- The following video tutorial demonstrates setValue{" "}
- API in detail.
- )
-export default SetValue
diff --git a/src/content/docs/useform/setvalue.mdx b/src/content/docs/useform/setvalue.mdx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..98dad9164
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/content/docs/useform/setvalue.mdx
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+title: setValue
+description: Update field value
+sidebar: apiLinks
+## \> `setValue:` (name: string, value: unknown, config?: SetValueConfig) => void
+This function allows you to dynamically set the value of a registered field and have the options to validate and update the form state. At the same time, it tries to avoid unnecessary rerender.
+### Props
+| Name | | Description |
+| ---------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
+| `name` string | | Target a single field or field array by name. |
+| `value` unknown | | The value for the field. This argument is required and can not be `undefined`. |
+| `options` | `shouldValidate` boolean |
Whether to compute if your input is valid or not (subscribed to errors).
Whether to compute if your entire form is valid or not (subscribed to isValid).
This option will update `touchedFields` at the specified field level not the entire form touched fields.
+| | `shouldDirty` boolean |
Whether to compute if your input is dirty or not against your `defaultValues` (subscribed to dirtyFields).
Whether to compute if your entire form is dirty or not against your `defaultValues` (subscribed to isDirty).
This option will update `dirtyFields` at the specified field level not the entire form dirty fields.
+| | `shouldTouch` boolean | Whether to set the input itself to be touched. |
+- You can use methods such as [replace](/docs/usefieldarray#replace) or [update](/docs/usefieldarray#update) for field array, however, they will cause the component to unmount and remount for the targeted field array.
+ ```javascript
+ const { update } = useFieldArray({ name: "array" })
+ // unmount fields and remount with updated value
+ update(0, { test: "1", test1: "2" })
+ // will directly update input value
+ setValue("array.0.test1", "1")
+ setValue("array.0.test2", "2")
+ ```
+- The method will not create a new field when targeting a non-existing field.
+ ```javascript
+ const { replace } = useFieldArray({ name: "test" })
+ // ❌ doesn't create new input
+ setValue("test.101.data")
+ // ✅ work on refresh entire field array
+ replace([{ data: "test" }])
+ ```
+- Only the following conditions will trigger a re-render:
+ - When an error is triggered or corrected by a value update.
+ - When `setValue` cause state update, such as dirty and touched.
+- It's recommended to target the field's name rather than make the second argument a nested object.
+ ```javascript
+ setValue("yourDetails.firstName", "value") // ✅ performant
+ setValue("yourDetails", { firstName: "value" }) ❌ // less performant
+ register("nestedValue", { value: { test: "data" } }) // register a nested value input
+ setValue("nestedValue.test", "updatedData") // ❌ failed to find the relevant field
+ setValue("nestedValue", { test: "updatedData" }) // ✅ setValue find input and update
+ ```
+- It's recommended to register the input's name before invoking `setValue`. To update the entire `FieldArray`, make sure the `useFieldArray` hook is being executed first.
+ **Important:** use `replace` from `useFieldArray` instead, update entire field array with `setValue` will be removed in the next major version.
+ ```javascript
+ // you can update an entire Field Array,
+ setValue("fieldArray", [{ test: "1" }, { test: "2" }]) // ✅
+ // you can setValue to a unregistered input
+ setValue("notRegisteredInput", "value") // ✅ prefer to be registered
+ // the following will register a single input (without register invoked)
+ setValue("resultSingleNestedField", { test: "1", test2: "2" }) // 🤔
+ // with registered inputs, the setValue will update both inputs correctly.
+ register("notRegisteredInput.test", "1")
+ register("notRegisteredInput.test2", "2")
+ setValue("notRegisteredInput", { test: "1", test2: "2" }) // ✅ sugar syntax to setValue twice
+ ```
+### Examples
+```javascript sandbox="https://codesandbox.io/s/react-hook-form-v7-ts-setvalue-8z9hx"
+import { useForm } from "react-hook-form"
+const App = () => {
+ const { register, setValue } = useForm({
+ firstName: "",
+ })
+ return (
+ )
+**Dependant Fields**
+```typescript sandbox="https://codesandbox.io/s/dependant-field-dwin1"
+import * as React from "react";
+import { useForm } from "react-hook-form";
+type FormValues = {
+ a: string;
+ b: string;
+ c: string;
+export default function App() {
+ const { watch, register, handleSubmit, setValue, formState } = useForm<
+ FormValues
+ >({
+ defaultValues: {
+ a: "",
+ b: "",
+ c: ""
+ }
+ });
+ const onSubmit = (data: FormValues) => console.log(data);
+ const [a, b] = watch(["a", "b"]);
+ React.useEffect(() => {
+ if (formState.touchedFields.a && formState.touchedFields.b && a && b) {
+ setValue("c", `${a} ${b}`);
+ }
+ }, [setValue, a, b, formState]);
+ return (
+ );
+### Video
diff --git a/src/pages/docs/useform/setvalue.tsx b/src/pages/docs/useform/setvalue.tsx
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index 1f23e5923..000000000
--- a/src/pages/docs/useform/setvalue.tsx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-import Seo from "../../../components/seo"
-import Layout from "../../../components/layout"
-import SetValue from "../../../components/useForm/SetValue"
-const Setvalue = () => {
- return (
- )
-export default Setvalue