After solving a sudoku and entering the correct captcha we get You have solved 1 sudokus, just 199 to go!
Solving sudokus is easy, ocr-ing captchas is the hard part, and with 200 puzzles, doing it manually is not a possibility.
The current captcha id is stored in our session id, and we get a new one each time the image is downloaded.
Which means that we should be able to load a starting captcha once, transcribe it manually and then send each sudoku solution with the same captcha answer.
A random sudoku solver should work, (we used
//get the sudoku fields
tables = document.getElementsByTagName("tr")
out = ""
//parse the sudoku board
for(var i=1; i<tables.length; i++){
rows = tables[i].children
for(var j=0; j<9; j++){
fields = (rows[j].innerHTML)
if(fields != " "){
out += (fields)
} else {
out += "."
function sudoku_solver() {
solving sudoku, boring...
//solve the sudoku
solver = sudoku_solver()
solution = (solver(out)[0].join(''))
//fill the form
document.getElementsByName("solvedsudoku")[0].value = solution
document.getElementsByName("captcha")[1].value = "209S1 6065S" //first captcha
Chrome has a setting to stop it from downloading any images, which made things a lot easier.
And after a lot of clicking, we get the flag:
SharifCTF{431bdff2b76f2e54a2621d13d5d5fbb7} ;)