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Setting Up A Raw Printer in Ubuntu Linux

Tres Finocchiaro edited this page Sep 6, 2016 · 16 revisions


This tutorial is for raw printers only. If unsure please see What is Raw Printing?


These steps will allow a USB, Network, Serial or Parallel attached printer to receive raw commands through Java on Ubuntu Linux.


  1. Open System Settings > Printers


  2. Click +Add

  3. Set up the printer/port settings:

    For USB Printer:

    Devices: Enter URI

    Enter Device URI: usb://Zebra/LP2844 (example)

    Get this port by issuing the command lpinfo -v |grep usb:

    Note: You don't need the "? location=1a200000" information.

    For Network Printer:

    Devices: AppSocket/HP JetDirect

    Host: (example)

    Port: 9100

    The Host IP address may be configured to use a different address, which is outside of the scope of this tutorial. If AppSocket is not listed, close and relaunch the Wizard and it should appear.

    For Serial Printer

    Devices: Enter URI

    Enter Device URI: serial:/dev/ttyS0 (or serial:/dev/ttyUSB0, etc)

    For USB serial, issue the command dmesg |grep tty

    Insufficient permissions fix: This command grants the logged in user write permission to all serial ports:

    sudo usermod -a -G dialout $USER;

    Note: 12.04 users may also need to remove [ModeManager] ( due to a specific bug, ttylUSB devices don't seem writable by CUPS, so try printToFile('/dev/ttyUSB0'); instead.

  4. Click Forward

  5. Driver: Select printer from Database > Generic > Forward

  6. Models: Raw Queue

    Drivers: Generic Raw Queue > Forward


    Note: Some print drivers, such as Zebra ZDesigner or CUPS Zebra driver have dual-mode drivers capable of accepting Raw commands as well as PostScript commands. If Raw printing works with the vendor supplied driver, chose that over the Generic/Raw driver.

  7. Printer Name: (ie: zebra)

    Description: Raw Zebra Printer

    Location: Ubuntu PC

You may now print to your printer.

Note: If you receive a message "Printer 'zebra' not found", completely close and restart your web browser so that Java can see the newly added printer.

To learn how to print from a webpage continue to:

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