- 🥇 https://github.com/pkubiak/santa-won
- 🥈 https://github.com/pciazynski/flipery
- 🥉 https://github.com/marek-ciazynski/santa-pinball
- https://github.com/GrzegorzZmuda/gamejam22
- Santa Claus
- vector
- sound-based (sound is essential for gameplay)
- -1/2 hour
Base Time Limit: 3h
To participate you must star gamejam repo on github
Submitions: public github repo, only own code allowed
Retry: If all contestants agree, we can once rerandom
- 0pts for non runnable game (user interactions, possible win)
- voting 3/pts (each player, no self votes)
- (+1pts) x (theme and each mutation)
- +1pts for readme with screenshot