Fabric pairs well with Obsidian.md:
You can find API keys and other environment variables in ~/.config/fabric/.env
This tooling comes bundled with Fabric
save [--tag TAG] [--nofabric] <stub>
- A "tee-like" utility for pipelining saved content with the option to generate Obsidian front matter, use --nofabric to suppress default tags. This tool is configured to write outputs to Pedsidian/Fabric/CLI.
ts <audio_file>
- Transcribe a local audio file.
- We can also use Whisper:
whisper transcribe <audio_file>
yt --transcript https://www.youtube....
- Pull the transcript from a given YouTube, requires API key setup.
Other third party tooling I've installed and if of relevant value:
yt-dlp <url>
retrieve video content from various sources, which can then be piped through transcription. there's a TON of command line options for this utility.yt-download <url>
alias that enforces .mp4 output.
pdftotext <file> - | clean
feed PDF content into the pipeline.
I define new patterns within Obsidian as, for example, Fabric/Patterns/PATTERN_NAME/system.md
. Then run fabric-update
to sync new patterns as CLI commands. Then you can start chaining commands together to get content out of, processed, and back into Obsidian. Some examples:
# Pull content via Chrome, multiplex it out through various prompts in parallel, save those results back into Obsidian with a tag and display the MD to screen via 'glow'.
cf https://towardsdatascience.com/visualize-your-rag-data-evaluate-your-retrieval-augmented-generation-system-with-ragas-fc2486308557 | fms | save visualize-your-rag | glow
Some commands via @pedramamini. We can chain these things together to create complex pipelines:
remove non UTF8 characters from input stream.chrome-fetch <url>
retrieve content via Chrome/Selenium. I've contributed this to Fabric.compress-video <video>
compress large videos down for local storage.fabric-multiplex
feeds stdin into multiple patterns and collects all their outputs in parallel, this is also contributed to Fabric.fabric-patterns
list all fabric patterns, newest first.fabric-pattern $PATTERN
show the system.md prompt for the given pattern.fabric-update
repo, pulls down latest patterns into/Users/pedram/.config/fabric/patterns
, symlinks all Pedsidian patterns as well.md-filter $SECTION
pipe Markdown through this utility to extract specific headings.md-speak-by-section
pipe Markdown through this utility to speak the output section-by-section.speak
alias tosay -r 195
for local speaking of content.
alias c='pbcopy'
alias clean='iconv -f utf-8 -t utf-8//IGNORE'
alias gollama='OLLAMA_ORIGINS=app://obsidian.md* open -a Ollama.app'
alias ollama-update="for model in \$(ollama list | awk '{print \$1}' | tail -n +2); do ollama pull \$model; done"
alias p='pbpaste'
alias play='afplay -q 1'
alias speak='say -r 195'
yt-download ()
if [[ $# -ne 1 ]]; then
echo "Usage: yt-download <video-url>"
return 1
yt-dlp -f 'bestvideo[ext=mp4]+bestaudio[ext=m4a]/mp4' $1
compress-video ()
if [[ $# -ne 1 ]]; then
echo "Usage: compress_video <video_name>"
return 1
ffmpeg -i "$input_file" -c:v libx264 -crf 23 -preset medium -c:a aac -b:a 128k "$output_file"
if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then
mv "$output_file" "$input_file"
echo "Compression successful. Compressed file replaced the original."
echo "Error: Compression failed."
pf ()
local temp_file=$(mktemp)
curl "$1" -so "$temp_file"
pdftotext "$temp_file" - | clean
rm -f "$temp_file"
cf ()
chrome-fetch "$1" --headless --referrer --adblock --bypass --human --echourl --stats
md-filter ()
keyword=$(echo "$1" | awk '{print tolower($0)}')
awk -v keyword="$keyword" '
BEGIN { RS=""; FS="\n"; IGNORECASE=1; found=0 }
if (found) {
if ($1 ~ "^#+") exit
else print
else {
for (i=1; i<=NF; i++) {
if ($i ~ "^#+" && tolower($i) ~ keyword) {
print $i
# pedram added, update fabric and link all Obsidian patterns into the environment.
function fabric-update ()
cd /Users/pedram/Utils/Fabric/patterns
git pull
pipx upgrade fabric
fabric --update
# XXX - for some reason the second time this routine runs it will switch symlinks to directories. so we are simply
# blowing them all away for now.
rm -rf /Users/pedram/.config/fabric/patterns/ped_*
for ped_pattern in /Users/pedram/Library/Mobile\ Documents/iCloud~md~obsidian/Documents/Pedsidian/Fabric/Patterns/ped_*
filename=$(basename "$ped_pattern")
if [ ! -e "/Users/pedram/.config/fabric/patterns/$filename" ]
echo "linking $filename"
ln -s "$ped_pattern" /Users/pedram/.config/fabric/patterns/$filename
echo "done. refresh other shells via:"
echo "source ~/.zshrc"
# refresh current shell.
source ~/.zshrc
# pedram added, list fabric patterns, newest first.
function fabric-patterns ()
echo ">>>>> Ped Patterns"
ls -1 /Users/pedram/Library/Mobile\ Documents/iCloud~md~obsidian/Documents/Pedsidian/Fabric/Patterns
echo ">>>>> Default Patterns"
ls -lt /Users/pedram/Utils/Fabric/patterns | awk '{print $9}' | xargs -I {} stat -f "%Sm %N" -t "%Y-%m-%d" /Users/pedram/Utils/Fabric/patterns/{} | xargs -n 2 sh -c 'echo "$0 $(basename "$1")"'
# pedram added, view pattern details via glow.
function fabric-pattern ()
if [ ! -e /Users/pedram/.config/fabric/patterns/$pattern ]
echo "invalid pattern: $pattern"
glow /Users/pedram/.config/fabric/patterns/$pattern/system.md
# fabric multiplex shortcuts.
alias fmh='echo "fm{a,s,sn,c,p} a=analyze s=summarize sn=summarize-newsletter c=critique p=paper"'
alias fms='fabric-multiplex summarize ped_summarize ped_summarize_twitter ped_summarize_linkedin extract_wisdom label_and_rate rate_value'
alias fmsn='fabric-multiplex summarize_newsletter ped_summarize extract_wisdom analyze_prose_pinker find_logical_fallacies extract_sponsors'
alias fmc='fabric-multiplex analyze_claims analyze_prose_pinker find_logical_fallacies label_and_rate rate_value'
alias fmp='fabric-multiplex summarize analyze_paper analyze_claims analyze_tech_impact find_logical_fallacies'
alias fma='fabric-multiplex cat summarize extract_wisdom analyze_claims'
# pedram fabric aliases
for d in /Users/pedram/.config/fabric/patterns/ped_*
pattern=$(basename $d)
alias $pattern="fabric --pattern $pattern"
alias ${pattern}_local="fabric --pattern $pattern --model gemma:7b"
alias ${pattern}_claude="fabric --pattern $pattern --model claude-3-haiku-20240307"