- Built static is served directly from the
directory. What is the process in development for building/reloading this? - Related: our overall build management depends on Fabric and fablib. What is the best way to get this working in this context?
- Which parts of the SSL process below are actually needed? Flask is now using
ssl context. Not sure what localstack actually needs here, but share links can be directly accessed via http. The current process requires accepting the self-signed cert every time the stack is restarted, so maybe we will want to revert to a process that actually uses certs with Flask?
Be sure to have Docker and (docker-compose)[https://docs.docker.com/compose/] installed.
These certs are required in order for localstack to serve s3 content.
$ ./makecerts.sh
Import the new cert:
- Trust cert. E.g.: Apple Keychain > System. File > Import items: .localstack/server.test.pem (Set to trust SSL)
Note: It is not clear if this Firefox import works correctly. If you want to view a share link, ie. a StoryMap directly from the localstack hosted s3, you can do it via http rather than https. The backend calls to localstack should still work without this import.
Note: on Mac, hit CMD+SHIFT+. to see dotted files in the finder.
- For Firefox:
- Preferences >
- Certificates >
- View Certificates >
- Your Certificates >
- Import .localstack/KnightLabRootCA.pem
$ cp dotenv.example .env
Fill in the missing keys and other secret info.
$ docker-compose build
$ docker-compose up
After the services come up, create the required buckets:
$ ./makebuckets.sh
$ ./create-tables.sh
Navigate to https://localhost
and accept the self-signed certificate.
Some commands to know:
$ docker-compose images
$ docker-compose up --remove-orphans
$ docker ps
$ docker stop
$ docker system prune
$ docker volume ls
$ docker volume rm