🇧🇷 Um web app para gerenciar as listas de compra de alimentos em casa. O objetivo é auxiliar na criação e compartilhamento das listas entre membros da casa, além de acompanhar os preços e quantidades compradas ao longo dos anos.
🇬🇧 A web app for managing grocery lists at home. It helps you create and share lists with your household members and keeps track of prices and quantities over time.
- React
- Next.js 13 with App router
- TypeScript
- TailwindCSS
- Supabase
- Jest + React Testing Library
"Tem, mas acabou" can be roughly translated to "We have it, but it ran out", meaning that whatever we have is the last unit of that item, or it's very close to run out. It's part of an ongoing joke between my partner and I.
Person A: "Do we have milk?"
Person B: "We do, but it ran out"