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Change Log

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. This project adheres to Semantic Versioning.

v6.2.1 - 2020-03-19

  • Revert backoff v4 for gopath compatibility

v6.2.0 - 2020-03-18

  • Backoff v4
  • Reworked cluster discovery
  • Fix rare connection goroutine leak

v6.1.0 - 2020-03-09

  • Reworked and tested new connection pools with multiple queries per connection
  • Socket Read- and WriteTimeout replaced with context timeout
  • Mock assert fix
  • Connection pool fixed initial size
  • Changes added offsets

v6.0.0 - 2019-12-22

  • 2.4 RethinkDB support
  • Added JSON tags to ConnectOpts to make it serializable
  • Blocking mocks for responses
  • Fix Connect documentation
  • Added Type to ChangeResponse
  • Added bitwise operations support
  • Added write hooks support

v5.0.1 - 2018-10-18

  • Fix noreply queries memory leak due unnecessary for responses

v5.0.0 - 2018-09-12

  • Moved to rethinkdb organization
  • Renamed to rethinkdb-go repo
  • Renamed to rethinkdb package

v4.1.0 - 2018-08-29


  • Rare Connection leaks if socket errors occurred
  • Updated ql2.proto file from rethinkdb repo


  • Support for independent custom type marshalers

v4.0.0 - 2017-12-14


  • Connection work with sockets, now only a single goroutine reads from socket.
  • Optimized threadsafe operations in Connection with channels and atomics instead of mutex.
  • All tests with real db moved to integration folder


  • Added support for tracing with opentracing-go
  • Added a brand-new unit tests for Connection

v3.0.5 - 2017-09-28

  • Fixed typo at http opts

v3.0.4 - 2017-09-04

  • Fixed default context timeout if one of config's timeout os omitted

v3.0.3 - 2017-09-03

  • Added support to cancellation queries and timeouts with context.Context passed through RunOpts
  • Fixed import path for sirupsen/logrus due to repo was renamed

v3.0.2 - 2017-04-16


  • Updated Go versions used by CI


  • Fixed performance issue caused by lock contention in IsConnected (thanks to @ekle)

v3.0.1 - 2016-01-30


  • Fixed import paths
  • Updated Go version used by Travis

v3.0.0 - 2016-12-06

Unfortunately this will likely be the last release I plan to work on. This is due to the following reasons:

  • Over the last few years while I have spent a lot of time maintaining this driver I have not used it very much for my own personal projects.
  • My job has been keeping me very busy lately and I don't have as much time to work on this project as I used to.
  • The company behind RethinkDB has shut down and while I am sure the community will keep the database going it seems like a good time for me to step away from the project.
  • The driver itself is in a relatively good condition and many companies are using the existing version in production.

I hope you understand my decision to step back from the project, if you have any questions or would be interested in take over some of the maintenance of the project please let me know. To make this process easier I have also decided to move the repository to the RethinkDB-go organisation. All existing imports should still work.

Thanks to everybody who got involved with this project over the last ~4 years and helped out, I have truly enjoyed the time I have spent building this library and I hope both RethinkDB and this driver manage to keep going.


  • Moved project to gorethink organisation
  • Fixed behaviour when unmarshalling nil slices


  • Fix possible deadlock when calling Session.Reconnect
  • Fixed another bug with panic/infinite loop when closing cursor during reads
  • Fixed goroutine leak when calling Session.Close

v2.2.2 - 2016-09-25


  • The gorethink struct tag is now always checked even after calling SetTags


  • Fixed infinite loop in cursor when closed during read

v2.2.1 - 2016-09-18


  • Added State and Error to ChangeResponse


  • Fixed panic caused by cursor trying to read outstanding responses while closed
  • Fixed panic when using mock session

v2.2.0 - 2016-08-16


  • Added support for optional arguments to r.JS()
  • Added NonVotingReplicaTags optional argument to TableCreateOpts
  • Added root term TypeOf, previously only the method term was supported
  • Added root version of Group terms (Group, GroupByIndex, MultiGroup, MultiGroupByIndex)
  • Added root version of Distinct
  • Added root version of Contains
  • Added root version of Count
  • Added root version of Sum
  • Added root version of Avg
  • Added root version of Min
  • Added root version of MinIndex
  • Added root version of Max
  • Added root version of MaxIndex
  • Added ReadMode to RunOpts
  • Added the Interface function to the Cursor which returns a queries result set as an interface{}
  • Added GroupOpts type
  • Added GetAllOpts type
  • Added MinOpts/MaxOpts types
  • Added OptArgs method to Term which allows optional arguments to be specified in an alternative way, for example:
    Index: "code_name",
  • Added ability to create compound keys from structs, for example:
type User struct {
  Company string `rethinkdb:"id[0]"`
  Name    string `rethinkdb:"id[1]"`
  Age     int    `rethinkdb:"age"`
// Creates
{"id": [COMPANY, NAME], "age": AGE}
  • Added Merge function to encoding package that decodes data into a value without zeroing it first.
  • Added MockAnything functions to allow mocking of only part of a query (Thanks to @pzduniak)


  • Renamed PrimaryTag to PrimaryReplicaTag in ReconfigureOpts
  • Renamed NotAtomic to NonAtomic in ReplaceOpts and UpdateOpts
  • Changed behaviour of function callbacks to allow arguments to be either of type r.Term or interface {} instead of only r.Term
  • Changed logging to be disabled by default, to enable logs change the output writer of the logger. For example: r.Log.Out = os.Stderr


  • Fixed All not working correctly when the cursor is created by Mock
  • Fixed Mock not matching queries containing functions
  • Fixed byte arrays not being correctly converted to the BINARY pseudo-type

v2.1.3 - 2016-08-01


  • Changed behaviour of function callbacks to allow arguments to be either of type r.Term or interface {} instead of only r.Term


  • Fixed incorrectly named Replicas field in TableCreateOpts
  • Fixed broken optional argument FinalEmit in FoldOpts
  • Fixed bug causing some queries using r.Row to fail with the error Cannot use r.row in nested queries.
  • Fixed typos in ConnectOpt field (and related functions) InitialCap.

v2.1.2 - 2016-07-22


  • Added the InitialCap field to ConnectOpts to replace MaxIdle as the name no longer made sense.


  • Improved documentation of ConnectOpts
  • Default value for KeepAlivePeriod changed from 0 to 30s


  • Deprecated the field MaxIdle in ConnectOpts, it has now been replaced by InitialCap which has the same behaviour as before. Setting both fields will still work until the field is removed in a future version.


  • Fixed issue causing changefeeds to hang if no data was received

v2.1.1 - 2016-07-12

  • Added session.Database() which returns the current default database


  • Added more documentation


  • Fixed Random() not being implemented correctly and added tests (Thanks to @bakape for the PR)

v2.1.0 - 2016-06-26


  • Added ability to mock queries based on the library
    • Added the QueryExecutor interface and changed query runner methods (Run/Exec) to accept this type instead of *Session, Session will still be accepted as it implements the QueryExecutor interface.
    • Added the NewMock function to create a mock query executor
    • Queries can be mocked using On and Return, Mock also contains functions for asserting that the required mocked queries were executed.
    • For more information about how to mock queries see the readme and tests in mock_test.go.


  • Exported the Build() function on Query and Term.
  • Updated import of to

v2.0.4 - 2016-05-22


  • Changed Connect to return the reason for connections failing (instead of just "no connections were made when creating the session")
  • Changed how queries are retried internally, previously when a query failed due to an issue with the connection a new connection was picked from the connection pool and the query was retried, now the driver will attempt to retry the query with a new host (and connection). This should make applications connecting to a multi-node cluster more reliable.


  • Fixed queries not being retried when using Query(), queries are now retried if the request failed due to a bad connection.
  • Fixed Cursor methods panicking if using a nil cursor, please note that you should still always check if your queries return an error.

v2.0.3 - 2016-05-12


  • Added constants for system database and table names.


  • Re-enabled keep alive by default.

v2.0.2 - 2016-04-18


  • Fixed issue which prevented anonymous time.Time values from being encoded when used in a struct.
  • Fixed panic when attempting to run a query with a nil session

v2.0.1 - 2016-04-14


  • Added UnionWithOpts term which allows Union to be called with optional arguments (such as Interleave)
  • Added IncludeOffsets and IncludeTypes optional arguments to ChangesOpts
  • Added Conflict optional argument to InsertOpts


  • Fixed error when connecting to database as non-admin user, please note that DiscoverHosts will not work with user authentication at this time due to the fact that RethinkDB restricts access to the required system tables.

v2.0.0 - 2016-04-13


  • RethinkDB-go now uses the v1.0 RethinkDB protocol which supports RethinkDB v2.3 and above. If you are using RethinkDB 2.2 or older please set HandshakeVersion when creating a session. For example:
    HandshakeVersion: r.HandshakeV0_4,


  • Added support for username/password authentication. To login pass your username and password when creating a session using the Username and Password fields in the ConnectOpts.
  • Added the Grant term
  • Added the Ordered optional argument to EqJoin
  • Added the Fold term and examples
  • Added the ReadOne and ReadAll helper functions for quickly executing a query and scanning the result into a variable. For examples see the godocs.
  • Added the Peek and Skip functions to the Cursor.
  • Added support for referential arrays in structs
  • Added the Durability argument to RunOpts/ExecOpts


  • Deprecated the root Wait term, r.Table(...).Wait() should now be used instead.
  • Deprecated session authentication using AuthKey


  • Fixed issue with ReconfigureOpts field PrimaryTag

v1.4.1 - 2016-04-02


  • Fixed panic when closing a connection at the same time as using a changefeed.
  • Update imports to correctly use
  • Fixed race condition when using anonymous functions
  • Fixed IsConflictErr and IsTypeErr panicking when passed nil errors
  • RunWrite no longer misformats errors with formatting directives in them

v1.4.0 - 2016-03-15


  • Added the ability to reference subdocuments when inserting new documents, for more information see the documentation in the readme.
  • Added the SetTags function which allows RethinkDB-go to override which tags are used when working with structs. For example to support the json add the following call SetTags("gorethink", "json").
  • Added helper functions for checking the error type of a write query, this is useful when calling RunWrite.
    • Added IsConflictErr which returns true when RethinkDB returns a duplicate key error.
    • Added IsTypeErr which returns true when RethinkDB returns an unexpected type error.
  • Added the RawQuery term which can be used to execute a raw JSON query, for more information about this query see the godoc.
  • Added the NextResponse function to Cursor which will return the next raw JSON response in the result set.
  • Added ability to set the keep alive period by setting the KeepAlivePeriod field in ConnectOpts.


  • Fixed an issue that could prevent bad connections from being removed from the connection pool.
  • Fixed certain connection errors not being returned as RqlConnectionError when calling Run, Exec or RunWrite.
  • Fixed potential dead lock in connection code caused when building the query.

v1.3.2 - 2015-02-01


  • Fixed race condition in cursor which caused issues when closing a cursor that is in the process of fetching data.

v1.3.1 - 2015-01-22


  • Added more documentation and examples for GetAll.


  • Fixed RunWrite not deferring its call to Cursor.Close(). This could cause issues if an error occurred when decoding the result.
  • Fixed panic when calling Error() on a RethinkDB-go rqlError.

v1.3.0 - 2016-01-11


  • Added new error types, the following error types can now be returned: RQLClientError, RQLCompileError, RQLDriverCompileError, RQLServerCompileError, RQLAuthError, RQLRuntimeError, RQLQueryLogicError, RQLNonExistenceError, RQLResourceLimitError, RQLUserError, RQLInternalError, RQLTimeoutError, RQLAvailabilityError, RQLOpFailedError, RQLOpIndeterminateError, RQLDriverError, RQLConnectionError. Please note that some other errors can be returned.
  • Added IsConnected function to Session.


  • Fixed panic when scanning through results caused by incorrect queue implementation.

v1.2.0 - 2015-11-19


  • Added UUID term
  • Added Values term
  • Added IncludeInitial and ChangefeedQueueSize to ChangesOpts
  • Added UseJSONNumber to ConnectOpts which changes the way the JSON unmarshal works when deserializing JSON with interface{}, it's preferred to use json.Number instead float64 as it preserves the original precision.
  • Added HostDecayDuration to ConnectOpts to configure how hosts are selected. For more information see the godoc.


  • Timezones from time.Time are now stored in the database, before all times were stored as UTC. To convert a go time.Time back to UTC you can call t.In(time.UTC).
  • Improved host selection to use hailocab/go-hostpool to select nodes based on recent responses and timings.
  • Changed connection pool to use fatih/pool instead of a custom connection pool, this has caused some internal API changes and the behaviour of MaxIdle and MaxOpen has slightly changed. This change was made mostly to make driver maintenance easier.
    • MaxIdle now configures the initial size of the pool, the name of this field will likely change in the future.
    • Not setting MaxOpen no longer creates an unbounded connection pool per host but instead creates a pool with a maximum capacity of 2 per host.


  • Deprecated the option NodeRefreshInterval in ConnectOpts
  • Deprecated SetMaxIdleConns and SetMaxOpenConns, these options should now only be set when creating the session.


  • Fixed some type aliases not being correctly encoded when using Expr.

v1.1.4 - 2015-10-02


  • Added root table terms (r.TableCreate, r.TableList and r.TableDrop)


  • Removed ReadMode option from RunOpts and ExecOpts (incorrectly added in v1.1.0)


  • Fixed Decode no longer setting pointer to nil on document not found
  • Fixed panic when fetchMore returns an error
  • Fixed deadlock when closing changefeed
  • Fixed stop query incorrectly waiting for response
  • Fixed pointers not to be properly decoded

v1.1.3 - 2015-09-06


  • Fixed pointers not to be properly decoded
  • Fixed queries always timing out when Timeout ConnectOpt is set.

v1.1.2 - 2015-08-28


  • Fixed issue when encoding some maps

v1.1.1 - 2015-08-21


  • Corrected protobuf import
  • Fixed documentation
  • Fixed issues with time pseudotype conversion that caused issues with milliseconds

v1.1.0 - 2015-08-19


  • Replaced UseOutdated with ReadMode
  • Added EmergencyRepair and NonVotingReplicaTags to ReconfigureOpts
  • Added Union as a root term
  • Added Branch as a root term
  • Added ReadTimeout and WriteTimeout to RunOpts and ExecOpts
  • Exported as Log
  • Added support for encoding maps with non-string keys
  • Added 'Round', 'Ceil' and 'Floor' terms
  • Added race detector to CI


  • Changed Timeout connect argument to only configure the connection timeout.
  • Replaced Db with DB in RunOpts and ExecOpts (Db still works for now)
  • Made Cursor and Session safe for concurrent use
  • Replaced ErrClusterClosed with ErrConnectionClosed


  • Deprecated UseOutdated optional argument
  • Deprecated Db in RunOpt


  • Fixed race condition in node pool
  • Fixed node refresh issue with RethinkDB 2.1 due to an API change
  • Fixed encoding errors not being returned when running queries

v1.0.0 - 2015-06-27

1.0.0 is finally here, This is the first stable production ready release of RethinkDB-go!

RethinkDB-go Logo

In an attempt to make this library more "idiomatic" some functions have been renamed, for the full list of changes and bug fixes see below.


  • Added more documentation.
  • Added Shards, Replicas and PrimaryReplicaTag optional arguments in TableCreateOpts.
  • Added MultiGroup and MultiGroupByIndex which are equivalent to the running group with the multi optional argument set to true.


  • Renamed Db to DB.
  • Renamed DbCreate to DBCreate.
  • Renamed DbDrop to DBDrop.
  • Renamed RqlConnectionError to RQLConnectionError.
  • Renamed RqlDriverError to RQLDriverError.
  • Renamed RqlClientError to RQLClientError.
  • Renamed RqlRuntimeError to RQLRuntimeError.
  • Renamed RqlCompileError to RQLCompileError.
  • Renamed Js to JS.
  • Renamed Json to JSON.
  • Renamed Http to HTTP.
  • Renamed GeoJson to GeoJSON.
  • Renamed ToGeoJson to ToGeoJSON.
  • Renamed WriteChanges to ChangeResponse, this is now a general type and can be used when dealing with changefeeds.
  • Removed depth limit when encoding values using Expr


  • Fixed issue causing errors when closing a changefeed cursor (#191)
  • Fixed issue causing nodes to remain unhealthy when host discovery is disabled (#195)
  • Fixed issue causing driver to fail when connecting to DB which did not have its canonical address set correctly (#200).
  • Fixed ongoing queries not being properly stopped when closing the cursor.


  • Removed CacheSize and DataCenter optional arguments in TableCreateOpts.
  • Removed CacheSize optional argument from InsertOpts

v0.7.2 - 2015-05-05


  • Added support for connecting to a server using TLS (#179)


  • Fixed issue causing driver to fail to connect to servers with the HTTP admin interface disabled (#181)
  • Fixed errors in documentation (#182, #184)
  • Fixed RunWrite not closing the cursor (#185)

v0.7.1 - 2015-04-19


  • Improved logging of connection errors.


  • Fixed bug causing empty times to be inserted into the DB even when the omitempty tag was set.
  • Fixed node status refresh loop leaking goroutines.

v0.7.0 - 2015-03-30

This release includes support for RethinkDB 2.0 and connecting to clusters. To connect to a cluster you should use the new Addresses field in ConnectOpts, for example:

session, err := r.Connect(r.ConnectOpts{
    Addresses: []string{"localhost:28015", "localhost:28016"},
if err != nil {

Also added was the ability to read from a cursor using a channel, this is especially useful when using changefeeds. For more information see this gist

cursor, err := r.Table("items").Changes()
ch := make(chan map[string]interface{})

For more details checkout the README and godoc. As always if you have any further questions send me a message on Gitter.

  • Added the ability to connect to multiple nodes, queries are then distributed between these nodes. If a node stops responding then queries stop being sent to this node.
  • Added the DiscoverHosts optional argument to ConnectOpts, when this value is true the driver will listen for new nodes added to the cluster.
  • Added the Addresses optional argument to ConnectOpts, this allows the driver to connect to multiple nodes in a cluster.
  • Added the IncludeStates optional argument to Changes.
  • Added MinVal and MaxVal which represent the smallest and largest possible values.
  • Added the Listen cursor helper function which publishes database results to a channel.
  • Added support for optional arguments for the Wait function.
  • Added the Type function to the Cursor, by default this value will be "Cursor" unless using a changefeed.
  • Changed the IndexesOf function to OffsetsOf .
  • Changed driver to use the v0.4 protocol (used to use v0.3).
  • Fixed geometry tests not properly checking the expected results.
  • Fixed bug causing nil pointer panics when using an Unmarshaler
  • Fixed dropped millisecond precision if given value is too old

v0.6.3 - 2015-03-04


  • Add IdentifierFormat optarg to TableOpts (#158)


  • Fix struct alignment for ARM and x86-32 builds (#153)
  • Fix sprintf format for geometry error message (#157)
  • Fix duplicate if block (#159)
  • Fix incorrect assertion in decoder tests

v0.6.2 - 2015-02-15

  • Fixed writeQuery being too small when sending large queries

v0.6.1 - 2015-02-13

  • Reduce GC by using buffers when reading and writing
  • Fixed encoding time.Time ignoring milliseconds
  • Fixed pointers in structs that implement the Marshaler/Unmarshaler interfaces being ignored

v0.6.0 - 2015-01-01

There are some major changes to the driver with this release that are not related to the RethinkDB v1.16 release. Please have a read through them:

  • Improvements to result decoding by caching reflection calls.
  • Finished implementing the Marshaler/Unmarshaler interfaces
  • Connection pool overhauled. There were a couple of issues with connections in the previous releases so this release replaces the fatih/pool package with a connection pool based on the database/sql connection pool.
  • Another change is the removal of the prefetching mechanism as the connection+cursor logic was becoming quite complex and causing bugs, hopefully this will be added back in the near future but for now I am focusing my efforts on ensuring the driver is as stable as possible #130 #137
  • Due to the above change the API for connecting has changed slightly (The API is now closer to the database/sql API. ConnectOpts changes:
    • MaxActive renamed to MaxOpen
    • IdleTimeout renamed to Timeout
  • Cursors are now only closed automatically when calling either All or One
  • Exec now takes ExecOpts instead of RunOpts. The only difference is that Exec has the NoReply field

With that out the way here are the v1.16 changes:

  • Added Range which generates all numbers from a given range
  • Added an optional squash argument to the changes command, which lets the server combine multiple changes to the same document (defaults to true)
  • Added new admin functions (Config, Rebalance, Reconfigure, Status, Wait)
  • Added support for SUCCESS_ATOM_FEED
  • Added MinIndex + MaxIndex functions
  • Added ToJSON function
  • Updated WriteResponse type

Since this release has a lot of changes and although I have tested these changes sometimes things fall through the gaps. If you discover any bugs please let me know and I will try to fix them as soon as possible.

v.0.5.1 - 2014-12-14

  • Fixed empty slices being returned as []T(nil) not []T{} #138

v0.5.0 - 2014-10-06

  • Added geospatial terms (Circle, Distance, Fill, Geojson, ToGeojson, GetIntersecting, GetNearest, Includes, Intersects, Line, Point, Polygon, PolygonSub)
  • Added UUID term for generating unique IDs
  • Added AtIndex term, combines Nth and GetField
  • Added the Geometry type, see the types package
  • Updated the BatchConf field in RunOpts, now uses the BatchOpts type
  • Removed support for the FieldMapper interface

Internal Changes

  • Fixed encoding performance issues, greatly improves writes/second
  • Updated Next to zero the destination value every time it is called.

v0.4.2 - 2014-09-06

  • Fixed issue causing Close to start an infinite loop
  • Tidied up connection closing logic

v0.4.1 - 2014-09-05

  • Fixed bug causing Pseudotypes to not be decoded properly (#117)
  • Updated to v2 (#118)

v0.4.0 - 2014-08-13

  • Updated the driver to support RethinkDB v1.14 (#116)
  • Added the Binary data type
  • Added the Binary command which takes a []byte or bytes.Buffer{} as an argument.
  • Added the BinaryFormat optional argument to RunOpts
  • Added the GroupFormat optional argument to RunOpts
  • Added the ArrayLimit optional argument to RunOpts
  • Renamed the ReturnVals optional argument to ReturnChanges
  • Renamed the Upsert optional argument to Conflict
  • Added the IndexRename command
  • Updated Distinct to now take the Index optional argument (using DistinctOpts)

Internal Changes

  • Updated to use the new JSON protocol
  • Switched the connection pool code to use
  • Added some benchmarks

v0.3.2 - 2014-08-17

  • Fixed issue causing connections not to be closed correctly (#109)
  • Fixed issue causing terms in optional arguments to be encoded incorrectly (#114)

v0.3.1 - 2014-06-14

  • Fixed "Token ## not in stream cache" error (#103)
  • Changed Exec to no longer use NoReply. It now waits for the server to respond.

v0.3.0 - 2014-06-26

  • Replaced ResultRows/ResultRow with Cursor, Cursor has the Next, All and One methods which stores the relevant value in the value pointed at by result. For more information check the examples.
  • Changed the time constants (Days and Months) to package globals instead of functions
  • Added the Args term and changed the arguments for many terms to args ...interface{} to allow argument splicing
  • Added the Changes term and support for the feed response type
  • Added the Random term
  • Added the Http term
  • The second argument for Slice is now optional
  • EqJoin now accepts a function as its first argument
  • Nth now returns a selection

v0.2.0 - 2014-04-13

  • Changed Connect to use ConnectOpts instead of map[string]interface{}
  • Migrated to new Group/Ungroup functions, these replace GroupedMapReduce and GroupBy
  • Added new aggregators
  • Removed base parameter for Reduce
  • Added Object function
  • Added Upcase, Downcase and Split string functions
  • Added GROUPED_DATA pseudotype
  • Fixed query printing

v0.1.0 - 2013-11-27

  • Added noreply writes
  • Added the new terms index_status, index_wait and sync
  • Added the profile flag to the run functions
  • Optional arguments are now structs instead of key, pair strings. Almost all of the struct fields are of type interface{} as they can have terms inside them. For example: r.TableCreateOpts{ PrimaryKey: r.Expr("index") }
  • Returned arrays are now properly loaded into ResultRows. In the past when running r.Expr([]interface{}{1,2,3}) would require you to use RunRow followed by Scan. You can now use Run followed by ScanAll