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A violent error via quil_to_native_quil on ARM64 #842
Would you be able to share a minimal program that reproduces the issue? |
@notmgsk It's not exactly minimal, but here's the circuit that caused the above error in a Edit: though of course now that I've posted this, it seems to compile without issue 🤔
Ok, I've got another failing example, this time on Aspen-11. Some traceback is snipped for brevity &/or IP concerns: Python traceback:
Offending (again, long, sorry, I'll try to shorten this) program:
It's not happening reliably, but the following (deleted as much as I could from the above that didn't touch qubits 32, 45, or 46) crashes most of the time with the same
Here's the
Is this happening on ARM only? I find that this function is pretty sensitive to the underlying numerical libraries. I myself was experimenting with changing the eigenvalue function and was getting the same failures when doing so. Unfortunately I didn't dig deep enough to truly find out why. One thing we could try to do is replace this function wholesale with a more direct approach a la #841. |
So far it is only failing on ARM; the compilation succeeds on x86. I did see #841 on the issues list when I started this post and thought I'd been scooped! Regarding
Would that be a long and laborious process? |
I think the labor would be measured in hours. It would consist of:
For another piece of information, here's what happened when trying to run
In summary, I don't know what's going onI'm well and truly flummoxed at this point. Per a suggestion out-of-band, I attempted running the diagonalization routine and comparing both the # attempts and the residuals (largest absolute values of the off-diagonal entries of the matrix
Platform | LAPACK | Installed via |
Apple Laptop (Intel) | liblapack.3.10.1.dylib |
brew install lapack |
x86 | liblapack-dev version 3.7.1-4ubuntu1 |
apt-get install liblapack-dev |
ARM | liblapack-dev version 3.9.0-1build1 |
apt-get install liblapack-dev |
Python attempts:
Python residuals:
Lisp attempts:
Lisp residuals:
Supporting files
Python script gather_data.py
from typing import NamedTuple
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from scipy.stats import unitary_group
import typer
class _Decomp(NamedTuple):
attempts: int
eigvals: np.ndarray
eigvecs: np.ndarray
def _orthogonal_diagonalization(m: np.ndarray, rng: np.random.Generator) -> _Decomp:
for i in range(16):
c = rng.uniform(0, 1)
matrix = c * m.real + (1 - c) * m.imag
_, eigvecs = np.linalg.eigh(matrix)
eigvals = eigvecs.T @ m @ eigvecs
if np.allclose(m, eigvecs @ eigvals @ eigvecs.T):
return _Decomp(attempts=i, eigvals=eigvals, eigvecs=eigvecs)
raise np.linalg.LinAlgError("Matrix is not orthogonally diagonalizable")
class _Datum(NamedTuple):
attempts: int
max_off_diagonal: float
max_difference: float
def _collect(u: np.ndarray, rng: np.random.Generator) -> _Datum:
uut = u @ u.T
decomp = _orthogonal_diagonalization(uut, rng)
d, o = decomp.eigvals, decomp.eigvecs
m = o.T @ uut @ o
return _Datum(
max_off_diagonal=np.abs(m - np.diag(np.diag(m))).max(),
max_difference=np.abs(o @ d @ o.T - uut).max(),
def collect_specifics(_iterations: int, rng: np.random.Generator) -> pd.Series:
residuals = []
for unitary in [
np.array([[1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0]]),
np.diag([1, 1, 1, 1j]),
np.kron(np.eye(2), 1 / np.sqrt(2) * np.array([[1, -1j], [-1j, 1]])),
[-0.965 + 0.133j, 0.093 + 0.000j, -0.000 + 0.000j, -0.000 + 0.206j],
[0.093 + 0.000j, 0.965 + 0.133j, 0.000 - 0.206j, -0.000 + 0.000j],
[-0.000 + 0.000j, 0.000 - 0.206j, 0.965 - 0.133j, -0.093 + 0.000j],
[0.000 + 0.206j, -0.000 + 0.000j, -0.093 + 0.000j, -0.965 - 0.133j],
residuals.append(_collect(unitary, rng))
return pd.Series(residuals)
def collect_su4(iterations: int, rng: np.random.Generator) -> pd.Series:
residuals = []
gen = unitary_group(dim=4, seed=rng.integers(1 << 32))
for _ in range(iterations):
residuals.append(_collect(gen.rvs(), rng))
return pd.Series(residuals)
def collect_su2_x_su2(iterations: int, rng: np.random.Generator) -> pd.Series:
residuals = []
gen = unitary_group(dim=2, seed=rng.integers(1 << 32))
for _ in range(iterations):
residuals.append(_collect(np.kron(gen.rvs(), gen.rvs()), rng))
return pd.Series(residuals)
def main(
iterations: int = typer.Option(10_000, help="Number of rounds to run"),
seed: int = typer.Option(96692877, help="Seed for PRNG (random.org)"),
platform: str = typer.Option("laptop", help="Platform collected on"),
rng = np.random.default_rng(seed)
collections = []
for (name, func) in [
("Specifics", collect_specifics),
("SU(4)", collect_su4),
("SU(2)xSU(2)", collect_su2_x_su2),
for d in func(iterations, rng):
"name": name,
"attempts": d.attempts,
"max_off_diagonal": d.max_off_diagonal,
"max_difference": d.max_difference,
df = pd.DataFrame(collections)
df["platform"] = platform
if __name__ == "__main__":
Lisp script gather-details.lisp
;;;; sbcl --load gather-data.lisp --eval "(sb-ext:save-lisp-and-die \"gather-data\" :executable t :save-runtime-options t :toplevel 'gather-data:toplevel)"
;;;; ./gather-data -p PLATFORM
;;;; Thanks https://stevelosh.com/blog/2021/03/small-common-lisp-cli-programs/
(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
(ql:quickload '(:adopt :alexandria :magicl) :silent t))
(defpackage :gather-data
(:use :cl)
(:export :toplevel :*ui*))
(in-package :gather-data)
(defconstant +dtype+ '(complex double-float))
;;;; Modified copy-pasta from quilc
;; https://github.com/quil-lang/quilc/blob/master/src/frontend-utilities.lisp#L161
(defconstant +double-comparison-threshold-loose+ 1d-5)
(defconstant +double-comparison-threshold-strict+ 5d-11)
(defun double~ (x y)
(let ((diff (abs (- x y))))
(< diff +double-comparison-threshold-loose+)))
(defun double= (x y)
(let ((diff (abs (- x y))))
(< diff +double-comparison-threshold-strict+)))
;; https://github.com/quil-lang/quilc/blob/master/src/matrix-operations.lisp#L143
(defun orthonormalize-matrix! (x)
(declare (optimize speed))
(let ((nrows (magicl:nrows x))
(ncols (magicl:ncols x)))
(declare (type alexandria:array-length nrows ncols))
(when (or (zerop nrows) (zerop ncols))
(return-from orthonormalize-matrix! x))
(labels ((column-norm (m col)
(let ((n^2 (dot-columns m col m col)))
(assert (not (double= 0.0d0 n^2)))
(sqrt n^2)))
(normalize-column! (m col)
(let ((norm (column-norm m col)))
(dotimes (row nrows)
(setf (magicl:tref m row col) (/ (magicl:tref m row col) norm)))))
(assign-column! (a b col)
;; a[:,col] = b[:,col]
(dotimes (i nrows)
(setf (magicl:tref a i col) (magicl:tref b i col))))
(dot-columns (a p b q)
(loop :for i :below nrows
:sum (* (conjugate (magicl:tref a i p))
(magicl:tref b i q)))))
(let ((v (magicl:deep-copy-tensor x))
(q (magicl:zeros (list nrows ncols) :type (magicl:element-type x))))
(loop :for j :below ncols :do
(assign-column! q v j)
(normalize-column! q j)
(loop :for k :from (1+ j) :below ncols :do
(let ((s (dot-columns q j v k)))
(loop :for row :below nrows :do
(decf (magicl:tref v row k)
(* s (magicl:tref q row j)))))))
;; https://github.com/quil-lang/quilc/blob/master/src/compilers/approx.lisp#L158
(defun ensure-positive-determinant (m)
(let ((d (magicl:det m)))
(if (double= -1d0 (realpart d))
(magicl:@ m (magicl:from-diag (list -1 1 1 1) :type +dtype+))
(defconstant +diagonalizer-max-attempts+ 16)
(defun diagonalizer-number-generator (k)
(abs (sin (/ k 10.0d0))))
(defun orthogonal-diagonalization (uut)
(loop :for attempt :from 0 :below +diagonalizer-max-attempts+ :do
(let* ((coeff (diagonalizer-number-generator attempt))
(matrix (magicl:map (lambda (z)
(+ (* coeff (realpart z))
(* (- 1 coeff) (imagpart z))))
(evecs (ensure-positive-determinant
(nth-value 1 (magicl:eig matrix)))))
(evals (magicl:from-diag (magicl:diag (magicl:@ (magicl:transpose evecs) uut evecs))))
(reconstructed (magicl:@ evecs evals (magicl:transpose evecs))))
(when (and (double= 1.0d0 (magicl:det evecs))
(magicl:every #'double= uut reconstructed)
(magicl:eye 4 :type +dtype+)
(magicl:@ (magicl:transpose evecs) evecs)))
(list attempt evals evecs)))))
(list +diagonalizer-max-attempts+))
;;;; Functionality
(defconstant +nan+ "NAN")
(defun max-abs-diff (a b)
(loop :for z :across (magicl::storage (magicl:.- a b)) :maximize (abs z)))
(defun collect (u)
(let* ((uut (magicl:@ u (magicl:transpose u)))
(decomp (orthogonal-diagonalization uut)))
(if (< (first decomp) +diagonalizer-max-attempts+)
(destructuring-bind (attempts d o) decomp
(let* ((m (magicl:@ (magicl:transpose o) uut o))
(max-off-diagonal (max-abs-diff
(magicl:from-diag (magicl:diag m))))
(max-difference (max-abs-diff
(magicl:@ o d (magicl:transpose o))
(list attempts max-off-diagonal max-difference)))
(list +diagonalizer-max-attempts+ +nan+ +nan+))))
(defun report (u name platform stream)
(destructuring-bind (attempts max-off-diagonal max-difference) (collect u)
(substitute #\e #\d (format nil "~A" max-off-diagonal))
(substitute #\e #\d (format nil "~A" max-difference))
(let* ((i (complex 0d0 1d0))
(-i (complex 0d0 -1d0))
(1/sqrt2 (/ (sqrt 2d0)))
(-i/sqrt2 (* -i 1/sqrt2)))
(magicl:from-list '(1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0) '(4 4) :type +dtype+)
(magicl:from-diag (list 1 1 1 i) :type +dtype+)
(magicl:eye 2 :type +dtype+)
(magicl:from-list (list 1/sqrt2 -i/sqrt2 -i/sqrt2 1/sqrt2) '(2 2) :type +dtype+)))))
(defconstant +iterations+ 1000)
(defun run (platform)
(let ((filename (format nil "~A_lisp.csv" platform)))
(with-open-file (stream filename :direction :output :if-exists :supersede)
(loop :for u :in +specifics+ :do (report u "Specifics" platform stream))
(loop :repeat +iterations+
:for u = (magicl:random-unitary 4)
:then (magicl:random-unitary 4)
:do (report u "SU(4)" platform stream))
(loop :repeat +iterations+
:for u = (magicl:kron (magicl:random-unitary 2) (magicl:random-unitary 2))
:then (magicl:kron (magicl:random-unitary 2) (magicl:random-unitary 2))
:do (report u "SU(2)xSU(2)" platform stream)))))
;;;; CLI
(defparameter *help*
(adopt:make-option 'help
:help "display help and exit"
:long "help"
:short #\h
:reduce (constantly t)))
(defparameter *default-platform* "laptop")
(defparameter *platform*
(adopt:make-option 'platform
:help (format nil "Gather data for PLATFORM (default ~A)" *default-platform*)
:long "platform"
:short #\p
:parameter "PLATFORM"
:initial-value *default-platform*
:reduce #'adopt:last))
(defparameter *ui*
:name "gather-data"
:usage "[-p PLATFORM]"
:summary "Gather data for the given PLATFORM."
:help "Gather data for the given PLATFORM."
:contents (list *help* *platform*)))
(defun toplevel ()
(multiple-value-bind (arguments options) (adopt:parse-options *ui*)
(when (gethash 'help options)
(adopt:print-help-and-exit *ui*))
(unless (null arguments)
(error "Unrecognized command-line arguments: ~S" arguments))
(run (gethash 'platform options)))
(error (c) (adopt:print-error-and-exit c))))
Notebook Diagonalization_Comparison.ipynb
(exported to Python) used to generate plots
# |Platform| LAPACK | Installed via |
# |--|--|--|
# |Apple Laptop (Intel) | `liblapack.3.10.1.dylib` | `brew install lapack` |
# | x86 | `liblapack-dev` version `3.7.1-4ubuntu1` | `apt-get install liblapack-dev` |
# | ARM | `liblapack-dev` version `3.9.0-1build1` | `apt-get install liblapack-dev` |
# In[1]:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
palette=["#3d3d53", "#00b5ad", "#ef476f"],
rc={"font.sans-serif": "Open Sans"},
platforms = ["laptop", "x86", "arm"]
# In[2]:
def plot_attempts(df: pd.DataFrame, title: str):
g = sns.catplot(
df[["name", "attempts", "platform"]],
def plot_residuals(df: pd.DataFrame, title):
g = sns.catplot(
id_vars=["name", "platform"],
value_vars=[c for c in df.columns if c.startswith("max_")],
for ax in g.fig.axes:
# In[3]:
python = pd.concat([pd.read_feather(f"{p}_python.arrow") for p in platforms])
# In[4]:
plot_attempts(python, title="Python Attempts")
# In[5]:
plot_residuals(python, title="Python Residuals")
# In[6]:
plot_residuals(python[python.name != "Specifics"], title="Python Residuals")
# In[7]:
lisp = pd.concat(
[pd.read_csv(f"{p}_lisp.csv", names=python.columns) for p in platforms]
# In[8]:
plot_attempts(lisp, title="List Attempts")
# In[9]:
plot_residuals(lisp, title="Lisp Residuals")
# In[10]:
plot_residuals(lisp[lisp.name != "Specifics"], title="Lisp Residuals")
I'm sorry this has been such a headache. On the bright side, this is an excellent bug report. |
Here's a super duper lil program that reliably triggers the error: from pyquil import get_qc, Program
qc = get_qc("4q-qvm")
# qc = get_qc("Aspen-11", as_qvm=True) # also fails
control = 0
targets = [1, 2, 3]
# targets = [4, 5, 6] # also fails
p = Program(f"""
CNOT {control} {targets[0]}
CNOT {control} {targets[1]}
CNOT {control} {targets[2]}
e = qc.compile(p) Doesn't seem to be related the target architecture (e.g. Aspen or fully connected), or to the target qubits. The only restriction seems to be that the control qubit be the same. |
@notmgsk my hero! Running on the ARM box with
It also makes a number of complaints (16 to be exact) about |
It seems that LAPACK becomes unstable on ARM when attempting to find the eigenvectors and eigenvalues of a diagonal matrix. This instability is triggered in find-diagonalizer-in-e-basis. The operation becomes trivial when run on a diagonal matrix, so we check for this and return the identity to avoid making a potentially unstable LAPACK call. Fixes quil-lang#842.
@genos @notmgsk Today @stylewarning and I messed around with this. We did not dig down to find the root cause, but we do have a workaround. LAPACK on ARM seems to only get mad over diagonal matrices, which is a trivial case for find-diagonalizer-in-e-basis, so we just check for diagonal matrices and avoid a LAPACK call if this is the case. |
It seems that LAPACK becomes unstable on ARM when attempting to find the eigenvectors and eigenvalues of a diagonal matrix. This instability is triggered in find-diagonalizer-in-e-basis. The operation becomes trivial when run on a diagonal matrix, so we check for this and return the identity to avoid making a potentially unstable LAPACK call. Fixes #842.
Thanks so much, @Spin1Half! I'm kind of embarrassed that the fix was so simple but exceedingly grateful for it. |
wizards! I've caused an interesting crash on ARM64.In order to get
to compile on ARM64, I had to hack oncffi
a little bit, so perhaps I've screwed something up there? Anyway, when trying to compile "random-ish but architecture-respecting" circuit à la quanvolutional neural networks for running on either of Rigetti's current QPU offerings, I run into "a violent error" (see below). I think it's raised infind-diagonalizer-in-e-basis
, but I bow to your knowledge and expertise.Thanks!
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