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Getting Started with flutter-pi

These instructions summarize the information in the file. See that file for more details. In each step below with Bash commands, the commands start with a set of export commands that you should update appropriately.

  1. Build a Raspberry Pi with a touchscreen. This will be your target.

  2. Prepare your target for flutter-pi (see "Configuring your Raspberry Pi" in the README for details):

    export APPNAME=hello_pi # change this to the name of your application
    # one-time setup
    sudo usermod -a -G render $USER
    sudo apt --yes install libgl1-mesa-dev libgles2-mesa-dev libegl-mesa0 libdrm-dev libgbm-dev
    sudo apt --yes install libsystemd-dev libinput-dev libudev-dev libxkbcommon-dev
    sudo apt --yes install ttf-mscorefonts-installer fontconfig
    sudo fc-cache
    if [ `uname -m` == 'armv7l' ]; then export ARM=arm; else export ARM=arm64; fi
    mkdir -p ~/dev
    pushd ~/dev
    git clone --depth 1 engine-binaries
    sudo ./engine-binaries/
    git clone
    cd flutter-pi
    mkdir build && cd build
    cmake ..
    make -j`nproc`
    # per-application setup
    mkdir -p ~/dev/$APPNAME
    echo You will need to set ARM to: $ARM

    Take a note of the last line of output. It should say you need "arm" or "arm64". This is used to set ARM below.

    Take a note of which version of Flutter the binaries were compiled for. This is used to set VERSION below. It should be clear from the commit messages of the latest commit to the repo:

  3. Configure your target. Run sudo raspi-config, and configure the system as follows:

    1. Select System Options -> Boot / Auto Login -> Console (or Console (Autologin)).
    2. Select Advanced Options -> GL Driver -> GL (Fake-KMS).
    3. Select Performance Options -> GPU Memory and set it to 64.
    4. Exit raspi-config and reboot when offered.
  4. Download, install, and configure Flutter on a host machine (not the Raspberry Pi), then create an application, compile it, and run it. These instructions will put the version of Flutter you will use for the Raspberry Pi into the ~/dev/flutter-for-pi directory so as to not interfere with your normal Flutter installation. For the purposes of these instructions we'll assume this is an x64 Linux workstation.

    export VERSION=... # set this to the version determined above, e.g. 1.22.4
    export ARM=... # set this to "arm" or "arm64" as determined above
    export TARGET=... # set this to your Raspberry Pi's hostname
    export APPNAME=hello_pi # same as what you used earlier
    export TARGETUSER=pi # set this to your username on the raspberry pi, e.g. "pi" or $USER if it's the same as on the host
    mkdir -p ~/dev
    pushd ~/dev
    # one-time setup
    git clone --branch $VERSION flutter-for-pi
    ~/dev/flutter-for-pi/bin/flutter precache
    git clone --depth 1 engine-binaries
    chmod +x engine-binaries/$ARM/gen_snapshot_linux_x64_release
    # create the application
    flutter-for-pi/bin/flutter create $APPNAME
    # compile the application
    cd $APPNAME
    ../flutter-for-pi/bin/flutter packages get # this might not be necessary
    ../flutter-for-pi/bin/flutter build bundle --no-tree-shake-icons --precompiled
    ../flutter-for-pi/bin/cache/dart-sdk/bin/dart \
      ../flutter-for-pi/bin/cache/dart-sdk/bin/snapshots/frontend_server.dart.snapshot \
      --sdk-root ~/dev/flutter-for-pi/bin/cache/artifacts/engine/common/flutter_patched_sdk_product \
      --target=flutter \
      --aot --tfa -Ddart.vm.product=true \
      --packages .packages --output-dill build/kernel_snapshot.dill --depfile build/kernel_snapshot.d \
    ../engine-binaries/$ARM/gen_snapshot_linux_x64_release \
      --deterministic --snapshot_kind=app-aot-elf \
      --strip --sim-use-hardfp \
      --elf=build/flutter_assets/ build/kernel_snapshot.dill
    # upload the application
    rsync --recursive ~/dev/$APPNAME/build/flutter_assets/ $TARGETUSER@$TARGET:dev/$APPNAME
    # run the application
    ssh $TARGETUSER@$TARGET "killall" "flutter-pi"	
    ssh $TARGETUSER@$TARGET "dev/flutter-pi/build/flutter-pi" "--release" "~/dev/$APPNAME"

That's it!