Sourced from org.pitest:pitest-maven's releases.
- #1271 - Double check thread status before marking minion as dead
- #1268 - Filter Lombok NonNull checks
- #1267 - Expand test api to allow reporting of errors during test scanning
#1267 will ensure that previously hidden errors encountered by the JUnit5 plugin will now be reported. This is a backwards compatible api change. It will have no effect until the JUnit5 plugin is updated to use the expanded api. The updated plugin will not be compatible with earlier versions of pitest.
Merge pull request #1271
from hcoles/feature/cleanup_process_code56ca9e8
recheck thread exit code before reporting doa minionc55ee14
explicitly terminate jvm in mutation minion495a8de
remove confusing inheritancec4d98ea
update readme for 1.15.25e34034
Merge pull request #1268
from hcoles/feature/lombok_null_checks3c5a210
filter lombok autogenerated null checks7aa83f9
Merge pull request #1267
from hcoles/bug/report_junit5_scan_errorsb22c2ff
Expand test api to allow logging of errors during test discovery69a181f
Merge pull request #1263
from hcoles/feature/update_test_matrix