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CME 211: Lecture 4: Functions and Complexity Analysis

Python functions

  • Code we have seen so far has been executed in linear fashion from top to bottom, sometimes repeating one or more lines in a loop body

  • Functions allow us to:

    • Replace duplicated code with one centralized implementation within a single program

    • Reuse code across different programs

    • Easily use code developed by others

    • Develop, test, debug code in isolation from other code

  • Analogous to mathematical functions

Defining a function in Python

Let's start with an example:

def print_hello(name):
    print("Hello, {}".format(name))

If Python encounters a function name without parens (), it tells us that it is a function:


Call the function:


Anatomy of a Python function

def function_name(input_argument):
    # function body
    print("you guys rock")
  1. start with def keyword

  2. give the function name

  3. followed by comma separated list of input arguments, surrounded by parentheses

  • just use () for no input arguments
  1. followed by a colon :

  2. followed by indented function body

Return a value

Use the return keyword to return an object from a function:

def summation(a, b):
    total = 0
    for n in range(a,b+1):
        total += n
    return total
c = summation(1, 100)

Return multiple values

Separate multiple return values with a comma:

def sum_and_prod(a,b):
   total = 0
   prod = 1
   for n in range(a,b+1):
       total += n
       prod *= n
   return total, prod

Call the function:

a = sum_and_prod(1,10)
print("a:", a)
print("type(a):", type(a))

The return keyword packs multiple outputs into a tuple. You can use Python's tuple unpacking to nicely get the return values in calling code.

a, b = sum_and_prod(1,10)
print("a:", a)
print("b:", b)

Variable scope

Let's look at an example to start discussing variable scope:

total = 42
def summation(a, b):
    total = 0
    for n in range(a, b+1):
        total += n
    return total

a = summation(1, 100)
print("total:", total)
print("n:", n)

Function bodies have a local namespace. In this example the summation function does not see the variable total from the top level scope. summation creates its own variable total which is different! The top level scope also cannot see variables used inside of summation.

Reference before assignment to a global scope variable will cause an error:

total = 0
def summation(a, b):
    for n in range(a, b+1):
        total = total + n
        #         ^
        #       reference before assignment
    return total

a = summation(1, 100)

Variable scope examples

It is possible to use a variable from a higher scope. This is generally considered bad practice:

a = ['hi', 'bye']
def func():


Even worse practice is modifying a mutable object from a higher scope:

a = ['hi', 'bye']
def func():


Python will not let you redirect an identifier at a global scope. Here the function body has its own a:

a = ['hi', 'bye']
def func():
    a = 2


Accessing a global variable

This is bad practice, do not do this. We will take off points. We show you in case you run into it.

total = 0
def summation(a,b):
    global total
    for n in range(a, b+1):
        total += n

a = summation(1,100)

Functions must be defined before they are used

Functions must be defined before they are used! See the file

def before():
    print("I am function defined before use.")


def after():
    print("I am function defined after use.")


$ python3
I am function defined before use.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 5, in <module>
NameError: name 'after' is not defined

A function may refer to another function defined later in the file. The rule is that functions must be defined before they are actually invoked/called.


def sumofsquares(a, b):
    total = 0
    for n in range(a, b+1):
        total += squared(n)
    return total

def squared(n):
    return n*n



$ python3

Passing convention

Python uses pass by object reference. Python functions can change mutable objects referred to by input variables

def do_chores(a):

b = ['feed dog', 'wash dishes']

ints, floats, and strings are immutable objects and cannot be changed by a function:

def increment(a):
    a = a + 1

b = 2

Pass by object reference

  • Python uses what is sometimes called pass by object reference when calling functions

  • If the reference is to a mutable object (e.g. lists, dictionaries, etc.), that object might be modified upon return from the function

  • For references to immutable objects (e.g. numbers, strings), by definition the original object being referenced cannot be modified

Default and keyword arguments

We have seen that the behavior of some Python functions can be modified by passing keyword arguments. Keyword arguments have default values. For example, the print function has optional end and sep arguments:

print("first line, ")
print("second line")
print("first line, ", end="")
print("second line")
print(1,2,3,4,5,6,7, sep=", ")

It is simple to use this feature when defining functions:

def func(x, a = 1):
    return x + a

print("   func(1) =", func(1))
print("func(1, 2) =", func(1, 2))

The default value is used if the argument is not specified when the function is called.

Multiple default arguments

Consider the function prototype: func(x, a=1, b=2).

Suppose we want to use the default value for a, but change b:

def func(x, a=1, b=3):
    return x + a - b

print("     func(2) =", func(2))
print("  func(5, 2) =", func(5, 2))
print("func(3, b=0) =", func(3, b=0))

Keyword arguments may be passed in any order:

func(10, b=5, a=7)

See the Python Tutorial section on defining functions for more info.


It is important that others, including you-in-3-months-time are able to understand what your code does.

This can be easily done using a so called "docstring", as follows:

def nothing():
    """ This function doesn’t do anything. """

We can then read the docstring from the interpreter using:


Built-in Python functions also have documentation, see help(print):


Functions as objects

In Python everything is an object, this includes functions. It is possible to pass functions to other functions:

def simple_function():
    print("hello from simple_function()")

def function_caller(f):
    # just call the function f

Now, we can pass simple_function to function_caller:


This is useful when combined with Python's map and filter functions.


The map function takes a mapping function and one or more iterable objects as input arguments. The map returns an iterator that applies the input function to every item of the iterable object yielding the results. Take for example square function

def square(x):
    return x*x

and a list as map inputs:

map(square, [1,2,3,4,5,6])

The return value is an iterator can be used in a for loop:

for s in map(square, [1,2,3,4,5,6]):
    print(s,end=', ')

The iterator does not create a new list, it simply allows you to calculate all mapped values. If we want to create a list with mapped values, we pass the iterator as the input argument of the list constructor:



The filter function returns an iterator over items in a container for which the input function returns True:

def isodd(x):
    return x % 2 != 0

Note: In Python 2.x, map and filter functions return containers with mapped and filtered data, respecively. In Python 3.x, it is programmers responsibility to decide when and if mapped/filtered data should be stored in memory.

Lambda functions

A lambda function is simply a function without a name. These are also called anonymous functions.

They are used as an alternative way to define short functions:

cube = lambda x: x*x*x
print("cube(3) = ", cube(3))
list(map(lambda x: x*x*x, [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]))

Example of a bad function

def add(a, b):
    # I wrote this function because Nick
    # is mean and is making us write three functions in a homework
    return a + b

Recommended Reading

From Learning Python, Fifth Edition by Mark Lutz

  • Chapter 6: The Dynamic Typing Interlude (i.e. references and objects)

  • Chapter 16: Function Basics

  • Chapter 17: Scopes

  • Chapter 18: Arguments