Simple Microservice Architecture
Following YT Course: .NET Microservices – Full Course | Les Jackson
This solution has 2 Microservices (Platforms, Commands) and is used as a proof of concept to:
- Explore Kubernetes
A Platform is a tecnology entity (like docker or Nutanix) and a Command is a Command that can be executed on a Platform. It is possible to create a Command using the CommandsAPI(ms) that has entries that are passed by MessageBus communication or GRPC. A new Platform can be created using the PlatformsAPI(ms), that is used as a inventory for all platforms. The CommandsAPI is used as a command line inventory.
In the solution there are examples for 3 data exchange types:
- Synchronous exchange: the PlatformsAPI posts new Platforms to the CommandsAPI per POST/PUT request
- Asynchronous exchange: the PlatformsAPI publishes an Event to a MessageBus(RabbitMQ) and the CommandsAPI consumes the Event to create a new Platform
- GRPC: Synchronous exchange used to retrieve Platforms from the PlatformsApi to seed data in the CommandsAPI
Note: the containers are communicating using the DNS names specified in the ClusterIp services ex: "platforms-clusterip-srv"
- Pod: A pod is a placeholder for a container instance and it ensures that the instance is running (retry)
- Service ClusterIp: is used to communicate between container instances
- PVC (Persistent Volume Claim): is used to store persistent data
- Deployment: a deployment is a manifest that specifies a container/containers instance
- Service - NodePort: a direct pipeline to communicate to a container instance (for development)
- Service - LoadBalancer: maps to a container instance (communication) and uses round robin if a deployment has more than 1 replica
- Ingress: is used to map APIs to external IPs (used to create an API gateway) - works with ingress-nginx
- ingress-nginx: Is used to create an API Gateway + Loadbalancer
- Secret: used to store sensible data to avoid password/credentials data leaks
- kubectl: command to manage Kubernetes
dotnet add {projectFolder} package {packagename}
: add package from solution folderdotnet dev-certs https --trust
: add development certificates to keystore (to trust local https)kubectl [--namespace {namespace}] get deployments
: lists all deployments and statuskubectl [--namespace {namespace}] get services
: lists all serviceskubectl [--namespace {namespace}] get pods
: lists all pods and statuskubectl [--namespace {namespace}] get pvc
: lists all persistent storage claims and statuskubectl [--namespace {namespace}] delete {type, ex:service} {name}
: deletes objectskubectl [--namespace {namespace}] rollout restart deployment {name}
: restarts a deployment (used to download docker images again -> upgrades), used if yaml file has not changed, but the docker image has
!!Check PDF in docs for usefull K8S & Docker commands
dotnet ef migrations add InitialMigration -p .\PlatformsService\ -s .\PlatformsService\ -o Data/Migrations -- --environment Production
- Sql Server pass: meisterKey1$
To create K8S secret:
kubectl create secret generic mssql --from-literal=SA_PASSWORD="meisterKey1$"
kubectl apply -f
- Persist Rabbit MQ
- Use MassTransit
- Clean Architecture
- Autoscaler in K8S
- Try a multi-node K8S infrastructure
- Deployment priority (Deploy CommandsApi only if PlatformsApi already runs, possible???)