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Benchmarking. {#benchmarking_schwarz}

The flag -DSCHWARZ_BUILD_BENCHMARKING (default ON) enables the examples and benchmarking snippets.

If schwarz-lib has been built with deal.ii, then the deal.ii examples, ex_6 and ex_9 are also built, else only the bench_ras example is built. The following command line options are available for this example. This is setup using gflags.

The executable is run in the following fashion:


Where FLAGS are the options below with the template flag_name [type][default_value]. For example, to set the number of iterations of the RAS solver to 100 one would add --num_iters=100 to the executable command above.

Generic settings

  • executor [std::string][reference] : The executor used to run the solver, one of reference, cuda or omp.
  • explicit_laplacian [bool][false] : Use the explicit laplacian instead of deal.ii's matrix.
  • set_1d_laplacian_size[uint32][16] : The number of grid points in one dimension for the 2D laplacian problem.
  • enable_random_rhs [bool][false] : Use a random rhs instead of the default 1.0's .
  • overlap [uint32][2] : Overlap between the domains.
  • timings_file [std::string][null] : The filename for the timings.
  • partition [std::string][regular] : The partitioner used. The choices are metis, regular or regular2d.
  • metis_objtype [std::string][null] : The objective type to minimize for the metis partitioner. The choices are edgecut and totalvol.
  • num_threads [uint32][1] : Number of threads to bind to a process.
  • non_symmetric_matrix [bool][false] : Explicitly state that the matrix is non-symmetric so that the local GMRES solver is used.
  • use_mixed_precision [bool][false] : Use mixed precision in the communication.

Input settings

  • matrix_filename [std::string][null] : The matrix file to read the global system matrix from.

Output settings

  • enable_debug_write [bool][false] : Enable some debugging outputs to stdout.
  • write_comm_data [bool][false] : Write the number of sends and recvs of each subdomain to files.
  • write_perm_data [bool][false] : Write the permutation data from CHOLMOD to a file.
  • print_config [bool][true] : Print the configuration of the run.
  • print_matrices [bool][false] : Print the local system matrices to a file.
  • debug [bool][false] : Enable some possible expensive debug checks.
  • enable_logging [bool][false] : Enable some possible expensive logging from Ginkgo.

Solver settings

Generic settings

  • num_iters [uint32][100] : The number of outer iterations for the RAS solver.
  • set_tol [double][1e-6] : The Outer tolerance for the RAS solver.
  • local_tol [double][1e-12] : The Inner tolerance for the local iterative solver.

Communication settings

  • enable_onesided [bool][false] : Enable the onesided asynchronous communication.
  • enable_twosided [bool][true] : Enable the twosided asynchronous communication. A dummy flag.
  • stage_through_host [bool][false] : Enable staging transfers through host.
  • enable_one_by_one [bool][false] : Enable putting/getting of each element in onesided communication.
  • enable_put_all_local_residual_norms [bool][false] : Enable putting of all local residual norms"
  • enable_comm_overlap [bool][false] : Enable overlap of communication and computation.
  • flush_type [std::string][flush-all] : The window flush strategy. The choices are flush-local and flush-all.
  • lock_type [std::string][lock-all] : The window lock strategy. The choices are lock-local and lock-all.
  • remote_comm_type [std::string][get] : The type of the remote communication. get uses MPI_Get and put uses MPI_Put.

Convergence settings

  • enable_global_check [bool][false] : Use the global convergence check for twosided.
  • global_convergence_type [std::string][centralized-tree] : Choose the convergence detection algorithm for onesided.
  • enable_decentralized_accumulate [bool][false] : Use accumulate strategy for decentralized convergence check..
  • enable_global_check_iter_offset [bool][false] : Enable global convergence check only after a certain number of iterations.

Local solver settings

  • local_solver [std::string][iterative-ginkgo] : The local solver used in the local domains. The current choices are direct-cholmod , direct-ginkgo or iterative-ginkgo.
  • local_factorization [std::string][cholmod] : The factorization for the local direct solver "cholmod" or "umfpack".
  • local_reordering [std::string][none] : The reordering for the local direct solver "none", "metis_reordering" or "rcm_reordering".
  • factor_ordering_natural [bool][false] : If true uses natural ordering instead of the default optimized ordering. This is needed for CUDA runs as the factorization ordering needs to be given to the solver.
  • enable_local_precond [bool][false] : If true uses the Block jacobi preconditioning for the local iterative solver.
  • precond_max_block_size [uint32][16]: Maximum size of the blocks for the block jacobi preconditioner
  • shifted_iter [uint32][1] : The number of iterations to communicate for the local subdomains.
  • local_max_iters [int32][-1] : The maximum number of iterations for the local iterative solver.
  • restart_iter [uint32][1] : The restart iter for the GMRES solver.
  • reset_local_crit_iter [int32][-1] : The RAS iteration to reset the local iteration count.

Poisson solver using Restricted Additive Schwarz with overlap.

This example runs is written within the benchmarking/bench_ras.cpp file. This demonstrates the basic capabilities of schwarz-lib. You can use it to solve the 2D Poisson equation with a 5 point stencil or solve a generic matrix by providing it a matrix file.

Examples with deal.ii

These examples use deal.ii's capabilities to generate a matrix and solution is computed with the RAS method.

Possible settings are:

  • num_refine_cycles [uint32][1][disabled] : The number of refinement cycles when used with deal.ii.
  • init_refine_level [uint32][4] : The initial refinement level of the problem. This sets the initial number of dof's.
  • dealii_orig [bool][false] : Solve with the deal.ii iterative CG instead of the RAS solver.
  • vis_sol [bool][false] : Print the solution for visualization.

Solving the n-dimensional Poisson equation with FEM.

The benchmarking/dealii_ex_6.cpp demonstrates the solution of the Poisson equation with adaptive refinement as explained on the deal.ii example documentation page

Solving the Advection equation with FEM.

The benchmarking/dealii_ex_9.cpp demonstrates the solution of the Advection equation with adaptive refinement as explained on the deal.ii example documentation page