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The goals of this challenge include understanding:
- How cloud-init scripts can be run on a Virtual Machine Scale Set (VMSS)
We have provided a script (cloud-init.txt
) that configures Apache web server on a Linux VMSS. When run on an individual VM instance, the script deploys a static web page that should be available at: http://<PublicIPofTheLoadBalancer>/wth.html
You can find the script in the Resources folder for Bicep-Challenge-10.
Your challenge is to:
- Extend the VMSS Bicep template to configure a webserver on instances of the VM Scale Set deployed earlier
- Deploy a new VMSS instance with a different name to the previously deployed VMSS
- Read the script body into a string and pass it as an input parameter
- Pass the script body to the
property of the VM Scale Set definition
- Verify you can view the web page configured by the script
- cloud-init support for virtual machines in Azure
- Read a text file using PowerShell
- Read a text file using a Linux shell