All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- pygls 1.0
- Bumped lots of dependency versions
- Updated nginx directives
- Support for Python 3.6 and 3.6
- Some metadata to pyproject.toml. This will hopefully make pypi easier to navigate.
- ifinlocation context (special case based on our strange parsing) has been appropriately handled.
- Support for the "any" context. Some directives can be used anywhere, so now they're actually show up in completions and hover.
- Necessary files for the download script to work correctly. Thanks!
- Regenerated nginx docs from web.
- Configurable logging (including the option to log to a file)
- TCP support
- Migrate from click to argparse
- Upgrade pygls to 0.10.3+, fixing breaking public api changes where applicable
- Explicitly set file format to "UTF-8" when reading data files from disk. This resolves #7, in which Windows Python incorrectly identified the file formats as "cp932".
- Generated the latest docs using the scripts from vscode-nginx-hint (as of 2021-02-25). Might make this a more regular practice.
- Variable completion for variables names appended with
, likehttp
. These refer to http headers based on the characters.
- Words that aren't symbols no longer hover. You now need your cursor over an actual symbol to get hover.
- Variable completion
- pydantic ; pre-processes items on server start for performance. There's definitely more to do here, but this works for now.
- This changelog
- Support for markup kind markdown
- Docstrings how complete with all available information about a directive for completion and hover.