Here, we briefly describe how to install pravega-operator that is used to create/configure/manage Pravega clusters atop Kubernetes.
- Kubernetes 1.16+ with Beta APIs
- Helm 3.2.1+
- Cert-Manager v1.0+ or some other certificate management solution in order to manage the webhook service certificates. This can be easily deployed by referring to this
- An Issuer and a Certificate (either self-signed or CA signed) in the same namespace that the Pravega Operator will be installed (refer to this certificate.yaml file manifest to create a self-signed certificate in the default namespace)
Note: If you are running on Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE), please check this first.
To install the pravega-operator chart, use the following commands:
$ helm repo add pravega
$ helm repo update
$ helm install [RELEASE_NAME] pravega/pravega-operator --version=[VERSION] --set webhookCert.certName=[CERT_NAME] --set webhookCert.secretName=[SECRET_NAME]
- [RELEASE_NAME] is the release name for the pravega-operator chart.
- [VERSION] can be any stable release version for pravega-operator from 0.5.0 onwards.
- [CERT_NAME] is the name of the certificate created as a prerequisite
- [SECRET_NAME] is the name of the secret created by the above certificate
This command deploys a pravega-operator on the Kubernetes cluster in its default configuration. The configuration section lists the parameters that can be configured during installation.
Note: If we provide [RELEASE_NAME] same as chart name, deployment name will be same as release-name. But if we are providing a different name for release(other than pravega-operator in this case), deployment name will be [RELEASE_NAME]-[chart-name]. However, deployment name can be overridden by providing
--set fullnameOverride=[DEPLOYMENT_NAME]
along with helm install command
Note: If the pravega-operator version is 0.4.5, webhookCert.certName and webhookCert.secretName should not be set. Also in this case, bookkeeper operator, cert-manager and the certificate/issuer do not need to be deployed as prerequisites.
For upgrading pravega-operator, please refer upgrade guide
To uninstall/delete the pravega-operator chart, use the following command:
$ helm uninstall [RELEASE_NAME]
This command removes all the Kubernetes components associated with the chart and deletes the release.
The following table lists the configurable parameters of the pravega-operator chart and their default values.
Parameter | Description | Default |
image.repository |
Image repository | pravega/pravega-operator |
image.tag |
Image tag | 0.5.7 |
image.pullPolicy |
Image pull policy | IfNotPresent |
crd.create |
Create pravega CRD | true |
rbac.create |
Create RBAC resources | true |
serviceAccount.create |
Create service account | true | |
Name for the service account | pravega-operator |
testmode.enabled |
Enable test mode | false |
webhookCert.crt |
tls.crt value corresponding to the certificate | |
webhookCert.key |
tls.key value corresponding to the certificate | |
webhookCert.generate |
Whether to generate the certificate and the issuer (set to false while using self-signed certificates) | false |
webhookCert.certName |
Name of the certificate, if generate is set to false | selfsigned-cert |
webhookCert.secretName |
Name of the secret created by the certificate, if generate is set to false | selfsigned-cert-tls |
watchNamespace |
Namespaces to be watched | "" |