A docker image based on Ubuntu 16.04 with Apache2 + PHP 7.0
Pull the latest stable version from the Docker Hub Registry
docker pull thespincycle/docker-ubuntu16-apache2-php7:latest
If you prefer building the image from source, clone the repository and run docker build
git clone https://github.com/patrickc91/docker-ubuntu16-apache2-php7.git
docker build -t thespincycle/docker-ubuntu16-apache2-php7 .
After building the image, run the container.
docker run -dP -v ~/project/path:/var/www thespincycle/docker-ubuntu16-apache2-php7
Use docker ps
to determine the host port your application is bound to.
Then browse to http://localhost:[host-port] to view your app.
NOTE: If you're using Docker Toolbox, change localhost
to your toolbox IP ( on Windows)
Some cases will be necessary to create a new image using this one as the base, for example to overwrite configuration files.
Create a Dockerfile with following content and then build the image.
FROM thespincycle/docker-ubuntu16-apache2-php7
MAINTAINER Your Name <your@email>
# Apache site conf
ADD config/apache/apache-virtual-hosts.conf /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default.conf
ADD config/apache/apache2.conf /etc/apache2/apache2.conf
- php7.0
- php7.0-cli
- apache2
- php7.0-gd
- php7.0-json
- php7.0-mbstring
- php7.0-xml
- php7.0-xsl
- php7.0-zip
- php7.0-soap
- php7.0-pear
- php7.0-mcrypt
- php7.0-curl
- php7.0-intl
- php7.0-mysql
- php7.0-pgsql
- php7.0-opcache
- php7.0-ldap
- php7.0-fpm
- php7.0-sockets
- curl
- libapacha2-mod-php
- apt-transport-https
- nano
- lynx-cur
- composer
- msodbcsql
- unixodbc-dev-utf16
- sqlsrv
- pdo_sqlsrv
- libnotify-bin
80 & 443
- webroot:
- Ubuntu 16.04 LTS
- Apache2
- PHP7
- Composer