Reusable modules to use as part of FA2 implementation.
One of the possible implementations of admin API for FA2 contract. The admin API can change an admin address using two step confirmation pattern and pause/unpause the contract. Only current admin can initiate those operations.
Other entry points may guard their access using helper functions
and fail_if_paused
The simple_admin_wrapper
contract includes the simple_admin
exposing the functions fail_if_not_admin
and fail_if_paused
as entrypoints:
type wrapper_storage =
[@entry] let admin (p : Admin.entrypoints) (s : wrapper_storage) = ...
[@entry] let fail_if_not_admin (_ : unit) (s : wrapper_storage) = ...
[@entry] let fail_if_paused (_ : unit) (s : wrapper_storage) = ...
The contract is located in test/
and it can be compiled to Michelson using the following command from shared
ligo compile contract fa2-modules/test/simple_admin_wrapper.mligo \
--module SimpleAdminWrapper \
--output-file fa2-modules/test/out/
Or, using docker
docker run --rm -v "$PWD":"$PWD" -w "$PWD" ligolang/ligo:1.0.0 compile contract \
fa2-modules/test/simple_admin_wrapper.mligo \
--module SimpleAdminWrapper \
--output-file fa2-modules/test/out/