All names are sorted alphabetically by last name. Contributors, please add your name to the list when you submit a patch to the project.
- Kurian Benoy
- Sarah Bird
- Frederic Branchaud-Charron
- Rishit Dagli
- Vamsi Desu
- Miro Dudik
- Richard Edgar
- Andra Fehmiu
- Davide Giovanardi
- Chris Gregory
- Gaurav Gupta
- Parul Gupta
- Abdul Hannan
- Nick Hart
- Brandon Horn
- Adrin Jalali
- Stephanie Lindsey
- Roman Lutz
- Janhavi Mahajan
- Vanessa Milan
- Sangeeta Mudnal
- Nils Müller
- Lauren Pendo
- Stephen Robicheaux
- Kevin Robinson
- Mehrnoosh Sameki
- Bram Schut
- Chinmay Singh
- Hanna Wallach
- Hilde Weerts
- Vincent Xu
- Beth Zeranski
- Vlad Iliescu