Releases: qaul/
qaul - v2.0.0-beta.9
App Installers
Download and install qaul on your device and share the app with others.
CLI Tools (qaul-cli & qauld)
The CLI tools can be used to run qaul from the terminal. For example on an embedded computer without a screen such as a Raspberry Pi or on a Server in the Internet.
qaul-cli is the interactive qaul CLI client for communicating over the qaul net via the terminal.
qauld is the qaul daemon to be run in the background and work as a Community Node in the network.
Libqaul and CLI - v2.0.0-beta.8
qaul CLI Tools (qaul-cli & qauld)
The CLI tools can be used to run qaul from the terminal. For example on an embedded computer without a screen such as a Raspberry Pi or on a Server in the Internet.
qaul-cli is the interactive qaul CLI client for communicating over the qaul net via the terminal.
qauld is the qaul daemon to be run in the background and work as a Community Node in the network.
qaulApp - 2.0.0 beta 8
qaul App Installers
Download and install qaul on your device and share the app with others.
Libqaul and CLI - v2.0.0-beta.7
qaul CLI Tools (qaul-cli & qauld)
The CLI tools can be used to run qaul from the terminal. For example on an embedded computer without a screen such as a Raspberry Pi or on a Server in the Internet.
qaul-cli is the interactive qaul CLI client for communicating over the qaul net via the terminal.
qauld is the qaul daemon to be run in the background and work as a Community Node in the network.
qaul App - 2.0.0 beta 7 (build 871)
qaul App Installers
Download and install qaul on your device and share the app with others.
qaul App - 2.0.0 beta 6 (build 821)
qaul App Installers
Download and install qaul on your device and share the app with others.
qaul CLI tools & libqaul 2.0.0 beta 6
qaul CLI Tools (qaul-cli & qauld)
The CLI tools can be used to run qaul from the terminal. For example on an embedded computer without a screen such as a Raspberry Pi or on a Server in the Internet.
qaul-cli is the interactive qaul CLI client for communicating over the qaul net via the terminal.
qauld is the qaul daemon to be run in the background and work as a Community Node in the network.
Libqaul and CLI - v2.0.0-beta.5
Desktop Assets 🖥️
CLI Binaries:
- Linux: qaul-cli/qauld
- MacOS: qaul-cli/qauld
- Windows: qaul-cli/qauld
qauld (qaul server daemon) debian installer
*.so library -
*.dylib library - liblibqaul.dylib
*.dll library - libqaul.dll
Mobile Assets 📱
Any *.aar files, namely:
*.a and *.h files, namely:
Flutter - v2.0.0-beta.4+782
Rust - v2.0.0-beta.3
Desktop Assets 🖥️
*.so library -
*.dylib library - liblibqaul.dylib
*.dll library - libqaul.dll
Mobile Assets 📱
Any *.aar files, namely:
*.a and *.h files, namely: