All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
- closing recruiting at 14 oct at 12:00 script
- minified css/js/html
- unified it/en pages
- about page (not used)
- post with image
- header logos
- json db
- post url for eng version
- recruiting end date
- eng version
- bitcoin button donations
- press staments
- varano post
- members db
- members page creator script
- comments section in news page
- uploader/syncer script
- fsg 2017 media gallery
- varano 2017 media gallery
- script to add images in 'media' section
- script to edit images
- uploader/syncer via ftp
- olds scripts to parse website
- mkdir 'scripts' with tools to automate site creation
- run/upload scripts to 'scripts' folder
- knipex logo with description in ed 2nd class
- 'name' attr in sponsors
- duplicate 'mattarollo' sponsor in cd page
- bitbucket ed sponsor in 3rd class
- meder sponsor image
- varano press review post
- meccanicampz url link in sponsors page
- feed items link
- varano victory post
- malformed email link in post sharing
- malformed post permalink when sharing
- duplicate .html ending in post permalinks
- missing http:// in post sharing urls
- nuova tempra cd logo
- duplicate row in cd sponsors
- schroth cd logo
- zf race camp recap post
- meder schroth ed logo
- missing biz image
- schroth cd logo
- new raw zf images
- zf media section with link to full-size images
- academy page
- background image width
- header with logos on single line
- ganalytics script
- twitter, bitbucket, linkedin, rss, github footer icons
- background image with opacity
- new banner
- new units images
- new sponsor logos
- academy page and content
- academy submenu in header
- biz team image
- new ED logo in timeline
- header nav width
- out of focus oz logo
- number of students in project description
- removed Thomas from team
- Sonic, Bercella, Endrich components sponsor logos
- 2017 media images
- noaloil cd logo
- post about galileo fesitval 2017
- image in galileo2017 post
- tm cd sponsor
- post about 2017 cars launch
- fixed twitter post share link
- social icons in footer
- paypal link-on-page
- post about paypal
- title in paypal post
- module for paypal button
- 'rossi' logo in cd
- cd logos centering
- paypal 'donate' button in home and support page
- made with love in footer
- bcomp sponsor in cd-2
- tecnolaser sponsor in cd-2
- post mecspe 4
- media > video mecspe 4
- post mecspe 4
- calogero, cipriani, berton, zingale from team members
- padoan is cd-suspensions manager
- 'mecspe pt3' post
- 'mecspe pt3' video in 'media' section
- page format in 'mecspe3' post
- 'fea' english name in brochure
- cd/ed renderings in team unit
- new logo
- 'bleron' school thanks to @Michele
- 'join us' section picture on the left, description on the right
- 'efesto lab' in big sponsors
- 'efesto lab' img
- 'join us' section with luca
- part of missing cd, ed logos descriptions
- brochure links in home, media and contact us sections
- mecspe2 post
- ballotta video in 'media' section
- redirection from
- mobile videos in media section too little
- 'pastò' from 2017 members
- 'sorma' to sponsors ed
- mini-gallery with cars images on cars pages
- previous/next post link in news
- 'global informatica' sponsor row
- sponsors description
- 'stip', 'alth', 'ptc', 'cemes', 'dynamec', 'festo', 'mattarollo' sponsor link
- 'omega', 'cometec', 'tecnocurve', 'protomaker' sponsor link
- url redirect when 404
- redirection to old urls thanks to mori
- optimized (~5%) images
- too large video in mecspe post
- global informatica sponsor
- mecspe 2017 post
- links to logo images (both ed and cd)
- mecspe video in mecspe post
- old videos in media section
- css
- contact us in menu
- links to fsae page on fsae image in landing page
- 'la squadra' not centered (/team/history.html)
- 'competizione' title
- double line with 'contact us' menu
- back to original 3D pie style (now using highcharts library)
- too small chart labels
- too big chart pie
- quotes carousel on landing page, why support us page
- team units images
- media section with old images
- pie chart in competition page
- media page title
- centered team units navigation
- fancy menu to get to dpt easily
- teams unit first renderings
- tav profile image
- menu to get to dpt easily
- timeline.css, flickit is now included only where it's needed
- news & social css on index.html
- small footnote on fb icons in footer
- fb timelines
- complete team images
- useless footer icons
- too much blank space in competition section
- alberto 'davide' zapolla
- linkedin andrighetto
- ed 2015 team members
- wtf happened to ed 2017
- 2016 members images
- 2015 members images
- 2014 members images
- 2013 members images
- TODO separated file
- fouc
- logo centering in landing page
- now redirecting to account.png if member image does not exists
- team members images names
- some old team members images
- old teams members
- 2016 ed team members
- join us post
- media section
- raw old team members pages
- formspree form to contact us
- sub-inner header for old team members pages
- news news url
- homepage title
- colored rss icon
- timeline images
- base-URL
- feed multi-language url
- sitemaps
- robots.txt
- rss feeds
- tmp folder
- team members first images
- hiding pie chart numbers
- images centering
- grammar errors in team.htmlit
- 'frame' description
- cd cars names
- 2017 cars
- now using 'Arial' font for pie chart
- team member 'Natalia'
- main sponsors 'compositex'
- 'media' page
- en language
- overall website contents
- exclude patterns in
- team.html description
- logo centered in landing page
- anonymous icon in team members page
- post date now in news.html
- welcome post
- social links
- row bug in Mirko
- pie chart positioning
- competition description
- raw pie chart in team page
- pie chart good version
- layout in team-members.html
- useless 'Lato' family font import in style.css
- pie chart font, position and description
- ed car datasheet
- ed car 2017 data
- cd car 2017 data
- cd cars name
- timeline events
- timeline events centering
- extra line margin of timeline on last child
- post.title rendering in news
- mobile logos header rendering
- team-members.html layout
- Tisato
- layout in team-members.html
- description of team units in team-members.html
- why sponsor us
- cd sponsors
- 'join us' section content
- cd/ed sponsors image size
- bootstrap.min.css style
- justified text in index.html
- header.special line vertical centering
- colors in timeline.css
- url/baseurl in _config.yml
- bootstrap.min style to try to fix compatibility across devices
- team description, timeline, achievements layout
- 'why support us' sponsors section
- 'why join us' section
- team members page <-> team page
- banner
- car presentation images
- landing page
- competitions logos
- sponsors logo from main page
- banner image centering
- new header sections
- logos in before banner and after header
- some surnames where not fixed in {surname} {name} -> {name} {surname} change
- not found links to linkedin accounts
- Home button -> nav not h1
- title in footer
- header logo too big in home
- missing icon in sponsors page
- 'Pagina non trovata' even if language is 'en'
- cars technical data
- 404 page
- ed sponsors
- 2 introductory news
- css class icon.square
- post footer with share buttons
- background color in 'contact us' button in footer
- duplicate link to homepage in header
- {surname} {name} -> {name} {surname} in team members
- fade-in logo instead of text in banner in homepage
- background image transparency in banner in homepage
- car datasheets
- 'la home è sballata' by tav
- lines between team divisions in team page
- changing header color based on team (cd/ed)
- color vars
- old car images
- car pages layout
- hover color in header
- en changing color header
- page colors
- shrunk page size
- script to optimize images for web
- cars ed/cd
- team members page layout
- team members names, emails, socials
- it/en banner.html
- it/en about.html
- it/en index.html
- it/en news.html
- it/en cars
- it/en team
- it/en sponsors
- it/en titles pages
- instagram, youtube, bitbucket and email logos and shortcuts
- upload site script
- {{ site.baseurl }} bug
- it/en header
- hover colors
- scripts to run and build website
- new branch to deliver already built website with Github pages
- language support
- missing FA icons
- contact, sponsors pages
- useless forked images
- sponsors page layout
- stylish vintage feel
- diagonal lines in headers
- orbitron git repo
- Orbitron font
- moved pages in
- banner image
- using Twenty by HTML5 UP theme
- homepage, cars, sponsors and team pages
- landing page layout
- raw repo, no theme chosen already