We consider a population balance model of the form:
where is the number density, is time, can potentially be the age or length or any other appropriate variable and is a constant and positive growth rate. A Neumann boundary condition is imposed on the right boundary of the domain and a modified Dirichlet boundary condition on the left domain which specifies that cell at the ghost node on the left domain (i.e. ) is 0. Refer to the main text for a more detailed explanation.
On a separate script, the function can be called as follows:
[f, stride_vec] = model_1(101,@(x)(1/0.01)*exp(-x./0.01),0.5,1.0,"Leapfrog",[0,1],[0,1],"output_style","stride",10);
The various input and output arguments are outlined in the comments within the function script. The mesh and the values of should be precomputed and supplied accordingly.
An example plot can be seen below:
We consider a population balance model with a variable growth rate as follows:
The boundaries of the domain are treated in the same manner as model 1.
As described in the manuscript, three model formulations were considered:
- Applying finite differencing directly on the equation on a uniform mesh (
) - Applying finite differencing on the conservative model formulation using a non-uniform mesh to enforce CFL = 1.0 at each point (
) - Applying finite differencing on the transformed model formulation with the non-uniform mesh from the second approach (
) - Applying the exact scheme presented in the manuscript (
The first formulation can be employed as follows:
[f2,stride_vec2] = model_2_conservative_uniform(101,@(x)50*exp(-((x-0.2).^2)/0.0005), @(x)growth_rate(x), @(x)dudx(x), 1.0, "Upwind",[0,1],[0,1],"output_style","stride",20);
with the following associated functions for and :
function u = growth_rate(mesh)
u = 0.1*4.34 + 0.06*4.34*mesh;
function uprime = dudx(mesh)
uprime = 0.06*4.34*ones(length(mesh),1);
The second formulation can be employed as follows:
[f3,mesh3, stride_vec3] = model_2_conservative_nonuniform(0.02,@(x)50*exp(-((x-0.2).^2)/0.0005),@(x)growth_rate(x),@(x)dudx(x), "Upwind", [0,1],[0,1],"output_stytle","stride",20);
Note that there is a difference in the input arguments. The function computes the mesh for a given and . Correspondingly, the initial profile should be inputted as a function handle as well.
The implementation is similar to the previous case.
[f4,mesh4, stride_vec4] = model_2_transform_nonuniform(0.02,@(x)50*exp(-((x-0.2).^2)/0.0005),@(x)growth_rate(x),@(x)dudx(x), "Upwind", [0,1],[0,1],"output_stytle","stride",20);
The exact scheme is a bit more involved as a few terms need to be evaluated beforehand. The function definition is as follows:
function [f, mesh] = model_2_exact(N_cells, f0_transfun, ufun, zfun, xfun, x_vec, t_end)
The exact scheme can be used as follows
[f5, mesh5] = model_2_exact(101, @(x)f0_transfun(x), @(x)growth_rate(x), @(x)(50/(3*4.34))*log(5+3*x), @(x)(exp((3*4.34/50)*x) -5)/3, [0,1], 1);
With the following function also added into the script:
function f = f0_transfun(x)
f = (0.434 + 0.2604*x).*(50*exp(-((x-0.2).^2)/0.0005));
A sample plot can be seen below:
A non-homogeneous population balance model of the form is considered:
The function can be used as follows:
[f6,stride_vec6] = model_3(201,@(x)50*exp(-((x-0.2).^2)/0.0005),0.5,@(x)(1+(0.1*x)+(0.1*x.^2)),@(x)(0.1 + 0.2.*x),1.0,"Lax Wendroff",[0,1],[0,1],"output_style","stride",20);
We consider a non-homogeneous model with a linear term as follows:
The straightforward finite difference scheme can be used as follows:
[f7,stride_vec7] = model_4_naive(501,@(x)50*exp(-((x-0.2).^2)/0.0005), @(x)x, @(x)1,@(x)(0), 1.0, [0,1],[0,2], "Upwind", "output_style","stride",40);
The exact scheme can be used as follows:
[f8,stride_vec8] = model_4_exact(101,@(x)50*exp(-((x-0.2).^2)/0.0005),@(x)intk(x), @(x)(0), [0,1], [0,2],"output_style","stride",20);
with the following function included in the script to compute :
function f = intk(x)
f = 0.5*(x.^2);