a valid number
+number = "($number) is not a valid number!"
+#Currently out of use
+# Declares $repo to not be a valid repository
+repo = "($repo) is not a valid repository!"
+# Informs the user that they entered the command "rhino-pkg $subcommand" without a search term, which it requires
+search-arguments = "(ansi color[magenta])rhino-pkg ($subcommand)(ansi reset) requires at least one search term argument."
+# Declares $subcommand is not a valid rhino-pkg command. Instructs user to help page
+subcommand = "'(ansi color[red])($subcommand)(ansi reset)' is not a valid sub-command! To see a list of valid sub-commands run '(ansi color[magenta])rhino-pkg -h(ansi reset)'"
+# Declares that the user entered no sub-command, which rhino-pkg needs. Instructs user to help page
+no-subcommand = "(ansi color[magenta] bold)rhino-pkg(ansi reset) needs a sub-command in order to run. To see these run '(ansi color[magenta])rhino-pkg -h(ansi reset)'."
+#Questions to ask the user
+# Asks a generic "Are you sure", **make sure the y and N in the prompt are not changed, y and N are not to be translated**
+sure = "Are you sure?: ((ansi color[green] bold)y(ansi reset)/(ansi color[red] bold)N(ansi reset))"
+# Asks user to select package(s) 0- $index to install
+which-install = "Select which package(s) to install [0-($index)]:"
+# Asks user to select package(s) 0- $index to remove
+which-remove = "Select which package(s) to remove [0-($index)]:"
+# Asks user to select packages(s) 0- $index to recieve information about
+which-info = "Select which package(s) to recieve info about [0-($index)]:"
+# Asks user if they are sure to upgrade all packages **make sure y and N in the prompt are not changed, y and N are not to be translated**
+upgrade = "Are you sure you want to upgrade all packages?: ((ansi color[green] bold)y(ansi reset)/(ansi color[red] bold)N(ansi reset))"
+# Declare "Searching [package manager]…"
+apt = "Searching (ansi color[green] bold)apt(ansi reset)…"
+pacstall = "Searching (ansi color[yellow] bold)Pacstall(ansi reset)…"
+snap = "Searching (ansi color[red] bold)snap(ansi reset)…"
+flatpak = "Searching (ansi color[cyan] bold)flatpak(ansi reset)…"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/translation_tomls/nl.toml b/translation_tomls/nl.toml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4fd03c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translation_tomls/nl.toml
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+#two letters matching the ISO 639-1 code for your language
+language = "nl"
+#if you are doing a general translation, leave this xx, otherwise, match this to the 2 letter ISO 3166-1 code for the territory you are coding for
+territory = "xx"
+#this will almost alway be left as "blank". If you are making a specific translation for a POSIX locale code, this is what follows the @ symbol
+modifier = "blank"
+#name of language toml (without the extension) to fall back to in case of incomplete translation
+fallback = "en"
+# Declares $matches package(s) were found matching $search
+found-matching = "Pakketten die overeenkomen met '(ansi color[($color)] bold)($search)(ansi reset)':"
+# Declares no packages were found matching $search ($search is $color)
+none-matching = "Er zijn geen pakketten gevonden die overeenkomen met '(ansi color[($color)] bold)($search)(ansi reset)'!"
+# Declares $package from $manager is being selected for installation ($package & $manager are $color)
+install-select = "Keuzes: (ansi color[($color)] bold)($package)(ansi reset) met behulp van pakketbeheerder (ansi color[($color))] bold)($manager)(ansi reset)."
+# Declares $package from $manager is being selected for removal ($package & $manager are $color)
+remove-select = "Keuzes: (ansi color[($color)] bold)($package)(ansi reset) met behulp van pakketbeheerder (ansi color[($color))] bold)($manager)(ansi reset)."
+# Declares the $package from $manager is being skipped (in the process of installation/removal) ($package & $manager are $color)
+skipping = "Skipping (ansi color[($color)] bold)($package)(ansi reset) from (ansi color[($color)] bold)($manager)(ansi reset)."
+# Various error conditions, when user enters wrong data
+# Declares that the user entered no integers <= $number
+integers = "None of the inputs you provided were integers less than or equal to ($number)!"
+# Currently out of use
+# Declares $number is not a valid number
+number = "($number) is geen geldig getal!"
+#Currently out of use
+# Declares $repo to not be a valid repository
+repo = "De pakketbronnaam is ongeldig!"
+# Informs the user that they entered the command "rhino-pkg $subcommand" without a search term, which it requires
+search-arguments = "(ansi color[magenta])rhino-pkg ($subcommand)(ansi reset) requires at least one search term argument."
+# Declares $subcommand is not a valid rhino-pkg command. Instructs user to help page
+subcommand = "'(ansi color[red])($subcommand)(ansi reset)' is not a valid sub-command! To see a list of valid sub-commands run '(ansi color[magenta])rhino-pkg -h(ansi reset)'"
+# Declares that the user entered no sub-command, which rhino-pkg needs. Instructs user to help page
+no-subcommand = "(ansi color[magenta] bold)rhino-pkg(ansi reset) needs a sub-command in order to run. To see these run '(ansi color[magenta])rhino-pkg -h(ansi reset)'."
+#Questions to ask the user
+# Asks a generic "Are you sure", **make sure the y and N in the prompt are not changed, y and N are not to be translated**
+sure = "Weet u het zeker?: ((ansi color[green] bold)y(ansi reset)/(ansi color[red] bold)N(ansi reset))"
+# Asks user to select package(s) 0- $index to install
+which-install = "Kies de te installeren pakketten [0-($index)]:"
+# Asks user to select package(s) 0- $index to remove
+which-remove = "Kies de te verwijderen pakketten [0-($index)]:"
+# Asks user to select packages(s) 0- $index to recieve information about
+which-info = "Select which package(s) to recieve info about [0-($index)]:"
+# Asks user if they are sure to upgrade all packages **make sure y and N in the prompt are not changed, y and N are not to be translated**
+upgrade = "Weet u zeker dat u alle pakketten wilt bijwerken?: ((ansi color[green] bold)y(ansi reset)/(ansi color[red] bold)N(ansi reset))"
+# Declare "Searching [package manager]…"
+apt = "Bezig met doorzoeken van (ansi color[green] bold)apt(ansi reset)…"
+pacstall = "Bezig met doorzoeken van(ansi color[yellow] bold)Pacstall(ansi reset)…"
+snap = "Bezig met doorzoeken van (ansi color[red] bold)Snap(ansi reset)…"
+flatpak = "Bezig met doorzoeken van (ansi color[cyan] bold)Flatpak(ansi reset)…"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/translation_tomls/pt_br.toml b/translation_tomls/pt_br.toml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fe82969
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translation_tomls/pt_br.toml
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+#two letters matching the ISO 639-1 code for your language
+language = "pr"
+#if you are doing a general translation, leave this xx, otherwise, match this to the 2 letter ISO 3166-1 code for the territory you are coding for
+territory = "br"
+#this will almost alway be left as "blank". If you are making a specific translation for a POSIX locale code, this is what follows the @ symbol
+modifier = "blank"
+#name of language toml (without the extension) to fall back to in case of incomplete translation
+fallback = "en"
+translater = "Raul Dipeas "
+# Declares $matches package(s) were found matching $search
+found-matching = "Pacotes encontrados correspondentes a '(ansi color[($color)] bold)($search)(ansi reset)':"
+# Declares no packages were found matching $search ($search is $color)
+none-matching = "Nenhum pacote encontrado correspondente a '(ansi color[($color)] bold)($search)(ansi reset)'!"
+# Declares $package from $manager is being selected for installation ($package & $manager are $color)
+install-select = "Selecionando (ansi color[($color)] bold)($package)(ansi reset) do gerenciador de pacotes (ansi color[($color))] bold)($manager)(ansi reset) for installation."
+# Declares $package from $manager is being selected for removal ($package & $manager are $color)
+remove-select = "Selecting (ansi color[($color)] bold)($package)(ansi reset) from (ansi color[($color)] bold)($manager)(ansi reset) for removal."
+# Declares the $package from $manager is being skipped (in the process of installation/removal) ($package & $manager are $color)
+skipping = "Skipping (ansi color[($color)] bold)($package)(ansi reset) from (ansi color[($color)] bold)($manager)(ansi reset)."
+# Various error conditions, when user enters wrong data
+# Declares that the user entered no integers <= $number
+integers = "None of the inputs you provided were integers less than or equal to ($number)!"
+# Currently out of use
+# Declares $number is not a valid number
+number = "($number) não é um número válido!"
+#Currently out of use
+# Declares $repo to not be a valid repository
+repo = "Nome de repositório inválido!"
+# Informs the user that they entered the command "rhino-pkg $subcommand" without a search term, which it requires
+search-arguments = "(ansi color[magenta])rhino-pkg ($subcommand)(ansi reset) requires at least one search term argument."
+# Declares $subcommand is not a valid rhino-pkg command. Instructs user to help page
+subcommand = "'(ansi color[red])($subcommand)(ansi reset)' is not a valid sub-command! To see a list of valid sub-commands run '(ansi color[magenta])rhino-pkg -h(ansi reset)'"
+# Declares that the user entered no sub-command, which rhino-pkg needs. Instructs user to help page
+no-subcommand = "(ansi color[magenta] bold)rhino-pkg(ansi reset) needs a sub-command in order to run. To see these run '(ansi color[magenta])rhino-pkg -h(ansi reset)'."
+#Questions to ask the user
+# Asks a generic "Are you sure", **make sure the y and N in the prompt are not changed, y and N are not to be translated**
+sure = "Tem certeza?: ((ansi color[green] bold)y(ansi reset)/(ansi color[red] bold)N(ansi reset))"
+# Asks user to select package(s) 0- $index to install
+which-install = "Selecione qual pacote instalar [0-($index)]:"
+# Asks user to select package(s) 0- $index to remove
+which-remove = "Selecione qual pacote remover [0-($index)]:"
+# Asks user to select packages(s) 0- $index to recieve information about
+which-info = "Select which package(s) to recieve info about [0-($index)]:"
+# Asks user if they are sure to upgrade all packages **make sure y and N in the prompt are not changed, y and N are not to be translated**
+upgrade = "Tem certeza de que deseja atualizar todos os pacotes?: ((ansi color[green] bold)y(ansi reset)/(ansi color[red] bold)N(ansi reset))"
+# Declare "Searching [package manager]…"
+apt = "Procurando (ansi color[green] bold)apt(ansi reset)…"
+pacstall = "Procurando(ansi color[yellow] bold)Pacstall(ansi reset)…"
+snap = "Procurando (ansi color[red] bold)snap(ansi reset)…"
+flatpak = "Procurando (ansi color[cyan] bold)flatpak(ansi reset)…"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/translation_tomls/ro.toml b/translation_tomls/ro.toml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1f57d5c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translation_tomls/ro.toml
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+#two letters matching the ISO 639-1 code for your language
+language = "ro"
+#if you are doing a general translation, leave this xx, otherwise, match this to the 2 letter ISO 3166-1 code for the territory you are coding for
+territory = "xx"
+#this will almost alway be left as "blank". If you are making a specific translation for a POSIX locale code, this is what follows the @ symbol
+modifier = "blank"
+#name of language toml (without the extension) to fall back to in case of incomplete translation
+fallback = "en"
+translator = "Elsie "
+# Declares $matches package(s) were found matching $search
+found-matching = "Următoarele aplicații care se potrivesc cu '(ansi color[($color)] bold)($search)(ansi reset)' au fost găsite:"
+# Declares no packages were found matching $search ($search is $color)
+none-matching = "Nu au fost găsite aplicații care să se potrivească cu '(ansi color[($color)] bold)($search)(ansi reset)'!"
+# Declares $package from $manager is being selected for installation ($package & $manager are $color)
+install-select = "Ai selectat (ansi color[($color)] bold)($package)(ansi reset) din registrul de aplicații (ansi color[($color))] bold)($manager)(ansi reset)"
+# Declares $package from $manager is being selected for removal ($package & $manager are $color)
+remove-select = "Ai selectat (ansi color[($color)] bold)($package)(ansi reset) din registrul de aplicații (ansi color[($color))] bold)($manager)(ansi reset)"
+# Declares the $package from $manager is being skipped (in the process of installation/removal) ($package & $manager are $color)
+skipping = "Skipping (ansi color[($color)] bold)($package)(ansi reset) from (ansi color[($color)] bold)($manager)(ansi reset)."
+# Various error conditions, when user enters wrong data
+# Declares that the user entered no integers <= $number
+integers = "None of the inputs you provided were integers less than or equal to ($number)!"
+# Currently out of use
+# Declares $number is not a valid number
+number = "($number) nu este un număr valid!"
+#Currently out of use
+# Declares $repo to not be a valid repository
+repo = "Acest registru de aplicații nu există!"
+# Informs the user that they entered the command "rhino-pkg $subcommand" without a search term, which it requires
+search-arguments = "(ansi color[magenta])rhino-pkg ($subcommand)(ansi reset) requires at least one search term argument."
+# Declares $subcommand is not a valid rhino-pkg command. Instructs user to help page
+subcommand = "'(ansi color[red])($subcommand)(ansi reset)' is not a valid sub-command! To see a list of valid sub-commands run '(ansi color[magenta])rhino-pkg -h(ansi reset)'"
+# Declares that the user entered no sub-command, which rhino-pkg needs. Instructs user to help page
+no-subcommand = "(ansi color[magenta] bold)rhino-pkg(ansi reset) needs a sub-command in order to run. To see these run '(ansi color[magenta])rhino-pkg -h(ansi reset)'."
+#Questions to ask the user
+# Asks a generic "Are you sure", **make sure the y and N in the prompt are not changed, y and N are not to be translated**
+sure = "Are you sure?: ((ansi color[green] bold)y(ansi reset)/(ansi color[red] bold)N(ansi reset))"
+# Asks user to select package(s) 0- $index to install
+which-install = "Selectează care aplicație să fie instalată [0-($index)]:"
+# Asks user to select package(s) 0- $index to remove
+which-remove = "Select which package(s) to remove [0-($index)]:"
+# Asks user to select packages(s) 0- $index to recieve information about
+which-info = "Select which package(s) to recieve info about [0-($index)]:"
+# Asks user if they are sure to upgrade all packages **make sure y and N in the prompt are not changed, y and N are not to be translated**
+upgrade = "Are you sure you want to upgrade all packages?: ((ansi color[green] bold)y(ansi reset)/(ansi color[red] bold)N(ansi reset))"
+# Declare "Searching [package manager]…"
+apt = "Căutare în (ansi color[green] bold)apt(ansi reset)…"
+pacstall = "Căutare în (ansi color[yellow] bold)Pacstall(ansi reset)…"
+snap = "Căutare în (ansi color[red] bold)snap(ansi reset)…"
+flatpak = "Căutare în (ansi color[cyan] bold)flatpak(ansi reset)…"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/translation_tomls/ru.toml b/translation_tomls/ru.toml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..23abfdb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translation_tomls/ru.toml
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+#two letters matching the ISO 639-1 code for your language
+language = "ru"
+#if you are doing a general translation, leave this xx, otherwise, match this to the 2 letter ISO 3166-1 code for the territory you are coding for
+territory = "xx"
+#this will almost alway be left as "blank". If you are making a specific translation for a POSIX locale code, this is what follows the @ symbol
+modifier = "blank"
+#name of language toml (without the extension) to fall back to in case of incomplete translation
+fallback = "en"
+translater = "OIS "
+# Declares $matches package(s) were found matching $search
+found-matching = "Пакеты по шаблону '(ansi color[($color)] bold)($search)(ansi reset)':"
+# Declares no packages were found matching $search ($search is $color)
+none-matching = "Не найдены пакеты по шаблону '(ansi color[($color)] bold)($search)(ansi reset)'!"
+# Declares $package from $manager is being selected for installation ($package & $manager are $color)
+install-select = "Выбран (ansi color[($color)] bold)($package)(ansi reset) из менеджера пакетов (ansi color[($color))] bold)($manager)(ansi reset)."
+# Declares $package from $manager is being selected for removal ($package & $manager are $color)
+remove-select = "Выбран (ansi color[($color)] bold)($package)(ansi reset) из менеджера пакетов (ansi color[($color))] bold)($manager)(ansi reset)."
+# Declares the $package from $manager is being skipped (in the process of installation/removal) ($package & $manager are $color)
+skipping = "Skipping (ansi color[($color)] bold)($package)(ansi reset) from (ansi color[($color)] bold)($manager)(ansi reset)."
+# Various error conditions, when user enters wrong data
+# Declares that the user entered no integers <= $number
+integers = "None of the inputs you provided were integers less than or equal to ($number)!"
+# Currently out of use
+# Declares $number is not a valid number
+number = "($number) не является числом!"
+#Currently out of use
+# Declares $repo to not be a valid repository
+repo = "Неверное имя репозитория!"
+# Informs the user that they entered the command "rhino-pkg $subcommand" without a search term, which it requires
+search-arguments = "(ansi color[magenta])rhino-pkg ($subcommand)(ansi reset) requires at least one search term argument."
+# Declares $subcommand is not a valid rhino-pkg command. Instructs user to help page
+subcommand = "'(ansi color[red])($subcommand)(ansi reset)' is not a valid sub-command! To see a list of valid sub-commands run '(ansi color[magenta])rhino-pkg -h(ansi reset)'"
+# Declares that the user entered no sub-command, which rhino-pkg needs. Instructs user to help page
+no-subcommand = "(ansi color[magenta] bold)rhino-pkg(ansi reset) needs a sub-command in order to run. To see these run '(ansi color[magenta])rhino-pkg -h(ansi reset)'."
+#Questions to ask the user
+# Asks a generic "Are you sure", **make sure the y and N in the prompt are not changed, y and N are not to be translated**
+sure = "Вы уверены?: ((ansi color[green] bold)y(ansi reset)/(ansi color[red] bold)N(ansi reset))"
+# Asks user to select package(s) 0- $index to install
+which-install = "Выберите устанавливаемый пакет [0-($index)]:"
+# Asks user to select package(s) 0- $index to remove
+which-remove = "Выберите удаляемый пакет [0-($index)]:"
+# Asks user to select packages(s) 0- $index to recieve information about
+which-info = "Select which package(s) to recieve info about [0-($index)]:"
+# Asks user if they are sure to upgrade all packages **make sure y and N in the prompt are not changed, y and N are not to be translated**
+upgrade = "Обновить все пакеты?: ((ansi color[green] bold)y(ansi reset)/(ansi color[red] bold)N(ansi reset))"
+# Declare "Searching [package manager]…"
+apt = "Поиск в (ansi color[green] bold)apt(ansi reset)…"
+pacstall = "Поиск в (ansi color[yellow] bold)Pacstall(ansi reset)…"
+snap = "Поиск в (ansi color[red] bold)snap(ansi reset)…"
+flatpak = "Поиск в (ansi color[cyan] bold)flatpak(ansi reset)…"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/translation_tomls/sv.toml b/translation_tomls/sv.toml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4194897
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translation_tomls/sv.toml
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+#two letters matching the ISO 639-1 code for your language
+language = "sv"
+#if you are doing a general translation, leave this xx, otherwise, match this to the 2 letter ISO 3166-1 code for the territory you are coding for
+territory = "xx"
+#this will almost alway be left as "blank". If you are making a specific translation for a POSIX locale code, this is what follows the @ symbol
+modifier = "blank"
+#name of language toml (without the extension) to fall back to in case of incomplete translation
+fallback = "en"
+# Declares $matches package(s) were found matching $search
+found-matching = "Hittade paket som liknar '(ansi color[($color)] bold)($search)(ansi reset)':"
+# Declares no packages were found matching $search ($search is $color)
+none-matching = "Inga paket hittas som liknar '(ansi color[($color)] bold)($search)(ansi reset)'!"
+# Declares $package from $manager is being selected for installation ($package & $manager are $color)
+install-select = "Väljer (ansi color[($color)] bold)($package)(ansi reset) från pakethanterare (ansi color[($color))] bold)($manager)(ansi reset)"
+# Declares $package from $manager is being selected for removal ($package & $manager are $color)
+remove-select = "Väljer (ansi color[($color)] bold)($package)(ansi reset) från pakethanterare (ansi color[($color))] bold)($manager)(ansi reset)"
+# Declares the $package from $manager is being skipped (in the process of installation/removal) ($package & $manager are $color)
+skipping = "Skipping (ansi color[($color)] bold)($package)(ansi reset) from (ansi color[($color)] bold)($manager)(ansi reset)."
+# Various error conditions, when user enters wrong data
+# Declares that the user entered no integers <= $number
+integers = "None of the inputs you provided were integers less than or equal to ($number)!"
+# Currently out of use
+# Declares $number is not a valid number
+number = "($number) är inte ett giltigt nummer!"
+#Currently out of use
+# Declares $repo to not be a valid repository
+repo = "Ojiltigt arkivnamn!"
+# Informs the user that they entered the command "rhino-pkg $subcommand" without a search term, which it requires
+search-arguments = "(ansi color[magenta])rhino-pkg ($subcommand)(ansi reset) requires at least one search term argument."
+# Declares $subcommand is not a valid rhino-pkg command. Instructs user to help page
+subcommand = "'(ansi color[red])($subcommand)(ansi reset)' is not a valid sub-command! To see a list of valid sub-commands run '(ansi color[magenta])rhino-pkg -h(ansi reset)'"
+# Declares that the user entered no sub-command, which rhino-pkg needs. Instructs user to help page
+no-subcommand = "(ansi color[magenta] bold)rhino-pkg(ansi reset) needs a sub-command in order to run. To see these run '(ansi color[magenta])rhino-pkg -h(ansi reset)'."
+#Questions to ask the user
+# Asks a generic "Are you sure", **make sure the y and N in the prompt are not changed, y and N are not to be translated**
+sure = "Are you sure?: ((ansi color[green] bold)y(ansi reset)/(ansi color[red] bold)N(ansi reset))"
+# Asks user to select package(s) 0- $index to install
+which-install = "Välj vilket paket att installera [0-($index)]:"
+# Asks user to select package(s) 0- $index to remove
+which-remove = "Select which package(s) to remove [0-($index)]:"
+# Asks user to select packages(s) 0- $index to recieve information about
+which-info = "Select which package(s) to recieve info about [0-($index)]:"
+# Asks user if they are sure to upgrade all packages **make sure y and N in the prompt are not changed, y and N are not to be translated**
+upgrade = "Are you sure you want to upgrade all packages?: ((ansi color[green] bold)y(ansi reset)/(ansi color[red] bold)N(ansi reset))"
+# Declare "Searching [package manager]…"
+apt = "Söker i (ansi color[green] bold)apt(ansi reset)…"
+pacstall = "Söker i (ansi color[yellow] bold)Pacstall(ansi reset)…"
+snap = "Söker i (ansi color[red] bold)snap(ansi reset)…"
+flatpak = "Söker i (ansi color[cyan] bold)flatpak(ansi reset)…"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/translation_tomls/uk.toml b/translation_tomls/uk.toml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..556755d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translation_tomls/uk.toml
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+#two letters matching the ISO 639-1 code for your language
+language = "uk"
+#if you are doing a general translation, leave this xx, otherwise, match this to the 2 letter ISO 3166-1 code for the territory you are coding for
+territory = "xx"
+#this will almost alway be left as "blank". If you are making a specific translation for a POSIX locale code, this is what follows the @ symbol
+modifier = "blank"
+#name of language toml (without the extension) to fall back to in case of incomplete translation
+fallback = "en"
+translator = "Dan "
+# Declares $matches package(s) were found matching $search
+found-matching = "Знайдено пакунки, які відповідають '(ansi color[($color)] bold)($search)(ansi reset)':"
+# Declares no packages were found matching $search ($search is $color)
+none-matching = "Не знайдено пакунків, що відповідають '(ansi color[($color)] bold)($search)(ansi reset)'!"
+# Declares $package from $manager is being selected for installation ($package & $manager are $color)
+install-select = "Вибір (ansi color[($color)] bold)($package)(ansi reset) з менеджера пакунків (ansi color[($color))] bold)($manager)(ansi reset) for installation."
+# Declares $package from $manager is being selected for removal ($package & $manager are $color)
+remove-select = "Selecting (ansi color[($color)] bold)($package)(ansi reset) from (ansi color[($color)] bold)($manager)(ansi reset) for removal."
+# Declares the $package from $manager is being skipped (in the process of installation/removal) ($package & $manager are $color)
+skipping = "Skipping (ansi color[($color)] bold)($package)(ansi reset) from (ansi color[($color)] bold)($manager)(ansi reset)."
+# Various error conditions, when user enters wrong data
+# Declares that the user entered no integers <= $number
+integers = "None of the inputs you provided were integers less than or equal to ($number)!"
+# Currently out of use
+# Declares $number is not a valid number
+number = "($number) неприпустиме число!"
+#Currently out of use
+# Declares $repo to not be a valid repository
+repo = "Неправильна назва сховища!"
+# Informs the user that they entered the command "rhino-pkg $subcommand" without a search term, which it requires
+search-arguments = "(ansi color[magenta])rhino-pkg ($subcommand)(ansi reset) requires at least one search term argument."
+# Declares $subcommand is not a valid rhino-pkg command. Instructs user to help page
+subcommand = "'(ansi color[red])($subcommand)(ansi reset)' is not a valid sub-command! To see a list of valid sub-commands run '(ansi color[magenta])rhino-pkg -h(ansi reset)'"
+# Declares that the user entered no sub-command, which rhino-pkg needs. Instructs user to help page
+no-subcommand = "(ansi color[magenta] bold)rhino-pkg(ansi reset) needs a sub-command in order to run. To see these run '(ansi color[magenta])rhino-pkg -h(ansi reset)'."
+#Questions to ask the user
+# Asks a generic "Are you sure", **make sure the y and N in the prompt are not changed, y and N are not to be translated**
+sure = "Ви впевнені?: ((ansi color[green] bold)y(ansi reset)/(ansi color[red] bold)N(ansi reset))"
+# Asks user to select package(s) 0- $index to install
+which-install = "Виберіть, який пакунок встановити [0-($index)]:"
+# Asks user to select package(s) 0- $index to remove
+which-remove = "Виберіть, який пакунок видалити [0-($index)]:"
+# Asks user to select packages(s) 0- $index to recieve information about
+which-info = "Select which package(s) to recieve info about [0-($index)]:"
+# Asks user if they are sure to upgrade all packages **make sure y and N in the prompt are not changed, y and N are not to be translated**
+upgrade = "Ви впевнені, що хочете оновити всі пакунки?: ((ansi color[green] bold)y(ansi reset)/(ansi color[red] bold)N(ansi reset))"
+# Declare "Searching [package manager]…"
+apt = "Пошук (ansi color[green] bold)apt(ansi reset)…"
+pacstall = "Пошук (ansi color[yellow] bold)Pacstall(ansi reset)…"
+snap = "Пошук (ansi color[red] bold)snap(ansi reset)…"
+flatpak = "Пошук (ansi color[cyan] bold)flatpak(ansi reset)…"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/translation_tomls/ur.toml b/translation_tomls/ur.toml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fe873f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translation_tomls/ur.toml
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+#two letters matching the ISO 639-1 code for your language
+language = "ur"
+#if you are doing a general translation, leave this xx, otherwise, match this to the 2 letter ISO 3166-1 code for the territory you are coding for
+territory = "xx"
+#this will almost alway be left as "blank". If you are making a specific translation for a POSIX locale code, this is what follows the @ symbol
+modifier = "blank"
+#name of language toml (without the extension) to fall back to in case of incomplete translation
+fallback = "en"
+translator = "Sourajyoti Basak "
+# Declares $matches package(s) were found matching $search
+found-matching = "'(ansi color[($color)] bold)($search)(ansi reset)' سے مماثل پیکیجز ملے:"
+# Declares no packages were found matching $search ($search is $color)
+none-matching = "'(ansi color[($color)] bold)($search)(ansi reset)' سے مماثل کوئی پیکیج نہیں ملا!"
+# Declares $package from $manager is being selected for installation ($package & $manager are $color)
+install-select = "پیکیج مینیجر سے (ansi color[($color)] bold)($package)(ansi reset) کو منتخب کیا گیا (ansi color[($color))] bold)($manager)(ansi reset)"
+# Declares $package from $manager is being selected for removal ($package & $manager are $color)
+remove-select = "پیکیج مینیجر سے (ansi color[($color)] bold)($package)(ansi reset) کو منتخب کیا گیا (ansi color[($color))] bold)($manager)(ansi reset)"
+# Declares the $package from $manager is being skipped (in the process of installation/removal) ($package & $manager are $color)
+skipping = "Skipping (ansi color[($color)] bold)($package)(ansi reset) from (ansi color[($color)] bold)($manager)(ansi reset)."
+# Various error conditions, when user enters wrong data
+# Declares that the user entered no integers <= $number
+integers = "None of the inputs you provided were integers less than or equal to ($number)!"
+# Currently out of use
+# Declares $number is not a valid number
+number = "($number) درست تعداد نہیں ہے!"
+#Currently out of use
+# Declares $repo to not be a valid repository
+repo = "($repo) is not a valid repository!"
+# Informs the user that they entered the command "rhino-pkg $subcommand" without a search term, which it requires
+search-arguments = "(ansi color[magenta])rhino-pkg ($subcommand)(ansi reset) requires at least one search term argument."
+# Declares $subcommand is not a valid rhino-pkg command. Instructs user to help page
+subcommand = "'(ansi color[red])($subcommand)(ansi reset)' is not a valid sub-command! To see a list of valid sub-commands run '(ansi color[magenta])rhino-pkg -h(ansi reset)'"
+# Declares that the user entered no sub-command, which rhino-pkg needs. Instructs user to help page
+no-subcommand = "(ansi color[magenta] bold)rhino-pkg(ansi reset) needs a sub-command in order to run. To see these run '(ansi color[magenta])rhino-pkg -h(ansi reset)'."
+#Questions to ask the user
+# Asks a generic "Are you sure", **make sure the y and N in the prompt are not changed, y and N are not to be translated**
+sure = "Are you sure?: ((ansi color[green] bold)y(ansi reset)/(ansi color[red] bold)N(ansi reset))"
+# Asks user to select package(s) 0- $index to install
+which-install = "[($index)-0] منتخب کریں کہ کون سا پیکیج انسٹال کرنا ہے:"
+# Asks user to select package(s) 0- $index to remove
+which-remove = "Select which package(s) to remove [0-($index)]:"
+# Asks user to select packages(s) 0- $index to recieve information about
+which-info = "Select which package(s) to recieve info about [0-($index)]:"
+# Asks user if they are sure to upgrade all packages **make sure y and N in the prompt are not changed, y and N are not to be translated**
+upgrade = "Are you sure you want to upgrade all packages?: ((ansi color[green] bold)y(ansi reset)/(ansi color[red] bold)N(ansi reset))"
+# Declare "Searching [package manager]…"
+apt = "(ansi color[green] bold)apt(ansi reset) میں تلاش کر رہا ہے…"
+pacstall = "(ansi color[yellow] bold)Pacstall(ansi reset) میں تلاش کر رہا ہے…"
+snap = "(ansi color[red] bold)snap(ansi reset) میں تلاش کر رہا ہے…"
+flatpak = "(ansi color[cyan] bold)flatpak(ansi reset) میں تلاش کر رہا ہے…"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/translation_tomls/zh_cn.toml b/translation_tomls/zh_cn.toml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..394ea0c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translation_tomls/zh_cn.toml
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+#two letters matching the ISO 639-1 code for your language
+language = "zh"
+#if you are doing a general translation, leave this xx, otherwise, match this to the 2 letter ISO 3166-1 code for the territory you are coding for
+territory = "cn"
+#this will almost alway be left as "blank". If you are making a specific translation for a POSIX locale code, this is what follows the @ symbol
+modifier = "blank"
+#name of language toml (without the extension) to fall back to in case of incomplete translation
+fallback = "en"
+# Declares $matches package(s) were found matching $search
+found-matching = "找到匹配 '(ansi color[($color)] bold)($search)(ansi reset)' 的软件包:"
+# Declares no packages were found matching $search ($search is $color)
+none-matching = "未找到匹配 '(ansi color[($color)] bold)($search)(ansi reset)' 的软件包!"
+# Declares $package from $manager is being selected for installation ($package & $manager are $color)
+install-select = "从软件包管理器 (ansi color[($color)] bold)($manager)(ansi reset) 中选择 (ansi color[($color))] bold)($package)(ansi reset) for installation."
+# Declares $package from $manager is being selected for removal ($package & $manager are $color)
+remove-select = "Selecting (ansi color[($color)] bold)($package)(ansi reset) from (ansi color[($color)] bold)($manager)(ansi reset) for removal."
+# Declares the $package from $manager is being skipped (in the process of installation/removal) ($package & $manager are $color)
+skipping = "Skipping (ansi color[($color)] bold)($package)(ansi reset) from (ansi color[($color)] bold)($manager)(ansi reset)."
+# Various error conditions, when user enters wrong data
+# Declares that the user entered no integers <= $number
+integers = "None of the inputs you provided were integers less than or equal to ($number)!"
+# Currently out of use
+# Declares $number is not a valid number
+number = "($number) 不是一个有效数字!"
+#Currently out of use
+# Declares $repo to not be a valid repository
+repo = "无效仓库名称!"
+# Informs the user that they entered the command "rhino-pkg $subcommand" without a search term, which it requires
+search-arguments = "(ansi color[magenta])rhino-pkg ($subcommand)(ansi reset) requires at least one search term argument."
+# Declares $subcommand is not a valid rhino-pkg command. Instructs user to help page
+subcommand = "'(ansi color[red])($subcommand)(ansi reset)' is not a valid sub-command! To see a list of valid sub-commands run '(ansi color[magenta])rhino-pkg -h(ansi reset)'"
+# Declares that the user entered no sub-command, which rhino-pkg needs. Instructs user to help page
+no-subcommand = "(ansi color[magenta] bold)rhino-pkg(ansi reset) needs a sub-command in order to run. To see these run '(ansi color[magenta])rhino-pkg -h(ansi reset)'."
+#Questions to ask the user
+# Asks a generic "Are you sure", **make sure the y and N in the prompt are not changed, y and N are not to be translated**
+sure = "是否确定?: ((ansi color[green] bold)y(ansi reset)/(ansi color[red] bold)N(ansi reset))"
+# Asks user to select package(s) 0- $index to install
+which-install = "选择要安装的软件包 [0-($index)]:"
+# Asks user to select package(s) 0- $index to remove
+which-remove = "选择要移除的软件包 [0-($index)]:"
+# Asks user to select packages(s) 0- $index to recieve information about
+which-info = "Select which package(s) to recieve info about [0-($index)]:"
+# Asks user if they are sure to upgrade all packages **make sure y and N in the prompt are not changed, y and N are not to be translated**
+upgrade = "确定更新全部软件包?: ((ansi color[green] bold)y(ansi reset)/(ansi color[red] bold)N(ansi reset))"
+# Declare "Searching [package manager]…"
+apt = "正在检索(ansi color[green] bold)apt(ansi reset)…"
+pacstall = "正在检索(ansi color[yellow] bold)Pacstall(ansi reset)…"
+snap = "正在检索(ansi color[red] bold)snap(ansi reset)…"
+flatpak = "正在检索(ansi color[cyan] bold)flatpak(ansi reset)…"
\ No newline at end of file
From dad72551d1124daeb79b52261be650058a422e0a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: wren54 <>
Date: Sun, 10 Dec 2023 22:10:28 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 15/37] Update rhino-pkg
Added --multiterm
Added sequential search, install and remove
Cleaned up functions
rhino-pkg | 207 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------
1 file changed, 155 insertions(+), 52 deletions(-)
diff --git a/rhino-pkg b/rhino-pkg
index 36114ea..a5997d8 100755
--- a/rhino-pkg
+++ b/rhino-pkg
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
#!/usr/bin/env nu
def translation-dir-path [] -> string {
- "/translation_tomls/"
+ "/usr/src/pacstall/rhino-pkg/translation_tomls"
def cmd-exist [input: string] -> bool {
@@ -48,9 +48,10 @@ def search-apt [input: string, desc: bool] -> table {
def prune-search-table [prune_term: string] -> table {
let input_table: table = $in
- $input_table | filter { |row| (($row.package | str contains $prune_term) or ($row.description | str contains $prune_term))}
+ let downcase_prune_term = ($prune_term |str downcase)
+ $input_table | filter { |row| (($row.package | into string | str downcase | str contains $downcase_prune_term) or ($row.description | into string | str downcase | str contains $downcase_prune_term))}
def search-pacstall [input: string] -> table {
if (cmd-exist 'pacstall') {
let pacstall = do { ^pacstall -S $input } | complete
@@ -79,7 +80,48 @@ def search-snap [input: string] -> table {
} else { return [] }
-def search [input: string, searching: bool = true, desc: bool = false, install: bool = false, extra_prune_terms: table = []] {
+#def search-zap [search_term: string] {
+# if (cmd-exist 'zap') {
+# let all_zap_pkgs = ( http get "" | select name summary | rename package description | insert provider zap)
+# $all_zap_pkgs | prune-search-table $search_term
+# } else { [] }
+#USAGE: adds whitespace to the end of a string $in until it is $length characters long
+def add-whitespace-until-string-length [length: int] -> string {
+ let input: string = $in
+ let amount = ($length - ($input | str length --grapheme-clusters))
+ mut whitespace_string = $input
+ for _ in 0..<$amount {
+ $whitespace_string += " "
+ }
+ $whitespace_string
+#USAGE: restricts the string to a single line when it prints it
+def single-line-print [ input: any = ""] {
+ let pipeline: string = ($in | into string)
+ let output :string = ((($pipeline + ($input | into string)) | str replace "\n" " »|« "))
+ let deansi_output = ($output | ansi strip)
+ let num_of_ansis: int = ($output | split row "\e" | length) - 1
+ let ansi_char_difference: int = ($output | str length --grapheme-clusters) - ($deansi_output | str length --grapheme-clusters)
+ mut terminal_width = 100;
+ if (cmd-exist 'tput') {
+ $terminal_width = ((tput cols) | into int)
+ } else if (cmd-exist 'stty') {
+ $terminal_width = ((stty size| split column " ").column2.0 | into int)
+ }
+ if ($deansi_output | str length ) < ($terminal_width - 2) {
+ print $output
+ } else {
+ (($output | str substring --grapheme-clusters 0..<(($terminal_width - 2) - 3 + $ansi_char_difference - ($num_of_ansis * 2))) + $"(ansi reset)...") | print
+ }
+def search [input: string, desc: bool = false, extra_prune_terms: table = []] -> table {
translation-dir-path | translate searching.apt | print
# print "Searching apt…"
let apt = (search-apt $input $desc)
@@ -97,11 +139,11 @@ def search [input: string, searching: bool = true, desc: bool = false, install:
let snap = (search-snap $input)
print -n $"\e[A\e[K"
#print $extra_prune_terms
- mut results = ($flatpak | append $apt | append $pacstall | append $snap)
+ mut results = ($apt | append $pacstall | append $flatpak | append $snap )
#additional search terms management
mut search_term: string = $input
- for i in 0..<($extra_prune_terms | length) {
+ for i in 0..<($extra_prune_terms | length ) {
let prune_term: string = ($extra_prune_terms | select $i).0
# prune the results based on other search terms
$results = ($results | prune-search-table $prune_term)
@@ -114,45 +156,50 @@ def search [input: string, searching: bool = true, desc: bool = false, install:
# print -n $"\e[A\e[K"
if ($results | is-empty) {
# print -e $"No packages found matching '($input)'!"
- translation-dir-path | translate none-matching {search: $search_term } | print
+ translation-dir-path | translate none-matching {search: $search_term, color: "magenta" } | print
exit 1
let results_len = $results | length
- translation-dir-path | translate found-matching {matches: $results_len, search: $search_term} | print
+ (translation-dir-path | translate found-matching {matches: $results_len, search: $search_term, color: "magenta"} ) + "\n" | print
# print $"Found packages matching '(ansi purple_bold)($input)(ansi reset)':\n"
+ #preparation for descriptions
+ mut longest_package_name_length = 0
+ if $desc {
+ #find length of longest package name
+ for i in 0..<$results_len {
+ if (($results.package | select $i).0 | str length --grapheme-clusters) > $longest_package_name_length {
+ $longest_package_name_length = (($results.package | select $i).0 | str length --grapheme-clusters)
+ }
+ }
+ }
mut count = 0
# Loop over results
for $i in $results {
let style = match $i.provider {
- "pacstall" => "yellow_bold",
- "apt" => "green_bold",
- "flatpak" => "cyan_bold",
- "snap" => "red_bold",
- _ => "white_bold",
+ "pacstall" => $"(ansi yellow_bold)",
+ "apt" => $"(ansi green_bold)",
+ "flatpak" => $"(ansi cyan_bold)",
+ "snap" => $"(ansi red_bold)",
+ _ => $"(ansi white_bold)"
if $desc {
if ($i.description | is-empty) {
- print $"[(ansi $style)($count)(ansi reset)]:\t($i.package) \((ansi $style)($i.provider)(ansi reset)\)"
+ single-line-print $"[($style)($count)(ansi reset)]:\t($i.package) \(($style)($i.provider)(ansi reset)\)"
} else {
- print $"[(ansi $style)($count)(ansi reset)]:\t($i.package) (ansi white_bold)»|«(ansi reset) ($i.description) \((ansi $style)($i.provider)(ansi reset)\)"
+ single-line-print $"[($style)($count)(ansi reset)]:\t($i.package | add-whitespace-until-string-length ($longest_package_name_length + 1))(ansi white_bold)»|«(ansi reset) ($i.description) \(($style)($i.provider)(ansi reset)\)"
} else {
- print $"[(ansi $style)($count)(ansi reset)]:\t($i.package) \((ansi $style)($i.provider)(ansi reset)\)"
+ single-line-print $"[($style)($count)(ansi reset)]:\t($i.package) \(($style)($i.provider)(ansi reset)\)"
$count += 1
- if $searching {
- return
- }
- if $install {
- # To the install now!
- install $results true
- } else {
- # Remove
- install $results false
- }
+ return $results
def cleanup [promptless: bool = false] {
@@ -211,19 +258,22 @@ def update [promptless: bool = false] {
if (cmd-exist 'snap') {
^sudo snap refresh
-def install [input: table, install: bool = true] {
+def user-package-selection [ input: table , purpose: string ] -> table {
mut user_input = ""
print ""
let input_final_index = ($input | length) - 1
- if $install {
- $user_input = (input (translation-dir-path| translate ask.which-install {index: $input_final_index}) | into string)
- #$user_input = (input $"Select which package to install [0-(($input | length) - 1)]: " | into int)
- } else {
- $user_input = (input (translation-dir-path| translate ask.which-remove {index: $input_final_index}) | into string)
- #$user_input = (input $"Select which package to remove [0-(($input | length) - 1)]: " | into int)
+ $user_input = match $purpose {
+ "install" => (input (translation-dir-path| translate ask.which-install {index: $input_final_index}) | into string),
+ "info" => (input (translation-dir-path | translate ask.which-info{ index: $input_final_index }) |into string),
+ "remove" => (input (translation-dir-path| translate ask.which-remove {index: $input_final_index}) | into string),
+ _ => []
#uses regex to filter out non-number inputs, then converts to int
@@ -243,9 +293,17 @@ def install [input: table, install: bool = true] {
#user provided no numbers that were valid
if ($user_input_ints | is-empty) {
- let error_msg = translation-dir-path | translate invalid.integers
+ let error_msg = translation-dir-path | translate invalid.integers {number: $input_final_index}
error make {msg: $error_msg}
+ $user_input_ints
+def install-or-remove [install: bool = true] {
+ let input: table = $in
+ let user_input_ints = user-package-selection $input (if $install {"install"} else { "remove" })
$user_input_ints | each { |index|
let pkg = ($input | get $index | get package)
@@ -255,9 +313,9 @@ def install [input: table, install: bool = true] {
#print $"Selecting '(ansi purple_bold)($pkg)(ansi reset)' from package manager '(ansi purple_bold)($provider)(ansi reset)'"
if $install {
- translation-dir-path | translate install-select {package: $pkg, manager: $provider } | print
+ translation-dir-path | translate install-select {package: $pkg, manager: $provider, color: "magenta" } | print
} else {
- translation-dir-path | translate remove-select {package: $pkg, manager: $provider } | print
+ translation-dir-path | translate remove-select {package: $pkg, manager: $provider, color: "magenta" } | print
@@ -267,7 +325,7 @@ def install [input: table, install: bool = true] {
let no: bool = (($sure != "Y") and ($sure != "y"))
# let sure = (input $"Are you sure? \((ansi green_bold)y(ansi reset)/(ansi red_bold)N(ansi reset)\) ")
if $no {
- translation-dir-path | translate skipping {package: $pkg, manager: $provider} | print
+ translation-dir-path | translate skipping {package: $pkg, manager: $provider, color: "magenta"} | print
} else {
if $install {
@@ -276,6 +334,7 @@ def install [input: table, install: bool = true] {
"snap" => (^sudo snap install $pkg),
"apt" => (^sudo apt install $pkg -y),
"flatpak" => (^sudo flatpak install $pkg -y),
+ "zap" => (^sudo zap install $pkg -q)
} else {
match ($provider) {
@@ -283,12 +342,29 @@ def install [input: table, install: bool = true] {
"snap" => (^sudo snap remove $pkg),
"apt" => (^sudo apt remove $pkg -y),
"flatpak" => (^sudo flatpak remove $pkg -y),
+ "zap" => (^sudo zap remove $pkg -q)
+def info [ ] {
+ let input: table = $in
+ let user_input_ints = user-package-selection $input "info"
+def search-cmd-no-args [ ] {
+ let command: string = $in
+ let error_msg = translation-dir-path | translate {subcommand: $command}
+ error make -u {msg: $error_msg}
+ exit 1
# USAGE: rpk [function] {flag}
@@ -316,7 +392,9 @@ def install [input: table, install: bool = true] {
# flags:
# --help/-h: Display this page
+# --multiterm For commands with package search functionality, switches them to accept multiple arguments as additional filtering on a single search
# --description/-d: By default, rpk will only display packages
# that contain within their name. Use this flag to increase
# range and display packages with in their description.
@@ -364,6 +442,7 @@ def install [input: table, install: bool = true] {
def main [
--description (-d) # Increase range and display packages with in their description
--yes (-y) # Makes functions with confirmation prompts run promptless
+ --multiterm # Makes functions with search features use multiple terms, filtering by each term string # 'install', 'remove', 'search', 'update', 'cleanup'
] -> int {
if ($rest | is-empty) {
@@ -371,7 +450,7 @@ def main [
error make -u { msg: $error_msg}
exit 1
# alias catching
mut command = match ($rest.0 | str downcase) {
"install" | "instll" | "instl" | "add" | "nstl" | "i" => "install",
@@ -379,9 +458,11 @@ def main [
"search" | "srch" | "find" | "s" => "search",
"update" | "updt" | "upgrade" | "upd" | "upg" | "u" => "update",
"cleanup" | "clnp" | "cln" | "clean" | "c" => "cleanup",
_ => "invalid"
+# "info" | "information" | "data" | "query" | "qry" | "q" => "info",
if $command == "invalid" {
let error_msg = translation-dir-path | translate invalid.subcommand {subcommand: $rest.0}
error make -u { msg: $error_msg, }
@@ -389,29 +470,50 @@ def main [
if $command == "install" {
if ($rest | length) < 2 { #install was called without a search term
- let error_msg = translation-dir-path | translate {subcommand: $command}
- error make -u {msg: $error_msg}
- exit 1
+ $command | search-cmd-no-args
} else {
- (search $rest.1 false $description true ($rest | skip 2))
+ if $multiterm {
+ (search $rest.1 $description ($rest | skip 2)) | install-or-remove true
+ } else {
+ ($rest | skip 1) | each { |searchterm|
+ (search $searchterm $description) | install-or-remove true
+ }
+ }
if $command == "remove" {
if ($rest | length) < 2 { #remove was called without a search term
- let error_msg = translation-dir-path | translate {subcommand: $command}
- error make -u {msg: $error_msg}
- exit 1
+ $command | search-cmd-no-args
} else {
- (search $rest.1 false $description false ($rest | skip 2))
+ if $multiterm {
+ (search $rest.1 $description ($rest | skip 2)) | install-or-remove false
+ } else {
+ ($rest | skip 1) | each { |searchterm|
+ (search $searchterm $description) | install-or-remove false
+ }
+ }
if $command == "search" {
if ($rest | length) < 2 { #search was called without a search term
- let error_msg = translation-dir-path | translate {subcommand: $command}
- error make -u {msg: $error_msg}
- exit 1
+ $command | search-cmd-no-args
} else {
- (search $rest.1 true $description true ($rest | skip 2))
+ if $multiterm {
+ let search = (search $rest.1 $description ($rest | skip 2))
+ } else {
+ ($rest | skip 1) | each { |searchterm|
+ (search $searchterm $description)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ #currently removed
+ if $command == "info" {
+ if ($rest | length) < 2 { #info was called without a search term
+ $command | search-cmd-no-args
+ } else {
+ (search $rest.1 $description ($rest | skip 2)) | info
@@ -424,3 +526,4 @@ def main [
From e88823f77043ae7baef80e0c0e637685f4e45a07 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: wren54 <>
Date: Sun, 10 Dec 2023 22:14:57 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 16/37] Update rhino-pkg
Forgot final edit to the help function
rhino-pkg | 4 +++-
1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/rhino-pkg b/rhino-pkg
index a5997d8..477eadd 100755
--- a/rhino-pkg
+++ b/rhino-pkg
@@ -393,7 +393,9 @@ def search-cmd-no-args [ ] {
# flags:
# --help/-h: Display this page
-# --multiterm For commands with package search functionality, switches them to accept multiple arguments as additional filtering on a single search
+# --multiterm: For commands with package search functionality,
+# switches them to accept multiple arguments as additional
+# filtering on a single search.
# --description/-d: By default, rpk will only display packages
# that contain within their name. Use this flag to increase
From 43e4c4ed1e8cd4c732e28018bc7ce3c6f505ccdc Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: wren54 <>
Date: Wed, 20 Dec 2023 22:32:13 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 17/37] Update rhino-pkg
moving from vm to bare metal
rhino-pkg | 29 +++++++++++++++++++----------
1 file changed, 19 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)
diff --git a/rhino-pkg b/rhino-pkg
index 477eadd..f7564d0 100755
--- a/rhino-pkg
+++ b/rhino-pkg
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
#!/usr/bin/env nu
def translation-dir-path [] -> string {
- "/usr/src/pacstall/rhino-pkg/translation_tomls"
+ "/usr/src/pacstall/rhino-pkg/translation_tomls/"
def cmd-exist [input: string] -> bool {
@@ -156,12 +156,12 @@ def search [input: string, desc: bool = false, extra_prune_terms: table = []] ->
# print -n $"\e[A\e[K"
if ($results | is-empty) {
# print -e $"No packages found matching '($input)'!"
- translation-dir-path | translate none-matching {search: $search_term, color: "magenta" } | print
+ translation-dir-path | translate none-matching {search: $search_term, color: magenta } | print
exit 1
let results_len = $results | length
- (translation-dir-path | translate found-matching {matches: $results_len, search: $search_term, color: "magenta"} ) + "\n" | print
+ (translation-dir-path | translate found-matching {matches: $results_len, search: $search_term, color: magenta} ) + "\n" | print
# print $"Found packages matching '(ansi purple_bold)($input)(ansi reset)':\n"
#preparation for descriptions
@@ -349,6 +349,19 @@ def install-or-remove [install: bool = true] {
+def sync [ ] {
+ if (cmd-exist 'nala') {
+ ^sudo nala update
+ } else {
+ ^sudo apt update
+ }
+ if (cmd-exist 'flatpak') {
+ ^flatpak update --appstream
+ }
def info [ ] {
let input: table = $in
let user_input_ints = user-package-selection $input "info"
@@ -393,9 +406,7 @@ def search-cmd-no-args [ ] {
# flags:
# --help/-h: Display this page
-# --multiterm: For commands with package search functionality,
-# switches them to accept multiple arguments as additional
-# filtering on a single search.
+# --multiterm For commands with package search functionality, switches them to accept multiple arguments as additional filtering on a single search
# --description/-d: By default, rpk will only display packages
# that contain within their name. Use this flag to increase
@@ -460,7 +471,7 @@ def main [
"search" | "srch" | "find" | "s" => "search",
"update" | "updt" | "upgrade" | "upd" | "upg" | "u" => "update",
"cleanup" | "clnp" | "cln" | "clean" | "c" => "cleanup",
+ "sync" | "refresh" | "rfrsh" | "S" => "sync"
_ => "invalid"
@@ -522,10 +533,8 @@ def main [
match $command {
"update" => (update $yes),
"cleanup" => (cleanup $yes)
+ "sync" => (sync )
From 44b47fe5dd931be8a317126bdc8743d4f1aaeee4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: wren54 <>
Date: Sun, 7 Jan 2024 10:09:41 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 18/37] split rhino-pkg into parts
added the dir "nu-files" which includes the updated and split up rhino-pkg that references different files. Organizes the nu files into the rpk command and then helper scripts that multiple commands reference
nu-files/commands/ | 3 +
nu-files/commands/ | 25 +++
nu-files/commands/ | 49 +++++
nu-files/commands/ | 164 ++++++++++++++++
nu-files/commands/ | 12 ++
nu-files/commands/ | 32 ++++
.../ | 14 ++
nu-files/helper-scripts/ | 4 +
nu-files/helper-scripts/ | 85 +++++++++
nu-files/helper-scripts/ | 3 +
nu-files/helper-scripts/ | 24 +++
.../helper-scripts/ | 5 +
.../helper-scripts/ | 36 ++++
nu-files/rhino-pkg | 175 ++++++++++++++++++
nu-files/ | 121 ++++++++++++
15 files changed, 752 insertions(+)
create mode 100644 nu-files/commands/
create mode 100644 nu-files/commands/
create mode 100644 nu-files/commands/
create mode 100644 nu-files/commands/
create mode 100644 nu-files/commands/
create mode 100644 nu-files/commands/
create mode 100644 nu-files/helper-scripts/
create mode 100644 nu-files/helper-scripts/
create mode 100644 nu-files/helper-scripts/
create mode 100644 nu-files/helper-scripts/
create mode 100644 nu-files/helper-scripts/
create mode 100644 nu-files/helper-scripts/
create mode 100644 nu-files/helper-scripts/
create mode 100644 nu-files/rhino-pkg
create mode 100644 nu-files/
diff --git a/nu-files/commands/ b/nu-files/commands/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1f4c505
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nu-files/commands/
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+# this file is left blank in order to turn the dir helper-scripts into a nu module
+# for more information vist
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/nu-files/commands/ b/nu-files/commands/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..474a0d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nu-files/commands/
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+export def main [promptless: bool = false] {
+ if (cmd-exist 'nala') {
+ ^sudo nala install --fix-broken
+ if $promptless {
+ ^sudo nala autoremove -y
+ } else {
+ ^sudo nala autoremove
+ }
+ } else {
+ ^sudo apt --fix-broken install
+ if $promptless { ^sudo apt auto-remove -y } else { ^sudo apt auto-remove }
+ }
+ if (cmd-exist 'flatpak') {
+ ^sudo flatpak repair
+ if $promptless { ^sudo flatpak uninstall --unused -y } else { ^sudo flatpak uninstall --unused }
+ }
+ if (cmd-exist 'snap') {
+ let snaps = (^snap list --all | detect columns)
+ for $pkg in $snaps {
+ if ($pkg.Notes) =~ "disabled" {
+ ^sudo snap remove $pkg.Name --revision=$pkg.Rev
+ }
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/nu-files/commands/ b/nu-files/commands/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..19a6796
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nu-files/commands/
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+use "../helper-scripts/" [user-package-selection, translation-dir-path]
+export def main [install: bool = true] {
+ let input: table = $in
+ let user_input_ints = user-package-selection $input (if $install {"install"} else { "remove" })
+ $user_input_ints | each { |index|
+ let pkg = ($input | get $index | get package)
+ let provider = ($input | get $index | get provider)
+ #print $"Selecting '(ansi purple_bold)($pkg)(ansi reset)' from package manager '(ansi purple_bold)($provider)(ansi reset)'"
+ if $install {
+ translation-dir-path | translate install-select {package: $pkg, manager: $provider, color: "magenta" } | print
+ } else {
+ translation-dir-path | translate remove-select {package: $pkg, manager: $provider, color: "magenta" } | print
+ }
+ let r_u_sure = translation-dir-path| translate ask.sure
+ let sure = (input --numchar 1 $"($r_u_sure) ")
+ let no: bool = (($sure != "Y") and ($sure != "y"))
+ # let sure = (input $"Are you sure? \((ansi green_bold)y(ansi reset)/(ansi red_bold)N(ansi reset)\) ")
+ if $no {
+ translation-dir-path | translate skipping {package: $pkg, manager: $provider, color: "magenta"} | print
+ } else {
+ if $install {
+ match ($provider) {
+ "pacstall" => (^pacstall -I $pkg),
+ "snap" => (^sudo snap install $pkg),
+ "apt" => (^sudo apt install $pkg -y),
+ "flatpak" => (^sudo flatpak install $pkg -y),
+ "zap" => (^sudo zap install $pkg -q)
+ }
+ } else {
+ match ($provider) {
+ "pacstall" => (^pacstall -R $pkg),
+ "snap" => (^sudo snap remove $pkg),
+ "apt" => (^sudo apt remove $pkg -y),
+ "flatpak" => (^sudo flatpak remove $pkg -y),
+ "zap" => (^sudo zap remove $pkg -q)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/nu-files/commands/ b/nu-files/commands/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1923260
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nu-files/commands/
@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
+use '../helper-scripts/' [cmd-exist, fetch-version, single-line-print, add-whitespace-until-string-length, translation-dir-path]
+def search-apt [input: string, desc: bool] -> table {
+ if (cmd-exist 'apt-cache') {
+ let first_table = if $desc == true {
+ (^apt-cache search $input | lines | parse "{package} - {description}" | insert provider 'apt')
+ } else {
+ (^apt-cache search --names-only $input | lines | parse "{package} - {description}" | insert provider 'apt')
+ }
+ $first_table
+ } else { return [] }
+def search-pacstall [input: string] -> table {
+ if (cmd-exist 'pacstall') {
+ let pacstall = do { ^pacstall -S $input } | complete
+ return ($pacstall.stdout | ansi strip | lines | parse "{package} @ {repo}" | reject repo | insert description '' | insert provider 'pacstall')
+ # if ($result | is-empty) {
+ # print -n $"\e[A\e[K"
+ # }
+ } else { return [] }
+def search-flatpak [input: string, desc: bool] -> table {
+ if (cmd-exist 'flatpak') {
+ if $desc == true {
+ let flatpak = (^flatpak search $input --columns=application | lines | wrap 'package' | insert provider 'flatpak' | merge (^flatpak search $input --columns=description | lines | wrap 'description'))
+ if ($flatpak.package.0 == "No matches found") { return [] } else { return $flatpak }
+ } else {
+ let flatpak = (^flatpak search $input --columns=application | lines | wrap 'package' | insert provider 'flatpak' | insert description '')
+ if ($flatpak.package.0 == "No matches found") { return [] } else { return $flatpak }
+ }
+ } else {print 'flatpak not installed'; return [] }
+def search-snap [input: string] -> table {
+ if (cmd-exist 'snap') {
+ return (^snap search $input | detect columns | get Name | wrap 'package' | insert description '' | insert provider 'snap')
+ } else { return [] }
+def prune-search-table [prune_term: string] -> table {
+ let input_table: table = $in
+ let downcase_prune_term = ($prune_term |str downcase)
+ $input_table | filter { |row| (($row.package | into string | str downcase | str contains $downcase_prune_term) or ($row.description | into string | str downcase | str contains $downcase_prune_term))}
+export def main [input: string, desc: bool = false, extra_prune_terms: table = []] -> table {
+ translation-dir-path | translate searching.apt | print
+ # print "Searching apt…"
+ let apt = (search-apt $input $desc)
+ print -n $"\e[A\e[K"
+ # print "Searching Pacstall…"
+ translation-dir-path | translate searching.pacstall | print
+ let pacstall = (search-pacstall $input)
+ print -n $"\e[A\e[K"
+ # print "Searching flatpak…"
+ translation-dir-path | translate searching.flatpak | print
+ let flatpak = (search-flatpak $input $desc)
+ print -n $"\e[A\e[K"
+ # print "Searching snap…"
+ translation-dir-path | translate searching.snap | print
+ let snap = (search-snap $input)
+ print -n $"\e[A\e[K"
+ #print $extra_prune_terms
+ mut results = ($apt | append $pacstall | append $flatpak | append $snap )
+ #additional search terms management
+ mut search_term: string = $input
+ for i in 0..<($extra_prune_terms | length ) {
+ let prune_term: string = ($extra_prune_terms | select $i).0
+ # prune the results based on other search terms
+ $results = ($results | prune-search-table $prune_term)
+ # making search terms into one string
+ $search_term += " "
+ $search_term += $prune_term
+ }
+ # print -n $"\e[A\e[K"
+ if ($results | is-empty) {
+ # print -e $"No packages found matching '($input)'!"
+ translation-dir-path | translate none-matching {search: $search_term, color: magenta } | print
+ exit 1
+ }
+ let results_len = $results | length
+ (translation-dir-path | translate found-matching {matches: $results_len, search: $search_term, color: magenta} ) + "\n" | print
+ # print $"Found packages matching '(ansi purple_bold)($input)(ansi reset)':\n"
+ mut skip_version_search: bool = false
+ if $results_len > $VERSION_SEARCH_WARN {
+ let prompt = $"Search resulted in over ($VERSION_SEARCH_WARN) packages. Searching whether the packages are installed may take significant time. Would you like to skip this step? \(Y/n\)"
+ let skip = (input --numchar 1 $"($prompt) " | str downcase)
+ $skip_version_search = ($skip != "n")
+ }
+ $results = ($results | insert version '')
+ if not $skip_version_search {
+ let version_table = ($results | calc-version-numbers)
+ $results = ($results | merge $version_table)
+ }
+ #preparation for descriptions
+ mut longest_package_name_length = 0
+ if true {
+ #find length of longest package name
+ for i in 0..<$results_len {
+ if (($results.package | select $i).0 | ansi strip | str length --grapheme-clusters) > $longest_package_name_length {
+ $longest_package_name_length = (($results.package | select $i).0 | ansi strip | str length --grapheme-clusters)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ mut longest_version_length = 0
+ if not $skip_version_search {
+ for i in 0..<$results_len {
+ if (($results.version |select $i).0 | ansi strip | str length --grapheme-clusters) > $longest_version_length {
+ $longest_version_length = (($results.version | select $i).0 | ansi strip | str length --grapheme-clusters)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ mut count = 0
+ # Loop over results
+ let result_max_digits: int = ($results_len | into string | str length --grapheme-clusters)
+ for $i in $results {
+ let style = match $i.provider {
+ "pacstall" => $"(ansi yellow_bold)",
+ "apt" => $"(ansi green_bold)",
+ "flatpak" => $"(ansi cyan_bold)",
+ "snap" => $"(ansi red_bold)",
+ _ => $"(ansi white_bold)"
+ }
+ let number_label: string = ($"[($style)($count)(ansi reset)]:" | add-whitespace-until-string-length ( $result_max_digits + 4 ))
+ let package_label: string = ($"($i.package)" | add-whitespace-until-string-length ($longest_package_name_length + 1) )
+ let version_label: string = ($i.version | add-whitespace-until-string-length ($longest_version_length + 1) )
+ let provider_label: string = ($"\(($style)($i.provider)(ansi reset)\)" | add-whitespace-until-string-length 11 )
+ if $desc {
+ let description = $" ($i.description)"
+ if ($i.description | is-empty) {
+ single-line-print $"($number_label)($package_label)($version_label)($provider_label)"
+ } else {
+ single-line-print $"($number_label)($package_label)($version_label)($provider_label)($description)"
+ }
+ } else {
+ single-line-print $"($number_label)($package_label)($version_label)($provider_label)"
+ }
+ $count += 1
+ }
+ return $results
+def calc-version-numbers [] -> table {
+ let packages_table = $in
+ print "Searching for if any of the packages are installed."
+ let versions = $packages_table | par-each -k { |row| ($row.package | fetch-version $row.provider) }
+ print -n $"\e[A\e[K"
+ $versions | wrap version
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/nu-files/commands/ b/nu-files/commands/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2468779
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nu-files/commands/
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+# Functions like the sync command for pacman
+# Updates all repos that can update their repos
+export def main [ ] {
+ if (cmd-exist 'nala') {
+ ^sudo nala update
+ } else {
+ ^sudo apt update
+ }
+ if (cmd-exist 'flatpak') {
+ ^flatpak update --appstream
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/nu-files/commands/ b/nu-files/commands/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9f4ae13
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nu-files/commands/
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+export def main [promptless: bool = false] {
+ let r_u_sure = translation-dir-path| translate ask.upgrade
+ let sure: string = (input --numchar 1 $"($r_u_sure)")
+ # let sure = (input $"Are you sure you want to update all packages? \((ansi green_bold)y(ansi reset)/(ansi red_bold)N(ansi reset)\) ")
+ let no: bool = (($sure != "Y") and ($sure != "y"))
+ if $no {
+ exit 1
+ }
+ if (cmd-exist 'nala') {
+ if $promptless {
+ ^sudo nala upgrade --full --no-autoremove -o Acquire::AllowReleaseInfoChange="true" -y
+ } else {
+ ^sudo nala upgrade --full --no-autoremove -o Acquire::AllowReleaseInfoChange="true"
+ }
+ } else {
+ ^sudo apt update --allow-releaseinfo-change
+ if $promptless { ^sudo apt upgrade -y } else { ^sudo apt upgrade }
+ }
+ if (cmd-exist 'pacstall') {
+ ^pacstall -U
+ if $promptless { ^pacstall -PUp } else { ^pacstall -Up }
+ }
+ if (cmd-exist 'flatpak') {
+ if $promptless { ^sudo flatpak update -y } else { ^sudo flatpak update }
+ }
+ if (cmd-exist 'snap') {
+ ^sudo snap refresh
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/nu-files/helper-scripts/ b/nu-files/helper-scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0da1eb9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nu-files/helper-scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+#USAGE: adds whitespace to the end of a string $in until it is $length characters long
+export def main [length: int, --front (-f)] -> string {
+ let input: string = $in
+ let amount = ($length - ($input | ansi strip | str length --grapheme-clusters))
+ mut whitespace_string = $input
+ for _ in 0..<$amount {
+ if not $front {
+ $whitespace_string += " "
+ } else {
+ $whitespace_string = " " + $whitespace_string
+ }
+ }
+ $whitespace_string
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/nu-files/helper-scripts/ b/nu-files/helper-scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bbb2628
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nu-files/helper-scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+export def main [input: string] -> bool {
+ let stuff = (which $input)
+ if ($stuff | is-empty) { return false } else if ($stuff).type.0 == "external" { return true }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/nu-files/helper-scripts/ b/nu-files/helper-scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9ea146d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nu-files/helper-scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+use "./" main
+export def main [manager: string] -> string {
+ let package: string = $in
+ if $manager == 'apt' {
+ return ($package | apt-fetch-version)
+ } else if $manager == 'pacstall' {
+ return ($package | pacstall-fetch-version)
+ } else if $manager == 'flatpak' {
+ return ($package | flatpak-fetch-version)
+ } else if $manager == 'snap' {
+ return ($package | snap-fetch-version)
+ } else {
+ }
+def NO_VERSION_INSTALLED [] -> string {
+ $"(ansi red_bold)✕(ansi reset)"
+def apt-fetch-version [] -> string {
+ let package: string = $in
+ let version = if (cmd-exist 'apt') {
+ let query_complete = do { ^dpkg-query --showformat='${Version}' --show $package } | complete
+ if $query_complete.exit_code == 0 {
+ let version = $query_complete.stdout
+ $"(ansi green_bold)($version)(ansi reset)"
+ } else {
+ }
+ } else {
+ }
+ if ($version | ansi strip ) == "" {
+ $"(ansi yellow_bold)?(ansi reset)"
+ } else {
+ $version
+ }
+def pacstall-fetch-version [] -> string {
+ let package: string = $in
+ if (cmd-exist 'pacstall') {
+ let qi_complete = do { ^pacstall -Qi $package version} | complete
+ if $qi_complete.stderr == "" {
+ $"(ansi green_bold)($qi_complete.stdout)(ansi reset)"
+ } else {
+ }
+ } else {
+ }
+def flatpak-fetch-version [] -> string {
+ let package: string = $in
+ if (cmd-exist 'flatpak') {
+ let info_complete = do { ^flatpak info $package } | complete
+ if $info_complete.stderr == "" {
+ let version = $info_complete.stdout | lines | collect { |x| $x.7 | parse --regex '\s*Version: (?P.*)' | collect { |y| $y.version.0 }}
+ $"(ansi green_bold)($version)(ansi reset)"
+ } else {
+ }
+ } else {
+ }
+def snap-fetch-version [] -> string {
+ let package: string = $in
+ if (cmd-exist 'snap') {
+ let list_complete = do { ^snap list $package } | complete
+ if $list_complete.stderr == "" {
+ let version = $list_complete.stdout | lines | skip 1 | collect { |x| $x.0 | split row ' ' | collect { |y| $y.2}}
+ $"(ansi green_bold)($version)(ansi reset)"
+ } else {
+ }
+ } else {
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/nu-files/helper-scripts/ b/nu-files/helper-scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1f4c505
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nu-files/helper-scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+# this file is left blank in order to turn the dir helper-scripts into a nu module
+# for more information vist
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/nu-files/helper-scripts/ b/nu-files/helper-scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b2cf5a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nu-files/helper-scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+use "./" *
+#USAGE: restricts the string to a single line when it prints it
+export def main [ input: any = ""] {
+ let pipeline: string = ($in | into string)
+ let output :string = ((($pipeline + ($input | into string)) | str replace "\n" " »|« "))
+ let deansi_output = ($output | ansi strip)
+ let num_of_ansis: int = ($output | split row "\e" | length) - 1
+ let ansi_char_difference: int = ($output | str length --grapheme-clusters) - ($deansi_output | str length --grapheme-clusters)
+ mut terminal_width = 100;
+ if (cmd-exist 'tput') {
+ $terminal_width = ((tput cols) | into int)
+ } else if (cmd-exist 'stty') {
+ $terminal_width = ((stty size| split column " ").column2.0 | into int)
+ }
+ if ($deansi_output | str length ) < ($terminal_width - 1) {
+ print $output
+ } else {
+ (($output | str substring --grapheme-clusters 0..<(($terminal_width - 1) - 3 + $ansi_char_difference - ($num_of_ansis * 2))) + $"(ansi reset)...") | print
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/nu-files/helper-scripts/ b/nu-files/helper-scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..35788a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nu-files/helper-scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env nu
+export def main [] -> string {
+ # "/usr/src/pacstall/rhino-pkg/translation_tomls/"
+ "/home/wren/Programming/Rhino Linux/rhino-pkg/rhino-pkg-dev/translation_tomls"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/nu-files/helper-scripts/ b/nu-files/helper-scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5b99d48
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nu-files/helper-scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+use "./" main
+export def main [ input: table , purpose: string ] -> table {
+ mut user_input = ""
+ print ""
+ let input_final_index = ($input | length) - 1
+ $user_input = match $purpose {
+ "install" => (input (translation-dir-path| translate ask.which-install {index: $input_final_index}) | into string),
+ "info" => (input (translation-dir-path | translate ask.which-info{ index: $input_final_index }) |into string),
+ "remove" => (input (translation-dir-path| translate ask.which-remove {index: $input_final_index}) | into string),
+ _ => []
+ }
+ #uses regex to filter out non-number inputs, then converts to int
+ mut user_input_ints = ($user_input | split row ' ' | find --regex "[0-9]+" | find --regex "^[0-9]+" | into int)
+ #screens the list for invalid indices
+ mut drop_list: list = []
+ for i in 0..<($user_input_ints | length) {
+ if ($user_input_ints |select $i).0 > $input_final_index {
+ $drop_list = ($drop_list | append $i)
+ }
+ }
+ #prunes invalid indices
+ for i in 0..<($drop_list|length) {
+ $user_input_ints = ($user_input_ints | drop nth ($drop_list| select $i).0)
+ }
+ #user provided no numbers that were valid
+ if ($user_input_ints | is-empty) {
+ let error_msg = translation-dir-path | translate invalid.integers {number: $input_final_index}
+ error make {msg: $error_msg}
+ }
+ $user_input_ints
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/nu-files/rhino-pkg b/nu-files/rhino-pkg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..56e79cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nu-files/rhino-pkg
@@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
+use "./commands/" [rpk-cleanup, rpk-install-or-remove, rpk-search, rpk-sync, rpk-update]
+use "./helper-scripts/" translation-dir-path
+def search-cmd-no-args [ ] {
+ let command: string = $in
+ let error_msg = translation-dir-path | translate {subcommand: $command}
+ error make -u {msg: $error_msg}
+ exit 1
+# USAGE: rpk [function] {flag}
+# functions:
+# install: Install package(s) - Prompts user to respond with
+# the number(s) associated with the desired package(s).
+# Aliases: nstl, instll, instl, add, i
+# remove: Uninstall package(s) - Prompts user to respond with
+# the number(s) associated with the desired package(s).
+# Aliases: rm, rmv, uninstall, r
+# search: Search for package(s) - Does not have a second prompt.
+# Aliases: srch, find, s
+# update: Updates all packages accessible to the wrapper - does
+# not accept , instead use install to update
+# individual packages. Has a confirmation prompt.
+# Aliases: upgrade, updt, upd, upg, u
+# cleanup: Attempts to repair broken dependencies and remove any
+# unused packages. Does not accept , but has
+# a confirmation prompt.
+# Aliases: clean, clnp, cln, c
+# flags:
+# --help/-h: Display this page
+# --multiterm For commands with package search functionality, switches them to accept multiple arguments as additional filtering on a single search
+# --description/-d: By default, rpk will only display packages
+# that contain within their name. Use this flag to increase
+# range and display packages with in their description.
+# -y: Makes functions with confirmation prompts run promptless.
+# input:
+# Provide a package name or description.
+# Example execution:
+# $ rpk install foobar
+# Found packages matching: 'foobar':
+# [0]: pyfoobar (apt)
+# [1]: foobarshell (apt)
+# [2]: foobar (flatpak)
+# [3]: foobar-web (snap)
+# [4]: foobar-bin (pacstall)
+# [5]: foobar-theme (pacstall)
+# Select which package to install [0-5]: 3 4 5
+# Selecting 'foobar-web' from package manager 'snap'
+# Selecting 'foobar-bin' from package manager 'pacstall'
+# Selecting 'foobar-theme' from package manager 'pacstall'
+# Are you sure? (y/N)
+# [...]
+# .;:;,. .:
+# 'coooooooo:oo.';.
+# ,oooooooooooooooo ;
+# clllcccllloooooooo;c:'o
+# .;';:::::::::cclooooooo'
+# ''',::::::::::::::ccclc.
+# .''';::::::::::l:::::::
+# '''',:::::::::kd.
+# .''''',;::ck:oW;
+# ''''''''kXOM.
+# .,,:dXMK
+# :k
+# rpk 0.1.2
+# A package manager wrapper for Pacstall, APT, Flatpak and snap
+# Developed by Elsie19 for
+# the Rhino Linux distribution.
+def main [
+ --description (-d) # Increase range and display packages with in their description
+ --yes (-y) # Makes functions with confirmation prompts run promptless
+ --multiterm # Makes functions with search features use multiple terms, filtering by each term
+ string # 'install', 'remove', 'search', 'update', 'cleanup', etc.
+] -> int {
+ if ($rest | is-empty) {
+ let error_msg = translation-dir-path | translate
+ error make -u { msg: $error_msg}
+ exit 1
+ }
+ # alias catching
+ mut command = match ($rest.0 | str downcase) {
+ "install" | "instll" | "instl" | "add" | "nstl" | "i" => "install",
+ "remove" | "rmv" | "rm" | "uninstall" | "r" => "remove",
+ "search" | "srch" | "find" | "s" => "search",
+ "update" | "updt" | "upgrade" | "upd" | "upg" | "u" => "update",
+ "cleanup" | "clnp" | "cln" | "clean" | "c" => "cleanup",
+ "sync" | "refresh" | "rfrsh" | "S" => "sync"
+ _ => "invalid"
+ }
+# "info" | "information" | "data" | "query" | "qry" | "q" => "info",
+ if $command == "invalid" {
+ let error_msg = translation-dir-path | translate invalid.subcommand {subcommand: $rest.0}
+ error make -u { msg: $error_msg, }
+ }
+ if $command == "install" {
+ if ($rest | length) < 2 { #install was called without a search term
+ $command | search-cmd-no-args
+ } else {
+ if $multiterm {
+ ((rpk-search $rest.1 $description ($rest | skip 2)) | rpk-install-or-remove true)
+ } else {
+ ($rest | skip 1) | each { |searchterm|
+ let search_results: table = (rpk-search $searchterm $description)
+ $search_results | rpk-install-or-remove true
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if $command == "remove" {
+ if ($rest | length) < 2 { #remove was called without a search term
+ $command | search-cmd-no-args
+ } else {
+ if $multiterm {
+ (rpk-search $rest.1 $description ($rest | skip 2)) | rpk-install-or-remove false
+ } else {
+ ($rest | skip 1) | each { |searchterm|
+ let search_results = (rpk-search $searchterm $description)
+ $search_results | rpk-install-or-remove false
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if $command == "search" {
+ if ($rest | length) < 2 { #search was called without a search term
+ $command | search-cmd-no-args
+ } else {
+ if $multiterm {
+ let search = (rpk-search $rest.1 $description ($rest | skip 2))
+ } else {
+ ($rest | skip 1) | each { |searchterm|
+ (rpk-search $searchterm $description)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ #currently removed
+ if $command == "info" {
+ if ($rest | length) < 2 { #info was called without a search term
+ $command | search-cmd-no-args
+ } else {
+ (rpk-search $rest.1 $description ($rest | skip 2)) | info
+ }
+ }
+ match $command {
+ "update" => (rpk-update $yes),
+ "cleanup" => (rpk-cleanup $yes)
+ "sync" => (rpk-sync )
+ }
diff --git a/nu-files/ b/nu-files/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7c1757f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nu-files/
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+def all-installed-programs [] {
+ let apt_programs = if (cmd-exist 'apt') {
+ ^apt list --installed | lines | parse "{package}/{junk1} {version} {junk2}" | select package version
+ } else {
+ []
+ }
+ let pacstall_programs = if (cmd-exist 'pacstall') {
+ }
+def search-installed-apt [input: string, desc: bool] -> table {
+ if (cmd-exist 'apt') {
+ ^apt list --installed | lines | parse "{package}/{junk1} {version} {junk2}" | select package version | filter {|pkg| $pkg.package | str contains $input}
+ } else {
+ []
+ }
+def link-install [input: string] -> {
+def path-install [input: string] {
+def deb-install [] {
+ let path: string = $in
+ if (cmd-exist 'apt') {
+ ^sudo apt install $path
+ } else {
+ # should be impossible
+ }
+def flatpakref-install [] {
+ let path: string = $in
+ if (cmd-exist 'flatpak') {
+ ^sudo flatpak install --from $path
+ } else {
+ # cannot install flatpaks because flatpak is not installed
+ }
+def pacscript-install [] {
+ let path: string = $in
+ if (cmd-exist 'pacstall') {
+ ^sudo pacstall -I $path
+ } else {
+ # cannot install pacscript because Pacstall is not installed
+ }
+#def test-install-apt [] -> table {
+# let table_in: table = $in
+# mut repo_table: table = ($table_in | insert installed $"(ansi red)\(none\)(ansi reset)")
+# let installed_pkgs = ^apt list --installed | lines | parse "{name}/{remainder}"
+# let repo_table_length = $table_in | length
+# let installed_pkgs_length = $installed_pkgs | length
+# for i: int in 0..$repo_table_length {
+# let package = ($repo_table | select $i ).package.0
+# for j in 0..$installed_pkgs_length {
+# let $inst_pkg = ($installed_pkgs | select $j).name
+# #print $inst_pkg
+# if $package == $inst_pkg {
+# let policy_table = ^apt-cache policy $package | detect columns --skip 1 --no-headers
+# $repo_table.$i.installed = $"(ansi green)\(($policy_table.column1.0)\)(ansi reset)"
+# break
+# } }
+# }
+# repo_table
+def search-installed-pacstall [input: string] -> table {
+ if (cmd-exist 'pacstall') {
+ ^pacstall -L | ansi strip | lines | filter {|pkg| $pkg.package | str contains $input}
+ } else {
+ []
+ }
+def search-installed-flatpak [input: string, desc: bool] -> table {
+ if (cmd-exist 'flatpak') {
+ } else {
+ []
+ }
+#def search-zap [search_term: string] {
+# if (cmd-exist 'zap') {
+# let all_zap_pkgs = ( http get "" | select name summary | rename package description | insert provider zap)
+# $all_zap_pkgs | prune-search-table $search_term
+# } else { [] }
+def info [ ] {
+ let input: table = $in
+ let user_input_ints = user-package-selection $input "info"
From 4480cbd75149bb04d0808ee0b09147ba782d8ed2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: wren54 <>
Date: Sun, 7 Jan 2024 10:24:13 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 19/37] Add files via upload
translation_tomls/de.toml | 4 ++--
translation_tomls/es.toml | 8 ++++----
2 files changed, 6 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)
diff --git a/translation_tomls/de.toml b/translation_tomls/de.toml
index f792511..4ae4e6a 100644
--- a/translation_tomls/de.toml
+++ b/translation_tomls/de.toml
@@ -14,9 +14,9 @@ found-matching = "Pakete passend zu '(ansi color[($color)] bold)($search)(ansi r
# Declares no packages were found matching $search ($search is $color)
none-matching = "Keine passenden Pakete zu '(ansi color[($color)] bold)($search)(ansi reset)' gefunden!"
# Declares $package from $manager is being selected for installation ($package & $manager are $color)
-install-select = "(ansi color[$color] bold)($package)(ansi reset) von Paketmanager (ansi color[($color))] bold)($manager)(ansi reset) wird gewählt"
+install-select = "(ansi color[$color] bold)($package)(ansi reset) von Paketmanager (ansi color[($color)] bold)($manager)(ansi reset) wird gewählt"
# Declares $package from $manager is being selected for removal ($package & $manager are $color)
-remove-select = "(ansi color[$color] bold)($package)(ansi reset) von Paketmanager (ansi color[($color))] bold)($manager)(ansi reset) wird gewählt"
+remove-select = "(ansi color[$color] bold)($package)(ansi reset) von Paketmanager (ansi color[($color)] bold)($manager)(ansi reset) wird gewählt"
# Declares the $package from $manager is being skipped (in the process of installation/removal) ($package & $manager are $color)
skipping = "Skipping (ansi color[magenta] bold)($package)(ansi reset) from (ansi color[magenta bold)($manager)(ansi reset)."
diff --git a/translation_tomls/es.toml b/translation_tomls/es.toml
index c7c9657..64b3231 100644
--- a/translation_tomls/es.toml
+++ b/translation_tomls/es.toml
@@ -9,16 +9,16 @@ fallback = "en"
# Declares $matches package(s) were found matching $search
-found-matching = "Paquetes encontrados que coinciden con '(ansi color[($color) bold]$search(ansi reset)':"
+found-matching = "Paquetes encontrados que coinciden con '(ansi color[($color)] bold)($search)(ansi reset)':"
# Declares no packages were found matching $search ($search is $color)
-none-matching = "¡Fueron encontrados paquetes que coinciden con '(ansi color[($color) bold]$search(ansi reset)'!"
+none-matching = "¡Fueron encontrados paquetes que coinciden con '(ansi color[($color)] bold)($search)(ansi reset)'!"
# Declares $package from $manager is being selected for installation ($package & $manager are $color)
-install-select = "Seleccionando (ansi color[magenta] bold)($package)(ansi reset) del gestor de paquetes (ansi color[($color))] bold)($manager)(ansi reset)."
+install-select = "Seleccionando (ansi color[magenta] bold)($package)(ansi reset) del gestor de paquetes (ansi color[($color)] bold)($manager)(ansi reset)."
# Declares $package from $manager is being selected for removal ($package & $manager are $color)
remove-select = "Seleccionando (ansi color[magenta] bold)($package)(ansi reset) del gestor de paquetes (ansi color[($color)] bold)($manager)(ansi reset)."
# Declares the $package from $manager is being skipped (in the process of installation/removal) ($package & $manager are $color)
-skipping = "Skipping (ansi color[magenta] bold)($package)(ansi reset) from (ansi color[magenta bold)($manager)(ansi reset)."
+skipping = "Skipping (ansi color[magenta] bold)($package)(ansi reset) from (ansi color[magenta] bold)($manager)(ansi reset)."
# Various error conditions, when user enters wrong data
From 64dcd19c0f3f9fdd51b914f896dccec5b3d444bf Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: wren54 <>
Date: Mon, 6 May 2024 11:32:01 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 20/37] rhinu final update?
should add functionality to detect changes in install dir
also add correct makefile
Makefile | 31 ++++++++++--
nu-files/commands/ | 12 +++--
nu-files/helper-scripts/ | 47 +++++++++++++++++++
nu-files/helper-scripts/ | 13 +++--
nu-files/helper-scripts/ | 4 ++
nu-files/helper-scripts/ | 2 +-
.../helper-scripts/ | 7 +--
nu-files/rhino-pkg | 6 +--
8 files changed, 105 insertions(+), 17 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 nu-files/helper-scripts/
create mode 100644 nu-files/helper-scripts/
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 054db9d..a440bda 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -1,5 +1,28 @@
-all: install
+# This checks to make sure that DESTDIR is defined before initiation the install. \
+ if it is not, it informs the user they must define it and exits with an error code.
+ifndef DESTDIR
+ @echo "There was no destination given for the install. Please rerun while setting the variable DESTDIR in the command line."
+ exit 1
- for i in po/*.po; do lang="$$(basename "$$i" .po)" && sudo mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)/usr/share/locale/"$$lang"/LC_MESSAGES/ && sudo msgfmt -o $(DESTDIR)/usr/share/locale/"$$lang"/LC_MESSAGES/ po/"$$lang".po ; done
- sudo install -Dm755 rhino-pkg -t $(DESTDIR)/usr/bin/
+# Actually makes rhino-pkg, provided that DESTDIR is defined
+all:: make-dirs translation-tomls rhino-pkg
+install: all
+mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)/usr/bin
+mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)/usr/share/rhino-pkg/
+# Copies translation-tomls recursively.
+ cp -r ./translation-tomls $(DESTDIR)/usr/share/rhino-pkg
+# Copies over rhino-pkg's nu-files
+ cp -r ./nu-files $(DESTDIR)/usr/share/rhino-pkg
+# Sets up the usr/bin directory and symlinks the rhino-pkg executable into it as rhino-pkg and rpk
+ ln -sf $(DESTDIR)/usr/share/rhino-pkg/nu-files/rhino-pkg $(DESTDIR)/usr/bin/rhino-pkg
+ ln -sf $(DESTDIR)usr/share/rhino-pkg/nu-files/rhino-pkg $(DESTDIR)/usr/bin/rpk
diff --git a/nu-files/commands/ b/nu-files/commands/
index 1f4c505..1094946 100644
--- a/nu-files/commands/
+++ b/nu-files/commands/
@@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
-# this file is left blank in order to turn the dir helper-scripts into a nu module
-# for more information vist
\ No newline at end of file
+# As of nushell 0.89.0, for directory modules,
+# all exported nu files must be listed in the file as exports
+export module
+export module
+export module
+export module
+export module
+def main [] -> {}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/nu-files/helper-scripts/ b/nu-files/helper-scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d490d3a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nu-files/helper-scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+export def main [] -> path {
+ use ./
+ let rhino_pkg_path: string = ([ raw-install-dir, "nu-files/rhino-pkg"] | str join)
+ let rhino_pkg_exists: bool = ( rhino-pkg-path | path exists)
+ if rhino-pkg-exists {
+ raw-install-dir
+# This code is a remnant of when I was making rhino-pkg check to see if the given path contained an outdated installation.
+# In hindsight I decided that it would be wasting execution time
+# let days_since_accessed: float = (((^date +%s | into int) - (^stat --format=%X rhino-pkg | into int)) | into float) / 86400.0
+ } else {
+ # gets the new dir from dpkg
+ let new_install_path: path = request-dpkg-for-install-path
+ # obtains the path of the file
+ let raw_install_dir_nu_path: path = ([$new_install_path, "nu-files/helper-scripts/get-install-dir/"] | str join)
+ # opens
+ let old_raw_install_dir_nu = open $raw_install_dir_nu_path
+ # obtains the outdated dir
+ let old_line: string = ($old_raw_install_dir_nu| lines | get 1)
+ if ($old_line | str contains $new_install_path) {
+ # this only arises in the situation where rhino-pkg
+ # is running after already fixing the file but before exiting after fixing it
+ # (nushell doesn't update while running when its source is updated)
+ return $new_install_path
+ }
+ # creates the new line to replace the old one in
+ let new_line: string = (["\t", $new_install_path ] | str join )
+ # creates a new version of with the updated path
+ let new_raw_install_dir_nu = $old_raw_install_dir_nu | str replace $old_line $new_line
+ # saves the updated version to the file
+ $new_raw_install_dir_nu | save $raw_install_dir_nu_path
+ $new_install_path
+ }
+def request-dpkg-for-install-path [] -> path {
+# this line of code asks dpkg for a list of all files that have been installed via the deb package rhino-pkg
+# it filters in only the ones with the path "nu-files" and selects and single one.
+# it then slices off the "nu-files" and everything after, in order to leave itself with the pure share dir for rhino-pkg.
+ (^dpkg -L rhino-pkg | lines | filter { |line| $line | str contains "nu-files"} | get 0 | split row "nu-files" | get 0)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/nu-files/helper-scripts/ b/nu-files/helper-scripts/
index 1f4c505..9a33754 100644
--- a/nu-files/helper-scripts/
+++ b/nu-files/helper-scripts/
@@ -1,3 +1,10 @@
-# this file is left blank in order to turn the dir helper-scripts into a nu module
-# for more information vist
\ No newline at end of file
+# As of nushell 0.89.0, for directory modules,
+# all exported nu files must be listed in the file as exports
+export module
+export module
+export module
+export module
+export module
+export module
+export module
+def main [] -> {}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/nu-files/helper-scripts/ b/nu-files/helper-scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..00ec3b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nu-files/helper-scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+export def main [] -> path {
+ 'usr/share/rhino-pkg/'
+# this is an internal helper script for get-install-dir. use get-install-dir if you want the install dir.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/nu-files/helper-scripts/ b/nu-files/helper-scripts/
index b2cf5a9..bbc039a 100644
--- a/nu-files/helper-scripts/
+++ b/nu-files/helper-scripts/
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ use "./" *
#USAGE: restricts the string to a single line when it prints it
export def main [ input: any = ""] {
let pipeline: string = ($in | into string)
- let output :string = ((($pipeline + ($input | into string)) | str replace "\n" " »|« "))
+ let output: string = ((($pipeline + ($input | into string)) | str replace "\n" " »|« "))
let deansi_output = ($output | ansi strip)
let num_of_ansis: int = ($output | split row "\e" | length) - 1
let ansi_char_difference: int = ($output | str length --grapheme-clusters) - ($deansi_output | str length --grapheme-clusters)
diff --git a/nu-files/helper-scripts/ b/nu-files/helper-scripts/
index 35788a1..b11dbeb 100644
--- a/nu-files/helper-scripts/
+++ b/nu-files/helper-scripts/
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env nu
+#returns the path to the translation-tomls dir
export def main [] -> string {
- # "/usr/src/pacstall/rhino-pkg/translation_tomls/"
- "/home/wren/Programming/Rhino Linux/rhino-pkg/rhino-pkg-dev/translation_tomls"
+ use ./
+ let install_dir: path = get-install-dir
+ [ $install_dir , "translation-tomls"] | str join
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/nu-files/rhino-pkg b/nu-files/rhino-pkg
index 56e79cc..7f102db 100644
--- a/nu-files/rhino-pkg
+++ b/nu-files/rhino-pkg
@@ -8,7 +8,8 @@ def search-cmd-no-args [ ] {
let error_msg = translation-dir-path | translate {subcommand: $command}
error make -u {msg: $error_msg}
exit 1
# USAGE: rpk [function] {flag}
@@ -171,5 +172,4 @@ def main [
"sync" => (rpk-sync )
\ No newline at end of file
From 74d5ed5bcec557bb0c176d7c0c40821733b197dd Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: wren54 <>
Date: Mon, 6 May 2024 21:29:34 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 21/37] Update Makefile
Makefile | 10 +++++-----
1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index a440bda..038c479 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -13,16 +13,16 @@ install: all
mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)/usr/bin
-mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)/usr/share/rhino-pkg/
+mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)/usr/share/rhino-pkg-git/
# Copies translation-tomls recursively.
- cp -r ./translation-tomls $(DESTDIR)/usr/share/rhino-pkg
+ cp -r ./translation-tomls $(DESTDIR)/usr/share/rhino-pkg-git
# Copies over rhino-pkg's nu-files
- cp -r ./nu-files $(DESTDIR)/usr/share/rhino-pkg
+ cp -r ./nu-files $(DESTDIR)/usr/share/rhino-pkg-git
# Sets up the usr/bin directory and symlinks the rhino-pkg executable into it as rhino-pkg and rpk
- ln -sf $(DESTDIR)/usr/share/rhino-pkg/nu-files/rhino-pkg $(DESTDIR)/usr/bin/rhino-pkg
- ln -sf $(DESTDIR)usr/share/rhino-pkg/nu-files/rhino-pkg $(DESTDIR)/usr/bin/rpk
+ ln -sf $(DESTDIR)/usr/share/rhino-pkg-git/nu-files/rhino-pkg $(DESTDIR)/usr/bin/rhino-pkg
+ ln -sf $(DESTDIR)usr/share/rhino-pkg-git/nu-files/rhino-pkg $(DESTDIR)/usr/bin/rpk
From 0176dd57099d7129c7480d92b16fa805351e4cec Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: wren54 <>
Date: Mon, 6 May 2024 21:32:05 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 22/37] Update Makefile
Makefile | 8 ++++----
1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 038c479..501d49a 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -13,16 +13,16 @@ install: all
mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)/usr/bin
-mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)/usr/share/rhino-pkg-git/
+mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)/usr/share/rhino-pkg/
# Copies translation-tomls recursively.
- cp -r ./translation-tomls $(DESTDIR)/usr/share/rhino-pkg-git
+ cp -r ./translation-tomls $(DESTDIR)/usr/share/rhino-pkg
# Copies over rhino-pkg's nu-files
cp -r ./nu-files $(DESTDIR)/usr/share/rhino-pkg-git
# Sets up the usr/bin directory and symlinks the rhino-pkg executable into it as rhino-pkg and rpk
- ln -sf $(DESTDIR)/usr/share/rhino-pkg-git/nu-files/rhino-pkg $(DESTDIR)/usr/bin/rhino-pkg
- ln -sf $(DESTDIR)usr/share/rhino-pkg-git/nu-files/rhino-pkg $(DESTDIR)/usr/bin/rpk
+ ln -sf $(DESTDIR)/usr/share/rhino-pkg/nu-files/rhino-pkg $(DESTDIR)/usr/bin/rhino-pkg
+ ln -sf $(DESTDIR)usr/share/rhino-pkg/nu-files/rhino-pkg $(DESTDIR)/usr/bin/rpk
From d083b01df9956194d227946aa4e73c7fad39df99 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: wren54 <>
Date: Mon, 6 May 2024 22:35:31 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 23/37] Update Makefile
Makefile | 4 ++--
1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 501d49a..4e9ecd7 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ all:: make-dirs translation-tomls rhino-pkg
install: all
-mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)/usr/bin
-mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)/usr/share/rhino-pkg/
+ mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)/usr/bin
+ mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)/usr/share/rhino-pkg/
# Copies translation-tomls recursively.
From a8109cc52b8a9515fa9f943ef5c61f1e5bfd79e1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: wren54 <>
Date: Mon, 6 May 2024 22:45:01 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 24/37] Add files via upload
translation-tomls/bn.toml | 64 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
translation-tomls/de.toml | 59 +++++++++++++++++++++++++
translation-tomls/en.toml | 35 +++++++++++++++
translation-tomls/es.toml | 59 +++++++++++++++++++++++++
translation-tomls/fr.toml | 59 +++++++++++++++++++++++++
translation-tomls/hi.toml | 61 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
translation-tomls/id.toml | 62 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++
translation-tomls/ie.toml | 62 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++
translation-tomls/it.toml | 59 +++++++++++++++++++++++++
translation-tomls/ko.toml | 61 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
translation-tomls/lang-template.toml | 59 +++++++++++++++++++++++++
translation-tomls/nl.toml | 59 +++++++++++++++++++++++++
translation-tomls/pt_br.toml | 61 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
translation-tomls/ro.toml | 61 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
translation-tomls/ru.toml | 62 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++
translation-tomls/sv.toml | 59 +++++++++++++++++++++++++
translation-tomls/uk.toml | 63 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++
translation-tomls/ur.toml | 61 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
translation-tomls/zh_cn.toml | 59 +++++++++++++++++++++++++
19 files changed, 1125 insertions(+)
create mode 100644 translation-tomls/bn.toml
create mode 100644 translation-tomls/de.toml
create mode 100644 translation-tomls/en.toml
create mode 100644 translation-tomls/es.toml
create mode 100644 translation-tomls/fr.toml
create mode 100644 translation-tomls/hi.toml
create mode 100644 translation-tomls/id.toml
create mode 100644 translation-tomls/ie.toml
create mode 100644 translation-tomls/it.toml
create mode 100644 translation-tomls/ko.toml
create mode 100644 translation-tomls/lang-template.toml
create mode 100644 translation-tomls/nl.toml
create mode 100644 translation-tomls/pt_br.toml
create mode 100644 translation-tomls/ro.toml
create mode 100644 translation-tomls/ru.toml
create mode 100644 translation-tomls/sv.toml
create mode 100644 translation-tomls/uk.toml
create mode 100644 translation-tomls/ur.toml
create mode 100644 translation-tomls/zh_cn.toml
diff --git a/translation-tomls/bn.toml b/translation-tomls/bn.toml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f1b8879
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translation-tomls/bn.toml
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+#two letters matching the ISO 639-1 code for your language
+language = "bn"
+#if you are doing a general translation, leave this xx, otherwise, match this to the 2 letter ISO 3166-1 code for the territory you are coding for
+territory = "xx"
+#this will almost alway be left as "blank". If you are making a specific translation for a POSIX locale code, this is what follows the @ symbol
+modifier = "blank"
+#name of language toml (without the extension) to fall back to in case of incomplete translation
+fallback = "en"
+translators = "Sourajyoti Basak "
+# Declares $matches package(s) were found matching $search ($search is $color)
+found-matching = "'(ansi color[($color)] bold)($search)(ansi reset)' এর সাথে মিলিত প্যাকেজগুলি পাওয়া গেছে:"
+# Declares no packages were found matching $search ($search is $color)
+none-matching = "'(ansi color[($color)] bold)($search)' এর সাথে মিলিত কোনো প্যাকেজ পাওয়া যায়নি!"
+# Declares $package from $manager is being selected for installation ($package & $manager are $color)
+install-select = "প্যাকেজ ম্যানেজার (ansi color[($color)] bold)($manager)(ansi reset) থেকে (ansi color[($color)] bold)($package)(ansi reset) নির্বাচন করা হচ্ছে"
+# Declares $package from $manager is being selected for removal ($package & $manager are $color)
+remove-select = "প্যাকেজ ম্যানেজার (ansi color[($color)] bold)($manager)(ansi reset) থেকে (ansi color[($color)] bold)($package)(ansi reset) নির্বাচন করা হচ্ছে"
+# Declares the $package from $manager is being skipped (in the process of installation/removal) ($package & $manager are $color)
+skipping = "Skipping (ansi color[magenta] bold)($package)(ansi reset) from (ansi color[magenta bold)($manager)(ansi reset)."
+# Various error conditions, when user enters wrong data
+# Declares that the user entered no integers <= $number
+integers = "None of the inputs you provided were integers less than or equal to ($number)!"
+# Currently out of use
+# Declares $number is not a valid number
+number = "($number) একটি বৈধ সংখ্যা নয়!"
+#Currently out of use
+# Declares $repo to not be a valid repository
+repo = "অবৈধ সংগ্রহস্থলের নাম!"
+# Informs the user that they entered the command "rhino-pkg $subcommand" without a search term, which it requires
+search-arguments = "(ansi color[magenta])rhino-pkg ($subcommand)(ansi reset) requires at least one search term argument."
+# Declares $subcommand is not a valid rhino-pkg command. Instructs user to help page
+subcommand = "'(ansi color[red])($subcommand)(ansi reset)' is not a valid sub-command! To see a list of valid sub-commands run '(ansi color[magenta])rhino-pkg -h(ansi reset)'"
+# Declares that the user entered no sub-command, which rhino-pkg needs. Instructs user to help page
+no-subcommand = "(ansi color[magenta] bold)rhino-pkg(ansi reset) needs a sub-command in order to run. To see these run '(ansi color[magenta])rhino-pkg -h(ansi reset)'."
+#Questions to ask the user
+# Asks a generic "Are you sure", **make sure the y and N in the prompt are not changed, y and N are not to be translated**
+sure = ": ((ansi color[green] bold)y(ansi reset)/(ansi color[red] bold)N(ansi reset))"
+# Asks user to select package(s) 0- $index to install
+which-install = "[(index)-0] কোন প্যাকেজ ইনস্টল করতে হবে তা নির্বাচন করুন:"
+# Asks user to select package(s) 0- $index to remove
+which-remove = "Select which package(s) to remove [0-($index)]:"
+# Asks user to select packages(s) 0- $index to recieve information about
+which-info = "Select which package(s) to recieve info about [0-($index)]:"
+# Asks user if they are sure to upgrade all packages **make sure y and N in the prompt are not changed, y and N are not to be translated**
+upgrade = ": ((ansi color[green] bold)y(ansi reset)/(ansi color[red] bold)N(ansi reset))"
+# Declare "Searching [package manager]"
+apt = "(ansi color[green] bold)apt(ansi reset)-এ খোঁজ করা হচ্ছে…"
+pacstall = "(ansi color[yellow])Pacstall(ansi reset)-এ খোঁজ করা হচ্ছে…"
+snap = "(ansi color[red] bold)snap(ansi reset)-এ খোঁজ করা হচ্ছে…"
+flatpak = "(ansi color[cyan] bold)flatpak(ansi reset)-এ খোঁজ করা হচ্ছে…"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/translation-tomls/de.toml b/translation-tomls/de.toml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4ae4e6a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translation-tomls/de.toml
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+#two letters matching the ISO 639-1 code for your language
+language = "de"
+#if you are doing a general translation, leave this xx, otherwise, match this to the 2 letter ISO 3166-1 code for the territory you are coding for
+territory = "xx"
+#this will almost alway be left as "blank". If you are making a specific translation for a POSIX locale code, this is what follows the @ symbol
+modifier = "blank"
+#name of language toml (without the extension) to fall back to in case of incomplete translation
+fallback = "en"
+# Declares $matches package(s) were found matching $search
+found-matching = "Pakete passend zu '(ansi color[($color)] bold)($search)(ansi reset)' gefunden:"
+# Declares no packages were found matching $search ($search is $color)
+none-matching = "Keine passenden Pakete zu '(ansi color[($color)] bold)($search)(ansi reset)' gefunden!"
+# Declares $package from $manager is being selected for installation ($package & $manager are $color)
+install-select = "(ansi color[$color] bold)($package)(ansi reset) von Paketmanager (ansi color[($color)] bold)($manager)(ansi reset) wird gewählt"
+# Declares $package from $manager is being selected for removal ($package & $manager are $color)
+remove-select = "(ansi color[$color] bold)($package)(ansi reset) von Paketmanager (ansi color[($color)] bold)($manager)(ansi reset) wird gewählt"
+# Declares the $package from $manager is being skipped (in the process of installation/removal) ($package & $manager are $color)
+skipping = "Skipping (ansi color[magenta] bold)($package)(ansi reset) from (ansi color[magenta bold)($manager)(ansi reset)."
+# Various error conditions, when user enters wrong data
+# Declares that the user entered no integers <= $number
+integers = "None of the inputs you provided were integers less than or equal to ($number)!"
+# Currently out of use
+# Declares $number is not a valid number
+number = "($number) ist keine gültige Zahl!"
+#Currently out of use
+# Declares $repo to not be a valid repository
+repo = "Ungültiger Repository Name!"
+# Informs the user that they entered the command "rhino-pkg $subcommand" without a search term, which it requires
+search-arguments = "(ansi color[(])rhino-pkg ($subcommand)(ansi reset) requires at least one search term argument."
+# Declares $subcommand is not a valid rhino-pkg command. Instructs user to help page
+subcommand = "'(ansi color[red])($subcommand)(ansi reset)' is not a valid sub-command! To see a list of valid sub-commands run '(ansi color[magenta])rhino-pkg -h(ansi reset)'"
+# Declares that the user entered no sub-command, which rhino-pkg needs. Instructs user to help page
+no-subcommand = "(ansi color[magenta] bold)rhino-pkg(ansi reset) needs a sub-command in order to run. To see these run '(ansi color[magenta])rhino-pkg -h(ansi reset)'."
+#Questions to ask the user
+# Asks a generic "Are you sure", **make sure the y and N in the prompt are not changed, y and N are not to be translated**
+sure = "Sind Sie sich sicher?: ((ansi color[green] bold)y(ansi reset)/(ansi color[red] bold)N(ansi reset))"
+# Asks user to select package(s) 0- $index to install
+which-install = "Wählen Sie Pakete aus, welches Installiert werden sollen [0-($index)]:"
+# Asks user to select package(s) 0- $index to remove
+which-remove = "Wählen Sie die Pakete, die Sie löschen möchten [0-($index)]:"
+# Asks user to select packages(s) 0- $index to recieve information about
+which-info = "Select which package(s) to recieve info about [0-($index)]:"
+# Asks user if they are sure to upgrade all packages **make sure y and N in the prompt are not changed, y and N are not to be translated**
+upgrade = "Sind Sie sicher, dass sie alle Pakete aktualisieren möchten?: ((ansi color[green] bold)y(ansi reset)/(ansi color[red] bold)N(ansi reset))"
+# Declare "Searching [package manager]"
+apt = "Suche in (ansi color[green] bold)APT(ansi reset)…"
+pacstall = "Suche in (ansi color[yellow] bold)Pacstall(ansi reset)…"
+snap = "Suche in (ansi color[red] bold)Snap(ansi reset)…"
+flatpak = "Suche in (ansi color[cyan] bold)Flatpak(ansi reset)…"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/translation-tomls/en.toml b/translation-tomls/en.toml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f320317
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translation-tomls/en.toml
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+language = "en"
+territory = "xx"
+modifier = "blank"
+fallback = "none"
+found-matching = "Found ($matches) package(s) matching '(ansi color[($color)] bold)($search)(ansi reset)':"
+none-matching = "No packages found matching '(ansi color[($color)] bold)($search)(ansi reset)'!"
+install-select = "Selecting (ansi color[($color)] bold)($package)(ansi reset) from (ansi color[($color)] bold)($manager)(ansi reset) for installation."
+remove-select = "Selecting (ansi color[($color)] bold)($package)(ansi reset) from (ansi color[($color)] bold)($manager)(ansi reset) for removal."
+skipping = "Skipping (ansi color[($color)] bold)($package)(ansi reset) from (ansi color[($color)] bold)($manager)(ansi reset)."
+integers = "None of the inputs you provided were integers less than or equal to ($number)!"
+number = "($number) is not a valid number!"
+repository = "($repo) is not a valid repository!"
+search-arguments = "(ansi color[magenta])rhino-pkg ($subcommand)(ansi reset) requires at least one search term argument."
+subcommand = "'(ansi color[red])($subcommand)(ansi reset)' is not a valid sub-command! To see a list of valid sub-commands run '(ansi color[magenta])rhino-pkg -h(ansi reset)'"
+no-subcommand = "(ansi color[magenta] bold)rhino-pkg(ansi reset) needs a sub-command in order to run. To see these run '(ansi color[magenta])rhino-pkg -h(ansi reset)'."
+package-number = "($number) is not a valid package number!"
+sure = "Are you sure?: ((ansi color[green] bold)y(ansi reset)/(ansi color[red] bold)N(ansi reset))"
+which-install = "Select which package(s) to install [0-($index)]:"
+which-remove = "Select which package(s) to remove [0-($index)]:"
+which-info = "Select which package(s) to recieve info about [0-($index)]:"
+upgrade = "Are you sure you want to upgrade all packages?: ((ansi color[green] bold)y(ansi reset)/(ansi color[red] bold)N(ansi reset))"
+apt = "Searching (ansi color[green] bold)apt(ansi reset)…"
+pacstall = "Searching (ansi color[yellow] bold)Pacstall(ansi reset)…"
+snap = "Searching (ansi color[red] bold)snap(ansi reset)…"
+flatpak = "Searching (ansi color[cyan] bold)flatpak(ansi reset)…"
diff --git a/translation-tomls/es.toml b/translation-tomls/es.toml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..64b3231
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translation-tomls/es.toml
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+#two letters matching the ISO 639-1 code for your language
+language = "es"
+#if you are doing a general translation, leave this xx, otherwise, match this to the 2 letter ISO 3166-1 code for the territory you are coding for
+territory = "xx"
+#this will almost alway be left as "blank". If you are making a specific translation for a POSIX locale code, this is what follows the @ symbol
+modifier = "blank"
+#name of language toml (without the extension) to fall back to in case of incomplete translation
+fallback = "en"
+# Declares $matches package(s) were found matching $search
+found-matching = "Paquetes encontrados que coinciden con '(ansi color[($color)] bold)($search)(ansi reset)':"
+# Declares no packages were found matching $search ($search is $color)
+none-matching = "¡Fueron encontrados paquetes que coinciden con '(ansi color[($color)] bold)($search)(ansi reset)'!"
+# Declares $package from $manager is being selected for installation ($package & $manager are $color)
+install-select = "Seleccionando (ansi color[magenta] bold)($package)(ansi reset) del gestor de paquetes (ansi color[($color)] bold)($manager)(ansi reset)."
+# Declares $package from $manager is being selected for removal ($package & $manager are $color)
+remove-select = "Seleccionando (ansi color[magenta] bold)($package)(ansi reset) del gestor de paquetes (ansi color[($color)] bold)($manager)(ansi reset)."
+# Declares the $package from $manager is being skipped (in the process of installation/removal) ($package & $manager are $color)
+skipping = "Skipping (ansi color[magenta] bold)($package)(ansi reset) from (ansi color[magenta] bold)($manager)(ansi reset)."
+# Various error conditions, when user enters wrong data
+# Declares that the user entered no integers <= $number
+integers = "None of the inputs you provided were integers less than or equal to ($number)!"
+# Currently out of use
+# Declares $number is not a valid number
+number = "¡($number) no es un número válido!"
+#Currently out of use
+# Declares $repo to not be a valid repository
+repo = "¡Nombre de repositorio inválido!"
+# Informs the user that they entered the command "rhino-pkg $subcommand" without a search term, which it requires
+search-arguments = "(ansi color[(])rhino-pkg ($subcommand)(ansi reset) requires at least one search term argument."
+# Declares $subcommand is not a valid rhino-pkg command. Instructs user to help page
+subcommand = "'(ansi color[red])($subcommand)(ansi reset)' is not a valid sub-command! To see a list of valid sub-commands run '(ansi color[magenta])rhino-pkg -h(ansi reset)'"
+# Declares that the user entered no sub-command, which rhino-pkg needs. Instructs user to help page
+no-subcommand = "(ansi color[magenta] bold)rhino-pkg(ansi reset) needs a sub-command in order to run. To see these run '(ansi color[magenta])rhino-pkg -h(ansi reset)'."
+#Questions to ask the user
+# Asks a generic "Are you sure", **make sure the y and N in the prompt are not changed, y and N are not to be translated**
+sure = "¿Estás seguro?: ((ansi color[green] bold)y(ansi reset)/(ansi color[red] bold)N(ansi reset))"
+# Asks user to select package(s) 0- $index to install
+which-install = "Seleccione el paquete que desea instalar [0-($index)]:"
+# Asks user to select package(s) 0- $index to remove
+which-remove = "Select which package(s) to remove [0-($index)]:"
+# Asks user to select packages(s) 0- $index to recieve information about
+which-info = "Select which package(s) to recieve info about [0-($index)]:"
+# Asks user if they are sure to upgrade all packages **make sure y and N in the prompt are not changed, y and N are not to be translated**
+upgrade = "Are you sure you want to upgrade all packages?: ((ansi color[green] bold)y(ansi reset)/(ansi color[red] bold)N(ansi reset))"
+# Declare "Searching [package manager]"
+apt = "Buscando (ansi color[green] bold)apt(ansi reset)…"
+pacstall = "Buscando (ansi color[yellow] bold)Pacstall(ansi reset)…"
+snap = "Buscando (ansi color[red] bold)snap(ansi reset)…"
+flatpak = "Buscando (ansi color[cyan] bold)flatpak(ansi reset)…"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/translation-tomls/fr.toml b/translation-tomls/fr.toml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b26ce0d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translation-tomls/fr.toml
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+#two letters matching the ISO 639-1 code for your language
+language = ""
+#if you are doing a general translation, leave this xx, otherwise, match this to the 2 letter ISO 3166-1 code for the territory you are coding for
+territory = "xx"
+#this will almost alway be left as "blank". If you are making a specific translation for a POSIX locale code, this is what follows the @ symbol
+modifier = "blank"
+#name of language toml (without the extension) to fall back to in case of incomplete translation
+fallback = "en"
+# Declares $matches package(s) were found matching $search
+found-matching = "Paquets trouvés correspondant à '(ansi color[($color)] bold)($search)(ansi reset)':"
+# Declares no packages were found matching $search ($search is $color)
+none-matching = "Aucun paquet trouvé correspondant à '(ansi color[($color)] bold)($search)(ansi reset)'!"
+# Declares $package from $manager is being selected for installation ($package & $manager are $color)
+install-select = "Sélection de (ansi color[($color)] bold)($package)(ansi reset) dans le gestionnaire de paquets (ansi color[($color))] bold)($manager)(ansi reset)."
+# Declares $package from $manager is being selected for removal ($package & $manager are $color)
+remove-select = "Sélection de (ansi color[($color)] bold)($package)(ansi reset) dans le gestionnaire de paquets (ansi color[($color))] bold)($manager)(ansi reset)."
+# Declares the $package from $manager is being skipped (in the process of installation/removal) ($package & $manager are $color)
+skipping = "Skipping (ansi color[($color)] bold)($package)(ansi reset) from (ansi color[($color)] bold)($manager)(ansi reset)."
+# Various error conditions, when user enters wrong data
+# Declares that the user entered no integers <= $number
+integers = "None of the inputs you provided were integers less than or equal to ($number)!"
+# Currently out of use
+# Declares $number is not a valid number
+number = "($number) n'est pas un nombre valide!"
+#Currently out of use
+# Declares $repo to not be a valid repository
+repo = "Nom de dépôt non valide!"
+# Informs the user that they entered the command "rhino-pkg $subcommand" without a search term, which it requires
+search-arguments = "(ansi color[(])rhino-pkg ($subcommand)(ansi reset) requires at least one search term argument."
+# Declares $subcommand is not a valid rhino-pkg command. Instructs user to help page
+subcommand = "'(ansi color[red])($subcommand)(ansi reset)' is not a valid sub-command! To see a list of valid sub-commands run '(ansi color[magenta])rhino-pkg -h(ansi reset)'"
+# Declares that the user entered no sub-command, which rhino-pkg needs. Instructs user to help page
+no-subcommand = "(ansi color[magenta] bold)rhino-pkg(ansi reset) needs a sub-command in order to run. To see these run '(ansi color[magenta])rhino-pkg -h(ansi reset)'."
+#Questions to ask the user
+# Asks a generic "Are you sure", **make sure the y and N in the prompt are not changed, y and N are not to be translated**
+sure = "Are you sure?: ((ansi color[green] bold)y(ansi reset)/(ansi color[red] bold)N(ansi reset))"
+# Asks user to select package(s) 0- $index to install
+which-install = "Sélectionnez le paquet à installer [0-($index)]:"
+# Asks user to select package(s) 0- $index to remove
+which-remove = "Select which package(s) to remove [0-($index)]:"
+# Asks user to select packages(s) 0- $index to recieve information about
+which-info = "Select which package(s) to recieve info about [0-($index)]:"
+# Asks user if they are sure to upgrade all packages **make sure y and N in the prompt are not changed, y and N are not to be translated**
+upgrade = "Are you sure you want to upgrade all packages?: ((ansi color[green] bold)y(ansi reset)/(ansi color[red] bold)N(ansi reset))"
+# Declare "Searching [package manager]…"
+apt = "Recherche de l'(ansi color[green] bold)apt(ansi reset)…"
+pacstall = "Recherche de (ansi color[yellow] bold)Pacstall(ansi reset)…"
+snap = "Recherche de (ansi color[red] bold)snap(ansi reset)…"
+flatpak = "Recherche de (ansi color[cyan] bold)flatpak(ansi reset)…"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/translation-tomls/hi.toml b/translation-tomls/hi.toml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eac1476
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translation-tomls/hi.toml
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+#two letters matching the ISO 639-1 code for your language
+language = ""
+#if you are doing a general translation, leave this xx, otherwise, match this to the 2 letter ISO 3166-1 code for the territory you are coding for
+territory = "xx"
+#this will almost alway be left as "blank". If you are making a specific translation for a POSIX locale code, this is what follows the @ symbol
+modifier = "blank"
+#name of language toml (without the extension) to fall back to in case of incomplete translation
+fallback = "en"
+translator = "Sourajyoti Basak "
+# Declares $matches package(s) were found matching $search
+found-matching = "'(ansi color[($color)] bold)($search)(ansi reset)' से मेल खाने वाले पैकेज मिले:"
+# Declares no packages were found matching $search ($search is $color)
+none-matching = "'(ansi color[($color)] bold)($search)(ansi reset)' से मेल खाता कोई पैकेज नहीं मिला!"
+# Declares $package from $manager is being selected for installation ($package & $manager are $color)
+install-select = "पैकेज मैनेजर (ansi color[($color)] bold)($manager)(ansi reset) से\n(ansi color[($color))] bold)($package)(ansi reset) चुने गए हैं"
+# Declares $package from $manager is being selected for removal ($package & $manager are $color)
+remove-select = "पैकेज मैनेजर (ansi color[($color)] bold)($manager)(ansi reset) से\n(ansi color[($color))] bold)($package)(ansi reset) चुने गए हैं"
+# Declares the $package from $manager is being skipped (in the process of installation/removal) ($package & $manager are $color)
+skipping = "Skipping (ansi color[($color)] bold)($package)(ansi reset) from (ansi color[($color)] bold)($manager)(ansi reset)."
+# Various error conditions, when user enters wrong data
+# Declares that the user entered no integers <= $number
+integers = "None of the inputs you provided were integers less than or equal to ($number)!"
+# Currently out of use
+# Declares $number is not a valid number
+number = "($number) वैध संख्या नहीं है!"
+#Currently out of use
+# Declares $repo to not be a valid repository
+repo = "अवैध भंडार का नाम!"
+# Informs the user that they entered the command "rhino-pkg $subcommand" without a search term, which it requires
+search-arguments = "(ansi color[(])rhino-pkg ($subcommand)(ansi reset) requires at least one search term argument."
+# Declares $subcommand is not a valid rhino-pkg command. Instructs user to help page
+subcommand = "'(ansi color[red])($subcommand)(ansi reset)' is not a valid sub-command! To see a list of valid sub-commands run '(ansi color[magenta])rhino-pkg -h(ansi reset)'"
+# Declares that the user entered no sub-command, which rhino-pkg needs. Instructs user to help page
+no-subcommand = "(ansi color[magenta] bold)rhino-pkg(ansi reset) needs a sub-command in order to run. To see these run '(ansi color[magenta])rhino-pkg -h(ansi reset)'."
+#Questions to ask the user
+# Asks a generic "Are you sure", **make sure the y and N in the prompt are not changed, y and N are not to be translated**
+sure = "Are you sure?: ((ansi color[green] bold)y(ansi reset)/(ansi color[red] bold)N(ansi reset))"
+# Asks user to select package(s) 0- $index to install
+which-install = "[($index)-0] इनस्टॉल करने के लिए एक पैकेज चुनें:"
+# Asks user to select package(s) 0- $index to remove
+which-remove = "Select which package(s) to remove [0-($index)]:"
+# Asks user to select packages(s) 0- $index to recieve information about
+which-info = "Select which package(s) to recieve info about [0-($index)]:"
+# Asks user if they are sure to upgrade all packages **make sure y and N in the prompt are not changed, y and N are not to be translated**
+upgrade = "Are you sure you want to upgrade all packages?: ((ansi color[green] bold)y(ansi reset)/(ansi color[red] bold)N(ansi reset))"
+# Declare "Searching [package manager]…"
+apt = "(ansi color[green] bold)APT(ansi reset) में खोजा जा रहा है…"
+pacstall = "(ansi color[yellow] bold)Pacstall(ansi reset) में खोजा जा रहा है…"
+snap = "(ansi color[red] bold)स्नैप(ansi reset) में खोजा जा रहा है…"
+flatpak = "(ansi color[cyan] bold)फ्लैटपैक(ansi reset) में खोजा जा रहा है…"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/translation-tomls/id.toml b/translation-tomls/id.toml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6cd4e19
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translation-tomls/id.toml
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+#two letters matching the ISO 639-1 code for your language
+language = "id"
+#if you are doing a general translation, leave this xx, otherwise, match this to the 2 letter ISO 3166-1 code for the territory you are coding for
+territory = "xx"
+#this will almost alway be left as "blank". If you are making a specific translation for a POSIX locale code, this is what follows the @ symbol
+modifier = "blank"
+#name of language toml (without the extension) to fall back to in case of incomplete translation
+fallback = "en"
+translator = "yukidream "
+# Declares $matches package(s) were found matching $search
+found-matching = "Menemukan paket yang sesuai '(ansi color[($color)] bold)($search)(ansi reset)':"
+# Declares no packages were found matching $search ($search is $color)
+none-matching = "Tidak menemukan paket yang cocok '(ansi color[($color)] bold)($search)(ansi reset)'!"
+# Declares $package from $manager is being selected for installation ($package & $manager are $color)
+install-select = "Memilih (ansi color[($color)] bold)($package)(ansi reset) dari manajemen paket (ansi color[($color))] bold)($manager)(ansi reset)."
+# Declares $package from $manager is being selected for removal ($package & $manager are $color)
+remove-select = "Memilih (ansi color[($color)] bold)($package)(ansi reset) dari manajemen paket (ansi color[($color))] bold)($manager)(ansi reset)."
+# Declares the $package from $manager is being skipped (in the process of installation/removal) ($package & $manager are $color)
+skipping = "Skipping (ansi color[($color)] bold)($package)(ansi reset) from (ansi color[($color)] bold)($manager)(ansi reset)."
+# Various error conditions, when user enters wrong data
+# Declares that the user entered no integers <= $number
+integers = "None of the inputs you provided were integers less than or equal to ($number)!"
+# Currently out of use
+# Declares $number is not a valid number
+number = "($number) bukan angka yang sah!"
+#Currently out of use
+# Declares $repo to not be a valid repository
+repo = "Nama repositori yang tidak sah!"
+# Informs the user that they entered the command "rhino-pkg $subcommand" without a search term, which it requires
+search-arguments = "(ansi color[magenta])rhino-pkg ($subcommand)(ansi reset) requires at least one search term argument."
+# Declares $subcommand is not a valid rhino-pkg command. Instructs user to help page
+subcommand = "'(ansi color[red])($subcommand)(ansi reset)' is not a valid sub-command! To see a list of valid sub-commands run '(ansi color[magenta])rhino-pkg -h(ansi reset)'"
+# Declares that the user entered no sub-command, which rhino-pkg needs. Instructs user to help page
+no-subcommand = "(ansi color[magenta] bold)rhino-pkg(ansi reset) needs a sub-command in order to run. To see these run '(ansi color[magenta])rhino-pkg -h(ansi reset)'."
+#Questions to ask the user
+# Asks a generic "Are you sure", **make sure the y and N in the prompt are not changed, y and N are not to be translated**
+sure = "Are you sure?: ((ansi color[green] bold)y(ansi reset)/(ansi color[red] bold)N(ansi reset))"
+# Asks user to select package(s) 0- $index to install
+which-install = "Memilih paket yang akan dipasang [0-($index)]:"
+# Asks user to select package(s) 0- $index to remove
+which-remove = "Select which package(s) to remove [0-($index)]:"
+# Asks user to select packages(s) 0- $index to recieve information about
+which-info = "Select which package(s) to recieve info about [0-($index)]:"
+# Asks user if they are sure to upgrade all packages **make sure y and N in the prompt are not changed, y and N are not to be translated**
+upgrade = "Are you sure you want to upgrade all packages?: ((ansi color[green] bold)y(ansi reset)/(ansi color[red] bold)N(ansi reset))"
+# Declare "Searching [package manager]…"
+apt = "Mencari (ansi color[green] bold)apt(ansi reset)…"
+pacstall = "Mencari (ansi color[yellow] bold)Pacstall(ansi reset)…"
+snap = "Mencari (ansi color[red] bold)snap(ansi reset)…"
+flatpak = "Mencari (ansi color[cyan] bold)flatpak(ansi reset)…"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/translation-tomls/ie.toml b/translation-tomls/ie.toml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..94ff047
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translation-tomls/ie.toml
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+#two letters matching the ISO 639-1 code for your language
+language = "ie"
+#if you are doing a general translation, leave this xx, otherwise, match this to the 2 letter ISO 3166-1 code for the territory you are coding for
+territory = "xx"
+#this will almost alway be left as "blank". If you are making a specific translation for a POSIX locale code, this is what follows the @ symbol
+modifier = "blank"
+#name of language toml (without the extension) to fall back to in case of incomplete translation
+fallback = "en"
+translator = "OIS "
+# Declares $matches package(s) were found matching $search
+found-matching = "Trovat paccages correspondente a '(ansi color[($color)] bold)($search)(ansi reset)':"
+# Declares no packages were found matching $search ($search is $color)
+none-matching = "Null paccages trovat quel corresponde a '(ansi color[($color)] bold)($search)(ansi reset)'!"
+# Declares $package from $manager is being selected for installation ($package & $manager are $color)
+install-select = "Selecte (ansi color[($color)] bold)($package)(ansi reset) del gerente de paccages (ansi color[($color))] bold)($manager)(ansi reset)"
+# Declares $package from $manager is being selected for removal ($package & $manager are $color)
+remove-select = "Selecte (ansi color[($color)] bold)($package)(ansi reset) del gerente de paccages (ansi color[($color))] bold)($manager)(ansi reset)"
+# Declares the $package from $manager is being skipped (in the process of installation/removal) ($package & $manager are $color)
+skipping = "Skipping (ansi color[($color)] bold)($package)(ansi reset) from (ansi color[($color)] bold)($manager)(ansi reset)."
+# Various error conditions, when user enters wrong data
+# Declares that the user entered no integers <= $number
+integers = "None of the inputs you provided were integers less than or equal to ($number)!"
+# Currently out of use
+# Declares $number is not a valid number
+number = "($number) ne es un valid númere!"
+#Currently out of use
+# Declares $repo to not be a valid repository
+repo = "Ínvalid nómine de un repositoria!!"
+# Informs the user that they entered the command "rhino-pkg $subcommand" without a search term, which it requires
+search-arguments = "(ansi color[magenta])rhino-pkg ($subcommand)(ansi reset) requires at least one search term argument."
+# Declares $subcommand is not a valid rhino-pkg command. Instructs user to help page
+subcommand = "'(ansi color[red])($subcommand)(ansi reset)' is not a valid sub-command! To see a list of valid sub-commands run '(ansi color[magenta])rhino-pkg -h(ansi reset)'"
+# Declares that the user entered no sub-command, which rhino-pkg needs. Instructs user to help page
+no-subcommand = "(ansi color[magenta] bold)rhino-pkg(ansi reset) needs a sub-command in order to run. To see these run '(ansi color[magenta])rhino-pkg -h(ansi reset)'."
+#Questions to ask the user
+# Asks a generic "Are you sure", **make sure the y and N in the prompt are not changed, y and N are not to be translated**
+sure = "Esque vu es cert?: ((ansi color[green] bold)y(ansi reset)/(ansi color[red] bold)N(ansi reset))"
+# Asks user to select package(s) 0- $index to install
+which-install = "Selecter un paccage a installar [0-($index)]:"
+# Asks user to select package(s) 0- $index to remove
+which-remove = "Selecter un paccage a remover [0-($index)]:"
+# Asks user to select packages(s) 0- $index to recieve information about
+which-info = "Select which package(s) to recieve info about [0-($index)]:"
+# Asks user if they are sure to upgrade all packages **make sure y and N in the prompt are not changed, y and N are not to be translated**
+upgrade = "Esque vu vole actualisar omni paccages?: ((ansi color[green] bold)y(ansi reset)/(ansi color[red] bold)N(ansi reset))"
+# Declare "Searching [package manager]…"
+apt = "Serchante (ansi color[green] bold)apt(ansi reset)…"
+pacstall = "Serchante (ansi color[yellow] bold)Pacstall(ansi reset)…"
+snap = "Serchante (ansi color[red] bold)snap(ansi reset)…"
+flatpak = "Serchante (ansi color[cyan] bold)flatpak(ansi reset)…"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/translation-tomls/it.toml b/translation-tomls/it.toml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c792488
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translation-tomls/it.toml
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+#two letters matching the ISO 639-1 code for your language
+language = ""
+#if you are doing a general translation, leave this xx, otherwise, match this to the 2 letter ISO 3166-1 code for the territory you are coding for
+territory = "xx"
+#this will almost alway be left as "blank". If you are making a specific translation for a POSIX locale code, this is what follows the @ symbol
+modifier = "blank"
+#name of language toml (without the extension) to fall back to in case of incomplete translation
+fallback = "en"
+# Declares $matches package(s) were found matching $search
+found-matching = "Sono stati trovati pacchetti corrispondenti a '(ansi color[($color)] bold)($search)(ansi reset)':"
+# Declares no packages were found matching $search ($search is $color)
+none-matching = "Nessun pacchetto corrispondente a '(ansi color[($color)] bold)($search)(ansi reset)' trovato!"
+# Declares $package from $manager is being selected for installation ($package & $manager are $color)
+install-select = "Selezionando (ansi color[($color)] bold)($package)(ansi reset) dal gestore di pacchetti (ansi color[($color))] bold)($manager)(ansi reset)"
+# Declares $package from $manager is being selected for removal ($package & $manager are $color)
+remove-select = "Selezionando (ansi color[($color)] bold)($package)(ansi reset) dal gestore di pacchetti (ansi color[($color))] bold)($manager)(ansi reset)"
+# Declares the $package from $manager is being skipped (in the process of installation/removal) ($package & $manager are $color)
+skipping = "Skipping (ansi color[($color)] bold)($package)(ansi reset) from (ansi color[($color)] bold)($manager)(ansi reset)."
+# Various error conditions, when user enters wrong data
+# Declares that the user entered no integers <= $number
+integers = "None of the inputs you provided were integers less than or equal to ($number)!"
+# Currently out of use
+# Declares $number is not a valid number
+number = "($number) non è un numero valido!"
+#Currently out of use
+# Declares $repo to not be a valid repository
+repo = "Nome del repository non valido!"
+# Informs the user that they entered the command "rhino-pkg $subcommand" without a search term, which it requires
+search-arguments = "(ansi color[magenta])rhino-pkg ($subcommand)(ansi reset) requires at least one search term argument."
+# Declares $subcommand is not a valid rhino-pkg command. Instructs user to help page
+subcommand = "'(ansi color[red])($subcommand)(ansi reset)' is not a valid sub-command! To see a list of valid sub-commands run '(ansi color[magenta])rhino-pkg -h(ansi reset)'"
+# Declares that the user entered no sub-command, which rhino-pkg needs. Instructs user to help page
+no-subcommand = "(ansi color[magenta] bold)rhino-pkg(ansi reset) needs a sub-command in order to run. To see these run '(ansi color[magenta])rhino-pkg -h(ansi reset)'."
+#Questions to ask the user
+# Asks a generic "Are you sure", **make sure the y and N in the prompt are not changed, y and N are not to be translated**
+sure = "Are you sure?: ((ansi color[green] bold)y(ansi reset)/(ansi color[red] bold)N(ansi reset))"
+# Asks user to select package(s) 0- $index to install
+which-install = "Seleziona il pacchetto da installare [0-($index)]:"
+# Asks user to select package(s) 0- $index to remove
+which-remove = "Select which package(s) to remove [0-($index)]:"
+# Asks user to select packages(s) 0- $index to recieve information about
+which-info = "Select which package(s) to recieve info about [0-($index)]:"
+# Asks user if they are sure to upgrade all packages **make sure y and N in the prompt are not changed, y and N are not to be translated**
+upgrade = "Are you sure you want to upgrade all packages?: ((ansi color[green] bold)y(ansi reset)/(ansi color[red] bold)N(ansi reset))"
+# Declare "Searching [package manager]…"
+apt = "Cercando su (ansi color[green] bold)apt(ansi reset)…"
+pacstall = "Cercando su (ansi color[yellow] bold)Pacstall(ansi reset)…"
+snap = "Cercando su (ansi color[red] bold)snap(ansi reset)…"
+flatpak = "Cercando su (ansi color[cyan] bold)flatpak(ansi reset)…"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/translation-tomls/ko.toml b/translation-tomls/ko.toml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..af0f4f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translation-tomls/ko.toml
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+#two letters matching the ISO 639-1 code for your language
+language = "ko"
+#if you are doing a general translation, leave this xx, otherwise, match this to the 2 letter ISO 3166-1 code for the territory you are coding for
+territory = "xx"
+#this will almost alway be left as "blank". If you are making a specific translation for a POSIX locale code, this is what follows the @ symbol
+modifier = "blank"
+#name of language toml (without the extension) to fall back to in case of incomplete translation
+fallback = "en"
+translator = "DtotheFuture "
+# Declares $matches package(s) were found matching $search
+found-matching = "'(ansi color[($color)] bold)($search)(ansi reset)' 와 일치하는 패키지를 찾았습니다:"
+# Declares no packages were found matching $search ($search is $color)
+none-matching = "'(ansi color[($color)] bold)($search)(ansi reset)' 와 일치하는 패키지를 찾을 수 없습니다!"
+# Declares $package from $manager is being selected for installation ($package & $manager are $color)
+install-select = "패키지 관리자 (ansi color[($color)] bold)($manager)(ansi reset) 에서 (ansi color[($color))] bold)($package)(ansi reset) 를 선택했습니다"
+# Declares $package from $manager is being selected for removal ($package & $manager are $color)
+remove-select = "패키지 관리자 (ansi color[($color)] bold)($manager)(ansi reset) 에서 (ansi color[($color))] bold)($package)(ansi reset) 를 선택했습니다"
+# Declares the $package from $manager is being skipped (in the process of installation/removal) ($package & $manager are $color)
+skipping = "Skipping (ansi color[($color)] bold)($package)(ansi reset) from (ansi color[($color)] bold)($manager)(ansi reset)."
+# Various error conditions, when user enters wrong data
+# Declares that the user entered no integers <= $number
+integers = "None of the inputs you provided were integers less than or equal to ($number)!"
+# Currently out of use
+# Declares $number is not a valid number
+number = "($number) 은 유효한 번호가 아닙니다!"
+#Currently out of use
+# Declares $repo to not be a valid repository
+repo = "저장소 이름이 잘못되었습니다!"
+# Informs the user that they entered the command "rhino-pkg $subcommand" without a search term, which it requires
+search-arguments = "(ansi color[magenta])rhino-pkg ($subcommand)(ansi reset) requires at least one search term argument."
+# Declares $subcommand is not a valid rhino-pkg command. Instructs user to help page
+subcommand = "'(ansi color[red])($subcommand)(ansi reset)' is not a valid sub-command! To see a list of valid sub-commands run '(ansi color[magenta])rhino-pkg -h(ansi reset)'"
+# Declares that the user entered no sub-command, which rhino-pkg needs. Instructs user to help page
+no-subcommand = "(ansi color[magenta] bold)rhino-pkg(ansi reset) needs a sub-command in order to run. To see these run '(ansi color[magenta])rhino-pkg -h(ansi reset)'."
+#Questions to ask the user
+# Asks a generic "Are you sure", **make sure the y and N in the prompt are not changed, y and N are not to be translated**
+sure = "Are you sure?: ((ansi color[green] bold)y(ansi reset)/(ansi color[red] bold)N(ansi reset))"
+# Asks user to select package(s) 0- $index to install
+which-install = "설치할 패키지를 선택해주세요 [0-($index)]:"
+# Asks user to select package(s) 0- $index to remove
+which-remove = "Select which package(s) to remove [0-($index)]:"
+# Asks user to select packages(s) 0- $index to recieve information about
+which-info = "Select which package(s) to recieve info about [0-($index)]:"
+# Asks user if they are sure to upgrade all packages **make sure y and N in the prompt are not changed, y and N are not to be translated**
+upgrade = "Are you sure you want to upgrade all packages?: ((ansi color[green] bold)y(ansi reset)/(ansi color[red] bold)N(ansi reset))"
+# Declare "Searching [package manager]…"
+apt = "(ansi color[green] bold)APT(ansi reset) 검색 중…"
+pacstall = "(ansi color[yellow] bold)Pacstall(ansi reset) 검색 중…"
+snap = "(ansi color[red] bold)Snap(ansi reset) 검색 중…"
+flatpak = "(ansi color[cyan] bold)Flatpak(ansi reset) 검색 중…"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/translation-tomls/lang-template.toml b/translation-tomls/lang-template.toml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..505ad83
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translation-tomls/lang-template.toml
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+#two letters matching the ISO 639-1 code for your language
+language = ""
+#if you are doing a general translation, leave this xx, otherwise, match this to the 2 letter ISO 3166-1 code for the territory you are coding for
+territory = "xx"
+#this will almost alway be left as "blank". If you are making a specific translation for a POSIX locale code, this is what follows the @ symbol
+modifier = "blank"
+#name of language toml (without the extension) to fall back to in case of incomplete translation
+fallback = "en"
+# Declares $matches package(s) were found matching $search
+found-matching = "Found ($matches) package(s) matching '(ansi color[($color)] bold)($search)(ansi reset)':"
+# Declares no packages were found matching $search ($search is $color)
+none-matching = "No packages found matching '(ansi color[($color)] bold)($search)(ansi reset)'!"
+# Declares $package from $manager is being selected for installation ($package & $manager are $color)
+install-select = "Selecting (ansi color[($color)] bold)($package)(ansi reset) from (ansi color[($color))] bold)($manager)(ansi reset) for installation."
+# Declares $package from $manager is being selected for removal ($package & $manager are $color)
+remove-select = "Selecting (ansi color[($color)] bold)($package)(ansi reset) from (ansi color[($color)] bold)($manager)(ansi reset) for removal."
+# Declares the $package from $manager is being skipped (in the process of installation/removal) ($package & $manager are $color)
+skipping = "Skipping (ansi color[($color)] bold)($package)(ansi reset) from (ansi color[($color)] bold)($manager)(ansi reset)."
+# Various error conditions, when user enters wrong data
+# Declares that the user entered no integers <= $number
+integers = "None of the inputs you provided were integers less than or equal to ($number)!"
+# Currently out of use
+# Declares $number is not a valid number
+number = "($number) is not a valid number!"
+#Currently out of use
+# Declares $repo to not be a valid repository
+repo = "($repo) is not a valid repository!"
+# Informs the user that they entered the command "rhino-pkg $subcommand" without a search term, which it requires
+search-arguments = "(ansi color[magenta])rhino-pkg ($subcommand)(ansi reset) requires at least one search term argument."
+# Declares $subcommand is not a valid rhino-pkg command. Instructs user to help page
+subcommand = "'(ansi color[red])($subcommand)(ansi reset)' is not a valid sub-command! To see a list of valid sub-commands run '(ansi color[magenta])rhino-pkg -h(ansi reset)'"
+# Declares that the user entered no sub-command, which rhino-pkg needs. Instructs user to help page
+no-subcommand = "(ansi color[magenta] bold)rhino-pkg(ansi reset) needs a sub-command in order to run. To see these run '(ansi color[magenta])rhino-pkg -h(ansi reset)'."
+#Questions to ask the user
+# Asks a generic "Are you sure", **make sure the y and N in the prompt are not changed, y and N are not to be translated**
+sure = "Are you sure?: ((ansi color[green] bold)y(ansi reset)/(ansi color[red] bold)N(ansi reset))"
+# Asks user to select package(s) 0- $index to install
+which-install = "Select which package(s) to install [0-($index)]:"
+# Asks user to select package(s) 0- $index to remove
+which-remove = "Select which package(s) to remove [0-($index)]:"
+# Asks user to select packages(s) 0- $index to recieve information about
+which-info = "Select which package(s) to recieve info about [0-($index)]:"
+# Asks user if they are sure to upgrade all packages **make sure y and N in the prompt are not changed, y and N are not to be translated**
+upgrade = "Are you sure you want to upgrade all packages?: ((ansi color[green] bold)y(ansi reset)/(ansi color[red] bold)N(ansi reset))"
+# Declare "Searching [package manager]…"
+apt = "Searching (ansi color[green] bold)apt(ansi reset)…"
+pacstall = "Searching (ansi color[yellow] bold)Pacstall(ansi reset)…"
+snap = "Searching (ansi color[red] bold)snap(ansi reset)…"
+flatpak = "Searching (ansi color[cyan] bold)flatpak(ansi reset)…"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/translation-tomls/nl.toml b/translation-tomls/nl.toml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4fd03c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translation-tomls/nl.toml
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+#two letters matching the ISO 639-1 code for your language
+language = "nl"
+#if you are doing a general translation, leave this xx, otherwise, match this to the 2 letter ISO 3166-1 code for the territory you are coding for
+territory = "xx"
+#this will almost alway be left as "blank". If you are making a specific translation for a POSIX locale code, this is what follows the @ symbol
+modifier = "blank"
+#name of language toml (without the extension) to fall back to in case of incomplete translation
+fallback = "en"
+# Declares $matches package(s) were found matching $search
+found-matching = "Pakketten die overeenkomen met '(ansi color[($color)] bold)($search)(ansi reset)':"
+# Declares no packages were found matching $search ($search is $color)
+none-matching = "Er zijn geen pakketten gevonden die overeenkomen met '(ansi color[($color)] bold)($search)(ansi reset)'!"
+# Declares $package from $manager is being selected for installation ($package & $manager are $color)
+install-select = "Keuzes: (ansi color[($color)] bold)($package)(ansi reset) met behulp van pakketbeheerder (ansi color[($color))] bold)($manager)(ansi reset)."
+# Declares $package from $manager is being selected for removal ($package & $manager are $color)
+remove-select = "Keuzes: (ansi color[($color)] bold)($package)(ansi reset) met behulp van pakketbeheerder (ansi color[($color))] bold)($manager)(ansi reset)."
+# Declares the $package from $manager is being skipped (in the process of installation/removal) ($package & $manager are $color)
+skipping = "Skipping (ansi color[($color)] bold)($package)(ansi reset) from (ansi color[($color)] bold)($manager)(ansi reset)."
+# Various error conditions, when user enters wrong data
+# Declares that the user entered no integers <= $number
+integers = "None of the inputs you provided were integers less than or equal to ($number)!"
+# Currently out of use
+# Declares $number is not a valid number
+number = "($number) is geen geldig getal!"
+#Currently out of use
+# Declares $repo to not be a valid repository
+repo = "De pakketbronnaam is ongeldig!"
+# Informs the user that they entered the command "rhino-pkg $subcommand" without a search term, which it requires
+search-arguments = "(ansi color[magenta])rhino-pkg ($subcommand)(ansi reset) requires at least one search term argument."
+# Declares $subcommand is not a valid rhino-pkg command. Instructs user to help page
+subcommand = "'(ansi color[red])($subcommand)(ansi reset)' is not a valid sub-command! To see a list of valid sub-commands run '(ansi color[magenta])rhino-pkg -h(ansi reset)'"
+# Declares that the user entered no sub-command, which rhino-pkg needs. Instructs user to help page
+no-subcommand = "(ansi color[magenta] bold)rhino-pkg(ansi reset) needs a sub-command in order to run. To see these run '(ansi color[magenta])rhino-pkg -h(ansi reset)'."
+#Questions to ask the user
+# Asks a generic "Are you sure", **make sure the y and N in the prompt are not changed, y and N are not to be translated**
+sure = "Weet u het zeker?: ((ansi color[green] bold)y(ansi reset)/(ansi color[red] bold)N(ansi reset))"
+# Asks user to select package(s) 0- $index to install
+which-install = "Kies de te installeren pakketten [0-($index)]:"
+# Asks user to select package(s) 0- $index to remove
+which-remove = "Kies de te verwijderen pakketten [0-($index)]:"
+# Asks user to select packages(s) 0- $index to recieve information about
+which-info = "Select which package(s) to recieve info about [0-($index)]:"
+# Asks user if they are sure to upgrade all packages **make sure y and N in the prompt are not changed, y and N are not to be translated**
+upgrade = "Weet u zeker dat u alle pakketten wilt bijwerken?: ((ansi color[green] bold)y(ansi reset)/(ansi color[red] bold)N(ansi reset))"
+# Declare "Searching [package manager]…"
+apt = "Bezig met doorzoeken van (ansi color[green] bold)apt(ansi reset)…"
+pacstall = "Bezig met doorzoeken van(ansi color[yellow] bold)Pacstall(ansi reset)…"
+snap = "Bezig met doorzoeken van (ansi color[red] bold)Snap(ansi reset)…"
+flatpak = "Bezig met doorzoeken van (ansi color[cyan] bold)Flatpak(ansi reset)…"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/translation-tomls/pt_br.toml b/translation-tomls/pt_br.toml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fe82969
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translation-tomls/pt_br.toml
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+#two letters matching the ISO 639-1 code for your language
+language = "pr"
+#if you are doing a general translation, leave this xx, otherwise, match this to the 2 letter ISO 3166-1 code for the territory you are coding for
+territory = "br"
+#this will almost alway be left as "blank". If you are making a specific translation for a POSIX locale code, this is what follows the @ symbol
+modifier = "blank"
+#name of language toml (without the extension) to fall back to in case of incomplete translation
+fallback = "en"
+translater = "Raul Dipeas "
+# Declares $matches package(s) were found matching $search
+found-matching = "Pacotes encontrados correspondentes a '(ansi color[($color)] bold)($search)(ansi reset)':"
+# Declares no packages were found matching $search ($search is $color)
+none-matching = "Nenhum pacote encontrado correspondente a '(ansi color[($color)] bold)($search)(ansi reset)'!"
+# Declares $package from $manager is being selected for installation ($package & $manager are $color)
+install-select = "Selecionando (ansi color[($color)] bold)($package)(ansi reset) do gerenciador de pacotes (ansi color[($color))] bold)($manager)(ansi reset) for installation."
+# Declares $package from $manager is being selected for removal ($package & $manager are $color)
+remove-select = "Selecting (ansi color[($color)] bold)($package)(ansi reset) from (ansi color[($color)] bold)($manager)(ansi reset) for removal."
+# Declares the $package from $manager is being skipped (in the process of installation/removal) ($package & $manager are $color)
+skipping = "Skipping (ansi color[($color)] bold)($package)(ansi reset) from (ansi color[($color)] bold)($manager)(ansi reset)."
+# Various error conditions, when user enters wrong data
+# Declares that the user entered no integers <= $number
+integers = "None of the inputs you provided were integers less than or equal to ($number)!"
+# Currently out of use
+# Declares $number is not a valid number
+number = "($number) não é um número válido!"
+#Currently out of use
+# Declares $repo to not be a valid repository
+repo = "Nome de repositório inválido!"
+# Informs the user that they entered the command "rhino-pkg $subcommand" without a search term, which it requires
+search-arguments = "(ansi color[magenta])rhino-pkg ($subcommand)(ansi reset) requires at least one search term argument."
+# Declares $subcommand is not a valid rhino-pkg command. Instructs user to help page
+subcommand = "'(ansi color[red])($subcommand)(ansi reset)' is not a valid sub-command! To see a list of valid sub-commands run '(ansi color[magenta])rhino-pkg -h(ansi reset)'"
+# Declares that the user entered no sub-command, which rhino-pkg needs. Instructs user to help page
+no-subcommand = "(ansi color[magenta] bold)rhino-pkg(ansi reset) needs a sub-command in order to run. To see these run '(ansi color[magenta])rhino-pkg -h(ansi reset)'."
+#Questions to ask the user
+# Asks a generic "Are you sure", **make sure the y and N in the prompt are not changed, y and N are not to be translated**
+sure = "Tem certeza?: ((ansi color[green] bold)y(ansi reset)/(ansi color[red] bold)N(ansi reset))"
+# Asks user to select package(s) 0- $index to install
+which-install = "Selecione qual pacote instalar [0-($index)]:"
+# Asks user to select package(s) 0- $index to remove
+which-remove = "Selecione qual pacote remover [0-($index)]:"
+# Asks user to select packages(s) 0- $index to recieve information about
+which-info = "Select which package(s) to recieve info about [0-($index)]:"
+# Asks user if they are sure to upgrade all packages **make sure y and N in the prompt are not changed, y and N are not to be translated**
+upgrade = "Tem certeza de que deseja atualizar todos os pacotes?: ((ansi color[green] bold)y(ansi reset)/(ansi color[red] bold)N(ansi reset))"
+# Declare "Searching [package manager]…"
+apt = "Procurando (ansi color[green] bold)apt(ansi reset)…"
+pacstall = "Procurando(ansi color[yellow] bold)Pacstall(ansi reset)…"
+snap = "Procurando (ansi color[red] bold)snap(ansi reset)…"
+flatpak = "Procurando (ansi color[cyan] bold)flatpak(ansi reset)…"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/translation-tomls/ro.toml b/translation-tomls/ro.toml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1f57d5c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translation-tomls/ro.toml
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+#two letters matching the ISO 639-1 code for your language
+language = "ro"
+#if you are doing a general translation, leave this xx, otherwise, match this to the 2 letter ISO 3166-1 code for the territory you are coding for
+territory = "xx"
+#this will almost alway be left as "blank". If you are making a specific translation for a POSIX locale code, this is what follows the @ symbol
+modifier = "blank"
+#name of language toml (without the extension) to fall back to in case of incomplete translation
+fallback = "en"
+translator = "Elsie "
+# Declares $matches package(s) were found matching $search
+found-matching = "Următoarele aplicații care se potrivesc cu '(ansi color[($color)] bold)($search)(ansi reset)' au fost găsite:"
+# Declares no packages were found matching $search ($search is $color)
+none-matching = "Nu au fost găsite aplicații care să se potrivească cu '(ansi color[($color)] bold)($search)(ansi reset)'!"
+# Declares $package from $manager is being selected for installation ($package & $manager are $color)
+install-select = "Ai selectat (ansi color[($color)] bold)($package)(ansi reset) din registrul de aplicații (ansi color[($color))] bold)($manager)(ansi reset)"
+# Declares $package from $manager is being selected for removal ($package & $manager are $color)
+remove-select = "Ai selectat (ansi color[($color)] bold)($package)(ansi reset) din registrul de aplicații (ansi color[($color))] bold)($manager)(ansi reset)"
+# Declares the $package from $manager is being skipped (in the process of installation/removal) ($package & $manager are $color)
+skipping = "Skipping (ansi color[($color)] bold)($package)(ansi reset) from (ansi color[($color)] bold)($manager)(ansi reset)."
+# Various error conditions, when user enters wrong data
+# Declares that the user entered no integers <= $number
+integers = "None of the inputs you provided were integers less than or equal to ($number)!"
+# Currently out of use
+# Declares $number is not a valid number
+number = "($number) nu este un număr valid!"
+#Currently out of use
+# Declares $repo to not be a valid repository
+repo = "Acest registru de aplicații nu există!"
+# Informs the user that they entered the command "rhino-pkg $subcommand" without a search term, which it requires
+search-arguments = "(ansi color[magenta])rhino-pkg ($subcommand)(ansi reset) requires at least one search term argument."
+# Declares $subcommand is not a valid rhino-pkg command. Instructs user to help page
+subcommand = "'(ansi color[red])($subcommand)(ansi reset)' is not a valid sub-command! To see a list of valid sub-commands run '(ansi color[magenta])rhino-pkg -h(ansi reset)'"
+# Declares that the user entered no sub-command, which rhino-pkg needs. Instructs user to help page
+no-subcommand = "(ansi color[magenta] bold)rhino-pkg(ansi reset) needs a sub-command in order to run. To see these run '(ansi color[magenta])rhino-pkg -h(ansi reset)'."
+#Questions to ask the user
+# Asks a generic "Are you sure", **make sure the y and N in the prompt are not changed, y and N are not to be translated**
+sure = "Are you sure?: ((ansi color[green] bold)y(ansi reset)/(ansi color[red] bold)N(ansi reset))"
+# Asks user to select package(s) 0- $index to install
+which-install = "Selectează care aplicație să fie instalată [0-($index)]:"
+# Asks user to select package(s) 0- $index to remove
+which-remove = "Select which package(s) to remove [0-($index)]:"
+# Asks user to select packages(s) 0- $index to recieve information about
+which-info = "Select which package(s) to recieve info about [0-($index)]:"
+# Asks user if they are sure to upgrade all packages **make sure y and N in the prompt are not changed, y and N are not to be translated**
+upgrade = "Are you sure you want to upgrade all packages?: ((ansi color[green] bold)y(ansi reset)/(ansi color[red] bold)N(ansi reset))"
+# Declare "Searching [package manager]…"
+apt = "Căutare în (ansi color[green] bold)apt(ansi reset)…"
+pacstall = "Căutare în (ansi color[yellow] bold)Pacstall(ansi reset)…"
+snap = "Căutare în (ansi color[red] bold)snap(ansi reset)…"
+flatpak = "Căutare în (ansi color[cyan] bold)flatpak(ansi reset)…"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/translation-tomls/ru.toml b/translation-tomls/ru.toml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..23abfdb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translation-tomls/ru.toml
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+#two letters matching the ISO 639-1 code for your language
+language = "ru"
+#if you are doing a general translation, leave this xx, otherwise, match this to the 2 letter ISO 3166-1 code for the territory you are coding for
+territory = "xx"
+#this will almost alway be left as "blank". If you are making a specific translation for a POSIX locale code, this is what follows the @ symbol
+modifier = "blank"
+#name of language toml (without the extension) to fall back to in case of incomplete translation
+fallback = "en"
+translater = "OIS "
+# Declares $matches package(s) were found matching $search
+found-matching = "Пакеты по шаблону '(ansi color[($color)] bold)($search)(ansi reset)':"
+# Declares no packages were found matching $search ($search is $color)
+none-matching = "Не найдены пакеты по шаблону '(ansi color[($color)] bold)($search)(ansi reset)'!"
+# Declares $package from $manager is being selected for installation ($package & $manager are $color)
+install-select = "Выбран (ansi color[($color)] bold)($package)(ansi reset) из менеджера пакетов (ansi color[($color))] bold)($manager)(ansi reset)."
+# Declares $package from $manager is being selected for removal ($package & $manager are $color)
+remove-select = "Выбран (ansi color[($color)] bold)($package)(ansi reset) из менеджера пакетов (ansi color[($color))] bold)($manager)(ansi reset)."
+# Declares the $package from $manager is being skipped (in the process of installation/removal) ($package & $manager are $color)
+skipping = "Skipping (ansi color[($color)] bold)($package)(ansi reset) from (ansi color[($color)] bold)($manager)(ansi reset)."
+# Various error conditions, when user enters wrong data
+# Declares that the user entered no integers <= $number
+integers = "None of the inputs you provided were integers less than or equal to ($number)!"
+# Currently out of use
+# Declares $number is not a valid number
+number = "($number) не является числом!"
+#Currently out of use
+# Declares $repo to not be a valid repository
+repo = "Неверное имя репозитория!"
+# Informs the user that they entered the command "rhino-pkg $subcommand" without a search term, which it requires
+search-arguments = "(ansi color[magenta])rhino-pkg ($subcommand)(ansi reset) requires at least one search term argument."
+# Declares $subcommand is not a valid rhino-pkg command. Instructs user to help page
+subcommand = "'(ansi color[red])($subcommand)(ansi reset)' is not a valid sub-command! To see a list of valid sub-commands run '(ansi color[magenta])rhino-pkg -h(ansi reset)'"
+# Declares that the user entered no sub-command, which rhino-pkg needs. Instructs user to help page
+no-subcommand = "(ansi color[magenta] bold)rhino-pkg(ansi reset) needs a sub-command in order to run. To see these run '(ansi color[magenta])rhino-pkg -h(ansi reset)'."
+#Questions to ask the user
+# Asks a generic "Are you sure", **make sure the y and N in the prompt are not changed, y and N are not to be translated**
+sure = "Вы уверены?: ((ansi color[green] bold)y(ansi reset)/(ansi color[red] bold)N(ansi reset))"
+# Asks user to select package(s) 0- $index to install
+which-install = "Выберите устанавливаемый пакет [0-($index)]:"
+# Asks user to select package(s) 0- $index to remove
+which-remove = "Выберите удаляемый пакет [0-($index)]:"
+# Asks user to select packages(s) 0- $index to recieve information about
+which-info = "Select which package(s) to recieve info about [0-($index)]:"
+# Asks user if they are sure to upgrade all packages **make sure y and N in the prompt are not changed, y and N are not to be translated**
+upgrade = "Обновить все пакеты?: ((ansi color[green] bold)y(ansi reset)/(ansi color[red] bold)N(ansi reset))"
+# Declare "Searching [package manager]…"
+apt = "Поиск в (ansi color[green] bold)apt(ansi reset)…"
+pacstall = "Поиск в (ansi color[yellow] bold)Pacstall(ansi reset)…"
+snap = "Поиск в (ansi color[red] bold)snap(ansi reset)…"
+flatpak = "Поиск в (ansi color[cyan] bold)flatpak(ansi reset)…"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/translation-tomls/sv.toml b/translation-tomls/sv.toml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4194897
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translation-tomls/sv.toml
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+#two letters matching the ISO 639-1 code for your language
+language = "sv"
+#if you are doing a general translation, leave this xx, otherwise, match this to the 2 letter ISO 3166-1 code for the territory you are coding for
+territory = "xx"
+#this will almost alway be left as "blank". If you are making a specific translation for a POSIX locale code, this is what follows the @ symbol
+modifier = "blank"
+#name of language toml (without the extension) to fall back to in case of incomplete translation
+fallback = "en"
+# Declares $matches package(s) were found matching $search
+found-matching = "Hittade paket som liknar '(ansi color[($color)] bold)($search)(ansi reset)':"
+# Declares no packages were found matching $search ($search is $color)
+none-matching = "Inga paket hittas som liknar '(ansi color[($color)] bold)($search)(ansi reset)'!"
+# Declares $package from $manager is being selected for installation ($package & $manager are $color)
+install-select = "Väljer (ansi color[($color)] bold)($package)(ansi reset) från pakethanterare (ansi color[($color))] bold)($manager)(ansi reset)"
+# Declares $package from $manager is being selected for removal ($package & $manager are $color)
+remove-select = "Väljer (ansi color[($color)] bold)($package)(ansi reset) från pakethanterare (ansi color[($color))] bold)($manager)(ansi reset)"
+# Declares the $package from $manager is being skipped (in the process of installation/removal) ($package & $manager are $color)
+skipping = "Skipping (ansi color[($color)] bold)($package)(ansi reset) from (ansi color[($color)] bold)($manager)(ansi reset)."
+# Various error conditions, when user enters wrong data
+# Declares that the user entered no integers <= $number
+integers = "None of the inputs you provided were integers less than or equal to ($number)!"
+# Currently out of use
+# Declares $number is not a valid number
+number = "($number) är inte ett giltigt nummer!"
+#Currently out of use
+# Declares $repo to not be a valid repository
+repo = "Ojiltigt arkivnamn!"
+# Informs the user that they entered the command "rhino-pkg $subcommand" without a search term, which it requires
+search-arguments = "(ansi color[magenta])rhino-pkg ($subcommand)(ansi reset) requires at least one search term argument."
+# Declares $subcommand is not a valid rhino-pkg command. Instructs user to help page
+subcommand = "'(ansi color[red])($subcommand)(ansi reset)' is not a valid sub-command! To see a list of valid sub-commands run '(ansi color[magenta])rhino-pkg -h(ansi reset)'"
+# Declares that the user entered no sub-command, which rhino-pkg needs. Instructs user to help page
+no-subcommand = "(ansi color[magenta] bold)rhino-pkg(ansi reset) needs a sub-command in order to run. To see these run '(ansi color[magenta])rhino-pkg -h(ansi reset)'."
+#Questions to ask the user
+# Asks a generic "Are you sure", **make sure the y and N in the prompt are not changed, y and N are not to be translated**
+sure = "Are you sure?: ((ansi color[green] bold)y(ansi reset)/(ansi color[red] bold)N(ansi reset))"
+# Asks user to select package(s) 0- $index to install
+which-install = "Välj vilket paket att installera [0-($index)]:"
+# Asks user to select package(s) 0- $index to remove
+which-remove = "Select which package(s) to remove [0-($index)]:"
+# Asks user to select packages(s) 0- $index to recieve information about
+which-info = "Select which package(s) to recieve info about [0-($index)]:"
+# Asks user if they are sure to upgrade all packages **make sure y and N in the prompt are not changed, y and N are not to be translated**
+upgrade = "Are you sure you want to upgrade all packages?: ((ansi color[green] bold)y(ansi reset)/(ansi color[red] bold)N(ansi reset))"
+# Declare "Searching [package manager]…"
+apt = "Söker i (ansi color[green] bold)apt(ansi reset)…"
+pacstall = "Söker i (ansi color[yellow] bold)Pacstall(ansi reset)…"
+snap = "Söker i (ansi color[red] bold)snap(ansi reset)…"
+flatpak = "Söker i (ansi color[cyan] bold)flatpak(ansi reset)…"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/translation-tomls/uk.toml b/translation-tomls/uk.toml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..556755d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translation-tomls/uk.toml
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+#two letters matching the ISO 639-1 code for your language
+language = "uk"
+#if you are doing a general translation, leave this xx, otherwise, match this to the 2 letter ISO 3166-1 code for the territory you are coding for
+territory = "xx"
+#this will almost alway be left as "blank". If you are making a specific translation for a POSIX locale code, this is what follows the @ symbol
+modifier = "blank"
+#name of language toml (without the extension) to fall back to in case of incomplete translation
+fallback = "en"
+translator = "Dan "
+# Declares $matches package(s) were found matching $search
+found-matching = "Знайдено пакунки, які відповідають '(ansi color[($color)] bold)($search)(ansi reset)':"
+# Declares no packages were found matching $search ($search is $color)
+none-matching = "Не знайдено пакунків, що відповідають '(ansi color[($color)] bold)($search)(ansi reset)'!"
+# Declares $package from $manager is being selected for installation ($package & $manager are $color)
+install-select = "Вибір (ansi color[($color)] bold)($package)(ansi reset) з менеджера пакунків (ansi color[($color))] bold)($manager)(ansi reset) for installation."
+# Declares $package from $manager is being selected for removal ($package & $manager are $color)
+remove-select = "Selecting (ansi color[($color)] bold)($package)(ansi reset) from (ansi color[($color)] bold)($manager)(ansi reset) for removal."
+# Declares the $package from $manager is being skipped (in the process of installation/removal) ($package & $manager are $color)
+skipping = "Skipping (ansi color[($color)] bold)($package)(ansi reset) from (ansi color[($color)] bold)($manager)(ansi reset)."
+# Various error conditions, when user enters wrong data
+# Declares that the user entered no integers <= $number
+integers = "None of the inputs you provided were integers less than or equal to ($number)!"
+# Currently out of use
+# Declares $number is not a valid number
+number = "($number) неприпустиме число!"
+#Currently out of use
+# Declares $repo to not be a valid repository
+repo = "Неправильна назва сховища!"
+# Informs the user that they entered the command "rhino-pkg $subcommand" without a search term, which it requires
+search-arguments = "(ansi color[magenta])rhino-pkg ($subcommand)(ansi reset) requires at least one search term argument."
+# Declares $subcommand is not a valid rhino-pkg command. Instructs user to help page
+subcommand = "'(ansi color[red])($subcommand)(ansi reset)' is not a valid sub-command! To see a list of valid sub-commands run '(ansi color[magenta])rhino-pkg -h(ansi reset)'"
+# Declares that the user entered no sub-command, which rhino-pkg needs. Instructs user to help page
+no-subcommand = "(ansi color[magenta] bold)rhino-pkg(ansi reset) needs a sub-command in order to run. To see these run '(ansi color[magenta])rhino-pkg -h(ansi reset)'."
+#Questions to ask the user
+# Asks a generic "Are you sure", **make sure the y and N in the prompt are not changed, y and N are not to be translated**
+sure = "Ви впевнені?: ((ansi color[green] bold)y(ansi reset)/(ansi color[red] bold)N(ansi reset))"
+# Asks user to select package(s) 0- $index to install
+which-install = "Виберіть, який пакунок встановити [0-($index)]:"
+# Asks user to select package(s) 0- $index to remove
+which-remove = "Виберіть, який пакунок видалити [0-($index)]:"
+# Asks user to select packages(s) 0- $index to recieve information about
+which-info = "Select which package(s) to recieve info about [0-($index)]:"
+# Asks user if they are sure to upgrade all packages **make sure y and N in the prompt are not changed, y and N are not to be translated**
+upgrade = "Ви впевнені, що хочете оновити всі пакунки?: ((ansi color[green] bold)y(ansi reset)/(ansi color[red] bold)N(ansi reset))"
+# Declare "Searching [package manager]…"
+apt = "Пошук (ansi color[green] bold)apt(ansi reset)…"
+pacstall = "Пошук (ansi color[yellow] bold)Pacstall(ansi reset)…"
+snap = "Пошук (ansi color[red] bold)snap(ansi reset)…"
+flatpak = "Пошук (ansi color[cyan] bold)flatpak(ansi reset)…"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/translation-tomls/ur.toml b/translation-tomls/ur.toml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fe873f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translation-tomls/ur.toml
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+#two letters matching the ISO 639-1 code for your language
+language = "ur"
+#if you are doing a general translation, leave this xx, otherwise, match this to the 2 letter ISO 3166-1 code for the territory you are coding for
+territory = "xx"
+#this will almost alway be left as "blank". If you are making a specific translation for a POSIX locale code, this is what follows the @ symbol
+modifier = "blank"
+#name of language toml (without the extension) to fall back to in case of incomplete translation
+fallback = "en"
+translator = "Sourajyoti Basak "
+# Declares $matches package(s) were found matching $search
+found-matching = "'(ansi color[($color)] bold)($search)(ansi reset)' سے مماثل پیکیجز ملے:"
+# Declares no packages were found matching $search ($search is $color)
+none-matching = "'(ansi color[($color)] bold)($search)(ansi reset)' سے مماثل کوئی پیکیج نہیں ملا!"
+# Declares $package from $manager is being selected for installation ($package & $manager are $color)
+install-select = "پیکیج مینیجر سے (ansi color[($color)] bold)($package)(ansi reset) کو منتخب کیا گیا (ansi color[($color))] bold)($manager)(ansi reset)"
+# Declares $package from $manager is being selected for removal ($package & $manager are $color)
+remove-select = "پیکیج مینیجر سے (ansi color[($color)] bold)($package)(ansi reset) کو منتخب کیا گیا (ansi color[($color))] bold)($manager)(ansi reset)"
+# Declares the $package from $manager is being skipped (in the process of installation/removal) ($package & $manager are $color)
+skipping = "Skipping (ansi color[($color)] bold)($package)(ansi reset) from (ansi color[($color)] bold)($manager)(ansi reset)."
+# Various error conditions, when user enters wrong data
+# Declares that the user entered no integers <= $number
+integers = "None of the inputs you provided were integers less than or equal to ($number)!"
+# Currently out of use
+# Declares $number is not a valid number
+number = "($number) درست تعداد نہیں ہے!"
+#Currently out of use
+# Declares $repo to not be a valid repository
+repo = "($repo) is not a valid repository!"
+# Informs the user that they entered the command "rhino-pkg $subcommand" without a search term, which it requires
+search-arguments = "(ansi color[magenta])rhino-pkg ($subcommand)(ansi reset) requires at least one search term argument."
+# Declares $subcommand is not a valid rhino-pkg command. Instructs user to help page
+subcommand = "'(ansi color[red])($subcommand)(ansi reset)' is not a valid sub-command! To see a list of valid sub-commands run '(ansi color[magenta])rhino-pkg -h(ansi reset)'"
+# Declares that the user entered no sub-command, which rhino-pkg needs. Instructs user to help page
+no-subcommand = "(ansi color[magenta] bold)rhino-pkg(ansi reset) needs a sub-command in order to run. To see these run '(ansi color[magenta])rhino-pkg -h(ansi reset)'."
+#Questions to ask the user
+# Asks a generic "Are you sure", **make sure the y and N in the prompt are not changed, y and N are not to be translated**
+sure = "Are you sure?: ((ansi color[green] bold)y(ansi reset)/(ansi color[red] bold)N(ansi reset))"
+# Asks user to select package(s) 0- $index to install
+which-install = "[($index)-0] منتخب کریں کہ کون سا پیکیج انسٹال کرنا ہے:"
+# Asks user to select package(s) 0- $index to remove
+which-remove = "Select which package(s) to remove [0-($index)]:"
+# Asks user to select packages(s) 0- $index to recieve information about
+which-info = "Select which package(s) to recieve info about [0-($index)]:"
+# Asks user if they are sure to upgrade all packages **make sure y and N in the prompt are not changed, y and N are not to be translated**
+upgrade = "Are you sure you want to upgrade all packages?: ((ansi color[green] bold)y(ansi reset)/(ansi color[red] bold)N(ansi reset))"
+# Declare "Searching [package manager]…"
+apt = "(ansi color[green] bold)apt(ansi reset) میں تلاش کر رہا ہے…"
+pacstall = "(ansi color[yellow] bold)Pacstall(ansi reset) میں تلاش کر رہا ہے…"
+snap = "(ansi color[red] bold)snap(ansi reset) میں تلاش کر رہا ہے…"
+flatpak = "(ansi color[cyan] bold)flatpak(ansi reset) میں تلاش کر رہا ہے…"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/translation-tomls/zh_cn.toml b/translation-tomls/zh_cn.toml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..394ea0c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/translation-tomls/zh_cn.toml
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+#two letters matching the ISO 639-1 code for your language
+language = "zh"
+#if you are doing a general translation, leave this xx, otherwise, match this to the 2 letter ISO 3166-1 code for the territory you are coding for
+territory = "cn"
+#this will almost alway be left as "blank". If you are making a specific translation for a POSIX locale code, this is what follows the @ symbol
+modifier = "blank"
+#name of language toml (without the extension) to fall back to in case of incomplete translation
+fallback = "en"
+# Declares $matches package(s) were found matching $search
+found-matching = "找到匹配 '(ansi color[($color)] bold)($search)(ansi reset)' 的软件包:"
+# Declares no packages were found matching $search ($search is $color)
+none-matching = "未找到匹配 '(ansi color[($color)] bold)($search)(ansi reset)' 的软件包!"
+# Declares $package from $manager is being selected for installation ($package & $manager are $color)
+install-select = "从软件包管理器 (ansi color[($color)] bold)($manager)(ansi reset) 中选择 (ansi color[($color))] bold)($package)(ansi reset) for installation."
+# Declares $package from $manager is being selected for removal ($package & $manager are $color)
+remove-select = "Selecting (ansi color[($color)] bold)($package)(ansi reset) from (ansi color[($color)] bold)($manager)(ansi reset) for removal."
+# Declares the $package from $manager is being skipped (in the process of installation/removal) ($package & $manager are $color)
+skipping = "Skipping (ansi color[($color)] bold)($package)(ansi reset) from (ansi color[($color)] bold)($manager)(ansi reset)."
+# Various error conditions, when user enters wrong data
+# Declares that the user entered no integers <= $number
+integers = "None of the inputs you provided were integers less than or equal to ($number)!"
+# Currently out of use
+# Declares $number is not a valid number
+number = "($number) 不是一个有效数字!"
+#Currently out of use
+# Declares $repo to not be a valid repository
+repo = "无效仓库名称!"
+# Informs the user that they entered the command "rhino-pkg $subcommand" without a search term, which it requires
+search-arguments = "(ansi color[magenta])rhino-pkg ($subcommand)(ansi reset) requires at least one search term argument."
+# Declares $subcommand is not a valid rhino-pkg command. Instructs user to help page
+subcommand = "'(ansi color[red])($subcommand)(ansi reset)' is not a valid sub-command! To see a list of valid sub-commands run '(ansi color[magenta])rhino-pkg -h(ansi reset)'"
+# Declares that the user entered no sub-command, which rhino-pkg needs. Instructs user to help page
+no-subcommand = "(ansi color[magenta] bold)rhino-pkg(ansi reset) needs a sub-command in order to run. To see these run '(ansi color[magenta])rhino-pkg -h(ansi reset)'."
+#Questions to ask the user
+# Asks a generic "Are you sure", **make sure the y and N in the prompt are not changed, y and N are not to be translated**
+sure = "是否确定?: ((ansi color[green] bold)y(ansi reset)/(ansi color[red] bold)N(ansi reset))"
+# Asks user to select package(s) 0- $index to install
+which-install = "选择要安装的软件包 [0-($index)]:"
+# Asks user to select package(s) 0- $index to remove
+which-remove = "选择要移除的软件包 [0-($index)]:"
+# Asks user to select packages(s) 0- $index to recieve information about
+which-info = "Select which package(s) to recieve info about [0-($index)]:"
+# Asks user if they are sure to upgrade all packages **make sure y and N in the prompt are not changed, y and N are not to be translated**
+upgrade = "确定更新全部软件包?: ((ansi color[green] bold)y(ansi reset)/(ansi color[red] bold)N(ansi reset))"
+# Declare "Searching [package manager]…"
+apt = "正在检索(ansi color[green] bold)apt(ansi reset)…"
+pacstall = "正在检索(ansi color[yellow] bold)Pacstall(ansi reset)…"
+snap = "正在检索(ansi color[red] bold)snap(ansi reset)…"
+flatpak = "正在检索(ansi color[cyan] bold)flatpak(ansi reset)…"
\ No newline at end of file
From 8f2dc4c828fb6b073d7c89c368a4f1bdd25bd144 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: wren54 <>
Date: Mon, 6 May 2024 22:46:22 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 25/37] Delete translation_tomls directory
translation_tomls/bn.toml | 64 ----------------------------
translation_tomls/de.toml | 59 -------------------------
translation_tomls/en.toml | 35 ---------------
translation_tomls/es.toml | 59 -------------------------
translation_tomls/fr.toml | 59 -------------------------
translation_tomls/hi.toml | 61 --------------------------
translation_tomls/id.toml | 62 ---------------------------
translation_tomls/ie.toml | 62 ---------------------------
translation_tomls/it.toml | 59 -------------------------
translation_tomls/ko.toml | 61 --------------------------
translation_tomls/lang-template.toml | 59 -------------------------
translation_tomls/nl.toml | 59 -------------------------
translation_tomls/pt_br.toml | 61 --------------------------
translation_tomls/ro.toml | 61 --------------------------
translation_tomls/ru.toml | 62 ---------------------------
translation_tomls/sv.toml | 59 -------------------------
translation_tomls/uk.toml | 63 ---------------------------
translation_tomls/ur.toml | 61 --------------------------
translation_tomls/zh_cn.toml | 59 -------------------------
19 files changed, 1125 deletions(-)
delete mode 100644 translation_tomls/bn.toml
delete mode 100644 translation_tomls/de.toml
delete mode 100644 translation_tomls/en.toml
delete mode 100644 translation_tomls/es.toml
delete mode 100644 translation_tomls/fr.toml
delete mode 100644 translation_tomls/hi.toml
delete mode 100644 translation_tomls/id.toml
delete mode 100644 translation_tomls/ie.toml
delete mode 100644 translation_tomls/it.toml
delete mode 100644 translation_tomls/ko.toml
delete mode 100644 translation_tomls/lang-template.toml
delete mode 100644 translation_tomls/nl.toml
delete mode 100644 translation_tomls/pt_br.toml
delete mode 100644 translation_tomls/ro.toml
delete mode 100644 translation_tomls/ru.toml
delete mode 100644 translation_tomls/sv.toml
delete mode 100644 translation_tomls/uk.toml
delete mode 100644 translation_tomls/ur.toml
delete mode 100644 translation_tomls/zh_cn.toml
diff --git a/translation_tomls/bn.toml b/translation_tomls/bn.toml
deleted file mode 100644
index f1b8879..0000000
--- a/translation_tomls/bn.toml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
-#two letters matching the ISO 639-1 code for your language
-language = "bn"
-#if you are doing a general translation, leave this xx, otherwise, match this to the 2 letter ISO 3166-1 code for the territory you are coding for
-territory = "xx"
-#this will almost alway be left as "blank". If you are making a specific translation for a POSIX locale code, this is what follows the @ symbol
-modifier = "blank"
-#name of language toml (without the extension) to fall back to in case of incomplete translation
-fallback = "en"
-translators = "Sourajyoti Basak "
-# Declares $matches package(s) were found matching $search ($search is $color)
-found-matching = "'(ansi color[($color)] bold)($search)(ansi reset)' এর সাথে মিলিত প্যাকেজগুলি পাওয়া গেছে:"
-# Declares no packages were found matching $search ($search is $color)
-none-matching = "'(ansi color[($color)] bold)($search)' এর সাথে মিলিত কোনো প্যাকেজ পাওয়া যায়নি!"
-# Declares $package from $manager is being selected for installation ($package & $manager are $color)
-install-select = "প্যাকেজ ম্যানেজার (ansi color[($color)] bold)($manager)(ansi reset) থেকে (ansi color[($color)] bold)($package)(ansi reset) নির্বাচন করা হচ্ছে"
-# Declares $package from $manager is being selected for removal ($package & $manager are $color)
-remove-select = "প্যাকেজ ম্যানেজার (ansi color[($color)] bold)($manager)(ansi reset) থেকে (ansi color[($color)] bold)($package)(ansi reset) নির্বাচন করা হচ্ছে"
-# Declares the $package from $manager is being skipped (in the process of installation/removal) ($package & $manager are $color)
-skipping = "Skipping (ansi color[magenta] bold)($package)(ansi reset) from (ansi color[magenta bold)($manager)(ansi reset)."
-# Various error conditions, when user enters wrong data
-# Declares that the user entered no integers <= $number
-integers = "None of the inputs you provided were integers less than or equal to ($number)!"
-# Currently out of use
-# Declares $number is not a valid number
-number = "($number) একটি বৈধ সংখ্যা নয়!"
-#Currently out of use
-# Declares $repo to not be a valid repository
-repo = "অবৈধ সংগ্রহস্থলের নাম!"
-# Informs the user that they entered the command "rhino-pkg $subcommand" without a search term, which it requires
-search-arguments = "(ansi color[magenta])rhino-pkg ($subcommand)(ansi reset) requires at least one search term argument."
-# Declares $subcommand is not a valid rhino-pkg command. Instructs user to help page
-subcommand = "'(ansi color[red])($subcommand)(ansi reset)' is not a valid sub-command! To see a list of valid sub-commands run '(ansi color[magenta])rhino-pkg -h(ansi reset)'"
-# Declares that the user entered no sub-command, which rhino-pkg needs. Instructs user to help page
-no-subcommand = "(ansi color[magenta] bold)rhino-pkg(ansi reset) needs a sub-command in order to run. To see these run '(ansi color[magenta])rhino-pkg -h(ansi reset)'."
-#Questions to ask the user
-# Asks a generic "Are you sure", **make sure the y and N in the prompt are not changed, y and N are not to be translated**
-sure = ": ((ansi color[green] bold)y(ansi reset)/(ansi color[red] bold)N(ansi reset))"
-# Asks user to select package(s) 0- $index to install
-which-install = "[(index)-0] কোন প্যাকেজ ইনস্টল করতে হবে তা নির্বাচন করুন:"
-# Asks user to select package(s) 0- $index to remove
-which-remove = "Select which package(s) to remove [0-($index)]:"
-# Asks user to select packages(s) 0- $index to recieve information about
-which-info = "Select which package(s) to recieve info about [0-($index)]:"
-# Asks user if they are sure to upgrade all packages **make sure y and N in the prompt are not changed, y and N are not to be translated**
-upgrade = ": ((ansi color[green] bold)y(ansi reset)/(ansi color[red] bold)N(ansi reset))"
-# Declare "Searching [package manager]"
-apt = "(ansi color[green] bold)apt(ansi reset)-এ খোঁজ করা হচ্ছে…"
-pacstall = "(ansi color[yellow])Pacstall(ansi reset)-এ খোঁজ করা হচ্ছে…"
-snap = "(ansi color[red] bold)snap(ansi reset)-এ খোঁজ করা হচ্ছে…"
-flatpak = "(ansi color[cyan] bold)flatpak(ansi reset)-এ খোঁজ করা হচ্ছে…"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/translation_tomls/de.toml b/translation_tomls/de.toml
deleted file mode 100644
index 4ae4e6a..0000000
--- a/translation_tomls/de.toml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-#two letters matching the ISO 639-1 code for your language
-language = "de"
-#if you are doing a general translation, leave this xx, otherwise, match this to the 2 letter ISO 3166-1 code for the territory you are coding for
-territory = "xx"
-#this will almost alway be left as "blank". If you are making a specific translation for a POSIX locale code, this is what follows the @ symbol
-modifier = "blank"
-#name of language toml (without the extension) to fall back to in case of incomplete translation
-fallback = "en"
-# Declares $matches package(s) were found matching $search
-found-matching = "Pakete passend zu '(ansi color[($color)] bold)($search)(ansi reset)' gefunden:"
-# Declares no packages were found matching $search ($search is $color)
-none-matching = "Keine passenden Pakete zu '(ansi color[($color)] bold)($search)(ansi reset)' gefunden!"
-# Declares $package from $manager is being selected for installation ($package & $manager are $color)
-install-select = "(ansi color[$color] bold)($package)(ansi reset) von Paketmanager (ansi color[($color)] bold)($manager)(ansi reset) wird gewählt"
-# Declares $package from $manager is being selected for removal ($package & $manager are $color)
-remove-select = "(ansi color[$color] bold)($package)(ansi reset) von Paketmanager (ansi color[($color)] bold)($manager)(ansi reset) wird gewählt"
-# Declares the $package from $manager is being skipped (in the process of installation/removal) ($package & $manager are $color)
-skipping = "Skipping (ansi color[magenta] bold)($package)(ansi reset) from (ansi color[magenta bold)($manager)(ansi reset)."
-# Various error conditions, when user enters wrong data
-# Declares that the user entered no integers <= $number
-integers = "None of the inputs you provided were integers less than or equal to ($number)!"
-# Currently out of use
-# Declares $number is not a valid number
-number = "($number) ist keine gültige Zahl!"
-#Currently out of use
-# Declares $repo to not be a valid repository
-repo = "Ungültiger Repository Name!"
-# Informs the user that they entered the command "rhino-pkg $subcommand" without a search term, which it requires
-search-arguments = "(ansi color[(])rhino-pkg ($subcommand)(ansi reset) requires at least one search term argument."
-# Declares $subcommand is not a valid rhino-pkg command. Instructs user to help page
-subcommand = "'(ansi color[red])($subcommand)(ansi reset)' is not a valid sub-command! To see a list of valid sub-commands run '(ansi color[magenta])rhino-pkg -h(ansi reset)'"
-# Declares that the user entered no sub-command, which rhino-pkg needs. Instructs user to help page
-no-subcommand = "(ansi color[magenta] bold)rhino-pkg(ansi reset) needs a sub-command in order to run. To see these run '(ansi color[magenta])rhino-pkg -h(ansi reset)'."
-#Questions to ask the user
-# Asks a generic "Are you sure", **make sure the y and N in the prompt are not changed, y and N are not to be translated**
-sure = "Sind Sie sich sicher?: ((ansi color[green] bold)y(ansi reset)/(ansi color[red] bold)N(ansi reset))"
-# Asks user to select package(s) 0- $index to install
-which-install = "Wählen Sie Pakete aus, welches Installiert werden sollen [0-($index)]:"
-# Asks user to select package(s) 0- $index to remove
-which-remove = "Wählen Sie die Pakete, die Sie löschen möchten [0-($index)]:"
-# Asks user to select packages(s) 0- $index to recieve information about
-which-info = "Select which package(s) to recieve info about [0-($index)]:"
-# Asks user if they are sure to upgrade all packages **make sure y and N in the prompt are not changed, y and N are not to be translated**
-upgrade = "Sind Sie sicher, dass sie alle Pakete aktualisieren möchten?: ((ansi color[green] bold)y(ansi reset)/(ansi color[red] bold)N(ansi reset))"
-# Declare "Searching [package manager]"
-apt = "Suche in (ansi color[green] bold)APT(ansi reset)…"
-pacstall = "Suche in (ansi color[yellow] bold)Pacstall(ansi reset)…"
-snap = "Suche in (ansi color[red] bold)Snap(ansi reset)…"
-flatpak = "Suche in (ansi color[cyan] bold)Flatpak(ansi reset)…"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/translation_tomls/en.toml b/translation_tomls/en.toml
deleted file mode 100644
index f320317..0000000
--- a/translation_tomls/en.toml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-language = "en"
-territory = "xx"
-modifier = "blank"
-fallback = "none"
-found-matching = "Found ($matches) package(s) matching '(ansi color[($color)] bold)($search)(ansi reset)':"
-none-matching = "No packages found matching '(ansi color[($color)] bold)($search)(ansi reset)'!"
-install-select = "Selecting (ansi color[($color)] bold)($package)(ansi reset) from (ansi color[($color)] bold)($manager)(ansi reset) for installation."
-remove-select = "Selecting (ansi color[($color)] bold)($package)(ansi reset) from (ansi color[($color)] bold)($manager)(ansi reset) for removal."
-skipping = "Skipping (ansi color[($color)] bold)($package)(ansi reset) from (ansi color[($color)] bold)($manager)(ansi reset)."
-integers = "None of the inputs you provided were integers less than or equal to ($number)!"
-number = "($number) is not a valid number!"
-repository = "($repo) is not a valid repository!"
-search-arguments = "(ansi color[magenta])rhino-pkg ($subcommand)(ansi reset) requires at least one search term argument."
-subcommand = "'(ansi color[red])($subcommand)(ansi reset)' is not a valid sub-command! To see a list of valid sub-commands run '(ansi color[magenta])rhino-pkg -h(ansi reset)'"
-no-subcommand = "(ansi color[magenta] bold)rhino-pkg(ansi reset) needs a sub-command in order to run. To see these run '(ansi color[magenta])rhino-pkg -h(ansi reset)'."
-package-number = "($number) is not a valid package number!"
-sure = "Are you sure?: ((ansi color[green] bold)y(ansi reset)/(ansi color[red] bold)N(ansi reset))"
-which-install = "Select which package(s) to install [0-($index)]:"
-which-remove = "Select which package(s) to remove [0-($index)]:"
-which-info = "Select which package(s) to recieve info about [0-($index)]:"
-upgrade = "Are you sure you want to upgrade all packages?: ((ansi color[green] bold)y(ansi reset)/(ansi color[red] bold)N(ansi reset))"
-apt = "Searching (ansi color[green] bold)apt(ansi reset)…"
-pacstall = "Searching (ansi color[yellow] bold)Pacstall(ansi reset)…"
-snap = "Searching (ansi color[red] bold)snap(ansi reset)…"
-flatpak = "Searching (ansi color[cyan] bold)flatpak(ansi reset)…"
diff --git a/translation_tomls/es.toml b/translation_tomls/es.toml
deleted file mode 100644
index 64b3231..0000000
--- a/translation_tomls/es.toml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-#two letters matching the ISO 639-1 code for your language
-language = "es"
-#if you are doing a general translation, leave this xx, otherwise, match this to the 2 letter ISO 3166-1 code for the territory you are coding for
-territory = "xx"
-#this will almost alway be left as "blank". If you are making a specific translation for a POSIX locale code, this is what follows the @ symbol
-modifier = "blank"
-#name of language toml (without the extension) to fall back to in case of incomplete translation
-fallback = "en"
-# Declares $matches package(s) were found matching $search
-found-matching = "Paquetes encontrados que coinciden con '(ansi color[($color)] bold)($search)(ansi reset)':"
-# Declares no packages were found matching $search ($search is $color)
-none-matching = "¡Fueron encontrados paquetes que coinciden con '(ansi color[($color)] bold)($search)(ansi reset)'!"
-# Declares $package from $manager is being selected for installation ($package & $manager are $color)
-install-select = "Seleccionando (ansi color[magenta] bold)($package)(ansi reset) del gestor de paquetes (ansi color[($color)] bold)($manager)(ansi reset)."
-# Declares $package from $manager is being selected for removal ($package & $manager are $color)
-remove-select = "Seleccionando (ansi color[magenta] bold)($package)(ansi reset) del gestor de paquetes (ansi color[($color)] bold)($manager)(ansi reset)."
-# Declares the $package from $manager is being skipped (in the process of installation/removal) ($package & $manager are $color)
-skipping = "Skipping (ansi color[magenta] bold)($package)(ansi reset) from (ansi color[magenta] bold)($manager)(ansi reset)."
-# Various error conditions, when user enters wrong data
-# Declares that the user entered no integers <= $number
-integers = "None of the inputs you provided were integers less than or equal to ($number)!"
-# Currently out of use
-# Declares $number is not a valid number
-number = "¡($number) no es un número válido!"
-#Currently out of use
-# Declares $repo to not be a valid repository
-repo = "¡Nombre de repositorio inválido!"
-# Informs the user that they entered the command "rhino-pkg $subcommand" without a search term, which it requires
-search-arguments = "(ansi color[(])rhino-pkg ($subcommand)(ansi reset) requires at least one search term argument."
-# Declares $subcommand is not a valid rhino-pkg command. Instructs user to help page
-subcommand = "'(ansi color[red])($subcommand)(ansi reset)' is not a valid sub-command! To see a list of valid sub-commands run '(ansi color[magenta])rhino-pkg -h(ansi reset)'"
-# Declares that the user entered no sub-command, which rhino-pkg needs. Instructs user to help page
-no-subcommand = "(ansi color[magenta] bold)rhino-pkg(ansi reset) needs a sub-command in order to run. To see these run '(ansi color[magenta])rhino-pkg -h(ansi reset)'."
-#Questions to ask the user
-# Asks a generic "Are you sure", **make sure the y and N in the prompt are not changed, y and N are not to be translated**
-sure = "¿Estás seguro?: ((ansi color[green] bold)y(ansi reset)/(ansi color[red] bold)N(ansi reset))"
-# Asks user to select package(s) 0- $index to install
-which-install = "Seleccione el paquete que desea instalar [0-($index)]:"
-# Asks user to select package(s) 0- $index to remove
-which-remove = "Select which package(s) to remove [0-($index)]:"
-# Asks user to select packages(s) 0- $index to recieve information about
-which-info = "Select which package(s) to recieve info about [0-($index)]:"
-# Asks user if they are sure to upgrade all packages **make sure y and N in the prompt are not changed, y and N are not to be translated**
-upgrade = "Are you sure you want to upgrade all packages?: ((ansi color[green] bold)y(ansi reset)/(ansi color[red] bold)N(ansi reset))"
-# Declare "Searching [package manager]"
-apt = "Buscando (ansi color[green] bold)apt(ansi reset)…"
-pacstall = "Buscando (ansi color[yellow] bold)Pacstall(ansi reset)…"
-snap = "Buscando (ansi color[red] bold)snap(ansi reset)…"
-flatpak = "Buscando (ansi color[cyan] bold)flatpak(ansi reset)…"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/translation_tomls/fr.toml b/translation_tomls/fr.toml
deleted file mode 100644
index b26ce0d..0000000
--- a/translation_tomls/fr.toml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-#two letters matching the ISO 639-1 code for your language
-language = ""
-#if you are doing a general translation, leave this xx, otherwise, match this to the 2 letter ISO 3166-1 code for the territory you are coding for
-territory = "xx"
-#this will almost alway be left as "blank". If you are making a specific translation for a POSIX locale code, this is what follows the @ symbol
-modifier = "blank"
-#name of language toml (without the extension) to fall back to in case of incomplete translation
-fallback = "en"
-# Declares $matches package(s) were found matching $search
-found-matching = "Paquets trouvés correspondant à '(ansi color[($color)] bold)($search)(ansi reset)':"
-# Declares no packages were found matching $search ($search is $color)
-none-matching = "Aucun paquet trouvé correspondant à '(ansi color[($color)] bold)($search)(ansi reset)'!"
-# Declares $package from $manager is being selected for installation ($package & $manager are $color)
-install-select = "Sélection de (ansi color[($color)] bold)($package)(ansi reset) dans le gestionnaire de paquets (ansi color[($color))] bold)($manager)(ansi reset)."
-# Declares $package from $manager is being selected for removal ($package & $manager are $color)
-remove-select = "Sélection de (ansi color[($color)] bold)($package)(ansi reset) dans le gestionnaire de paquets (ansi color[($color))] bold)($manager)(ansi reset)."
-# Declares the $package from $manager is being skipped (in the process of installation/removal) ($package & $manager are $color)
-skipping = "Skipping (ansi color[($color)] bold)($package)(ansi reset) from (ansi color[($color)] bold)($manager)(ansi reset)."
-# Various error conditions, when user enters wrong data
-# Declares that the user entered no integers <= $number
-integers = "None of the inputs you provided were integers less than or equal to ($number)!"
-# Currently out of use
-# Declares $number is not a valid number
-number = "($number) n'est pas un nombre valide!"
-#Currently out of use
-# Declares $repo to not be a valid repository
-repo = "Nom de dépôt non valide!"
-# Informs the user that they entered the command "rhino-pkg $subcommand" without a search term, which it requires
-search-arguments = "(ansi color[(])rhino-pkg ($subcommand)(ansi reset) requires at least one search term argument."
-# Declares $subcommand is not a valid rhino-pkg command. Instructs user to help page
-subcommand = "'(ansi color[red])($subcommand)(ansi reset)' is not a valid sub-command! To see a list of valid sub-commands run '(ansi color[magenta])rhino-pkg -h(ansi reset)'"
-# Declares that the user entered no sub-command, which rhino-pkg needs. Instructs user to help page
-no-subcommand = "(ansi color[magenta] bold)rhino-pkg(ansi reset) needs a sub-command in order to run. To see these run '(ansi color[magenta])rhino-pkg -h(ansi reset)'."
-#Questions to ask the user
-# Asks a generic "Are you sure", **make sure the y and N in the prompt are not changed, y and N are not to be translated**
-sure = "Are you sure?: ((ansi color[green] bold)y(ansi reset)/(ansi color[red] bold)N(ansi reset))"
-# Asks user to select package(s) 0- $index to install
-which-install = "Sélectionnez le paquet à installer [0-($index)]:"
-# Asks user to select package(s) 0- $index to remove
-which-remove = "Select which package(s) to remove [0-($index)]:"
-# Asks user to select packages(s) 0- $index to recieve information about
-which-info = "Select which package(s) to recieve info about [0-($index)]:"
-# Asks user if they are sure to upgrade all packages **make sure y and N in the prompt are not changed, y and N are not to be translated**
-upgrade = "Are you sure you want to upgrade all packages?: ((ansi color[green] bold)y(ansi reset)/(ansi color[red] bold)N(ansi reset))"
-# Declare "Searching [package manager]…"
-apt = "Recherche de l'(ansi color[green] bold)apt(ansi reset)…"
-pacstall = "Recherche de (ansi color[yellow] bold)Pacstall(ansi reset)…"
-snap = "Recherche de (ansi color[red] bold)snap(ansi reset)…"
-flatpak = "Recherche de (ansi color[cyan] bold)flatpak(ansi reset)…"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/translation_tomls/hi.toml b/translation_tomls/hi.toml
deleted file mode 100644
index eac1476..0000000
--- a/translation_tomls/hi.toml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-#two letters matching the ISO 639-1 code for your language
-language = ""
-#if you are doing a general translation, leave this xx, otherwise, match this to the 2 letter ISO 3166-1 code for the territory you are coding for
-territory = "xx"
-#this will almost alway be left as "blank". If you are making a specific translation for a POSIX locale code, this is what follows the @ symbol
-modifier = "blank"
-#name of language toml (without the extension) to fall back to in case of incomplete translation
-fallback = "en"
-translator = "Sourajyoti Basak "
-# Declares $matches package(s) were found matching $search
-found-matching = "'(ansi color[($color)] bold)($search)(ansi reset)' से मेल खाने वाले पैकेज मिले:"
-# Declares no packages were found matching $search ($search is $color)
-none-matching = "'(ansi color[($color)] bold)($search)(ansi reset)' से मेल खाता कोई पैकेज नहीं मिला!"
-# Declares $package from $manager is being selected for installation ($package & $manager are $color)
-install-select = "पैकेज मैनेजर (ansi color[($color)] bold)($manager)(ansi reset) से\n(ansi color[($color))] bold)($package)(ansi reset) चुने गए हैं"
-# Declares $package from $manager is being selected for removal ($package & $manager are $color)
-remove-select = "पैकेज मैनेजर (ansi color[($color)] bold)($manager)(ansi reset) से\n(ansi color[($color))] bold)($package)(ansi reset) चुने गए हैं"
-# Declares the $package from $manager is being skipped (in the process of installation/removal) ($package & $manager are $color)
-skipping = "Skipping (ansi color[($color)] bold)($package)(ansi reset) from (ansi color[($color)] bold)($manager)(ansi reset)."
-# Various error conditions, when user enters wrong data
-# Declares that the user entered no integers <= $number
-integers = "None of the inputs you provided were integers less than or equal to ($number)!"
-# Currently out of use
-# Declares $number is not a valid number
-number = "($number) वैध संख्या नहीं है!"
-#Currently out of use
-# Declares $repo to not be a valid repository
-repo = "अवैध भंडार का नाम!"
-# Informs the user that they entered the command "rhino-pkg $subcommand" without a search term, which it requires
-search-arguments = "(ansi color[(])rhino-pkg ($subcommand)(ansi reset) requires at least one search term argument."
-# Declares $subcommand is not a valid rhino-pkg command. Instructs user to help page
-subcommand = "'(ansi color[red])($subcommand)(ansi reset)' is not a valid sub-command! To see a list of valid sub-commands run '(ansi color[magenta])rhino-pkg -h(ansi reset)'"
-# Declares that the user entered no sub-command, which rhino-pkg needs. Instructs user to help page
-no-subcommand = "(ansi color[magenta] bold)rhino-pkg(ansi reset) needs a sub-command in order to run. To see these run '(ansi color[magenta])rhino-pkg -h(ansi reset)'."
-#Questions to ask the user
-# Asks a generic "Are you sure", **make sure the y and N in the prompt are not changed, y and N are not to be translated**
-sure = "Are you sure?: ((ansi color[green] bold)y(ansi reset)/(ansi color[red] bold)N(ansi reset))"
-# Asks user to select package(s) 0- $index to install
-which-install = "[($index)-0] इनस्टॉल करने के लिए एक पैकेज चुनें:"
-# Asks user to select package(s) 0- $index to remove
-which-remove = "Select which package(s) to remove [0-($index)]:"
-# Asks user to select packages(s) 0- $index to recieve information about
-which-info = "Select which package(s) to recieve info about [0-($index)]:"
-# Asks user if they are sure to upgrade all packages **make sure y and N in the prompt are not changed, y and N are not to be translated**
-upgrade = "Are you sure you want to upgrade all packages?: ((ansi color[green] bold)y(ansi reset)/(ansi color[red] bold)N(ansi reset))"
-# Declare "Searching [package manager]…"
-apt = "(ansi color[green] bold)APT(ansi reset) में खोजा जा रहा है…"
-pacstall = "(ansi color[yellow] bold)Pacstall(ansi reset) में खोजा जा रहा है…"
-snap = "(ansi color[red] bold)स्नैप(ansi reset) में खोजा जा रहा है…"
-flatpak = "(ansi color[cyan] bold)फ्लैटपैक(ansi reset) में खोजा जा रहा है…"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/translation_tomls/id.toml b/translation_tomls/id.toml
deleted file mode 100644
index 6cd4e19..0000000
--- a/translation_tomls/id.toml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-#two letters matching the ISO 639-1 code for your language
-language = "id"
-#if you are doing a general translation, leave this xx, otherwise, match this to the 2 letter ISO 3166-1 code for the territory you are coding for
-territory = "xx"
-#this will almost alway be left as "blank". If you are making a specific translation for a POSIX locale code, this is what follows the @ symbol
-modifier = "blank"
-#name of language toml (without the extension) to fall back to in case of incomplete translation
-fallback = "en"
-translator = "yukidream "
-# Declares $matches package(s) were found matching $search
-found-matching = "Menemukan paket yang sesuai '(ansi color[($color)] bold)($search)(ansi reset)':"
-# Declares no packages were found matching $search ($search is $color)
-none-matching = "Tidak menemukan paket yang cocok '(ansi color[($color)] bold)($search)(ansi reset)'!"
-# Declares $package from $manager is being selected for installation ($package & $manager are $color)
-install-select = "Memilih (ansi color[($color)] bold)($package)(ansi reset) dari manajemen paket (ansi color[($color))] bold)($manager)(ansi reset)."
-# Declares $package from $manager is being selected for removal ($package & $manager are $color)
-remove-select = "Memilih (ansi color[($color)] bold)($package)(ansi reset) dari manajemen paket (ansi color[($color))] bold)($manager)(ansi reset)."
-# Declares the $package from $manager is being skipped (in the process of installation/removal) ($package & $manager are $color)
-skipping = "Skipping (ansi color[($color)] bold)($package)(ansi reset) from (ansi color[($color)] bold)($manager)(ansi reset)."
-# Various error conditions, when user enters wrong data
-# Declares that the user entered no integers <= $number
-integers = "None of the inputs you provided were integers less than or equal to ($number)!"
-# Currently out of use
-# Declares $number is not a valid number
-number = "($number) bukan angka yang sah!"
-#Currently out of use
-# Declares $repo to not be a valid repository
-repo = "Nama repositori yang tidak sah!"
-# Informs the user that they entered the command "rhino-pkg $subcommand" without a search term, which it requires
-search-arguments = "(ansi color[magenta])rhino-pkg ($subcommand)(ansi reset) requires at least one search term argument."
-# Declares $subcommand is not a valid rhino-pkg command. Instructs user to help page
-subcommand = "'(ansi color[red])($subcommand)(ansi reset)' is not a valid sub-command! To see a list of valid sub-commands run '(ansi color[magenta])rhino-pkg -h(ansi reset)'"
-# Declares that the user entered no sub-command, which rhino-pkg needs. Instructs user to help page
-no-subcommand = "(ansi color[magenta] bold)rhino-pkg(ansi reset) needs a sub-command in order to run. To see these run '(ansi color[magenta])rhino-pkg -h(ansi reset)'."
-#Questions to ask the user
-# Asks a generic "Are you sure", **make sure the y and N in the prompt are not changed, y and N are not to be translated**
-sure = "Are you sure?: ((ansi color[green] bold)y(ansi reset)/(ansi color[red] bold)N(ansi reset))"
-# Asks user to select package(s) 0- $index to install
-which-install = "Memilih paket yang akan dipasang [0-($index)]:"
-# Asks user to select package(s) 0- $index to remove
-which-remove = "Select which package(s) to remove [0-($index)]:"
-# Asks user to select packages(s) 0- $index to recieve information about
-which-info = "Select which package(s) to recieve info about [0-($index)]:"
-# Asks user if they are sure to upgrade all packages **make sure y and N in the prompt are not changed, y and N are not to be translated**
-upgrade = "Are you sure you want to upgrade all packages?: ((ansi color[green] bold)y(ansi reset)/(ansi color[red] bold)N(ansi reset))"
-# Declare "Searching [package manager]…"
-apt = "Mencari (ansi color[green] bold)apt(ansi reset)…"
-pacstall = "Mencari (ansi color[yellow] bold)Pacstall(ansi reset)…"
-snap = "Mencari (ansi color[red] bold)snap(ansi reset)…"
-flatpak = "Mencari (ansi color[cyan] bold)flatpak(ansi reset)…"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/translation_tomls/ie.toml b/translation_tomls/ie.toml
deleted file mode 100644
index 94ff047..0000000
--- a/translation_tomls/ie.toml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-#two letters matching the ISO 639-1 code for your language
-language = "ie"
-#if you are doing a general translation, leave this xx, otherwise, match this to the 2 letter ISO 3166-1 code for the territory you are coding for
-territory = "xx"
-#this will almost alway be left as "blank". If you are making a specific translation for a POSIX locale code, this is what follows the @ symbol
-modifier = "blank"
-#name of language toml (without the extension) to fall back to in case of incomplete translation
-fallback = "en"
-translator = "OIS "
-# Declares $matches package(s) were found matching $search
-found-matching = "Trovat paccages correspondente a '(ansi color[($color)] bold)($search)(ansi reset)':"
-# Declares no packages were found matching $search ($search is $color)
-none-matching = "Null paccages trovat quel corresponde a '(ansi color[($color)] bold)($search)(ansi reset)'!"
-# Declares $package from $manager is being selected for installation ($package & $manager are $color)
-install-select = "Selecte (ansi color[($color)] bold)($package)(ansi reset) del gerente de paccages (ansi color[($color))] bold)($manager)(ansi reset)"
-# Declares $package from $manager is being selected for removal ($package & $manager are $color)
-remove-select = "Selecte (ansi color[($color)] bold)($package)(ansi reset) del gerente de paccages (ansi color[($color))] bold)($manager)(ansi reset)"
-# Declares the $package from $manager is being skipped (in the process of installation/removal) ($package & $manager are $color)
-skipping = "Skipping (ansi color[($color)] bold)($package)(ansi reset) from (ansi color[($color)] bold)($manager)(ansi reset)."
-# Various error conditions, when user enters wrong data
-# Declares that the user entered no integers <= $number
-integers = "None of the inputs you provided were integers less than or equal to ($number)!"
-# Currently out of use
-# Declares $number is not a valid number
-number = "($number) ne es un valid númere!"
-#Currently out of use
-# Declares $repo to not be a valid repository
-repo = "Ínvalid nómine de un repositoria!!"
-# Informs the user that they entered the command "rhino-pkg $subcommand" without a search term, which it requires
-search-arguments = "(ansi color[magenta])rhino-pkg ($subcommand)(ansi reset) requires at least one search term argument."
-# Declares $subcommand is not a valid rhino-pkg command. Instructs user to help page
-subcommand = "'(ansi color[red])($subcommand)(ansi reset)' is not a valid sub-command! To see a list of valid sub-commands run '(ansi color[magenta])rhino-pkg -h(ansi reset)'"
-# Declares that the user entered no sub-command, which rhino-pkg needs. Instructs user to help page
-no-subcommand = "(ansi color[magenta] bold)rhino-pkg(ansi reset) needs a sub-command in order to run. To see these run '(ansi color[magenta])rhino-pkg -h(ansi reset)'."
-#Questions to ask the user
-# Asks a generic "Are you sure", **make sure the y and N in the prompt are not changed, y and N are not to be translated**
-sure = "Esque vu es cert?: ((ansi color[green] bold)y(ansi reset)/(ansi color[red] bold)N(ansi reset))"
-# Asks user to select package(s) 0- $index to install
-which-install = "Selecter un paccage a installar [0-($index)]:"
-# Asks user to select package(s) 0- $index to remove
-which-remove = "Selecter un paccage a remover [0-($index)]:"
-# Asks user to select packages(s) 0- $index to recieve information about
-which-info = "Select which package(s) to recieve info about [0-($index)]:"
-# Asks user if they are sure to upgrade all packages **make sure y and N in the prompt are not changed, y and N are not to be translated**
-upgrade = "Esque vu vole actualisar omni paccages?: ((ansi color[green] bold)y(ansi reset)/(ansi color[red] bold)N(ansi reset))"
-# Declare "Searching [package manager]…"
-apt = "Serchante (ansi color[green] bold)apt(ansi reset)…"
-pacstall = "Serchante (ansi color[yellow] bold)Pacstall(ansi reset)…"
-snap = "Serchante (ansi color[red] bold)snap(ansi reset)…"
-flatpak = "Serchante (ansi color[cyan] bold)flatpak(ansi reset)…"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/translation_tomls/it.toml b/translation_tomls/it.toml
deleted file mode 100644
index c792488..0000000
--- a/translation_tomls/it.toml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-#two letters matching the ISO 639-1 code for your language
-language = ""
-#if you are doing a general translation, leave this xx, otherwise, match this to the 2 letter ISO 3166-1 code for the territory you are coding for
-territory = "xx"
-#this will almost alway be left as "blank". If you are making a specific translation for a POSIX locale code, this is what follows the @ symbol
-modifier = "blank"
-#name of language toml (without the extension) to fall back to in case of incomplete translation
-fallback = "en"
-# Declares $matches package(s) were found matching $search
-found-matching = "Sono stati trovati pacchetti corrispondenti a '(ansi color[($color)] bold)($search)(ansi reset)':"
-# Declares no packages were found matching $search ($search is $color)
-none-matching = "Nessun pacchetto corrispondente a '(ansi color[($color)] bold)($search)(ansi reset)' trovato!"
-# Declares $package from $manager is being selected for installation ($package & $manager are $color)
-install-select = "Selezionando (ansi color[($color)] bold)($package)(ansi reset) dal gestore di pacchetti (ansi color[($color))] bold)($manager)(ansi reset)"
-# Declares $package from $manager is being selected for removal ($package & $manager are $color)
-remove-select = "Selezionando (ansi color[($color)] bold)($package)(ansi reset) dal gestore di pacchetti (ansi color[($color))] bold)($manager)(ansi reset)"
-# Declares the $package from $manager is being skipped (in the process of installation/removal) ($package & $manager are $color)
-skipping = "Skipping (ansi color[($color)] bold)($package)(ansi reset) from (ansi color[($color)] bold)($manager)(ansi reset)."
-# Various error conditions, when user enters wrong data
-# Declares that the user entered no integers <= $number
-integers = "None of the inputs you provided were integers less than or equal to ($number)!"
-# Currently out of use
-# Declares $number is not a valid number
-number = "($number) non è un numero valido!"
-#Currently out of use
-# Declares $repo to not be a valid repository
-repo = "Nome del repository non valido!"
-# Informs the user that they entered the command "rhino-pkg $subcommand" without a search term, which it requires
-search-arguments = "(ansi color[magenta])rhino-pkg ($subcommand)(ansi reset) requires at least one search term argument."
-# Declares $subcommand is not a valid rhino-pkg command. Instructs user to help page
-subcommand = "'(ansi color[red])($subcommand)(ansi reset)' is not a valid sub-command! To see a list of valid sub-commands run '(ansi color[magenta])rhino-pkg -h(ansi reset)'"
-# Declares that the user entered no sub-command, which rhino-pkg needs. Instructs user to help page
-no-subcommand = "(ansi color[magenta] bold)rhino-pkg(ansi reset) needs a sub-command in order to run. To see these run '(ansi color[magenta])rhino-pkg -h(ansi reset)'."
-#Questions to ask the user
-# Asks a generic "Are you sure", **make sure the y and N in the prompt are not changed, y and N are not to be translated**
-sure = "Are you sure?: ((ansi color[green] bold)y(ansi reset)/(ansi color[red] bold)N(ansi reset))"
-# Asks user to select package(s) 0- $index to install
-which-install = "Seleziona il pacchetto da installare [0-($index)]:"
-# Asks user to select package(s) 0- $index to remove
-which-remove = "Select which package(s) to remove [0-($index)]:"
-# Asks user to select packages(s) 0- $index to recieve information about
-which-info = "Select which package(s) to recieve info about [0-($index)]:"
-# Asks user if they are sure to upgrade all packages **make sure y and N in the prompt are not changed, y and N are not to be translated**
-upgrade = "Are you sure you want to upgrade all packages?: ((ansi color[green] bold)y(ansi reset)/(ansi color[red] bold)N(ansi reset))"
-# Declare "Searching [package manager]…"
-apt = "Cercando su (ansi color[green] bold)apt(ansi reset)…"
-pacstall = "Cercando su (ansi color[yellow] bold)Pacstall(ansi reset)…"
-snap = "Cercando su (ansi color[red] bold)snap(ansi reset)…"
-flatpak = "Cercando su (ansi color[cyan] bold)flatpak(ansi reset)…"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/translation_tomls/ko.toml b/translation_tomls/ko.toml
deleted file mode 100644
index af0f4f9..0000000
--- a/translation_tomls/ko.toml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-#two letters matching the ISO 639-1 code for your language
-language = "ko"
-#if you are doing a general translation, leave this xx, otherwise, match this to the 2 letter ISO 3166-1 code for the territory you are coding for
-territory = "xx"
-#this will almost alway be left as "blank". If you are making a specific translation for a POSIX locale code, this is what follows the @ symbol
-modifier = "blank"
-#name of language toml (without the extension) to fall back to in case of incomplete translation
-fallback = "en"
-translator = "DtotheFuture "
-# Declares $matches package(s) were found matching $search
-found-matching = "'(ansi color[($color)] bold)($search)(ansi reset)' 와 일치하는 패키지를 찾았습니다:"
-# Declares no packages were found matching $search ($search is $color)
-none-matching = "'(ansi color[($color)] bold)($search)(ansi reset)' 와 일치하는 패키지를 찾을 수 없습니다!"
-# Declares $package from $manager is being selected for installation ($package & $manager are $color)
-install-select = "패키지 관리자 (ansi color[($color)] bold)($manager)(ansi reset) 에서 (ansi color[($color))] bold)($package)(ansi reset) 를 선택했습니다"
-# Declares $package from $manager is being selected for removal ($package & $manager are $color)
-remove-select = "패키지 관리자 (ansi color[($color)] bold)($manager)(ansi reset) 에서 (ansi color[($color))] bold)($package)(ansi reset) 를 선택했습니다"
-# Declares the $package from $manager is being skipped (in the process of installation/removal) ($package & $manager are $color)
-skipping = "Skipping (ansi color[($color)] bold)($package)(ansi reset) from (ansi color[($color)] bold)($manager)(ansi reset)."
-# Various error conditions, when user enters wrong data
-# Declares that the user entered no integers <= $number
-integers = "None of the inputs you provided were integers less than or equal to ($number)!"
-# Currently out of use
-# Declares $number is not a valid number
-number = "($number) 은 유효한 번호가 아닙니다!"
-#Currently out of use
-# Declares $repo to not be a valid repository
-repo = "저장소 이름이 잘못되었습니다!"
-# Informs the user that they entered the command "rhino-pkg $subcommand" without a search term, which it requires
-search-arguments = "(ansi color[magenta])rhino-pkg ($subcommand)(ansi reset) requires at least one search term argument."
-# Declares $subcommand is not a valid rhino-pkg command. Instructs user to help page
-subcommand = "'(ansi color[red])($subcommand)(ansi reset)' is not a valid sub-command! To see a list of valid sub-commands run '(ansi color[magenta])rhino-pkg -h(ansi reset)'"
-# Declares that the user entered no sub-command, which rhino-pkg needs. Instructs user to help page
-no-subcommand = "(ansi color[magenta] bold)rhino-pkg(ansi reset) needs a sub-command in order to run. To see these run '(ansi color[magenta])rhino-pkg -h(ansi reset)'."
-#Questions to ask the user
-# Asks a generic "Are you sure", **make sure the y and N in the prompt are not changed, y and N are not to be translated**
-sure = "Are you sure?: ((ansi color[green] bold)y(ansi reset)/(ansi color[red] bold)N(ansi reset))"
-# Asks user to select package(s) 0- $index to install
-which-install = "설치할 패키지를 선택해주세요 [0-($index)]:"
-# Asks user to select package(s) 0- $index to remove
-which-remove = "Select which package(s) to remove [0-($index)]:"
-# Asks user to select packages(s) 0- $index to recieve information about
-which-info = "Select which package(s) to recieve info about [0-($index)]:"
-# Asks user if they are sure to upgrade all packages **make sure y and N in the prompt are not changed, y and N are not to be translated**
-upgrade = "Are you sure you want to upgrade all packages?: ((ansi color[green] bold)y(ansi reset)/(ansi color[red] bold)N(ansi reset))"
-# Declare "Searching [package manager]…"
-apt = "(ansi color[green] bold)APT(ansi reset) 검색 중…"
-pacstall = "(ansi color[yellow] bold)Pacstall(ansi reset) 검색 중…"
-snap = "(ansi color[red] bold)Snap(ansi reset) 검색 중…"
-flatpak = "(ansi color[cyan] bold)Flatpak(ansi reset) 검색 중…"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/translation_tomls/lang-template.toml b/translation_tomls/lang-template.toml
deleted file mode 100644
index 505ad83..0000000
--- a/translation_tomls/lang-template.toml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-#two letters matching the ISO 639-1 code for your language
-language = ""
-#if you are doing a general translation, leave this xx, otherwise, match this to the 2 letter ISO 3166-1 code for the territory you are coding for
-territory = "xx"
-#this will almost alway be left as "blank". If you are making a specific translation for a POSIX locale code, this is what follows the @ symbol
-modifier = "blank"
-#name of language toml (without the extension) to fall back to in case of incomplete translation
-fallback = "en"
-# Declares $matches package(s) were found matching $search
-found-matching = "Found ($matches) package(s) matching '(ansi color[($color)] bold)($search)(ansi reset)':"
-# Declares no packages were found matching $search ($search is $color)
-none-matching = "No packages found matching '(ansi color[($color)] bold)($search)(ansi reset)'!"
-# Declares $package from $manager is being selected for installation ($package & $manager are $color)
-install-select = "Selecting (ansi color[($color)] bold)($package)(ansi reset) from (ansi color[($color))] bold)($manager)(ansi reset) for installation."
-# Declares $package from $manager is being selected for removal ($package & $manager are $color)
-remove-select = "Selecting (ansi color[($color)] bold)($package)(ansi reset) from (ansi color[($color)] bold)($manager)(ansi reset) for removal."
-# Declares the $package from $manager is being skipped (in the process of installation/removal) ($package & $manager are $color)
-skipping = "Skipping (ansi color[($color)] bold)($package)(ansi reset) from (ansi color[($color)] bold)($manager)(ansi reset)."
-# Various error conditions, when user enters wrong data
-# Declares that the user entered no integers <= $number
-integers = "None of the inputs you provided were integers less than or equal to ($number)!"
-# Currently out of use
-# Declares $number is not a valid number
-number = "($number) is not a valid number!"
-#Currently out of use
-# Declares $repo to not be a valid repository
-repo = "($repo) is not a valid repository!"
-# Informs the user that they entered the command "rhino-pkg $subcommand" without a search term, which it requires
-search-arguments = "(ansi color[magenta])rhino-pkg ($subcommand)(ansi reset) requires at least one search term argument."
-# Declares $subcommand is not a valid rhino-pkg command. Instructs user to help page
-subcommand = "'(ansi color[red])($subcommand)(ansi reset)' is not a valid sub-command! To see a list of valid sub-commands run '(ansi color[magenta])rhino-pkg -h(ansi reset)'"
-# Declares that the user entered no sub-command, which rhino-pkg needs. Instructs user to help page
-no-subcommand = "(ansi color[magenta] bold)rhino-pkg(ansi reset) needs a sub-command in order to run. To see these run '(ansi color[magenta])rhino-pkg -h(ansi reset)'."
-#Questions to ask the user
-# Asks a generic "Are you sure", **make sure the y and N in the prompt are not changed, y and N are not to be translated**
-sure = "Are you sure?: ((ansi color[green] bold)y(ansi reset)/(ansi color[red] bold)N(ansi reset))"
-# Asks user to select package(s) 0- $index to install
-which-install = "Select which package(s) to install [0-($index)]:"
-# Asks user to select package(s) 0- $index to remove
-which-remove = "Select which package(s) to remove [0-($index)]:"
-# Asks user to select packages(s) 0- $index to recieve information about
-which-info = "Select which package(s) to recieve info about [0-($index)]:"
-# Asks user if they are sure to upgrade all packages **make sure y and N in the prompt are not changed, y and N are not to be translated**
-upgrade = "Are you sure you want to upgrade all packages?: ((ansi color[green] bold)y(ansi reset)/(ansi color[red] bold)N(ansi reset))"
-# Declare "Searching [package manager]…"
-apt = "Searching (ansi color[green] bold)apt(ansi reset)…"
-pacstall = "Searching (ansi color[yellow] bold)Pacstall(ansi reset)…"
-snap = "Searching (ansi color[red] bold)snap(ansi reset)…"
-flatpak = "Searching (ansi color[cyan] bold)flatpak(ansi reset)…"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/translation_tomls/nl.toml b/translation_tomls/nl.toml
deleted file mode 100644
index 4fd03c0..0000000
--- a/translation_tomls/nl.toml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-#two letters matching the ISO 639-1 code for your language
-language = "nl"
-#if you are doing a general translation, leave this xx, otherwise, match this to the 2 letter ISO 3166-1 code for the territory you are coding for
-territory = "xx"
-#this will almost alway be left as "blank". If you are making a specific translation for a POSIX locale code, this is what follows the @ symbol
-modifier = "blank"
-#name of language toml (without the extension) to fall back to in case of incomplete translation
-fallback = "en"
-# Declares $matches package(s) were found matching $search
-found-matching = "Pakketten die overeenkomen met '(ansi color[($color)] bold)($search)(ansi reset)':"
-# Declares no packages were found matching $search ($search is $color)
-none-matching = "Er zijn geen pakketten gevonden die overeenkomen met '(ansi color[($color)] bold)($search)(ansi reset)'!"
-# Declares $package from $manager is being selected for installation ($package & $manager are $color)
-install-select = "Keuzes: (ansi color[($color)] bold)($package)(ansi reset) met behulp van pakketbeheerder (ansi color[($color))] bold)($manager)(ansi reset)."
-# Declares $package from $manager is being selected for removal ($package & $manager are $color)
-remove-select = "Keuzes: (ansi color[($color)] bold)($package)(ansi reset) met behulp van pakketbeheerder (ansi color[($color))] bold)($manager)(ansi reset)."
-# Declares the $package from $manager is being skipped (in the process of installation/removal) ($package & $manager are $color)
-skipping = "Skipping (ansi color[($color)] bold)($package)(ansi reset) from (ansi color[($color)] bold)($manager)(ansi reset)."
-# Various error conditions, when user enters wrong data
-# Declares that the user entered no integers <= $number
-integers = "None of the inputs you provided were integers less than or equal to ($number)!"
-# Currently out of use
-# Declares $number is not a valid number
-number = "($number) is geen geldig getal!"
-#Currently out of use
-# Declares $repo to not be a valid repository
-repo = "De pakketbronnaam is ongeldig!"
-# Informs the user that they entered the command "rhino-pkg $subcommand" without a search term, which it requires
-search-arguments = "(ansi color[magenta])rhino-pkg ($subcommand)(ansi reset) requires at least one search term argument."
-# Declares $subcommand is not a valid rhino-pkg command. Instructs user to help page
-subcommand = "'(ansi color[red])($subcommand)(ansi reset)' is not a valid sub-command! To see a list of valid sub-commands run '(ansi color[magenta])rhino-pkg -h(ansi reset)'"
-# Declares that the user entered no sub-command, which rhino-pkg needs. Instructs user to help page
-no-subcommand = "(ansi color[magenta] bold)rhino-pkg(ansi reset) needs a sub-command in order to run. To see these run '(ansi color[magenta])rhino-pkg -h(ansi reset)'."
-#Questions to ask the user
-# Asks a generic "Are you sure", **make sure the y and N in the prompt are not changed, y and N are not to be translated**
-sure = "Weet u het zeker?: ((ansi color[green] bold)y(ansi reset)/(ansi color[red] bold)N(ansi reset))"
-# Asks user to select package(s) 0- $index to install
-which-install = "Kies de te installeren pakketten [0-($index)]:"
-# Asks user to select package(s) 0- $index to remove
-which-remove = "Kies de te verwijderen pakketten [0-($index)]:"
-# Asks user to select packages(s) 0- $index to recieve information about
-which-info = "Select which package(s) to recieve info about [0-($index)]:"
-# Asks user if they are sure to upgrade all packages **make sure y and N in the prompt are not changed, y and N are not to be translated**
-upgrade = "Weet u zeker dat u alle pakketten wilt bijwerken?: ((ansi color[green] bold)y(ansi reset)/(ansi color[red] bold)N(ansi reset))"
-# Declare "Searching [package manager]…"
-apt = "Bezig met doorzoeken van (ansi color[green] bold)apt(ansi reset)…"
-pacstall = "Bezig met doorzoeken van(ansi color[yellow] bold)Pacstall(ansi reset)…"
-snap = "Bezig met doorzoeken van (ansi color[red] bold)Snap(ansi reset)…"
-flatpak = "Bezig met doorzoeken van (ansi color[cyan] bold)Flatpak(ansi reset)…"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/translation_tomls/pt_br.toml b/translation_tomls/pt_br.toml
deleted file mode 100644
index fe82969..0000000
--- a/translation_tomls/pt_br.toml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-#two letters matching the ISO 639-1 code for your language
-language = "pr"
-#if you are doing a general translation, leave this xx, otherwise, match this to the 2 letter ISO 3166-1 code for the territory you are coding for
-territory = "br"
-#this will almost alway be left as "blank". If you are making a specific translation for a POSIX locale code, this is what follows the @ symbol
-modifier = "blank"
-#name of language toml (without the extension) to fall back to in case of incomplete translation
-fallback = "en"
-translater = "Raul Dipeas "
-# Declares $matches package(s) were found matching $search
-found-matching = "Pacotes encontrados correspondentes a '(ansi color[($color)] bold)($search)(ansi reset)':"
-# Declares no packages were found matching $search ($search is $color)
-none-matching = "Nenhum pacote encontrado correspondente a '(ansi color[($color)] bold)($search)(ansi reset)'!"
-# Declares $package from $manager is being selected for installation ($package & $manager are $color)
-install-select = "Selecionando (ansi color[($color)] bold)($package)(ansi reset) do gerenciador de pacotes (ansi color[($color))] bold)($manager)(ansi reset) for installation."
-# Declares $package from $manager is being selected for removal ($package & $manager are $color)
-remove-select = "Selecting (ansi color[($color)] bold)($package)(ansi reset) from (ansi color[($color)] bold)($manager)(ansi reset) for removal."
-# Declares the $package from $manager is being skipped (in the process of installation/removal) ($package & $manager are $color)
-skipping = "Skipping (ansi color[($color)] bold)($package)(ansi reset) from (ansi color[($color)] bold)($manager)(ansi reset)."
-# Various error conditions, when user enters wrong data
-# Declares that the user entered no integers <= $number
-integers = "None of the inputs you provided were integers less than or equal to ($number)!"
-# Currently out of use
-# Declares $number is not a valid number
-number = "($number) não é um número válido!"
-#Currently out of use
-# Declares $repo to not be a valid repository
-repo = "Nome de repositório inválido!"
-# Informs the user that they entered the command "rhino-pkg $subcommand" without a search term, which it requires
-search-arguments = "(ansi color[magenta])rhino-pkg ($subcommand)(ansi reset) requires at least one search term argument."
-# Declares $subcommand is not a valid rhino-pkg command. Instructs user to help page
-subcommand = "'(ansi color[red])($subcommand)(ansi reset)' is not a valid sub-command! To see a list of valid sub-commands run '(ansi color[magenta])rhino-pkg -h(ansi reset)'"
-# Declares that the user entered no sub-command, which rhino-pkg needs. Instructs user to help page
-no-subcommand = "(ansi color[magenta] bold)rhino-pkg(ansi reset) needs a sub-command in order to run. To see these run '(ansi color[magenta])rhino-pkg -h(ansi reset)'."
-#Questions to ask the user
-# Asks a generic "Are you sure", **make sure the y and N in the prompt are not changed, y and N are not to be translated**
-sure = "Tem certeza?: ((ansi color[green] bold)y(ansi reset)/(ansi color[red] bold)N(ansi reset))"
-# Asks user to select package(s) 0- $index to install
-which-install = "Selecione qual pacote instalar [0-($index)]:"
-# Asks user to select package(s) 0- $index to remove
-which-remove = "Selecione qual pacote remover [0-($index)]:"
-# Asks user to select packages(s) 0- $index to recieve information about
-which-info = "Select which package(s) to recieve info about [0-($index)]:"
-# Asks user if they are sure to upgrade all packages **make sure y and N in the prompt are not changed, y and N are not to be translated**
-upgrade = "Tem certeza de que deseja atualizar todos os pacotes?: ((ansi color[green] bold)y(ansi reset)/(ansi color[red] bold)N(ansi reset))"
-# Declare "Searching [package manager]…"
-apt = "Procurando (ansi color[green] bold)apt(ansi reset)…"
-pacstall = "Procurando(ansi color[yellow] bold)Pacstall(ansi reset)…"
-snap = "Procurando (ansi color[red] bold)snap(ansi reset)…"
-flatpak = "Procurando (ansi color[cyan] bold)flatpak(ansi reset)…"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/translation_tomls/ro.toml b/translation_tomls/ro.toml
deleted file mode 100644
index 1f57d5c..0000000
--- a/translation_tomls/ro.toml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-#two letters matching the ISO 639-1 code for your language
-language = "ro"
-#if you are doing a general translation, leave this xx, otherwise, match this to the 2 letter ISO 3166-1 code for the territory you are coding for
-territory = "xx"
-#this will almost alway be left as "blank". If you are making a specific translation for a POSIX locale code, this is what follows the @ symbol
-modifier = "blank"
-#name of language toml (without the extension) to fall back to in case of incomplete translation
-fallback = "en"
-translator = "Elsie "
-# Declares $matches package(s) were found matching $search
-found-matching = "Următoarele aplicații care se potrivesc cu '(ansi color[($color)] bold)($search)(ansi reset)' au fost găsite:"
-# Declares no packages were found matching $search ($search is $color)
-none-matching = "Nu au fost găsite aplicații care să se potrivească cu '(ansi color[($color)] bold)($search)(ansi reset)'!"
-# Declares $package from $manager is being selected for installation ($package & $manager are $color)
-install-select = "Ai selectat (ansi color[($color)] bold)($package)(ansi reset) din registrul de aplicații (ansi color[($color))] bold)($manager)(ansi reset)"
-# Declares $package from $manager is being selected for removal ($package & $manager are $color)
-remove-select = "Ai selectat (ansi color[($color)] bold)($package)(ansi reset) din registrul de aplicații (ansi color[($color))] bold)($manager)(ansi reset)"
-# Declares the $package from $manager is being skipped (in the process of installation/removal) ($package & $manager are $color)
-skipping = "Skipping (ansi color[($color)] bold)($package)(ansi reset) from (ansi color[($color)] bold)($manager)(ansi reset)."
-# Various error conditions, when user enters wrong data
-# Declares that the user entered no integers <= $number
-integers = "None of the inputs you provided were integers less than or equal to ($number)!"
-# Currently out of use
-# Declares $number is not a valid number
-number = "($number) nu este un număr valid!"
-#Currently out of use
-# Declares $repo to not be a valid repository
-repo = "Acest registru de aplicații nu există!"
-# Informs the user that they entered the command "rhino-pkg $subcommand" without a search term, which it requires
-search-arguments = "(ansi color[magenta])rhino-pkg ($subcommand)(ansi reset) requires at least one search term argument."
-# Declares $subcommand is not a valid rhino-pkg command. Instructs user to help page
-subcommand = "'(ansi color[red])($subcommand)(ansi reset)' is not a valid sub-command! To see a list of valid sub-commands run '(ansi color[magenta])rhino-pkg -h(ansi reset)'"
-# Declares that the user entered no sub-command, which rhino-pkg needs. Instructs user to help page
-no-subcommand = "(ansi color[magenta] bold)rhino-pkg(ansi reset) needs a sub-command in order to run. To see these run '(ansi color[magenta])rhino-pkg -h(ansi reset)'."
-#Questions to ask the user
-# Asks a generic "Are you sure", **make sure the y and N in the prompt are not changed, y and N are not to be translated**
-sure = "Are you sure?: ((ansi color[green] bold)y(ansi reset)/(ansi color[red] bold)N(ansi reset))"
-# Asks user to select package(s) 0- $index to install
-which-install = "Selectează care aplicație să fie instalată [0-($index)]:"
-# Asks user to select package(s) 0- $index to remove
-which-remove = "Select which package(s) to remove [0-($index)]:"
-# Asks user to select packages(s) 0- $index to recieve information about
-which-info = "Select which package(s) to recieve info about [0-($index)]:"
-# Asks user if they are sure to upgrade all packages **make sure y and N in the prompt are not changed, y and N are not to be translated**
-upgrade = "Are you sure you want to upgrade all packages?: ((ansi color[green] bold)y(ansi reset)/(ansi color[red] bold)N(ansi reset))"
-# Declare "Searching [package manager]…"
-apt = "Căutare în (ansi color[green] bold)apt(ansi reset)…"
-pacstall = "Căutare în (ansi color[yellow] bold)Pacstall(ansi reset)…"
-snap = "Căutare în (ansi color[red] bold)snap(ansi reset)…"
-flatpak = "Căutare în (ansi color[cyan] bold)flatpak(ansi reset)…"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/translation_tomls/ru.toml b/translation_tomls/ru.toml
deleted file mode 100644
index 23abfdb..0000000
--- a/translation_tomls/ru.toml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-#two letters matching the ISO 639-1 code for your language
-language = "ru"
-#if you are doing a general translation, leave this xx, otherwise, match this to the 2 letter ISO 3166-1 code for the territory you are coding for
-territory = "xx"
-#this will almost alway be left as "blank". If you are making a specific translation for a POSIX locale code, this is what follows the @ symbol
-modifier = "blank"
-#name of language toml (without the extension) to fall back to in case of incomplete translation
-fallback = "en"
-translater = "OIS "
-# Declares $matches package(s) were found matching $search
-found-matching = "Пакеты по шаблону '(ansi color[($color)] bold)($search)(ansi reset)':"
-# Declares no packages were found matching $search ($search is $color)
-none-matching = "Не найдены пакеты по шаблону '(ansi color[($color)] bold)($search)(ansi reset)'!"
-# Declares $package from $manager is being selected for installation ($package & $manager are $color)
-install-select = "Выбран (ansi color[($color)] bold)($package)(ansi reset) из менеджера пакетов (ansi color[($color))] bold)($manager)(ansi reset)."
-# Declares $package from $manager is being selected for removal ($package & $manager are $color)
-remove-select = "Выбран (ansi color[($color)] bold)($package)(ansi reset) из менеджера пакетов (ansi color[($color))] bold)($manager)(ansi reset)."
-# Declares the $package from $manager is being skipped (in the process of installation/removal) ($package & $manager are $color)
-skipping = "Skipping (ansi color[($color)] bold)($package)(ansi reset) from (ansi color[($color)] bold)($manager)(ansi reset)."
-# Various error conditions, when user enters wrong data
-# Declares that the user entered no integers <= $number
-integers = "None of the inputs you provided were integers less than or equal to ($number)!"
-# Currently out of use
-# Declares $number is not a valid number
-number = "($number) не является числом!"
-#Currently out of use
-# Declares $repo to not be a valid repository
-repo = "Неверное имя репозитория!"
-# Informs the user that they entered the command "rhino-pkg $subcommand" without a search term, which it requires
-search-arguments = "(ansi color[magenta])rhino-pkg ($subcommand)(ansi reset) requires at least one search term argument."
-# Declares $subcommand is not a valid rhino-pkg command. Instructs user to help page
-subcommand = "'(ansi color[red])($subcommand)(ansi reset)' is not a valid sub-command! To see a list of valid sub-commands run '(ansi color[magenta])rhino-pkg -h(ansi reset)'"
-# Declares that the user entered no sub-command, which rhino-pkg needs. Instructs user to help page
-no-subcommand = "(ansi color[magenta] bold)rhino-pkg(ansi reset) needs a sub-command in order to run. To see these run '(ansi color[magenta])rhino-pkg -h(ansi reset)'."
-#Questions to ask the user
-# Asks a generic "Are you sure", **make sure the y and N in the prompt are not changed, y and N are not to be translated**
-sure = "Вы уверены?: ((ansi color[green] bold)y(ansi reset)/(ansi color[red] bold)N(ansi reset))"
-# Asks user to select package(s) 0- $index to install
-which-install = "Выберите устанавливаемый пакет [0-($index)]:"
-# Asks user to select package(s) 0- $index to remove
-which-remove = "Выберите удаляемый пакет [0-($index)]:"
-# Asks user to select packages(s) 0- $index to recieve information about
-which-info = "Select which package(s) to recieve info about [0-($index)]:"
-# Asks user if they are sure to upgrade all packages **make sure y and N in the prompt are not changed, y and N are not to be translated**
-upgrade = "Обновить все пакеты?: ((ansi color[green] bold)y(ansi reset)/(ansi color[red] bold)N(ansi reset))"
-# Declare "Searching [package manager]…"
-apt = "Поиск в (ansi color[green] bold)apt(ansi reset)…"
-pacstall = "Поиск в (ansi color[yellow] bold)Pacstall(ansi reset)…"
-snap = "Поиск в (ansi color[red] bold)snap(ansi reset)…"
-flatpak = "Поиск в (ansi color[cyan] bold)flatpak(ansi reset)…"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/translation_tomls/sv.toml b/translation_tomls/sv.toml
deleted file mode 100644
index 4194897..0000000
--- a/translation_tomls/sv.toml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-#two letters matching the ISO 639-1 code for your language
-language = "sv"
-#if you are doing a general translation, leave this xx, otherwise, match this to the 2 letter ISO 3166-1 code for the territory you are coding for
-territory = "xx"
-#this will almost alway be left as "blank". If you are making a specific translation for a POSIX locale code, this is what follows the @ symbol
-modifier = "blank"
-#name of language toml (without the extension) to fall back to in case of incomplete translation
-fallback = "en"
-# Declares $matches package(s) were found matching $search
-found-matching = "Hittade paket som liknar '(ansi color[($color)] bold)($search)(ansi reset)':"
-# Declares no packages were found matching $search ($search is $color)
-none-matching = "Inga paket hittas som liknar '(ansi color[($color)] bold)($search)(ansi reset)'!"
-# Declares $package from $manager is being selected for installation ($package & $manager are $color)
-install-select = "Väljer (ansi color[($color)] bold)($package)(ansi reset) från pakethanterare (ansi color[($color))] bold)($manager)(ansi reset)"
-# Declares $package from $manager is being selected for removal ($package & $manager are $color)
-remove-select = "Väljer (ansi color[($color)] bold)($package)(ansi reset) från pakethanterare (ansi color[($color))] bold)($manager)(ansi reset)"
-# Declares the $package from $manager is being skipped (in the process of installation/removal) ($package & $manager are $color)
-skipping = "Skipping (ansi color[($color)] bold)($package)(ansi reset) from (ansi color[($color)] bold)($manager)(ansi reset)."
-# Various error conditions, when user enters wrong data
-# Declares that the user entered no integers <= $number
-integers = "None of the inputs you provided were integers less than or equal to ($number)!"
-# Currently out of use
-# Declares $number is not a valid number
-number = "($number) är inte ett giltigt nummer!"
-#Currently out of use
-# Declares $repo to not be a valid repository
-repo = "Ojiltigt arkivnamn!"
-# Informs the user that they entered the command "rhino-pkg $subcommand" without a search term, which it requires
-search-arguments = "(ansi color[magenta])rhino-pkg ($subcommand)(ansi reset) requires at least one search term argument."
-# Declares $subcommand is not a valid rhino-pkg command. Instructs user to help page
-subcommand = "'(ansi color[red])($subcommand)(ansi reset)' is not a valid sub-command! To see a list of valid sub-commands run '(ansi color[magenta])rhino-pkg -h(ansi reset)'"
-# Declares that the user entered no sub-command, which rhino-pkg needs. Instructs user to help page
-no-subcommand = "(ansi color[magenta] bold)rhino-pkg(ansi reset) needs a sub-command in order to run. To see these run '(ansi color[magenta])rhino-pkg -h(ansi reset)'."
-#Questions to ask the user
-# Asks a generic "Are you sure", **make sure the y and N in the prompt are not changed, y and N are not to be translated**
-sure = "Are you sure?: ((ansi color[green] bold)y(ansi reset)/(ansi color[red] bold)N(ansi reset))"
-# Asks user to select package(s) 0- $index to install
-which-install = "Välj vilket paket att installera [0-($index)]:"
-# Asks user to select package(s) 0- $index to remove
-which-remove = "Select which package(s) to remove [0-($index)]:"
-# Asks user to select packages(s) 0- $index to recieve information about
-which-info = "Select which package(s) to recieve info about [0-($index)]:"
-# Asks user if they are sure to upgrade all packages **make sure y and N in the prompt are not changed, y and N are not to be translated**
-upgrade = "Are you sure you want to upgrade all packages?: ((ansi color[green] bold)y(ansi reset)/(ansi color[red] bold)N(ansi reset))"
-# Declare "Searching [package manager]…"
-apt = "Söker i (ansi color[green] bold)apt(ansi reset)…"
-pacstall = "Söker i (ansi color[yellow] bold)Pacstall(ansi reset)…"
-snap = "Söker i (ansi color[red] bold)snap(ansi reset)…"
-flatpak = "Söker i (ansi color[cyan] bold)flatpak(ansi reset)…"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/translation_tomls/uk.toml b/translation_tomls/uk.toml
deleted file mode 100644
index 556755d..0000000
--- a/translation_tomls/uk.toml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
-#two letters matching the ISO 639-1 code for your language
-language = "uk"
-#if you are doing a general translation, leave this xx, otherwise, match this to the 2 letter ISO 3166-1 code for the territory you are coding for
-territory = "xx"
-#this will almost alway be left as "blank". If you are making a specific translation for a POSIX locale code, this is what follows the @ symbol
-modifier = "blank"
-#name of language toml (without the extension) to fall back to in case of incomplete translation
-fallback = "en"
-translator = "Dan "
-# Declares $matches package(s) were found matching $search
-found-matching = "Знайдено пакунки, які відповідають '(ansi color[($color)] bold)($search)(ansi reset)':"
-# Declares no packages were found matching $search ($search is $color)
-none-matching = "Не знайдено пакунків, що відповідають '(ansi color[($color)] bold)($search)(ansi reset)'!"
-# Declares $package from $manager is being selected for installation ($package & $manager are $color)
-install-select = "Вибір (ansi color[($color)] bold)($package)(ansi reset) з менеджера пакунків (ansi color[($color))] bold)($manager)(ansi reset) for installation."
-# Declares $package from $manager is being selected for removal ($package & $manager are $color)
-remove-select = "Selecting (ansi color[($color)] bold)($package)(ansi reset) from (ansi color[($color)] bold)($manager)(ansi reset) for removal."
-# Declares the $package from $manager is being skipped (in the process of installation/removal) ($package & $manager are $color)
-skipping = "Skipping (ansi color[($color)] bold)($package)(ansi reset) from (ansi color[($color)] bold)($manager)(ansi reset)."
-# Various error conditions, when user enters wrong data
-# Declares that the user entered no integers <= $number
-integers = "None of the inputs you provided were integers less than or equal to ($number)!"
-# Currently out of use
-# Declares $number is not a valid number
-number = "($number) неприпустиме число!"
-#Currently out of use
-# Declares $repo to not be a valid repository
-repo = "Неправильна назва сховища!"
-# Informs the user that they entered the command "rhino-pkg $subcommand" without a search term, which it requires
-search-arguments = "(ansi color[magenta])rhino-pkg ($subcommand)(ansi reset) requires at least one search term argument."
-# Declares $subcommand is not a valid rhino-pkg command. Instructs user to help page
-subcommand = "'(ansi color[red])($subcommand)(ansi reset)' is not a valid sub-command! To see a list of valid sub-commands run '(ansi color[magenta])rhino-pkg -h(ansi reset)'"
-# Declares that the user entered no sub-command, which rhino-pkg needs. Instructs user to help page
-no-subcommand = "(ansi color[magenta] bold)rhino-pkg(ansi reset) needs a sub-command in order to run. To see these run '(ansi color[magenta])rhino-pkg -h(ansi reset)'."
-#Questions to ask the user
-# Asks a generic "Are you sure", **make sure the y and N in the prompt are not changed, y and N are not to be translated**
-sure = "Ви впевнені?: ((ansi color[green] bold)y(ansi reset)/(ansi color[red] bold)N(ansi reset))"
-# Asks user to select package(s) 0- $index to install
-which-install = "Виберіть, який пакунок встановити [0-($index)]:"
-# Asks user to select package(s) 0- $index to remove
-which-remove = "Виберіть, який пакунок видалити [0-($index)]:"
-# Asks user to select packages(s) 0- $index to recieve information about
-which-info = "Select which package(s) to recieve info about [0-($index)]:"
-# Asks user if they are sure to upgrade all packages **make sure y and N in the prompt are not changed, y and N are not to be translated**
-upgrade = "Ви впевнені, що хочете оновити всі пакунки?: ((ansi color[green] bold)y(ansi reset)/(ansi color[red] bold)N(ansi reset))"
-# Declare "Searching [package manager]…"
-apt = "Пошук (ansi color[green] bold)apt(ansi reset)…"
-pacstall = "Пошук (ansi color[yellow] bold)Pacstall(ansi reset)…"
-snap = "Пошук (ansi color[red] bold)snap(ansi reset)…"
-flatpak = "Пошук (ansi color[cyan] bold)flatpak(ansi reset)…"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/translation_tomls/ur.toml b/translation_tomls/ur.toml
deleted file mode 100644
index fe873f9..0000000
--- a/translation_tomls/ur.toml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-#two letters matching the ISO 639-1 code for your language
-language = "ur"
-#if you are doing a general translation, leave this xx, otherwise, match this to the 2 letter ISO 3166-1 code for the territory you are coding for
-territory = "xx"
-#this will almost alway be left as "blank". If you are making a specific translation for a POSIX locale code, this is what follows the @ symbol
-modifier = "blank"
-#name of language toml (without the extension) to fall back to in case of incomplete translation
-fallback = "en"
-translator = "Sourajyoti Basak "
-# Declares $matches package(s) were found matching $search
-found-matching = "'(ansi color[($color)] bold)($search)(ansi reset)' سے مماثل پیکیجز ملے:"
-# Declares no packages were found matching $search ($search is $color)
-none-matching = "'(ansi color[($color)] bold)($search)(ansi reset)' سے مماثل کوئی پیکیج نہیں ملا!"
-# Declares $package from $manager is being selected for installation ($package & $manager are $color)
-install-select = "پیکیج مینیجر سے (ansi color[($color)] bold)($package)(ansi reset) کو منتخب کیا گیا (ansi color[($color))] bold)($manager)(ansi reset)"
-# Declares $package from $manager is being selected for removal ($package & $manager are $color)
-remove-select = "پیکیج مینیجر سے (ansi color[($color)] bold)($package)(ansi reset) کو منتخب کیا گیا (ansi color[($color))] bold)($manager)(ansi reset)"
-# Declares the $package from $manager is being skipped (in the process of installation/removal) ($package & $manager are $color)
-skipping = "Skipping (ansi color[($color)] bold)($package)(ansi reset) from (ansi color[($color)] bold)($manager)(ansi reset)."
-# Various error conditions, when user enters wrong data
-# Declares that the user entered no integers <= $number
-integers = "None of the inputs you provided were integers less than or equal to ($number)!"
-# Currently out of use
-# Declares $number is not a valid number
-number = "($number) درست تعداد نہیں ہے!"
-#Currently out of use
-# Declares $repo to not be a valid repository
-repo = "($repo) is not a valid repository!"
-# Informs the user that they entered the command "rhino-pkg $subcommand" without a search term, which it requires
-search-arguments = "(ansi color[magenta])rhino-pkg ($subcommand)(ansi reset) requires at least one search term argument."
-# Declares $subcommand is not a valid rhino-pkg command. Instructs user to help page
-subcommand = "'(ansi color[red])($subcommand)(ansi reset)' is not a valid sub-command! To see a list of valid sub-commands run '(ansi color[magenta])rhino-pkg -h(ansi reset)'"
-# Declares that the user entered no sub-command, which rhino-pkg needs. Instructs user to help page
-no-subcommand = "(ansi color[magenta] bold)rhino-pkg(ansi reset) needs a sub-command in order to run. To see these run '(ansi color[magenta])rhino-pkg -h(ansi reset)'."
-#Questions to ask the user
-# Asks a generic "Are you sure", **make sure the y and N in the prompt are not changed, y and N are not to be translated**
-sure = "Are you sure?: ((ansi color[green] bold)y(ansi reset)/(ansi color[red] bold)N(ansi reset))"
-# Asks user to select package(s) 0- $index to install
-which-install = "[($index)-0] منتخب کریں کہ کون سا پیکیج انسٹال کرنا ہے:"
-# Asks user to select package(s) 0- $index to remove
-which-remove = "Select which package(s) to remove [0-($index)]:"
-# Asks user to select packages(s) 0- $index to recieve information about
-which-info = "Select which package(s) to recieve info about [0-($index)]:"
-# Asks user if they are sure to upgrade all packages **make sure y and N in the prompt are not changed, y and N are not to be translated**
-upgrade = "Are you sure you want to upgrade all packages?: ((ansi color[green] bold)y(ansi reset)/(ansi color[red] bold)N(ansi reset))"
-# Declare "Searching [package manager]…"
-apt = "(ansi color[green] bold)apt(ansi reset) میں تلاش کر رہا ہے…"
-pacstall = "(ansi color[yellow] bold)Pacstall(ansi reset) میں تلاش کر رہا ہے…"
-snap = "(ansi color[red] bold)snap(ansi reset) میں تلاش کر رہا ہے…"
-flatpak = "(ansi color[cyan] bold)flatpak(ansi reset) میں تلاش کر رہا ہے…"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/translation_tomls/zh_cn.toml b/translation_tomls/zh_cn.toml
deleted file mode 100644
index 394ea0c..0000000
--- a/translation_tomls/zh_cn.toml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-#two letters matching the ISO 639-1 code for your language
-language = "zh"
-#if you are doing a general translation, leave this xx, otherwise, match this to the 2 letter ISO 3166-1 code for the territory you are coding for
-territory = "cn"
-#this will almost alway be left as "blank". If you are making a specific translation for a POSIX locale code, this is what follows the @ symbol
-modifier = "blank"
-#name of language toml (without the extension) to fall back to in case of incomplete translation
-fallback = "en"
-# Declares $matches package(s) were found matching $search
-found-matching = "找到匹配 '(ansi color[($color)] bold)($search)(ansi reset)' 的软件包:"
-# Declares no packages were found matching $search ($search is $color)
-none-matching = "未找到匹配 '(ansi color[($color)] bold)($search)(ansi reset)' 的软件包!"
-# Declares $package from $manager is being selected for installation ($package & $manager are $color)
-install-select = "从软件包管理器 (ansi color[($color)] bold)($manager)(ansi reset) 中选择 (ansi color[($color))] bold)($package)(ansi reset) for installation."
-# Declares $package from $manager is being selected for removal ($package & $manager are $color)
-remove-select = "Selecting (ansi color[($color)] bold)($package)(ansi reset) from (ansi color[($color)] bold)($manager)(ansi reset) for removal."
-# Declares the $package from $manager is being skipped (in the process of installation/removal) ($package & $manager are $color)
-skipping = "Skipping (ansi color[($color)] bold)($package)(ansi reset) from (ansi color[($color)] bold)($manager)(ansi reset)."
-# Various error conditions, when user enters wrong data
-# Declares that the user entered no integers <= $number
-integers = "None of the inputs you provided were integers less than or equal to ($number)!"
-# Currently out of use
-# Declares $number is not a valid number
-number = "($number) 不是一个有效数字!"
-#Currently out of use
-# Declares $repo to not be a valid repository
-repo = "无效仓库名称!"
-# Informs the user that they entered the command "rhino-pkg $subcommand" without a search term, which it requires
-search-arguments = "(ansi color[magenta])rhino-pkg ($subcommand)(ansi reset) requires at least one search term argument."
-# Declares $subcommand is not a valid rhino-pkg command. Instructs user to help page
-subcommand = "'(ansi color[red])($subcommand)(ansi reset)' is not a valid sub-command! To see a list of valid sub-commands run '(ansi color[magenta])rhino-pkg -h(ansi reset)'"
-# Declares that the user entered no sub-command, which rhino-pkg needs. Instructs user to help page
-no-subcommand = "(ansi color[magenta] bold)rhino-pkg(ansi reset) needs a sub-command in order to run. To see these run '(ansi color[magenta])rhino-pkg -h(ansi reset)'."
-#Questions to ask the user
-# Asks a generic "Are you sure", **make sure the y and N in the prompt are not changed, y and N are not to be translated**
-sure = "是否确定?: ((ansi color[green] bold)y(ansi reset)/(ansi color[red] bold)N(ansi reset))"
-# Asks user to select package(s) 0- $index to install
-which-install = "选择要安装的软件包 [0-($index)]:"
-# Asks user to select package(s) 0- $index to remove
-which-remove = "选择要移除的软件包 [0-($index)]:"
-# Asks user to select packages(s) 0- $index to recieve information about
-which-info = "Select which package(s) to recieve info about [0-($index)]:"
-# Asks user if they are sure to upgrade all packages **make sure y and N in the prompt are not changed, y and N are not to be translated**
-upgrade = "确定更新全部软件包?: ((ansi color[green] bold)y(ansi reset)/(ansi color[red] bold)N(ansi reset))"
-# Declare "Searching [package manager]…"
-apt = "正在检索(ansi color[green] bold)apt(ansi reset)…"
-pacstall = "正在检索(ansi color[yellow] bold)Pacstall(ansi reset)…"
-snap = "正在检索(ansi color[red] bold)snap(ansi reset)…"
-flatpak = "正在检索(ansi color[cyan] bold)flatpak(ansi reset)…"
\ No newline at end of file
From 444cbe56de155da0d0f1ffdd42902b621c255f1c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: wren54 <>
Date: Mon, 6 May 2024 23:05:29 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 26/37] Update Makefile
Makefile | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 4e9ecd7..244b2c9 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ translation-tomls:
# Copies over rhino-pkg's nu-files
- cp -r ./nu-files $(DESTDIR)/usr/share/rhino-pkg-git
+ cp -r ./nu-files $(DESTDIR)/usr/share/rhino-pkg
# Sets up the usr/bin directory and symlinks the rhino-pkg executable into it as rhino-pkg and rpk
ln -sf $(DESTDIR)/usr/share/rhino-pkg/nu-files/rhino-pkg $(DESTDIR)/usr/bin/rhino-pkg
ln -sf $(DESTDIR)usr/share/rhino-pkg/nu-files/rhino-pkg $(DESTDIR)/usr/bin/rpk
From d73d6bd0719963b089d62edc635e455950716aac Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: wren54 <>
Date: Mon, 6 May 2024 23:43:15 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 27/37] Update Makefile
changing makefile because make is fucked up
Makefile | 15 ++++-----------
1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 244b2c9..f079b32 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -1,26 +1,19 @@
+all: install
# This checks to make sure that DESTDIR is defined before initiation the install. \
if it is not, it informs the user they must define it and exits with an error code.
ifndef DESTDIR
@echo "There was no destination given for the install. Please rerun while setting the variable DESTDIR in the command line."
exit 1
# Actually makes rhino-pkg, provided that DESTDIR is defined
-all:: make-dirs translation-tomls rhino-pkg
-install: all
mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)/usr/bin
mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)/usr/share/rhino-pkg/
# Copies translation-tomls recursively.
cp -r ./translation-tomls $(DESTDIR)/usr/share/rhino-pkg
# Copies over rhino-pkg's nu-files
cp -r ./nu-files $(DESTDIR)/usr/share/rhino-pkg
# Sets up the usr/bin directory and symlinks the rhino-pkg executable into it as rhino-pkg and rpk
From dd87e13b800cd0caf9aea59561bf3f1f4c555e35 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: wren54 <>
Date: Tue, 7 May 2024 00:45:53 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 28/37] Update Makefile
Makefile | 4 ++--
1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index f079b32..f3f21ce 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -17,5 +17,5 @@ install::
# Copies over rhino-pkg's nu-files
cp -r ./nu-files $(DESTDIR)/usr/share/rhino-pkg
# Sets up the usr/bin directory and symlinks the rhino-pkg executable into it as rhino-pkg and rpk
- ln -sf $(DESTDIR)/usr/share/rhino-pkg/nu-files/rhino-pkg $(DESTDIR)/usr/bin/rhino-pkg
- ln -sf $(DESTDIR)usr/share/rhino-pkg/nu-files/rhino-pkg $(DESTDIR)/usr/bin/rpk
+ ln -sf /usr/share/rhino-pkg/nu-files/rhino-pkg $(DESTDIR)/usr/bin/rhino-pkg
+ ln -sf /usr/share/rhino-pkg/nu-files/rhino-pkg $(DESTDIR)/usr/bin/rpk
From aab3de35c048751e79560a5d8878b4f879310019 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: wren54 <>
Date: Tue, 7 May 2024 00:56:57 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 29/37] Update Makefile
Makefile | 1 +
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index f3f21ce..944d858 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -19,3 +19,4 @@ install::
# Sets up the usr/bin directory and symlinks the rhino-pkg executable into it as rhino-pkg and rpk
ln -sf /usr/share/rhino-pkg/nu-files/rhino-pkg $(DESTDIR)/usr/bin/rhino-pkg
ln -sf /usr/share/rhino-pkg/nu-files/rhino-pkg $(DESTDIR)/usr/bin/rpk
+ chmod -R 755 $(DESTDIR)/usr/
From 15624603e9dc83f89daf63c44df5091534ff65c6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: wren54 <>
Date: Tue, 7 May 2024 01:12:52 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 30/37] Update
nu-files/helper-scripts/ | 4 ++--
1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
diff --git a/nu-files/helper-scripts/ b/nu-files/helper-scripts/
index d490d3a..e666e51 100644
--- a/nu-files/helper-scripts/
+++ b/nu-files/helper-scripts/
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ export def main [] -> path {
use ./
let rhino_pkg_path: string = ([ raw-install-dir, "nu-files/rhino-pkg"] | str join)
- let rhino_pkg_exists: bool = ( rhino-pkg-path | path exists)
+ let rhino_pkg_exists: bool = ( rhino_pkg_path | path exists)
if rhino-pkg-exists {
@@ -44,4 +44,4 @@ def request-dpkg-for-install-path [] -> path {
# it filters in only the ones with the path "nu-files" and selects and single one.
# it then slices off the "nu-files" and everything after, in order to leave itself with the pure share dir for rhino-pkg.
(^dpkg -L rhino-pkg | lines | filter { |line| $line | str contains "nu-files"} | get 0 | split row "nu-files" | get 0)
\ No newline at end of file
From d295844e493fe09fbe46bea4ac6e8714b3493295 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: wren54 <>
Date: Tue, 7 May 2024 01:16:18 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 31/37] Update
nu-files/helper-scripts/ | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/nu-files/helper-scripts/ b/nu-files/helper-scripts/
index e666e51..85d5515 100644
--- a/nu-files/helper-scripts/
+++ b/nu-files/helper-scripts/
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ export def main [] -> path {
use ./
let rhino_pkg_path: string = ([ raw-install-dir, "nu-files/rhino-pkg"] | str join)
- let rhino_pkg_exists: bool = ( rhino_pkg_path | path exists)
+ let rhino_pkg_exists: bool = ( $rhino_pkg_path | path exists)
if rhino-pkg-exists {
From 84cc4288df3c6307fff0709e066f96c71e890dd1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: wren54 <>
Date: Tue, 7 May 2024 01:19:47 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 32/37] Update
nu-files/helper-scripts/ | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/nu-files/helper-scripts/ b/nu-files/helper-scripts/
index 85d5515..489d5c8 100644
--- a/nu-files/helper-scripts/
+++ b/nu-files/helper-scripts/
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ export def main [] -> path {
let rhino_pkg_path: string = ([ raw-install-dir, "nu-files/rhino-pkg"] | str join)
let rhino_pkg_exists: bool = ( $rhino_pkg_path | path exists)
- if rhino-pkg-exists {
+ if $rhino_pkg_exists {
# This code is a remnant of when I was making rhino-pkg check to see if the given path contained an outdated installation.
From f6d2e9634109f88027128fbce6bf6686f94bca9a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: wren54 <>
Date: Tue, 7 May 2024 01:24:44 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 33/37] Update
nu-files/helper-scripts/ | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/nu-files/helper-scripts/ b/nu-files/helper-scripts/
index 489d5c8..ffd7ef0 100644
--- a/nu-files/helper-scripts/
+++ b/nu-files/helper-scripts/
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ export def main [] -> path {
# gets the new dir from dpkg
let new_install_path: path = request-dpkg-for-install-path
# obtains the path of the file
- let raw_install_dir_nu_path: path = ([$new_install_path, "nu-files/helper-scripts/get-install-dir/"] | str join)
+ let raw_install_dir_nu_path: path = ([$new_install_path, "nu-files/helper-scripts/"] | str join)
# opens
let old_raw_install_dir_nu = open $raw_install_dir_nu_path
# obtains the outdated dir
From 06b9f0323519278bf922249ac1d880defa67855a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: wren54 <>
Date: Tue, 7 May 2024 01:28:19 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 34/37] Update
nu-files/helper-scripts/ | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/nu-files/helper-scripts/ b/nu-files/helper-scripts/
index ffd7ef0..14eaa44 100644
--- a/nu-files/helper-scripts/
+++ b/nu-files/helper-scripts/
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ export def main [] -> path {
# creates a new version of with the updated path
let new_raw_install_dir_nu = $old_raw_install_dir_nu | str replace $old_line $new_line
# saves the updated version to the file
- $new_raw_install_dir_nu | save $raw_install_dir_nu_path
+ $new_raw_install_dir_nu | save -f $raw_install_dir_nu_path
From 9b308503ab72aec5de399c94ce0f4d1941b50525 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: wren54 <>
Date: Tue, 7 May 2024 01:33:43 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 35/37] Update
nu-files/helper-scripts/ | 4 ++--
1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
diff --git a/nu-files/helper-scripts/ b/nu-files/helper-scripts/
index 00ec3b1..12f68f0 100644
--- a/nu-files/helper-scripts/
+++ b/nu-files/helper-scripts/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
export def main [] -> path {
- 'usr/share/rhino-pkg/'
+ '/usr/share/rhino-pkg/'
-# this is an internal helper script for get-install-dir. use get-install-dir if you want the install dir.
\ No newline at end of file
+# this is an internal helper script for get-install-dir. use get-install-dir if you want the install dir.
From 9f6c2512a70dc420453694ca050351587ced0fa4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: wren54 <>
Date: Thu, 9 May 2024 07:45:52 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 36/37] Update rhino-pkg
plugin add nu-tongues
nu-files/rhino-pkg | 5 +++--
1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
diff --git a/nu-files/rhino-pkg b/nu-files/rhino-pkg
index 7f102db..66bcc84 100644
--- a/nu-files/rhino-pkg
+++ b/nu-files/rhino-pkg
@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
+#!/usr/bin/nu --plugins /usr/local/bin/nu_plugins_nu-tongues
use "./commands/" [rpk-cleanup, rpk-install-or-remove, rpk-search, rpk-sync, rpk-update]
use "./helper-scripts/" translation-dir-path
+plugin use nu-tongues
def search-cmd-no-args [ ] {
let command: string = $in
@@ -172,4 +173,4 @@ def main [
"sync" => (rpk-sync )
\ No newline at end of file
From 3ed360dad5ae82ef8a946eee633ac7686f5f209a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: wren54 <>
Date: Thu, 9 May 2024 21:57:29 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 37/37] Update rhino-pkg
nu-files/rhino-pkg | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/nu-files/rhino-pkg b/nu-files/rhino-pkg
index 66bcc84..b00bf32 100644
--- a/nu-files/rhino-pkg
+++ b/nu-files/rhino-pkg
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-#!/usr/bin/nu --plugins /usr/local/bin/nu_plugins_nu-tongues
use "./commands/" [rpk-cleanup, rpk-install-or-remove, rpk-search, rpk-sync, rpk-update]
use "./helper-scripts/" translation-dir-path