MTPROTO helper library and tools, tailored for bot & channel automation, groups or channel monitoring, managing sessions and scraping.
- Session helpers for gotd
- allows converting a Telethon SQLite Session, or TDATA session, to a Telethon string session
- export all of your sessions to Telethon string session
- Examples: simply generate a telethon string session for your account, with manual login, or an existing SQLite / TDATA session Or, use the postgres back-end to connect to an account, and manage your sessions.
- Bot automation helpers
- Structured object in order to automate official bot.
- Examples: scrape data from SpyDefi Bot, check out the code.
- Group and channel monitoring / scraping
- Custom object tailored for parsing message from channels.
- Examples: monitor newly listed tokens on DexScreener, check out the code.
- Common helpers for gotd
- Create shareable folders(, export chats in them, join them.
- Scrape similar channels, export them into a Maltego file
- Join channel, add views, reactions, create channels and groups, promote & demote members, add members to your channel, easily.
- Automate posting in your channel.
- Export all members from a channel you own.
Run the following in your Go project:
go get
Scrape similar channels example, (here, we get the channels similar to Pavel Durov personal channel):
package main
import (
examples ""
func run(ctx context.Context, client *telegram.Client, dispatcher tg.UpdateDispatcher, options telegram.Options) error {
channels, err := channels.GetSimilarChannels(ctx, client, "durov")
if err != nil {
return err
for _, channel := range channels {
fmt.Println("Channel: ", channel.ID, channel.Username)
return nil
func main() {
authOpt := auth.SendCodeOptions{}
flow := auth.NewFlow(examples.Terminal{}, authOpt)
err := session.Connect(run, session.Windows(), 2040, "b18441a1ff607e10a989891a5462e627", "", "", flow)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalln("can't connect: ", err)
You can run this example, just create a main.go
file, and install the library with go get
, then run go run
Bot automation example, extracting KOLs data from
package main
import (
var expr = `(?m)Statsfor\@([a-zA-Z0-9_]{4,32}):Consistency:([0-9.]{1,3})%NumberofAlphaCalls:([0-9]+)BestCall:([a-zA-Z0-9.]+)(\(x[0-9.]+\))LastCall:([a-zA-Z0-9]+)(\(x[0-9.]+\))AverageCallMarketcap:\$([0-9.]+)(K|M|B)AverageXPerCall:x([0-9.]+)TotalCallsTracked:(\d+)NumberofAchievementCalls:calls:(\d+)calls:(\d+)TotalAchievements:(\d+)AchievementCallsrefertocallsthathavegonex2\+asperourparameters`
var re = regexp.MustCompile(expr)
func saveSpydefiChannelData(ctx messages.MonitoringContext) error {
cleanedMessage := utils.RemoveSpacesAndNewlines(ctx.GetMessage().Message)
for _, match := range re.FindAllStringSubmatch(cleanedMessage, -1) {
username := match[1]
averageCallMC := match[8]
numberMC, err := strconv.ParseFloat(averageCallMC, 2)
if err != nil {
return err
mc := int(numberMC)
averageCallMCUnit := match[9]
var numberAverageCallMC int
if averageCallMCUnit == "M" {
numberAverageCallMC = mc * 1_000_000
if averageCallMCUnit == "K" {
numberAverageCallMC = mc * 1_000
} else {
numberAverageCallMC = mc * 1_000_000_000
averageCallX := match[10]
numberAverageCallX, _ := strconv.ParseFloat(averageCallX, 2)
// NOTE: starting from here, you could start saving the result in a database or something similar.
fmt.Println("Data: ", username, numberAverageCallMC, numberAverageCallX)
return messages.EndConversation
if cleanedMessage == "ThisKOLChannelwasnotfoundinournetworkMakesureyouhaveenteredtheusernamecorrectly!Youcanalsousethe/trackme<@username>featuretosubmitanychannelstobetracked." {
fmt.Println("This channel does not exist, in the spydefi database.")
return messages.EndConversation
return nil
func listen(ctx context.Context, client *telegram.Client, dispatcher tg.UpdateDispatcher, options telegram.Options) error {
fmt.Println("Successfully connected to the bot")
automation, err := bot.NewAutomation(ctx, client, dispatcher, "spydefi_bot", true)
if err != nil {
return err
fmt.Println("Sending start message with params")
// NOTE: channel is completely random.
err = automation.SendStartMessageWithParams("tggemarcheologisttelegram-1001942713434")
if err != nil {
return err
automation.Handle(re, saveSpydefiChannelData)
err = automation.Listen()
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func main() {
phone := os.Getenv("PHONE_NUMBER")
password := os.Getenv("PASSWORD")
sessionString := os.Getenv("SESSION_STRING")
flow := session.GetNewDefaultAuthConversator(phone, password)
err := session.Connect(listen, session.Windows(), 2040, "b18441a1ff607e10a989891a5462e627", sessionString, "", flow)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalln("can't connect: ", err)
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.
BSD-3-Clause license, because FreeBSD is great