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Protocol Documentation

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Cookie loosly follows the cookie spec ( but does not include protections for browser side code as today the uggly spec does not support client side code.

Field Type Label Description
key string standard key or field name of cookie
value string standard value of cookie
server string the server which requested this cookie to be set. should be server only without including port e.g., "localhost" or ""
private bool private Cookies will never be sent back to server
expires string date when cookie expires relative to client in RFC1123 format. If improperly formatted will just be ignored and cookie will be treated as session cookie.
sameSite Cookie.SameSite information on whether this cookie should only be sent to the server that requested it
page string if this cookie should only be sent back on specific pages
secure bool if this cookie should only be sent when connection is secure
metadata bool indicates that this cookie should be sent in header metadata instead of body. This is useful if the server wants to pre-filter traffic, for example if a request is not authenticated it can avoid processing the full PageRequest


DivBox is a core element of the protocol. No content can exist outside of a DivBox. It requires that some basic properties are included such as fill and border geometry but the rawContents property is open to fill with whatever content is desired.

Field Type Label Description
name string the name of the divBox. Used when attaching TextBlobs and forms
border bool whether the div should add a border
borderW int32 the width of the border, will stay inside the stated overall dimensions and work its way inward
borderChar int32 The character to use as a border character (e.g., "#") but represented as rune For example, in Python this would be 'ord("#")' and Go it would be []rune("#")[0]
fillChar int32 if the DivBox should be filled with a char as a texture. Follows same rune rules as borderChar.
startX int32 position on the X axis where the box should start
startY int32 position on the Y axis where the box should start
width int32 overall width of the box
Height int32 overall height of the box
borderSt Style style to use when rendering border char
fillSt Style style to use when rendering fill char


DivBoxes is an array of DivBox

Field Type Label Description
boxes DivBox repeated


If a KeyStroke is of type DivScroll then this contains information about which DivBox to scroll and whether or not the direction is down = true or down = false (e.g., 'up')

WARNING: Not currently implemented in 'uggly-client'

Field Type Label Description
divName string
down bool


Elements contains all non-DivBox related content that could be included in a PageResponse. Right now this contains TextBlobs and Forms but will be used for future elements if needed. For example, if determined that clients should handle all Table rendering in the future or something. Right now tables would have to be stick built by the server using DivBoxes and TextBlobs

Field Type Label Description
textBlobs TextBlob repeated
forms Form repeated


A FeedRequest really needs no properties as it's just a call from the client for the server to send a Feed if it has one.

Field Type Label Description
sendData bool reserved for future use


A FeedResponse is essentially a list of Pages that the server wishes to expose to the client. The server can obviously choose to hide some Pages or if it generates Pages dynamically it may not even be able to provide an accurate listing.

Field Type Label Description
pages PageListing repeated
notes string reserved for future use


The Form is sent by the server to the client as part of the PageResponse. It contains the Form name, the DivBox it should be placed within (TextBox PositionX and Y coordinates are relative to the containing DivBox) and a list of the TextBox's included in this form. It also supports a parameter for a Link that can be used as a return address when this Form is submitted in a PageRequest

Field Type Label Description
name string The name of the form. This will be used in formActivation keystrokes and for atributing formData in PageRequests
divName string the DivName that the form should be rendered within. All of the elements of the form will be rendered relative to this divBox
textBoxes TextBox repeated The textboxes to be included in this form
submitLink Link The link that this form will call when the form's submit action (e.g., 'enter') is triggered


If a KeyStroke is of type FormActivation then this contains the name of the form which should be activated for that keystroke

Field Type Label Description
formName string


FormData contains the form name and any TextBoxData that was in the form when the FormData was sent in the PageRequest

Field Type Label Description
name string
textBoxData TextBoxData repeated


KeyStroke indicates an action that will be executed when the keyStroke is prssed by the client. This could be one of Link (e.g., new PageRequest), DivScroll (indicates the client should attempt to re-render textblobs that exceed their containing DivBox's capacity), or FormActivation which would look for a form with the given name on the client's current page.

Field Type Label Description
keyStroke string a string representation of a key on a keyboard. For rune keys (e.g., "j") simply use the single character. For more complex keys refer to the string representation from the tcell package:

The client may have certain keys reserved that will never be honored. In the current "uggly-client" this includes: F1, F2, F3, F4, F5, F6, F7, and F10 | | link | Link | | | | divScroll | DivScroll | | | | formActivation | FormActivation | | |


Link contains information about keyboard shortcuts and destinations for actions. The client will determine from context whether a Link is to a server page or is to be used to pass polling context to a Form that it already receieved in a PageResponse.

Field Type Label Description
keyStroke string a repeat of the keystroke used in the parent KeyStroke TODO: not sure what happens if they don't match
pageName string the name of the page to be requested in the new PageRequest
server string the server to be used in the new PageRequest
port string the port to be used in the new PageRequest
secure bool whether or not the new PageRequest should be secure (TLS)
stream bool whether or not the new PageRequest is a stream


A PageListing is basically a key/value pair of page name and an optional description. The client can choose to render this however it wants and the client injects it's own "links" to this content. This is a lazy way of exposing all the server's content without having to build nav menus and manage links

Field Type Label Description
name string
description string


A PageRequest contains the name of the desired page and some metadata about the cient height and width. The server can choose to ignore the width and height if it insists on statically sized content. Also, the server could generate a PageResponse saying something like "this server insists on a minimum height to view content" for example.

Field Type Label Description
name string The name of the page being requested
clientWidth int32 The width of the client at the time of the request
clientHeight int32 The height of the client at the time of the request
formData FormData repeated data from form submissions or could be used to send generic key value pairs
server string the intended server for the request
port string the intended port for the request
secure bool whether or not the connection should be secure (TLS)
sendCookies Cookie repeated Cookies that are intended to be sent from client to server
stream bool whether or not the request is for a page stream


The PageResponse contains modular content that the server wishes the client to display in the form of DivBoxes, Elements, and Links.

Field Type Label Description
divBoxes DivBoxes divBoxes contains all of the divBoxes to be rendered for this page
elements Elements elements contains all of the non divBox elements to be rendered for this page
name string the name of the page to be rendered
keyStrokes KeyStroke repeated a list of keystrokes that the client should honor, these could be of type link, formActivation, or divScroll
setCookies Cookie repeated any cookies that the server is requesting the client to set for future requests
streamDelayMs int32 if the response is part of a stream then this is the time in milliseconds the client should wait before drawing the next request


Style is a base property used in divBox fill, border fill, and textboxes with fg being foreground color, bg being background color, and attr being text attributes like strikethrough and underline.

It's essentially a passthrough of the capabilities of tcell's style

Field Type Label Description
fg string a string representation of the color for the foreground (i.e., text)
bg string a string representation of the color for the background
attr string attr would be things like underline or bold if the client terminal supports it. Experimentation with this has proven that '4' is the only dependable value


TextBlob is a special kind of element that natively understands text blocks intended for human readability. Obviously it has a content property but also understands things like text style and text wrap when the text is larger than the width of the container it was assigned to.

A TextBlob can be assigned to multiple Divs in case you wanted to re-use text in multiple places for some reason.

Field Type Label Description
content string The actual content. Could be almost any length but be aware of the size of the containing div.
wrap bool whether or not the text should wrap if it exceeds the width of it's divbox
style Style
divNames string repeated the divs this text should be attached to. Generally it's just one.


TextBox contains the properties sent by the server for the client to render.

Field Type Label Description
name string the name of this textBox. Will be used as the key in the key:value during submission
tabOrder int32 the order in which this field will activate when user is tabbing through form fields
defaultValue string the default value that will be placed in the box
description string a description of the text box (e.g., "passwords should include special chars") which can optionally be drawn to the left of the textbox
positionX int32 relative within DivBox
positionY int32 relative within DivBox
height int32 currently textBoxes only utilize a single line
width int32 text that goes beyond the width will horozontially scroll to fit
styleCursor Style style for the cursor within the box. ForeGround color is meaningless
styleFill Style style for the box fill or background. Foreground and Background should probably match styleText so as not to clash
styleText Style style of the text that is being typed into box.
styleDescription Style style for the description that is rendered to the left of the box
showDescription bool whether or not to render the description. Design consideration: This will be rendered as far to the left of the textBox's positionX attribute as to fit the description.
password bool whether or not this field is a password, e.g, it's contents will be hidden while typing


TextBoxData contains the text box's field name and whatever contents were in it when the PageRequest was sent with FormData

Field Type Label Description
name string
contents string


Name Number Description
STRICT 0 cookie only sent to same site that set it
NONE 1 cookie can be sent cross site but only if Secure is set


Feed service can be implemented by the server and must provide a FeedResponse for a given FeedRequest. This is to be used as somewhat of a server index of available Pages when the server chooses to implement. It is strongly encouraged to implement a Feed because it makes for quality of life improvements for the client's user

Method Name Request Type Response Type Description
GetFeed FeedRequest FeedResponse


In order for a server to serve any content it must implement the Page service which returns PageResponse for a given PageRequest

Method Name Request Type Response Type Description
GetPage PageRequest PageResponse
GetPageStream PageRequest PageResponse stream

Scalar Value Types

.proto Type Notes C++ Java Python Go C# PHP Ruby
double double double float float64 double float Float
float float float float float32 float float Float
int32 Uses variable-length encoding. Inefficient for encoding negative numbers – if your field is likely to have negative values, use sint32 instead. int32 int int int32 int integer Bignum or Fixnum (as required)
int64 Uses variable-length encoding. Inefficient for encoding negative numbers – if your field is likely to have negative values, use sint64 instead. int64 long int/long int64 long integer/string Bignum
uint32 Uses variable-length encoding. uint32 int int/long uint32 uint integer Bignum or Fixnum (as required)
uint64 Uses variable-length encoding. uint64 long int/long uint64 ulong integer/string Bignum or Fixnum (as required)
sint32 Uses variable-length encoding. Signed int value. These more efficiently encode negative numbers than regular int32s. int32 int int int32 int integer Bignum or Fixnum (as required)
sint64 Uses variable-length encoding. Signed int value. These more efficiently encode negative numbers than regular int64s. int64 long int/long int64 long integer/string Bignum
fixed32 Always four bytes. More efficient than uint32 if values are often greater than 2^28. uint32 int int uint32 uint integer Bignum or Fixnum (as required)
fixed64 Always eight bytes. More efficient than uint64 if values are often greater than 2^56. uint64 long int/long uint64 ulong integer/string Bignum
sfixed32 Always four bytes. int32 int int int32 int integer Bignum or Fixnum (as required)
sfixed64 Always eight bytes. int64 long int/long int64 long integer/string Bignum
bool bool boolean boolean bool bool boolean TrueClass/FalseClass
string A string must always contain UTF-8 encoded or 7-bit ASCII text. string String str/unicode string string string String (UTF-8)
bytes May contain any arbitrary sequence of bytes. string ByteString str []byte ByteString string String (ASCII-8BIT)