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FYP System

Arduino Installation

Look at

tar -xvf arduino-1.8.15-linux64.tar.xz
cd arduino-1.8.15/
sudo ./

Adding ESP32 boards

  1. Add\_esp32\_index.json to additional board manager URLs
  2. Install esp32 by Expressif Systems by going to Tools>Boards>Boards Manager

Open CombinedOpt.ino - Atmega Code. This has no external libraries and should compile with no issues.

Install dependancies for ESP32

  1. WebSockets by Markus Sattler (
  2. Adafruit SSD1306 libary. This also installs the dependent libraries. (
    1. Adafruit GFX
    2. Adafruit Bus IO

Common Issues

Issue with compiling for ESP32 on Ubuntu. pyserial: module not found.

sudo apt install python-is-python3
sudo apt install python3-pip
pip install pyserial

Serial port permissions

ls -l /dev/ttyUSB0
sudo usermod -a -G dialout <username>

Then log out and log in

Programming ESP32

  1. Plug in your ESP32, select the correct COM PORT and select the board as DOIT ESP32 DEVKIT V1

WARNING : This is designed to work alongside ATmega328P programmed with CombinedOpt.ino

  1. Connect your laptop to a Wi-Fi network.

  2. Run ipconfig (or ifconfig) on the command prompt and get your laptop's IP address

  3. Update the following lines of esp32-websocket.ino with your WiFI SSID, password and IP address.

    const char* ssid = "wifi"; // update wifi SSID
    const char* password = "pSW"; // enter password
    const char* ip = ""; // enter the IP address
  4. Program esp32-websocket.ino to ESP32. Select the board eg: DOIT ESP32 DEVKIT V1 (shown below). Select the port eg: COM4.

Programming ATMEGA