WunderGraph Hooks are an essential part to customize the Request Lifecycle of WunderGraph Applications.
All hooks are defined in the wuundergraph.config.ts
file with type-safety and autocompletion.
Here you can see the list of hooks that WunderGraph provides.
Hooks Overview
└─▶ Global HTTP Hooks
│ │
│ └─▶ onOriginRequest (e.g. Request manipulation, early return, for each external data-source call)
│ │
│ └─▶ onOriginResponse (e.g. Response manipulation, cancelling)
└─▶ Operational Hooks
└─▶ preResolve (e.g. Logging)
└─▶ mutatingPreResolve (e.g. Input manipulation)
└─▶ customResolve (e.g. Early return, custom response)
└─▶ (Internal) WunderGraph Engine - Resolve operation
└─▶ postResolve (e.g. Logging)
└─▶ mutatingPostResolve (e.g. Input manipulation, custom response)
└─▶ postAuthentication (e.g. Logging)
└─▶ mutatingPostAuthentication (e.g. Validation)
Note: Global HTTP hooks as the name suggests, only fires for HTTP data-sources.
This section describes the lifecycle of a single request.
Incoming Request
└─▶ preResolve
└─▶ mutatingPreResolve
exit ◀─┴─▶ customResolve
└─▶ (Internal) WunderGraph Engine - Resolve operation
└─▶ onOriginRequest (For each external HTTP data-source call)
│ │
│ └─▶ onOriginResponse (Companion to onOriginRequest)
└─▶ postResolve
└─▶ mutatingPostResolve
└─▶ postAuthentication
exit ◀─┴─▶ mutatingPostAuthentication
exit ◀─┴─▶ onResponse
└─▶ Outgoing Response
For more information about the hooks, check the official documentation.