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中文增速榜 > 软件类 > Shell

数据更新: 2024-10-10   /   温馨提示:中文项目泛指「文档母语为中文」OR「含有中文翻译」的项目,通常在项目的「readme/wiki/官网」可以找到

# Repository Description Stars Average daily growth Updated
1 dockur/windows Windows inside a Docker container. 17618 65 2024-10-08
2 OpenBMB/ChatDev Create Customized Software using Natural Language Idea (through LLM-powered Multi-Agent Collaboration) 25319 62 2024-10-08
3 QwenLM/Qwen2.5 Qwen2.5 is the large language model series developed by Qwen team, Alibaba Cloud. 8737 35 2024-10-02
4 GaiaNet-AI/gaianet-node Install and run your own AI agent service 4821 22 2024-10-09
5 DDS-Derek/xiaoya-alist 小雅Alist的相关周边 4897 18 2024-10-08
6 acmesh-official/ A pure Unix shell script implementing ACME client protocol 38849 12 2024-10-07
7 Kyle-Ye/XcodeLLMEligible - 1037 12 2024-10-09
8 monlor/docker-xiaoya 💡使用 Docker Compose 以更优雅的方式来部署小雅服务,支持一键部署 Alist + Emby + Jellyfin,全平台支持,Linux/Windows/Mac/群晖,X86/Arm架构 1620 12 2024-10-09
9 xykt/IPQuality A script for IP quality detection 1981 11 2024-10-05
10 thijsvanloef/palworld-server-docker A Docker Container to easily run a Palworld dedicated server. 2422 9 2024-10-05
11 fbelavenuto/arpl Automated Redpill Loader 7192 9 2024-05-08
12 kubesre/docker-registry-mirrors 多平台容器镜像代理服务,支持 Docker Hub, GitHub, Google, k8s, Quay, Microsoft 等镜像仓库. 1159 9 2024-09-29
13 olegos2/mobox - 2832 9 2024-07-26
14 RROrg/rr Redpill Recovery (arpl-i18n) 4206 8 2024-10-02
15 mack-a/v2ray-agent Xray、Tuic、hysteria2、sing-box 八合一一键脚本 13936 8 2024-10-09
16 hiddify/Hiddify-Manager Multi-user anti-filtering panel, with an effortless installation and supporting more than 20 protocols to circumvent filtering plus the telegram proxy. 6200 8 2024-08-19
17 Elegycloud/clash-for-linux-backup 基于Clash Core 制作的Clash For Linux备份仓库 A Clash For Linux Backup Warehouse Based on Clash Core 2262 7 2024-09-20
18 quickemu-project/quickemu Quickly create and run optimised Windows, macOS and Linux virtual machines 10602 6 2024-10-04
19 juewuy/ShellCrash Run sing-box/mihomo as client in shell 8666 6 2024-10-05
20 CatMe0w/zouxian Permanent Apple Intelligence + Xcode Predictive Code Completion for Chinese-market Mac computers 681 6 2024-07-31
21 TrionesType/zhuque 朱雀仿宋/朱雀宋朝/Zhuque Fangsong: An open-source Fangsong typeface project 2692 6 2024-04-10
22 zixuanya/clash-for-gigabit 为可执行Shell的光猫提供clash代理服务,适用与任何不超过armv7l内核架构的设备 349 6 2024-08-14
23 hq450/fancyss fancyss is a project providing tools to across the GFW on asuswrt/merlin based router. 12339 6 2024-09-29
24 Dhghomon/easy_rust Rust explained using easy English 8073 5 2024-05-13
25 DaoCloud/public-image-mirror 很多镜像都在国外。比如 gcr 。国内下载很慢,需要加速。致力于提供连接全世界的稳定可靠安全的容器镜像服务。 5883 5 2024-10-09
26 skywind3000/awesome-cheatsheets 超级速查表 - 编程语言、框架和开发工具的速查表,单个文件包含一切你需要知道的东西 ⚡ 11106 5 2024-08-26
27 kiddin9/Kwrt 一分钟在线定制编译 X86/64, NanoPi R2S R4S R5S R6S, 斐讯 Phicomm N1 K2P, 树莓派 Raspberry Pi, 香橙派 Orange Pi, 红米AX6, 小米AX3600, 小米AX9000, 红米AX6S 小米AX3200, 红米AC2100, 华硕ASUS, 网件NETGEAR 等主流软硬路由 7576 5 2024-10-05
28 kenzok8/openwrt-packages openwrt常用软件包 6450 4 2024-10-09
29 wulabing/Xray_onekey Xray 基于 Nginx 的 VLESS + XTLS 一键安装脚本 9256 4 2024-09-27
30 frankiejun/serv00-play serv00 上的一些应用,包括vless/argo+vmess/vmess+ws/hy2/socks5/mtproto/alist/哪吒探针 等, 自动化部署、批量保号、进程防杀、消息推送 261 4 2024-10-09
31 spiritLHLS/ecs VPS融合怪服务器测评脚本(VPS Fusion Monster Server Test Script)(尽量做最全能测试服务器的脚本) 3547 4 2024-09-30
32 xzhih/one-key-hidpi Enable macOS HiDPI and have a native setting. 8676 4 2024-07-03
33 bin456789/reinstall 一键DD/重装脚本 (One-click reinstall OS on VPS) 2258 3 2024-10-03
34 emptysuns/Hi_Hysteria Hello World!非钟国优化线路使用不佳?不想中转?hysteria一键搞定。 3115 3 2024-04-14
35 dockur/windows-arm Windows for ARM in a Docker container. 786 3 2024-10-08
36 jinwyp/one_click_script install latest or LTS linux kernel and enable BBR or BBR plus 4735 3 2024-09-21
37 stupidloud/nanopi-openwrt Openwrt for Nanopi R1S R2S R4S R5S 香橙派 R1 Plus 固件编译 纯净版与大杂烩 5446 3 2024-04-16
38 ben1234560/k8s_PaaS 如何基于K8s(Kubernetes)部署成PaaS/DevOps(一套完整的软件研发和部署平台)--教程/学习(实战代码/架构设计/大量注释/操作配图),你将习得部署如:K8S(Kubernetes)、Dashboard、Harbor、Jenkins、本地Gitlab、Apollo框架、Promtheus、Grafana、Spinnaker等。 4941 3 2024-07-17
39 fscarmen/sing-box Sing-box 全家桶 --- 一键多协议脚本 1274 3 2024-09-24
40 haiibo/OpenWrt 基于 Lean 源码编译的 OpenWrt 固件——适配X86、R2C、R2S、R4S、R4SE、R5C、R5S、香橙派 R1 Plus、树莓派3B、树莓派4B、R66S、R68S、M68S、H28K、H66K、H68K、H88K、H69K、E25、N1、S905x3、S922x、HK1、X96max、微加云、贝壳云、我家云、章鱼星球等 2745 3 2024-04-17
41 233boy/sing-box 最好用的 sing-box 一键安装脚本 & 管理脚本,自动创建 REALITY 协议;支持 TUIC,Trojan,Hysteria2 等所有常见的协议 401 3 2024-09-09
42 remote-android/redroid-doc redroid (Remote-Android) is a multi-arch, GPU enabled, Android in Cloud solution. Track issues / docs here 4190 3 2024-09-05
43 lmc999/RegionRestrictionCheck A bash script to check the status of your IP on various geo-restricted services. 4013 3 2024-10-09
44 yixiu001/serv00-script serv00脚本 310 3 2024-08-19
45 ansoncloud8/am-nodejs-proxy 基于 Node.js 的 vless 实现包。它在各种 Node.js 环境中都能运行,包括但不限于:Windows、Linux、MacOS、Android、iOS、树莓派等。同时,它也适用于各种 PaaS 平台,如:replit、heroku 等。 284 3 2024-08-12
46 notmarek/LanguageBreak A kindle <= jailbreak 880 3 2024-06-20
47 233boy/Xray 最好用的 Xray 一键安装脚本 & 管理脚本 1371 3 2024-09-07
48 dairoot/ChatGPT-Mirror 🚀 一键部署个人的 ChatGPT 镜像站 329 3 2024-09-14
49 eooce/Sing-box 既然来了,就留下你的Star吧!Serv00 CT8 VPS 游戏机 sing-box(reality + hy2 + vmess-argo +tuic5)四合一无交互一键安装脚本(已适配Alpine),支持纯V6 vps,默认解锁GPT和奈飞 1125 3 2024-10-02
50 wukongdaily/tvhelper-docker 让你使用电脑、NAS等一切能运行docker的设备变成盒子的ADB安装助手 627 3 2024-09-08
51 Vonng/pigsty Battery-Included PostgreSQL Distro as a Free RDS Alternative 3211 2 2024-08-21
52 ivanhao/pvetools proxmox ve tools script(debian9+ can use it).Including email, samba, NFS set zfs max ram, nested virtualization ,docker , pci passthrough etc. for english user,please look the end of readme. 4349 2 2024-09-23
53 apernet/tcp-brutal - 638 2 2024-08-04
54 gebangfeng/docker-mirror 整理各大docker,容器镜像仓库的国内镜像源 270 2 2024-07-10
55 seagullz4/hysteria2 hysteria2一键安装精简版/hy2一键安装/hysteria2 install/نصب با یک کلیک hysteria2/祝大家万事如意,心想事成 661 2 2024-09-28
56 SuperManito/LinuxMirrors GNU/Linux 更换系统软件源脚本 2454 2 2024-10-07
57 fscarmen/ArgoX Argo Xray for VPS one-click script. 一键脚本 1191 2 2024-09-08
58 kkbo8005/mitan 密探渗透测试工具包含域名查询,搜索语法,资产测绘(FOFA,Hunter,quake, ZoomEye),指纹识别,敏感信息采集,文件扫描、密码字典等功能 381 2 2024-06-05
59 i-abc/Speedtest 多功能测速脚本 Multi-functional speedtest script 657 2 2024-04-29
60 xubiaolin/docker-zerotier-planet 一分钟私有部署zerotier-planet服务 2298 2 2024-09-27
61 chaifeng/ufw-docker To fix the Docker and UFW security flaw without disabling iptables 4383 2 2024-09-29
62 CHIZI-0618/box4magisk Use sing-box, clash, v2ray, xray tunnel proxy on Android devices. 1128 2 2024-10-05
63 wukongdaily/tvhelper 遥控助手软路由版,适用于OpenWrt系统,包括iStoreOS。其主要作用是帮助安卓原生盒子,解决一些水土不服的小问题。 367 2 2024-08-04
64 suifei/fridare 强大的 Frida 重打包工具,用于 iOS 和 Android。轻松修改 Frida 特征,增强隐蔽性,绕过检测。简化逆向工程和安全测试。Powerful Frida repackaging tool for iOS and Android. Easily modify Frida servers to enhance stealth and bypass detection. Streamli ... 178 2 2024-07-30
65 oldratlee/useful-scripts 🐌 useful scripts for making developer's everyday life easier and happier, involved java, shell etc. 7279 2 2024-09-03
66 honmashironeko/ARL-docker 基于ARL v2.6.2版本源码,生成docker镜像进行快速部署,同时提供七千多条指纹 284 2 2024-09-11
67 FlechazoPh/QLDependency 青龙面板全依赖一键安装脚本 / Qinglong Pannel Dependency Install Scripts. 1798 2 2024-07-19
68 tom-snow/wechat-windows-versions 保存微信历史版本 1551 2 2024-09-30
69 DoL-Lyra/Lyra Degrees of Lewdity 整合 857 2 2024-10-06
70 wulabing/V2Ray_ws-tls_bash_onekey - 2112 2 2024-09-27
71 datawhalechina/learn-nlp-with-transformers we want to create a repo to illustrate usage of transformers in chinese 2202 2 2024-08-18
72 pmkol/easymosdns 简化Mosdns基本功能使用的辅助脚本,仅需几分钟即可搭建一台支持ECS的无污染DNS服务器 1361 2 2024-10-09
73 appleboy/ssh-action GitHub Actions for executing remote ssh commands. 4706 2 2024-10-06
74 jerry048/Dedicated-Seedbox - 732 1 2024-04-24
75 Flikify/getNode 每小时更新最新的Clash、v2ray节点信息 880 1 2024-10-09
76 zfl9/ss-tproxy ss/v2ray/xray/trojan/hysteria/naive/socks5 透明代理 2244 1 2024-09-11
77 ophub/amlogic-s9xxx-openwrt Support for OpenWrt in Amlogic, Rockchip and Allwinner boxes. Support a311d, s922x, s905x3, s905x2, s912, s905d, s905x, s905w, s905, s905l, rk3588, rk3568, rk3399, rk3328, h6, etc. 1823 1 2024-10-06
78 al0ne/LinuxCheck Linux应急处置/信息搜集/漏洞检测工具,支持基础配置/网络流量/任务计划/环境变量/用户信息/Services/bash/恶意文件/内核Rootkit/SSH/Webshell/挖矿文件/挖矿进程/供应链/服务器风险等13类70+项检查 1777 1 2024-06-19
79 nacos-group/nacos-docker This project contains a Docker image meant to facilitate the deployment of Nacos . 1414 1 2024-09-20
80 ellermister/mtproxy MTProxyTLS一键安装绿色脚本 1096 1 2024-06-05
81 northsea4/mdcx-docker 在Docker容器中运行 MDCX,并通过Web界面或远程桌面进行控制。Run MDCX in a Docker container, accessible and controllable via a web interface or remote desktop. 583 1 2024-06-09
82 jorgebucaran/ The Node.js version manager you'll adore, crafted just for Fish 2109 1 2024-09-14
83 arloor/iptablesUtils iptables转发ddns域名 1436 1 2024-09-30
84 flagify-com/OctoMation OctoMation是一款免费的,具有可视化拖拽功能的编排与自动化产品。通过精心编排的Playbook,OctoMation能够联动数百款安全、网络、IT和SaaS等产品的基础能力。其主要特点包括低代码剧本编排、自动化事件响应、标准化流程操作以及可视化过程监控。 借助OctoMation,运营团队能够开展7x24小时自动化事件响应,不仅可以大幅减少对人员的过度依赖,还能确保团队工作质量始终维持在 ... 432 1 2024-06-20
85 LLOneBot/llonebot-docker 一键部署基于NTQQ的OneBot协议的Bot容器 166 1 2024-09-28
86 xavier-hernandez/goaccess-for-nginxproxymanager GoAccess Docker Image for Nginx Proxy Manager and more... 529 1 2024-09-23
87 yeszao/dnmp Docker LNMP (Nginx, PHP7/PHP5, MySQL, Redis) 3929 1 2024-10-02
88 nextcloud/nextcloudpi 📦 Build code for NextcloudPi: Raspberry Pi, Odroid, Rock64, curl installer... 2524 1 2024-09-25
89 2lifetop/Pal-Server-Install 幻兽帕鲁服务端一键安装脚本 291 1 2024-06-28
90 cdarlint/winutils winutils.exe hadoop.dll and hdfs.dll binaries for hadoop windows 1906 1 2024-05-16
91 FranzKafkaYu/sing-box-yes Install & manage sing-box easily 601 1 2024-06-09
92 ansoncloud8/am-serv00-nezha 在serv00服务器上部署nezha监控 51 1 2024-10-07
93 DHDAXCW/OpenWrt_RockChip 基于 lede-rockchip 源码建构 rockchip 的 OpenWrt 固件。 198 1 2024-07-23
94 2moe/tmoe TMOE, More Optional Environments. 860 1 2024-09-29
95 wukongdaily/OpenBackRestore 该项目可以轻松备份iStoreOS已安装的软件和配置,当系统恢复出厂设置或重置后,可以一键恢复原来的软件和配置 277 1 2024-07-06
96 UnblockNeteaseMusic/luci-app-unblockneteasemusic [OpenWrt] 解除网易云音乐播放限制 1827 1 2024-09-15
97 msojocs/wechat-web-devtools-linux 适用于微信小程序的微信开发者工具 Linux移植版 638 1 2024-09-28
98 tty228/luci-app-wechatpush A plugin for OpenWRT routers to send various information notifications to a mobile phone via WeChat or Telegram. 1070 1 2024-08-27
99 cxf-boluo/magisk_All magisk 一键集成环境,再也不用每次刷完机繁琐的配置环境了! 513 1 2024-07-20
100 ttionya/vaultwarden-backup Backup vaultwarden (formerly known as bitwarden_rs) SQLite3/PostgreSQL/MySQL/MariaDB database by rclone. (Docker) 1032 1 2024-09-25
101 leitbogioro/Tools Something about tools 2944 1 2024-04-22
102 dqzboy/Deploy_K8sCluster 🔥 🔥 🔥 Deploying Highly Available Kubernetes Cluster using Binary Installation 采用二进制方式部署高可用 Kubernetes 集群 377 1 2024-06-09
103 bohanyang/debi Reinstall your VPS to minimal Debian 1388 1 2024-05-18
104 Runner-Go-Team/RunnerGo RunnerGo是一款国内开发者自研的性能压测工具,可以进行接口测试、场景自动化测试、性能压测等一系列功能。 681 1 2024-07-09
105 myxuchangbin/dnsmasq_sniproxy_install One-click Install and Configure Dnsmasq and Sniproxy for CentOS/Debian/Ubuntu 1206 1 2024-07-02
106 yuju520/YujuToolBox 一个Shell脚本工具箱 51 1 2024-09-23
107 collabH/bigdata-growth 大数据知识仓库涉及到数据仓库建模、实时计算、大数据、数据中台、系统设计、Java、算法等。 1448 1 2024-09-23
108 cockroachai/cockroachai 一个简单的小程序,用于账号共享。免费但暂不开源。 499 1 2024-06-14
109 YAWAsau/backup_script 備份數據腳本 1446 1 2024-10-02
110 firemakergk/aquar-build-helper Aquar系统搭建指南 449 1 2024-04-28
111 CharlesChiuGit/Logseq-Git-Sync-101 This repo aims to help Logseq users to sync their data with Git and GitHub. 1068 1 2024-04-18
112 lee1080/CloudflareSpeedTestDDNS 使用CloudflareSpeedTest工具优选IP后自动DDNS到Cloudflare 500 1 2024-08-18
113 OwlOooo/Owl-Panel 猫头鹰节点订阅面板 65 1 2024-09-27
114 Magisk-Modules-Alt-Repo/HideNavBar Fullscreen/Immersive Gesture Tweaks for Android 10-14 491 1 2024-05-26
115 yixiu001/serv00-xui serv00搭建X-UI面板脚本 49 1 2024-07-27
116 Yanyutin753/unofficial-gpt4-api 一键部署专属于中转gpt-4,回复流畅,支持高并发,小白也能快速使用!unofficial-gpt4-api Transfer gpt-4, smooth response, supports high concurrency, supports one click script deployment, and even novices can use it quickly! 146 1 2024-07-05
117 rime/plum 東風破 /plum/: Rime configuration manager and input schema repository 1385 1 2024-04-17
118 521xueweihan/OneFile 只有一个文件! 1142 1 2024-05-11
119 7Ji-PKGBUILDs/wechat-universal-bwrap 微信(Universal)ArchLinux打包 111 1 2024-07-10
120 ansoncloud8/am-serv00-socks5 通过serv00云服务器创建socks5的一键脚本,可用来做CF的反代IP 52 1 2024-10-05
121 VIKINGYFY/OpenWRT-CI 云编译OpenWRT开源固件 353 1 2024-10-09
122 honmashironeko/sqlmap-gui 基于SQLmap工具进行汉化,并提供GUI界面 140 1 2024-05-17
123 aqzt/kjyw 快捷运维,代号kjyw,项目基于shell、python,运维脚本工具库,收集各类运维常用工具脚本,实现快速安装nginx、mysql、php、redis、nagios、运维经常使用的脚本等等... 1698 1 2024-08-17
124 CyC2018/Job-Recommend 🔎 互联网内推信息(社招、校招、实习) 2956 1 2024-08-19
125 ansoncloud8/am-alist-freebsd 根据官网alist源码自动构建alist(FreeBSD版本)可以部署文件,实现serv00部署. 77 1 2024-09-21
126 liusj5257/azurlane_anti_name 碧蓝航线反和谐:过场图随机12张,皮肤预览,特触,敌我船名,誓约之戒 新增Zygisk模块,Lsposed模块 572 1 2024-09-14
127 VR-25/acc Advanced Charging Controller 1734 1 2024-08-24
128 ffffffff0x/f8x 红/蓝队环境自动化部署工具 Red/Blue team environment automation deployment tool 1755 1 2024-09-02
129 EternalPain/ZJL ZJL 免流防跳脚本 1090 1 2024-08-26
130 oneclickvirt/pve PVE相关的各种一键脚本(Various one-click scripts related to PVE)(一键安装PVE)(One-click installation of PVE)(一键开设KVM或LXC虚拟化的NAT服务器-自带内外网端口转发)(含ARM和X86_64) 424 1 2024-10-04
131 1995chen/dnf - 1018 1 2024-08-27
132 LuminolMC/Luminol 轻量级、优化且功能齐全的 Folia 分支,专为生存和无政府状态服务器而设计 171 1 2024-10-06
133 ypq123456789/TrafficCop 监控VPS流量使用,到达限制自动限流/关机,保留SSH端口可用 123 1 2024-07-20
134 iranee/qnap-alist-webdav 一款挂载多个云盘的工具 1000 1 2024-09-19
135 YanWenKun/ComfyUI-Windows-Portable 🎨ComfyUI standalone pack with 30+ custom nodes. ComfyUI 大号整合包,预装大量自定义节点(不含SD模型) 109 1 2024-10-03
136 DHDAXCW/OpenWRT_x86_x64 基于 lede 源码建构 x86 的 OpenWrt 固件。 549 1 2024-10-09
137 TencentGameMate/chinese_speech_pretrain chinese speech pretrained models 1014 1 2024-08-23
138 snail007/proxy_admin_free Proxy是高性能全功能的http代理、https代理、socks5代理、内网穿透、内网穿透p2p、内网穿透代理、内网穿透反向代理、内网穿透服务器、Websocket代理、TCP代理、UDP代理、DNS代理、DNS加密代理,代理API认证,全能跨平台代理服务器。 1920 1 2024-09-25
139 boredazfcuk/docker-icloudpd An Alpine Linux container for the iCloud Photos Downloader command line utility 1758 1 2024-09-17
140 yhan219/navicat_reset_mac navicat16/17 mac版无限重置试用期脚本 800 1 2024-09-29
141 xiaoleGun/KernelSU_Action A action for build KernelSU into your kernel 553 1 2024-08-11
142 gaoyifan/china-operator-ip 中国运营商IPv4/IPv6地址库-每日更新 2784 1 2024-10-09
143 sbwml/luci-app-mosdns 一个 DNS 转发器 - OpenWrt 🎁 MosDNS v5 is Ready! 🎉 1156 1 2024-10-09
144 firehol/blocklist-ipsets ipsets dynamically updated with firehol's script 3167 1 2024-10-09
145 xiaoZ-hc/redtool 日常积累的一些红队工具及自己写的脚本,更偏向于一些diy的好用的工具,并不是一些比较常用的msf/awvs/xray这种 1354 1 2024-08-18
146 huntingsec/ARL-Limited-Edition 原汁原味的ARL灯塔,在基础上进行了魔改优化 97 1 2024-07-03
147 shencangsheng/easy-registry-mirror 在国内日渐严峻的网络下,无论是公司还是个人,自建仓库都是非常有必要的,这个项目用于快速搭建一个 Docker 私有仓库,并且无需修改已运行的Dockerfile/docker-compose.yaml,几乎没有迁移成本;未来会支持更多npm、Maven、PyPI等仓库。 109 1 2024-09-14
148 YangguangZhou/Monet-All 莫奈取色整合的Magisk模块,可通过音量键选择是否安装对应应用的取色模块 438 1 2024-10-03
149 teddysun/lamp Install LAMP (Linux + Apache + MySQL/MariaDB + PHP) for AlmaLinux/RockyLinux/CentOS/Debian/Ubuntu 2873 1 2024-10-02
150 GhostTroops/TOP TOP All bugbounty pentesting CVE-2023- POC Exp RCE example payload Things 651 1 2024-10-09
151 ansoncloud8/am-serv00-vmess 在serv00服务器上部署vmess免费节点,并通过Cloudflare的CDN加速节点,提升上网速度 36 1 2024-10-07
152 kkkgo/PaoPaoDNS 泡泡DNS是一个能一键部署递归DNS的docker镜像 807 1 2024-08-28
153 Aurora-Admin-Panel/deploy 一个多服务器端口租用管理面板 1541 1 2024-10-04
154 RohitVerma882/termux-miunlock A program that can be used to retrieve the bootloader unlock token for Xiaomi devices. (and unlock the bootloader) using Termux 518 1 2024-09-09
155 fscarmen2/Argo-Nezha-Service-Container Nezha server over Argo tunnel 使用 Argo 隧道的哪吒服务端 624 1 2024-09-24
156 cby-chen/Kubernetes kubernetes (k8s) 二进制高可用安装,Binary installation of kubernetes (k8s) --- 开源不易,帮忙点个star,谢谢了🌹 897 1 2024-09-27
157 lgs2007m/Actions-OpenWrt 自用 384 1 2024-10-08
158 unifreq/openwrt_packit Flippy's openwrt packaged source code 1371 1 2024-10-02
159 wukongdaily/diy-nas-onescript 这是一个适用于在debian系统上部署nas常用软件的脚本。它可以帮助用户快速安装想要的软件环境和docker应用。 189 1 2024-05-22
160 ki9mu/ARL-plus-docker 基于ARL-V2.6.2修改后的版本 706 1 2024-10-08
161 mvscode/frps-onekey Frp server one-click configuration script. The script obtains the latest Frp version by default 3095 1 2024-09-21
162 nitefood/asn ASN / RPKI validity / BGP stats / IPv4v6 / Prefix / URL / ASPath / Organization / IP reputation / IP geolocation / IP fingerprinting / Network recon / lookup API server / Web traceroute server 1354 1 2024-10-03
163 jlesage/docker-firefox Docker container for Firefox 1626 1 2024-09-29
164 Jonnyan404/zerotier-planet 一分钟自建zerotier-planet 1347 1 2024-07-22
165 esirplayground/AutoBuild-OpenWrt Build OpenWrt using GitHub Actions 使用 GitHub Actions 编译 OpenWrt 感谢P3TERX的项目源码 感谢KFERMercer的项目源码 1759 1 2024-07-01
166 khadas/fenix One-stop script set to build Ubuntu/Debian images 211 0 2024-10-09
167 okxlin/docker-1panel Docker方式运行的1Panel;1Panel running in Docker 134 0 2024-05-07
168 jumpserver/installer Installer is a tool for managing the installation of JumpServer, enabling users to conveniently install, deploy, update, and manage JumpServer. 112 0 2024-09-19
169 jlesage/docker-handbrake Docker container for HandBrake 829 0 2024-09-16
170 fscarmen2/Argo-Xray-PaaS 在容器平台部署 Xray + Argo 隧道,4种协议 Vless / Vmess / Trojan / SS + TLS + WS,不需 CF workers 反代 159 0 2024-04-15
171 pzcn/Perfect-Icons-Completion-Project MIUI 完美图标补全计划 329 0 2024-10-08
172 Nick233333/phper-linux-gitbook 💡PHPer 必知必会的 Linux 命令 543 0 2024-07-02
173 oneclickvirt/lxd 通过LXD命令批量或单独开设NAT服务器以及维护(简称母鸡开小鸡)(Bulk or individual NAT server provisioning and maintenance via LXD commands) 277 0 2024-08-02
174 y0ngb1n/dockerized 🐳 Build once, run anywhere 589 0 2024-08-21
175 woniuzfb/iptv HAProxy / Docker / Traefik / Rclone / Calibre Web / Alist / FFmpeg / Nginx / Openresty / V2ray / Xray / Armbian / Proxmox VE / .. All In One Script 915 0 2024-10-05
176 jokervTv/auto-install-WRFV4 Automatically install WRF and WPS with GCC. 37 0 2024-09-27
177 wy580477/Alist-on-Glitch 在 Glitch 免费服务上部署 Alist 62 0 2024-06-26
178 decoymini/DecoyMini 🐝 A highly scalable, safe, free enterprise honeypots 一款高可扩展、安全、免费的企业级蜜罐系统 427 0 2024-07-18
179 ustclug/simple-pxe 便宜,快速,品质尚可 35 0 2024-05-21
180 mylovesaber/Tools-Share 存放各种自动化工具 38 0 2024-10-04
181 LeavesMC/Leaves Fork of Paper aimed at repairing broken vanilla properties. 396 0 2024-10-05
182 JiuXia2025/SwitchScript 九夏大气层整合包自动构建 45 0 2024-06-27
183 jark006/freezeitRelease 冻它模块发布页:适用于Android系统的基于Magisk和Xpsoed框架的墓碑机制模块 153 0 2024-08-12
184 jacyl4/de_GWD Debian Gateway & DNS - 488 0 2024-09-28
185 Hyy2001X/AutoBuild-Actions-BETA 在线编译 Openwrt 一键在线更新固件 BETA 228 0 2024-09-16
186 AutisticShark/Airport-toolkit Cat's Shell Script for "Airport" operator 207 0 2024-09-24
187 oneclickvirt/6in4 Self-build IPv6-in-IPv4 Tunnel Server --- 自建IPv6-in-IPv4隧道服务器 51 0 2024-06-13
188 rcmdnk/sentaku Utility to make sentaku (selection, 選択(sentaku)) window with shell command. 139 0 2024-10-07
189 Apocalypsor/dujiaoka-docker 独角数卡(发卡)Docker一键部署,支持AMD64/ARM64 226 0 2024-10-09
190 217heidai/NestingDNS AdGuardHome、MosDNS、SmartDNS 套娃使用实践 68 0 2024-10-09
191 felix-fly/v2ray-dnsmasq-dnscrypt 路由器openwrt配置dnsmasq、doh,高性能v2ray解决方案。 186 0 2024-08-28
192 liqianggh/blog 简洁至上 163 0 2024-07-22
193 Hyy2001X/AutoBuild-Actions-Template 在线编译 Openwrt 一键在线更新固件 Stable 70 0 2024-05-03
194 thep0y/fcitx5-themes-candlelight fcitx5的简约风格皮肤——烛光。 291 0 2024-08-03
195 oneclickvirt/incus incus相关的各种一键脚本(Various one-click scripts related to incus) 38 0 2024-09-06
196 xbdcc/CCommand Adb和各种android相关开发实用命令收集 105 0 2024-04-22
197 LibreDMR/OpenGD77_UserGuide - 173 0 2024-10-09
198 yuchuangu85/Develop-Source Open source for developer.(Include:Java, Android, Algorithm, iOS, MacOS, ect) 282 0 2024-08-19
199 takushun-wu/WenJinMincho 可免费商用的大字符集宋体字库,以OFL协议发布。/A large character set fonts in Songti(Mincho) style. Licensed under the SIL OFL 1.1. 39 0 2024-10-03
200 wjz304/openwrt-packages 🤖 OpenWrt 常用插件库 73 0 2024-10-09

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