Common actions to be taken both for cloud and local. Adjust paths for your system.
Build docker images
cd wiki-events/wiki_sse_reader/
docker build -t wikissereader:latest .
cd wiki-events/wiki_dbt/
docker build . -t wikidbt:latest
cd wiki-events/wiki_dash/
docker build . -t wikidash:latest
Create file terraform/terraform.tfvars
with the following contents:
hcloud_token = "<HETZNER_API>"
Instructions on obtaining api key from your Hetzner account here.
Creating server:
terraform init
terraform apply
Server data for logging in is sent via email.
On the cloud server:
Ensure that firewall allows access to port
. -
set up swarm and deploy
mkdir /var/lib/swarm
mkdir /var/lib/swarm/{data_clickhouse,data_rabbit}
docker swarm init
docker network create --scope=swarm --attachable -d overlay internal
docker stack deploy -c docker/stack-data.yml data
docker stack deploy -c docker/stack-pipelines.yml pipelines
docker stack deploy -c docker/stack-bi.yml bi
Dashboard is available at server's IP address: http://<_SERVER_IP>/
behind basic http auth:
user: dezoomcamp
password: dezoomcamp
Code can also be run locally using docker compose.
deploy with compose
cd docker
docker-compose up -d
Dashboard is exposed at http://localhost:8000/