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Wild encounter slots

Fotomac edited this page Jul 16, 2020 · 4 revisions

This tutorial is for how to increase the number of wild encounter slots.



You may use this tutorial to increase the number of wild encounter slots to any number you like, but for the purposes of this tutorial, we will learn how to expand the number of slots from 10 to 12, as it was in Generation III.

1. Adding the slots to each map

As mentioned in the tutorial for simply editing wild encounters, all wild encounter lists are located in data/wild/maps. They are named based on the maps they are for. So, route1.asm is for Route 1, route2.asm is for Route 2, etc. Anyway, in this step, all you have to do is add to each list one Pokemon per slot you wish to add. So, if you want to add two wild encounter slots, you add two Pokemon at the end of each list.

2. Increasing the slot number.

The wild encounter slots can be found in data/wild/probabilities.asm. Edit

	db  50, $00 ; 51/256 = 19.9% chance of slot 0
	db 101, $02 ; 51/256 = 19.9% chance of slot 1
-	db 140, $04 ; 39/256 = 15.2% chance of slot 2
+	db 126, $04 ; 25/256 =  9.8% chance of slot 2
-	db 165, $06 ; 25/256 =  9.8% chance of slot 3
+	db 151, $06 ; 25/256 =  9.8% chance of slot 3
-	db 190, $08 ; 25/256 =  9.8% chance of slot 4
+	db 176, $08 ; 25/256 =  9.8% chance of slot 4
-	db 215, $0A ; 25/256 =  9.8% chance of slot 5
+	db 201, $0A ; 25/256 =  9.8% chance of slot 5
-	db 228, $0C ; 13/256 =  5.1% chance of slot 6
+	db 214, $0C ; 13/256 =  5.1% chance of slot 6
-	db 241, $0E ; 13/256 =  5.1% chance of slot 7
+	db 227, $0E ; 13/256 =  5.1% chance of slot 7
-	db 252, $10 ; 11/256 =  4.3% chance of slot 8
+	db 238, $10 ; 11/256 =  4.3% chance of slot 8
-	db 255, $12 ;  3/256 =  1.2% chance of slot 9
+	db 249, $12 ; 11/256 =  4.3% chance of slot 9
+	db 252, $14 ;  3/256 =  1.2% chance of slot 10
+	db 255, $16 ;  3/256 =  1.2% chance of slot 11

3. Edit the RAM

Last, but not least, go to engine/overworld/wild_mons.asm, and change every instance of "ld bc, $14" you find there to "ld bc, $18".

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