Client for the data curation API
Python 3.8 (or higher) and pip/conda are required to install TorchCAM.
You can install the last stable release of the package using pypi as follows:
pip install pyrostorage
or using conda:
conda install -c pyronear pyrostorage
Alternatively, if you wish to use the latest features of the project that haven't made their way to a release yet, you can install the package from source:
git clone
pip install -e pyro-storage/client/.
Import the client
from pyrostorage import client
Create a client object by handling him the API keys
API_URL = ""
CREDENTIALS_LOGIN = "George Abitbol"
Use it to query alerts:
## Create a media
media_id = api_client.create_media().json()["id"]
## Upload an image on the media
dummy_image = "" \
+ "public/growing-risk-future-wildfires_adobestock_199370851.jpeg"
image_data = requests.get(dummy_image)
api_client.upload_media(media_id=media_id, media_data=image_data.content)
## Create an annotation
dummy_annotation = "" \
+ "master/imagenet-simple-labels.json"
annotation_id = api_client.create_annotation(media_id=media_id).json()["id"]
annot_data = requests.get(dummy_annotation)
api_client.upload_annotation(annotation_id=annotation_id, annotation_data=annot_data.content)
Distributed under the Apache 2.0 License. See LICENSE
for more information.
The full project documentation is available here for detailed specifications. The documentation was built with Sphinx using a theme provided by Read the Docs.