访问 API Docs 以查看更多关于请求消息体的信息。
使用您的 AccessKeyID 和 SecretAccessKey 初始化 Qingstor 对象。
import (
var conf, _ = config.New("YOUR-ACCESS-KEY-ID", "YOUR--SECRET-ACCESS-KEY")
var qingStor, _ = service.Init(conf)
然后根据要操作的 bucket 信息(zone, bucket name)来初始化 Bucket。
bucketName := "your-bucket-name"
zoneName := "pek3b"
bucketService, _ := qingStor.Bucket(bucketName, zoneName)
然后您可以 put bucket Policy
toPtr := func(s string) *string { return &s }
strFilter := service.StringLikeType{Referer: []*string{toPtr("*.example1.com"), toPtr("*.example2.com")}}
conds := service.ConditionType{
StringLike: &strFilter,
// here we set only two policy statement. If you want to set two or more, notice that request will be matched by sort order.
// if matching success, other statement will not be checked and request will be executed.
stmts := []*service.StatementType{
Action: []*string{toPtr("get_object")},
Condition: &conds,
Effect: toPtr("allow"),
ID: toPtr("allow certain site to get objects"),
Resource: []*string{toPtr(bucketName + "/*")},
User: []*string{toPtr("*")}, // match all users.
Action: []*string{toPtr("list_objects"), toPtr("create_object")},
Effect: toPtr("allow"),
ID: toPtr("allow user(id: usr-Xxxxx) to list objects and create objects"),
Resource: []*string{toPtr(bucketName + "/*")},
User: []*string{toPtr("usr-Xxxxx")}, // replace with a real user.
body := service.PutBucketPolicyInput{Statement: stmts}
if output, err := bucketService.PutPolicy(&body); err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Set policy of bucket(name: %s) failed with given error: %s\n", bucketName, err)
} else {
fmt.Printf("The status code expected: 200(actually: %d)\n", *output.StatusCode)