- several little bugfixes for brick dropdowns
- add settings
- move to
gem again - Page#link of an empty page will now show the first PUBLISHED child
- Qbrick::Engine.hosts won't return empty values anymore
- make translated scope consistent to the conditions in #translated?
- validate uniqueness of slugs just against published pages
- Add url method to get an url to the page
- Add ability to add scheme, host and port to your app config
- Also parameterize slugs that are explicit added
- Add check on duplicated page paths
- Simplify check on translated pages
- handle internal and external redirects
- url is now path and contains a leading slash
- url_without_locale is now path_with_prefixed_locale and contains a leading slash as well
- visibility bugfix for sitemaps
- removed various deprecation warnings
- refactored spec/controllers/qbrick/pages_controller_spec.rb
- Enable publishing by locale
- Fix page visibility bug
- Fix locale switch issue: Switching cms backend affected frontend locale (inverse case of issue #10)
- Speed up brick cloning
- A little bit of refactoring
- Disable validation for cloned bricks because they are already validated
- Fix page delete button (now asks for confirmation and removes the page from the tree via js view)
Initial qBrick release (previous releases refer to Kuhsaft)
- fix simple form dependency
- save button does not depend on 'brick_content' and is always visible when brick.user_can_save?
- fix Issue #276 with ckeditor and drag'n'drop
- fix caching issue when cache key was to long (#274)
- Image Upload in update with ajax
- New Feature: Brick Cloning into another locale
- Deprecations added with reference to qBrick
- Brick dropdown fix
- Google Verification Key can be added on homepage and will be rendered in its head
- Start merging in shoestrap functionality (for now, only admin_helper form methods)
- Clean up README
- Add helper for detecting if we are on a kuhsaft page
- Fix routing error for sitemap
- Add Helper for selecting Application URLs
- Set locale via default_url_options instead of just url_options
- Add CUSTOM page type: Adds a new page type called 'CUSTOM'. Custom pages behave almost like redirect pages except that they can have content and meta tags like normal pages. What can you use this for: To redirect to a custom controller that does whatever you want and still have CMS content along side it.
- Fix inconsistent image size handling
- Fix jquery-ui load path on newer versions
- Clean up locales
- Misc refactorings
- Bugfix: Check if column exists in translations migrations. Now you can always run the install:migrations tasks when updating kuhsaft in order to have all translated fields + various small bugfixes to translation migrations
- Bugfix: Fix an issue where ck-config in host app would not get recompiled even though changes were made to it.
- Remove ck-config.js from your production.rb's precompile directive after updating kuhsaft to 2.4.1
Implement CKEditor Image Uploads. Disabled by default. See comments in ck-config for enabling it.
- consistent slug handling (is always downcased when saving)
- update page tree urls for nested pages when changing page_type
- Fix the issue where an old ck-config was being loaded due to the timestamp params ckeditor adds to it's asset urls
- HOTFIX: Fix issues related to 2.3.4 release.
- All brick js views are now .js.erb views for better readability
- Wrap ruby calls in erb with html_safe
- HOTFIX: Use .to_s.underscore when calling translated DB fields, so country specific locales work everywhere
- HOTFIX: Handle non-escaped newline in create.js.haml view
- Problem occurred only if there’s a ajax image upload combined with a text area. The remotipart JS is executed within a text area. Because of the newline the whole JS is broken.
- added grid module
- fixed/refactored new brick modals to fit smaller screens/bigger forms
- New Module added that simplifies invalidating cached placeholder bricks when a non-kuhsaft model changes. Consult the readme for instructions!
bundle update kuhsaft
rake kuhsaft:install:migrations
rake db:migrate
recreate versions for all bricks with uploaders:
# You need to do this for every locale you are using as bricks have a default_scope on the locale: I18n.with_locale(:de) { Kuhsaft::ImageBrick.all.each { |b| b.image.recreate_versions! if b.image.present? } } I18n.with_locale(:de) { Kuhsaft::AssetBrick.all.each { |b| b.asset.recreate_versions! if b.asset.present? } } I18n.with_locale(:de) { Kuhsaft::Asset.all.each { |b| b.file.recreate_versions! if b.file.present? } }
update your
array withckeditor/adv_link/*
if you would like to use the new CK extension for internal links -
If you already have a customized ck-config just add
config.extraAllowedContent = 'iframe[*]'
to your ck-config.js.coffee if you would like to allow iframes in bricks with ck-editor
- It is now possible to link via dialogue to other CMS Pages within current locale
- Collapsable brick view
- Caching optimizations for pages and bricks
- Cleaned up brick validations: Save only valid Bricks and cleaned up brick forms
- Default value of page type field is now set to content
- add rake task which renames precompiled assets from ck-editor config to make sure that the newest config file is load in backend on staging and production
- add string length validation to prevent exceptions due to postgres string limit
- make migration for additional content languages be generated dynamic
- Translatable display styles
- Update display style dropdown
- add getter and setter for country specific translated pages
- Added
bundle exec rake db:seed
to setup rake task for easier development. - allow iframes to be saved in ckeditor
- Bump Rails dependency up to 4.0.2 due to multimple security issues
- fix: make simple_form version constraint more future-proof
- Update simple_form dependency due to XSS vulnerability: http://blog.plataformatec.com.br/2013/11/xss-vulnerability-on-simple-form/
- fix bootstrap-sass issue by locking to newest compatible version
- Create module for kuhsaft image uploader
- do not use inherited_resources
- correct order in classes for two column brick partitioning
- Dispaly error messages for bricks, when they are updated/saved
- Add hints to input field of page settings
- Extend meta tag definitions in
content_for :head
- re-added inherited_resources
- explicitly tell simple_form to use the :bootstrap wrapper in forms
- upgrade to simple_form 3.0.0
- optimize method to set position of two_column_bricks, fixes inconsistent ordering
replaced ckeditor gem with ckeditor_rails gem
temporarily removed 'inherited_resources'
include page children in cache key for pages#show
show "Inhalt"-Tab only when page is translated
rails generate kuhsaft:assets:install
when updating
optimize seeds to be able to run multiple times
add language-switch how-to to readme
use inherited_resource
remove deprecations
add rake task to start dummy app
document helper tasks
fix dummy app loading
add scope to select only translated pages
Keep assets in cms subdir, not kuhsaft. Added a migration that should automatically move the assets.
run rake kuhsaft:install:migrations when updating
Keep assets in cms subdir, not kuhsaft. Added a migration that should automatically move the assets.
run rake kuhsaft:install:migrations when updating
- Revert locale handling changes in 1.8.3
- Do not show invalid bricks in frontend
For 2.0.3 only:
- remove attr_accessible calls, removes the need to use protected_attributes.
- add page_title from 1.8.1
- Fix styling bug in FF for sortable pages view
- Redirect Handling: remove any preceding slashes first, then redirect to page link with one preceding front slash
- do not set locale through url_options in admin controller on every request
- page_title added
- Test Setup fixed
Fix redirect handling: remove any preceding slashes first then redirect to page link with one preceding front slash
Bugfix: Explicitly require nestable css, fixes missing styling of pages index
- Make Kuhsaft Rails 4 Compatible
- replace compass with bourbon
- use lambdas in scopes
- use jquery-ui-rails and protected_attributes
Kuhsaft >= 2.0.0 will only support Rails 4 and newer
- Implement nested sortable list: Pages can be reordered by drag and drop
- remove validation on caption for accordion brick.
- add workaround for failing save of nested bricks due to after_save callback
Avoid routing error when editing a invalid page and change locale
Postgres fulltext search
- For details see README
- Important: Please install and run the new migrations with
rake kuhsaft:install:migrations db:migrate
- Implement real redirect in pages_controller for redirect pages
- Allow request with empty url splat to be handled by kuhsaft router
- Allows root etries in host app:
root :to => 'kuhsaft/pages#show'
- No HomeConroller needed anymore
- By default /:locale is handled by kuhsaft
- Allows root etries in host app:
- bugfix: Define translated
methods on class
- Fix page caching for localized pages by adding locale as cahe key
- Correct file name of admin_helper.rb instead of application_helper.rb
Reorg Frontend Controller Inheritance:
- Kuhsaft Frontend Controllers inherit from ApplicationController in the host application
- Kuhsaft's own ApplicationController not needed anymore
- now you can use helpers defined in the guest application's ApplicationHelper on Kuhsaft Pages
Fix Locale Handling:
- in Backend, always pass around content_locale param, to keep the correct locale set
- remove before_validate callback: obsoleted because we pass locale around in params
- use lambda for default scope as well, switch to new syntax for lambda
- Do not show tab "Inhalt" when editing a redirect page
- Replace redactor.js with CKEditor. To upgrade from previous versions:
- run
rails generate kuhsaft:assets:install
- make sure you remove any code that references redactor, typically the editor settings in the customizations.js file
- run
- add column class to column brick
- fix: add if-statements to asset and image bricks cause when a brick is created with no image or asset the page on proudction will crash
- fix: image Size is not applied when uploading an image in the image brick
- If you are upgrading, make sure to make following with all models which are using the ImageBrickImageUploader:
- remove before_save callback and add after_save callback
- add method image_present? to model an call it in the resize_image_if_size_changed-method as further if-statement
- fix: solve the redactor.js problem a bit differently, should now always clear empty p tags from read more
- add js function to remove empty read_more_text
- remove before_save hook in TextBrick model
- updated readctor.js to 9.beta
- fix remove_cms_admins migration for pg: Check if table exist before dropping
- fix pg error by not using grouped scope on brick_type
- remove empty p-tags coming from readctor.js
- do not display read more link if no read_more_text is present
- add checkbos on link Brick to trigger opening in new window/tab or not
- add Asset Brick for pdf's doc's and xls'
- ditto... doh!
- remove foo postfix for asset path generator... doh!
- optimize/fix Brick UI dropdowns
- do not cache pages with placeholder bricks
- UI Tweak: read more link moves to bottom of collapsed content
- change the way custom css and js is loaded. If you are upgrading, run
rails generate kuhsaft:assets:install
to get the override files. These files are now externally loaded and must be present!
- optimize brick sorting with a single post to bricks_controller#sort
- add display_styles API to brick. implement
on a brick to provide possible style classes - UI Tweaks: page list is narrower, top-level row is not fluid anymore
- Disable remote form for Bricks with mounted uploader
- actually downgrade jquery-rails dependency
- Downgrade to jquery-rails 2.0.3 / jQuery 1.7.2
- Fix text brick partial for collapsable layout
- Implement necessary js files for collapsable content
- Add AnchorBrick
- Add visual feedback when saving a brick
- migrate the brick types 'disabled' field to 'enabled'
- use mysql2 as the default driver in our tests
- fix SQL dialect issue in brick type filter
- set custom buttons on redactor editor
- add documentation which tags can be inserted by the editor and need styling
- added api to brick list to allow bricks to constrain their child bricks by type
- disable/enable redirect_url field depending on page type dynamically
- show inactive state in page tree
- fix: require current rails version:
- prevents vulnerable rails apps with kuhsaft
- fixes issue where rake spec would run in development instead of test env.
- fix misterious case where the ajaxSuccess event sometimes was not triggered, leaving the textareas without readactor.js toolbar
- make bricks sortable
- add success message when page is saved
- fix: Do not switch to content tab for page when there are validation errors in the meta tab
- Remove Kuhsaft::Cms::Admin seed
- Fix Migration
- Remove devise from kuhsaft and provide instructions on how to protect the cms backend
- fix: properly handle compass-rails dependency
- fix: fixed position regression introduced in 1.0.2
- fix: empty text brick doesn't fail
- fix: brick position is properly incremented when created
- bugfix: Add non-minified version of redactor.js (@effkay)
- added new brick system
- added new UI
- integrated with shoestrap
- Add styles for 2 additional nesting levels in list views (@effkay)
- Refactor CSS into proper format (@manufaktor & @donaier)
- Migrate JS to asset pipeline/sprockets (@effkay)
- Add german locale file for backend (@jenzer)
Development of Kuhsaft for Rails 3.1 moved to master, rails30 will maintain rails 3.0 compatibility
- fix asset pipeline compatibility when in production (@effkay)
- fix README on how to integrate devise (@effkay)
- fix a bug where virtual page tree wasn't available (@manufaktor)
- handle 404s with an ActionController::RoutingError, controllers can optionally implement a
method to change behavior (@manufaktor) - Backend now shows the hierarchy breadcrumb when creating a new page (@manufaktor)
- update gem versions of dependencies, because some contain bugfixes (linecache, carrierwave) (@manufaktor)
- fix image paths and update readme concerning asset pipeline (@effkay)
- we have a changelog now! (@effkay)
- moved assets to a rails 3.1 compatible location (@effkay)
is now recognized by the PagesController (@manufaktor)- Lots of styling improvements for the backend (@iphilgood & [melinda][])
- Formatted Text textareas now resize smartly according to its content (@iphilgood & [melinda][])
- Added specific delete messages for pages and assets (@manufaktor)
- Updated to latest UJS Jquery (@manufaktor)
- Backend recognizes a current_user and will display a logout possibility (@iphilgood)